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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. One thing I'll tolerate less than Neo Nazis is people trash talking Seinfeld. Pistols at dawn.
  2. I'm not a huge fan of Mages using HP to cast, either. It works as an idea for one game, but I really don't want to see it as a series staple. I prefer the simple Tomes over personalized spell lists that hurt the user.
  3. These people carry the ideals of Nazis. They decided to carry the burden of Nazi crimes and actions when they took up the moniker of "Neo-Nazi" and swung around Nazi flags while chanting Nazi slogans about genocide. If no Nazis were seriously hurt(Which there weren't, cops broke up fights pretty quickly leading up to Fields plowing through a street full of people and the Nazis beating black people with sticks in a parking lot), claiming "escalation" lead to this is incredibly irresponsible. You could simply claim that just two sides simply being there was provocation and escalation. There have been countless protests where fights have broken out between two sides, but rarely is anyone ever seriously injured. Rarely do people ever die. Difference here is, one of the sides in Charlottesville over the weekend happened to be the one of the groups in the country that has lead to the most death and violence in the country in the last 60 years(Including Islamic terrorists). Neo Nazis and white supremacists/nationalists actively side with a violent ideology. If I were to go out on a limb, I'd suspect that the death, injuries and gang beatings would have happened regardless of any escalation at the protests. The precedence here isn't that fights at protests lead to this kind of stuff, since they rarely do. Before anyone died, this was pretty typical protest stuff. The precedence here is that Neo Nazis being there lead to this kind of stuff. If you want to claim that 95% of the blame lies on the Nazis and 5% on the counter-protesters, sure. I can kind of see that. But if you're making such a stink about where the blame lies, I get the feeling that you see it as more like 75% on the Nazis, 25% on the counter-protesters, and that's completely wrong. One side got killed and scarred. Only one. And it wasn't the side that aligns themselves with one of the most violently evil armies in the last 500 years.
  4. Best: Take a guess. Honorable mention to Conquest, because it shares a lot of what I love about T776. However, despite the extra 15 years of experience and polish, some of Fates' quirks bring it down a little bit for me. Worst: Gaiden. For people who have only played Echoes, you have no idea how much that game improved on the original. Its worst sin is that Gaiden is even slower than Genealogy, even though the maps and army sizes are 1/10 the size. It's a pure chore, and one of only two(The other being the original FE1) FEs I couldn't force myself to finish. Dishonorable mentions go to Shadow Dragon and Blade of Light, though this one is mostly due to it being the first game in the franchise, so the ideas weren't quite all fleshed out. Hard to hold it against it when it was basically the first of its kind... And Awakening. The game had some decent theory crafting on how to make babies, but in raw game play, it loses a bunch of points for being a huge step back in virtually every way. Went back to only rout/kill leader objectives, maps were the flatest, simplest and most barren maps had been since Gaiden, there were no optional objectives to earn rewards(Aside from getting Donnel in his map), all side chapters were relegated to the meta-game of making babies, unit/class/skill balance was awful, the difficulty scaling was atrocious, and pair-ups was a half-assed idea that still hasn't justified its place in FE's game play for me. I get that a lot of this was done to make the game more accessible, but I don't like what it did to the overall gameplay.
  5. If they do, I hope we get videos of it. There are already videos of him getting punched in the face, but you can never have enough.
  6. A lot of those would be cool. A Zelda-esque FE game/An FE-esque Zelda game would be sweet/Anything in between would be sweet. But given how Warriors was strongarmed by Nintendo and IS to go in a specific direction, Senran Kagura is probably the next most likely crossover.
  7. Hm. I guess I didn't notice any direct comparisons where Ryoma came out on top around here(Though I have seen people exaggerate and say he's the most OP character in Fire Emblem).
  8. Ralph's become sort of a meme unit like Arden. Everything about his character(What little there is) is about how normal the guy is, which obviously leads to him being a target of exaggeration. Obviously it's not to the same extent of Arden, but Ralph's got a bit more attention for what tiny bit of character he gets. Though I would have pegged one of Glade's subordinates would have been at the bottom, be it Alva, Kain or Robert. Glade's married to Selfina and is Finn's best friend, so you'd think those character connections would put him above those other 3 other cavalry units who literally just have recruitment lines, death quotes, and escape quotes.
  9. Is that really that unpopular? Most people, from what I've seen, seem to agree that Rutger damn near breaks FE6. Far and away one of the strongest units in the game, up there with the likes of Miredy, who is not only a statistical beast, but is also a flying mount unit. For a foot unit like Rutger to be able to be in the same realm as her in a Horse Emblem game like FE6 means he is incredibly strong. While Ryoma is just a head above most other units in Fates, who are nearly all superunits themselves. His biggest claim to fame, dodgetanking, doesn't even seem like a unanimous strength for him among people who have talked about him
  10. I'm kind of glad that Monks haven't gotten much in the way of changes outside of buffs/nerfs. One thing I like about it is that it's one of the few classes that plays nearly identically now as it did 4 years ago. Obviously, now there's a bit more to think about with Forbidden Chakra, Brotherhood, Formshift and Riddle of Fire, but these are things that don't come up that often(And then Tornado Kick being a mini-LB to end fights/phases), but by and large, it's the same rotations with really nothing new to shake anything up. I remember people on Reddit freaking out about Monk when the pre-SB patch notes(Last time Monk got any sort of change) when half of their basic rotations got damage nerfs, crying "This was supposed to be the Monk expansion, now they're useless, who is going to use Riddle of Fire?! Brotherhood will only be good with multiple Monks!", and yet Monk is still fairly competitive with Ninja, the best utility melee, and Samurai, the best personal DPS melee(I think the first group to clear Omega Savage had a Samurai main who decided to switch to Monk to clear it, actually). I think if it didn't get the nerfs it got at the SB launch, it would have made Samurai pretty obsolete, which is a bad way to incentivize people playing a new class. Anyway. Currently leveling crafters and gatherers for the first time. The dependence all of them have on each other makes it such a mind-boggling chore if you don't want to waste all of your money on the MB.
  11. GOG's the best alternative, IMO. Plus, it's the platform of CD Projekt. They make games I like nowadays, while Valve doesn't. So it feels a bit better to give them money. But I have no idea if Falcom games are on the platform.
  12. The thing that would have made me say a Gaiden character is that Gaiden characters share sprites, and the fact that the script is so barren. Thracia characters at least all have unique portraits, sprites, and each get at least 3 lines. But then again, Thracia was still the worst selling game in the franchise, so the exposure would have been less than Gaiden. Its cast is also like, 3-4x larger than Gaiden's, so the chances that somebody gets forgotten about is probably greater.
  13. Do people really have that much of a fondness for FE's OSTs? I saw this recommended a few times in the spin-offs thread, but I've never really been a huge fan of the FE OSTs, and it never gets the same kind of love that FF's or even DQ's(Which I also thought was a bit of a stretch for a Theatrhythm game) OSTs do. FE rarely even puts much attention into its OSTs like those two franchises, and the time it emphasized it the most(Fates), it seemed like people were generally pretty iffy on it. If anything, the thing I DO like about the FE OSTs is how understated they are. They're not giant, bombastic pieces, and it fits with the slower, methodical pace of a strategy game. Which would be really at odds with a rhythm game. I do like the idea of more spin-offs, though... just as long, as, you know... it's not just Awakening characters.
  14. No, Manaketes are specifically dragons who obtained human bodies to avoid degrading. Laguz are another type of human that likely share a very close ancestor with beorc. Taguel and Beastkin are... I have no clue. Taguel are honestly the most baffling, since they transform in similar ways as Manketes, and are part of the Archanae world... but unless there were high, god-tier rabbits who went through the same degrading process as dragons were and this was NEVER talked about, then they're just some random thing. Beastskin are probably closer to Laguz, but... they also eat people, which is some weird cannibalism.
  15. Dammit... Anyways, the most burnout I felt was after beating Awakening, and to a lesser extent, Fates. It took a solid half a year for me to want to get into another SRPG/FE game after Fates. Awakening, I don't think I played through any Strategy/FE game pretty much until Fates came out.
  16. Man, I really want to see the scene I described illustrated. I know of the art of the long-legged Leif in his boxart pose.
  17. Imagine if he kept his movement gains from FE5. Imagine Seliph showing up in Manster, only to see his cousin mowing down entire armies while running the whole time, outrunning horses.
  18. Yeah, I guess the "even before promotion" bit doesn't really matter, since a capped stat Prince Leif will promote to a capped stat Master Knight. Point still stands that Leif would be even more broken.
  19. The main problem with having FE5 actually take place in the middle of FE4 from a gameplay perspective is that you'd go from getting halfway through FE4, suddenly building an army with superunits with Leif, to getting Leif back, and he's just supported by 3 units. Plus, it runs the potential of Leif being even more broken than he already was in FE4, since if he were to join as he is at the end of FE5, he'd likely have every stat capped before promoting.
  20. Well, my art skills, if anything, have gotten worse since I was about 7 years old, so I probably won't see much of you. But welcome! Always good to see new people here. Hopefully this place will be a satisfying outlet for your talents.
  21. It was funny. I was talking to one of my FC members on Discord, airing my grievances about Dragoon, about how I don't like playing it and how I much prefer something mobile like Monk. And he said "Well, Dragoons have positionals too and have to jump a bunch", but my argument was more that Dragoons really can just stand in one place without much of a damage loss compared to Monk. Literally about 30 minutes later, the patch notes dropped, and he pointed out that the "buffs" to Dragoon basically amount to penalties for missed positionals being even less harsh. He seemed pretty upset about it. He's also upset because the buffs also don't really do anything to increase the upper-damage limit of the Dragoon, which is far and away at the bottom of the melee DPS right now. Also, I'm like, 99% certain now that Monk is the ONLY class that hasn't been touched since SB came out.
  22. Glad I didn't get back on to do my Ixal quests. I've had a few friends complaining that they've gotten kicked early.
  23. Sooo basically Sigurd, if, you know... the thing didn't happen.
  24. I posted this in the other thread, but someone along the lines of Zieg/Zeek from TRS would be cool. Biggish spoilers:
  25. Great, now I've got that U2 song stuck in my head. Welcome.
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