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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Recruiting Lifis. Shiva is recruited by talking to him with another unit later in the game.
  2. I'd like to see a big cinematic like this. There'd probably have to be a scene where Brigid gets injured, or is hit by dark magic, leading to Seeing that scene in full animation/HD would probably make many people happy.
  3. I've seen plenty of people saying they'd stay on the 3DS to do more "Echoes" games. I'm just happy that if we'll ever see Jugdral again, it'll be in HD.
  4. Again, Dagdar's a decent unit, but he's not FE7 Marcus, where it's "efficient" to just abuse him and ignore unpromoted units. By about mid-game, most of your units should start passing him up, and enemies do start causing him problems, since even from chapter 1 he can have problems hitting things, and he can start getting doubled by the time he shows up again. Thracia's enemies are also terrible to a point. By about mid-game, they'll start outclassing Dagdar, and his endgame usefulness will only be as high as you're willing to protect and baby him from common fodder. Thracia's bosses are also so ridiculous at points that Dagdar can't even be really used as a boss killer. He's a utility unit for the most part. If you choose to ignore Marty, he'll probably be your best capture unit for a long time, but that's a pretty niche role when all is said and done, and it's a role many units can(And likely will) fill fairly quickly.
  5. Just gonna chime in, but no, Dagdar really isn't a case of a good Jeigan. The way stats work in Thracia works against Dagda, and he's absent for ~6 chapters. From the moment he disappears to the moment he reappears, it's likely that you'll have several units who beat Dagda in basically every stat that isn't Str, Bld or HP, and Bld is a very situational stat. Outside of Ced and Galzus, it's generally encouraged to train up weaker, unpromoted units, since the investment to get them good isn't anywhere as high as most other FEs. Plus, a lot of what can make a unit "good" in Thracia comes down to their skills, and Dagdar is stuck with one of the most underwhelming skills in the game unless you give him skill books, which would really go to better use on other characters. He's not a bad unit by any means, but he's gonna hit his efficiency wall pretty quickly after he reappears. He's got movement stars, but you probably shouldn't rely on those, and he's not really capable of carrying you through the whole game like FE7 Marcus can, and it IS better to train up weaker units who will eventually surpass him. Anyway, carry on.
  6. I'd say probably 24x of Thracia. You have to be very meticulous playing that chapter, or else you're in for nonstop resets. Basically, it's fog of war, and enemies with nearly maxed out stats will teleport to you in an instant. They can very easily pick off your units like this. On top of this, even if your team is full of capped stat Juggernauts, you have to protect a very weak unit(Basically a Jeigan type character that you're now forced to have on the penultimate map) for a good chunk of the map, and trying to get to them too quickly will trigger a bunch of ambush Berserkers, who all have Wrath(IE The "I crit for days" skill). Short of enemies abusing staves to inflict status ailments on your party, it's pretty much the culmination of everything that makes Thracia hard.
  7. I think he sees a few people talking about X in one topic, then decides to make another thread on another topic acting like X is a big deal, and asks why. Not really sure where he's getting the "Wow, people love Bartre" idea, though. He's not even the best/most interesting FE7 Warrior with a playable relative in FE6.
  8. What do you think I am, some kind of weeaboo? I'll probably switch to the Japanese VA for DLC stuff.
  9. IS really needs to fire whoever is in charge of the DLC direction. None of the DLC for any of the games, outside of the DLC that actually expanded the story of FE:A, was very good or substantial. And that amounted to a fraction of Awakening's DLC, had no real impact on the main game, and added to a story that wasn't very good to begin with. Challenge maps are nice, too, but it was really hard for me to care, since, again, they didn't really tie back to the main game and the rewards weren't very good. FE games, I think, would benefit from the inclusion of more paralogues, giving you the ability to recruit more characters who aren't just one-support wonders like Gangrel/Emmeryn/Walhart/Priam/Etc. DLC that adds classes and such are nice, but I really don't think the effort put into those maps are worth the price they ask for, since I'm guessing most of those maps and classes took a few days to make, tops.
  10. Pretty much anyone from Jugdral. Preferably... you know... like, Homer. Hopefully Mangs turning Orsin and his Pugi into memes will get people to ask for him.
  11. Canas' supports indicate that Dark Magic warps your mind, and it takes a lot of will and effort to not turn into something else(A fried out, soulless vegetable like his brothers). For the villains who don't give a shit and willingly sell their souls for power, this isn't as big of a problem. At least in the Elibe games.
  12. I hope this bullshit sends a message to people on the left/people who are in the middle: Vote, you fuckers. And not just for president. You already learned how shitty our president can be when you don't vote, now you are learning how shitty the other branches of the government can be. Every two years. Go vote. Seriously, it takes like, 30 minutes tops.
  13. Anyway... As for what I want, I want a heavy/bruiser-type sword foot unit. Kind of like Ike, but as its own class, separate from Ike's interpretation of the Merc/Hero classline. As it stands now, Myrmidons and Mercs are a bit too similar in the endgame, with Mercs/Heroes generally having the advantage due to the higher strength caps and axes. I'd like to see a swordie built more like a Fighter, maybe with a bit more speed, and a bit less HP/Str. Especially if the next game does the "two-tier" weapon system that Radiant Dawn started, where each weapon type has a "Heavy" version that weighs more, has lower hit, but much higher might(Yeah, Blades have existed for a long time, but Radiant Dawn did the best job at contextualizing this). A super strong sword user other than Ike who could make use of these swords would be cool to see. Maybe for design they could use Greatswords in their character models. Similarly, I've hit on this in other threads, but I want a well-balanced Axe unit. Axe units tend to either be super strong and super tanky(Wyverns), super strong meatwalls(Warriors), or super strong and super fast(Pirates/Brigands), with extreme deficits in other stats. An axe unit with a merc-like stat distribution would be more fun to play with, IMO. I mostly just want to see FE5-esque Fighters again.
  14. I was mostly just saying that because of gameplay balance. There hasn't been a single game in the franchise outside of Tellius(Which is a weird case), where we've had Bards but NO Dancers. Dancers are usually the go-to unit for being able to restore turns on units. Plus, Dancers have existed for longer, and we all know how IS feels about legacy classes/units. If we were to have a game with Bards again, we'd likely also have Dancers. And having a Bard on a horse would make them innately a better unit than the Dancer. Though maybe we could have a game where Bards are mounted, and Dancers are support/combat units to balance it out, but then we likely wouldn't have manly Bards.
  15. A.) Wyvern Knights are already "armored". They typically have the second highest defense growth rates after Knights. It'd be a bit ridiculous to give them MORE armor when they can already fly. If you mean make their design more armored? Maybe. B.) Pegasus Knights fill a specific archetype, and that arechtype is basically "Mage-killing myrmidon of the sky", which is antithetical to the types of units who use axes(Big, burly, some variance on speed/skill and defense). Axes don't really help their role at all, and Wyverns were already given axes to differentiate themselves more from Peggies. C.) A mounted dagger user also makes very little sense. Daggers are used to get in close and personal, which is why it's the weapon-type usually associated with Thieves and Assassins. Horse units, on the other hand, typically wield things like lances and swords because it gives them the range to attack from the back of a horse. Plus, a stabbing weapon that barely extends past your hand is nothing but bad news when you're moving at 30mph on a horse.
  16. You rang? Granted, FE4 and FE5 Bards work differently than the rest of the series because they're combat units, and Homer's still kind of a pretty boy, but he flaunts his pecs, drinks, and parties his way through cities while also being a more than competent mage. I feel like making future bards like a mix of Reyson/Rafiel/Elfin/Nils and Homer/Lewyn, as in combat units who can still sing and play music. They already do this with Dancers, giving them the option to use swords, might as well give Bards the same love. I doubt we'd ever see one on a horse, though. They're supposed to be equivalents of Dancers, and you really can't dance on a horse(Though this does give me an idea for a Gym-Kata class...). Plus, I don't think it'd add much. Bards are supposed to hang out in the back lines. Typically horse units have horses so they can rush in to the frontlines. Even Troubadours are more of a front line unit than Bards are.
  17. Awwww sheeeeit. Dammit, I need to deposit my checks soon so I can actually buy this.
  18. 1.) Then I'm unaware of this conversation, so I can't comment. 2.) But this character is exclusive to Hector. She exclusively has endings with only Hector(Well, and Dart). You're going to have to explain to me why Eliwood not being able to recruit her makes her a less-canon option for Hector. Is it because from Eliwood's point of view, she doesn't exist? Because then we can bring up how a bunch of shit that only happens in Hector's route(Like learning about the origins of Morphs, and learning about Nergal's past) are non-canon or less-canon, too. 3.) Again, Cecilia didn't say Roy incapable of using magic, she said Lilina had much more talent than he did, which she knew would discourage the perfectionist Roy. She knew trying to teach Roy and Lilina magic would end badly for Roy. You're still not explaining how Lyn's ending with Hector makes any sense for her character, when the game keeps telling us that Lyn would rather be anywhere besides cooped up in a castle. As far as I know, it's really just that two extra scenes(I'm taking your word on that extra conversation they have). I don't think two scenes instantly makes a pairing more canon than one that actually follows a character's arc, is supported by the game as you play it, and is the only explanation for the existence of a character in a game that takes place in the future.
  19. Previous lords don't put put these random strangers in charge of their whole armies. The only other game where this happens is FE7, and that's completely different, as the game starts with Lyn, a seemingly normal girl, struggling on the plains, and Mark helping her. It's not the known prince of a whole country giving some rando he literally met on the road complete control over the army. It's one thing for Chrom to recruit Robin into the Shepherds, but it's another to say "Hey, we just met this guy passed out in a field, but he's pretty smart on the battlefield. He holds your life in his hands now.", which is paraphrased, but more or less the spiel Chrom gives to the Shepherds. Again, not a single thief or assassin in the series' history has been given the explicit role as the tactician of the army. Jaffar just sees himself as a tool, pretty much every pirate you recruit in the series has been extremely romanticized version of pirates(Darros as a kind-hearted, hard-worker, Geese being the Robin Hood of the sea, and Dart being a part of Fargus' crew, who were a dance number away from being Disney characters). And, AGAIN, it's not just that Chrom's trusting of Robin, it's that he basically shows Robin his sweet Ferrari, then immediately gives him the key. No sane person in history would let some random stranger they met days ago drive their sweet Ferrari, let alone let them direct their army.
  20. Except Ike implicitly came through a Dragon's/Outrealm Gate. You can't just handwave that bit of information, when it's the canon way these completely separate worlds interact with each other. Yeah, it's the same universe, but these are worlds that are magically separated from each other. It's not like going from Elibe to Tellius is as simple as walking down the street, or even sailing across the world. These are separate worlds that operate by completely different rules. Tellius has Gods that can end all human life in an instant, Elibe has nothing(They had dragons, but guess what? They're behind a Dragon's Gate, and explicitly referred to as separate worlds in the game).
  21. 1.) The only "shippy" scenes I can think of are the scene on the ship, and the scene they have together at the ending if they A rank(The special convo they have together), which both Eliwood and Hector have with ALL of their A rank supports, meaning Eliwood gets a scene with Lyn, too. And you can change the titles all you want(Yeah, she's not a queen, but she'd have the same rank as Eleanora, who is still a high ranking noble) but the ending with Hector states that his wife stayed by his side and helped him become a good leader. Regardless of the title, she's the highest ranking female noble in a big fancy couple and married to the leader of the country, and her settling down like this doesn't fit with her character very well. You agree with this, right? That Lyn's ending with Hector is thematically off for her? All throughout the game, we're told that Lyn wants to be out in the world, doing pretty much anything else besides fulfilling her duties as the Marquess of Caelin. There's not a single ending where she actually does take over as the Marquess of Caelin, preferring to either go wander in the plains, or hang out with her friends/lovers. Rath's ending with her is virtually identical to her default ending, only instead of wandering the plains alone, they wander the plains together. 2.) How is a character that's only Hector can meet and recruit less canon? 3.) Yeah, Roy didn't have much talent with magic, but that's not why she didn't teach him it. She didn't teach Roy because Roy's a perfectionist, and Lilina's innate talent eclipsed Roy's. She thought Roy would get discouraged if he practiced his ass off only to get quickly taken over by somebody close to him(Lilina) who picked it up naturally. Nothing you said contradicts what I said, aside from Roy also having a potential peggy mom should mean he also has some magic affinity. But that wasn't the argument either of us were making. I'm not trying to push preferred pairings or anything, but you're the one saying Hector/Lyn is more heavily implied because Lyn gets ONE extra with Hector over Rath, which is also a stock scene that both lords get with their A support wives. I'm saying Rath is more implied because of Lyn's character and how the endings play out. I think the "Lilina being magically talented" argument is a dead end, so there's probably little reason to use that, but as @Iris has pointed out, Rath/Lyn is supported via gameplay quite a bit more than Hector/Lyn.
  22. You know what I want? I want a game that deals with the very first massive crisis of a FE world. Nearly every story in the FE universe has some sort of "And just last week, this band of superheroes made these pacts with these lizards to make these crazy powerful weapons that allowed them to beat Mega Satan. And now YOU get these weapons to do the same thing!" You get the Crusaders from FE4/5. The heroes of yore that fought the earth dragons like Anri, who was the biggest, baddest mother fucker ever and was Marth's ancestor. You have Bramimond, Roland, Athos and the other legends who fought off the dragons 1000 years before FE7. You have Lehran, Deghinsea and again, the other legends that fought Ashunera 1000 years before FE9. How about we get to play a game where WE get to make the legendary weapons, and make crazy blood pacts with dragons and shit like that? I don't care about the little details, but I want something like this.
  23. I mean, that could still place it after FE1-5 and Awakening, so yeah. Not sure how it's supposed to imply that Fates is the first game. I'm pretty sure FE1-5+Awakening are their own world, and everything else is disconnected from that.
  24. He gets upset with Frederick, his actual retainer, for not trusting Robin like a blood-brother a day after meeting him/her. When the Shepherds are introduced in full, he then gives Robin the complete authority to direct and dictate his whole army. When crazy dark magic cults get revealed and weird shit starts happening pretty much immediately after meeting Robin, Chrom doesn't think twice about it. That's one of the dumbest things any FE lord has ever done. So Chrom is either insanely stupid, or he's really naive and overly trusting. One of these two is slightly more flattering to Chrom, and you can blame it on his kind heart.
  25. I'd argue Lyn and Rath is way more implied than Lyn and Hector. A) It fits with Lyn's personality way more than Hector's ending. Lyn, the princess of Caelin who couldn't settle down for two seconds to bring stability to the place after everyone in power died is suddenly settling down to become a queen for the rest of her life? I doubt it. Rath's ending says that the two stay in the plains, the place Lyn is always going to anyway, and it's the only ending in the game that explains Sue. Lyn's a free spirit, which, seems to me, heavily implies that she'd prefer to live in the plains with the rest of the Sacaean nomads. B) While I agree that Hector/Florina is off putting, am I the only one that remembers that Farina is another possibility for Hector? And of all of Hector's potential brides, she's the one who I think suits him the best. She's headstrong and independent like Lyn, but her free-spirit is molded by her need of money, rather than a "one-with-nature" atmosphere like Lyn. It seems much more likely that she'd take the opportunity to be a queen of one of the biggest countries in Elibe than Lyn. And most importantly, she's a Hector exclusive character. She only shows up if Hector is the leader of the army. She's innately exclusive to Hector from a narrative and gameplay perspective. C) Lilina's magical prowess seems to indicate that her mother was somewhat in-tune with magic. And while Hector can't shack up with any mages, pegasus knights do have magical affinity and resistance to it. This seems to narrow it down to either Florina or Farina, and at that point it comes down to personal preference. And(This one's just for fun and comparing it to how children work in other FE games) D) Lilina's slow as shit, can't hit anything, and has a sky-high attack. The only potential mother that her growths line-up with are Farina.
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