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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. I actually enjoyed him more when he was just obnoxious(I still really, really didn't like him). These days I'm more baffled about his awful personal politics, which is where I get the feeling he's a shitbag. And before anyone jumps down my throat or calls me an SJW or something, I was on his side when Disney dropped him after the Fiverr thing last year. I agreed that the WSJ article was largely a hit piece. But then he defended an insanely mysogenistic, far-right authoritarian Polish politician(This might have happened before the Fiverr thing, but I learned about it after) who was known for Nazi saluting Germans. And then he casually said the hard r N word when frustrated, something I find HIGHLY suspicious for somebody who isn't a native English speaker. And then he endorsed a hardcore anti-semite content creator on YouTube. And he never really properly apologized for any of this besides the N word thing, which was a pretty weak apology itself. The Fiverr and E;R thing have been him going "Whoops." He's been especially dodgy about actually owning up to the E;R thing. He claims he had no idea and the awful shit E;R says wasn't part of the video he watched, even though it was. I'll cut him some slack for missing the Heather Heyer thing, since he's not an American, and the "Heather Heyer died because she was fat/she would have died anyway" argument is pretty fringe even for people who knew what happened. But the description of the Death Note video he endorsed was essentially "FUCKING YOUTUBE WILL DEPLATFORM ME IF I CALL THE BLACK CHARACTER THE A HARDCORE RACIAL SLUR, SO THANK THEM FOR RUINING MY GENIUS RUNNING GAG". There's really no excuse for still saying "There was nothing wrong with the silly anime video I endorsed" after the fact that it came out that E;R is a Neo-Nazi. I'm a guy who's willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. I'll give second chances. I'd be hard-pressed to give somebody a fifth chance for the same thing, though.
  2. I'll subscribe to people who aren't complete shitbags instead.
  3. Yeah, I'll say the ending to Metal Gear Solid 5. With other notable examples like Xenogears and Wind Waker, I still get the feeling that most of what the developers wanted from the final product was in the game, maybe just not presented in the way they wanted. They managed to mitigate the compromises they had to make. With MGS5, it just straight up feels like 1/3 of the game is missing, and the game just kind of ends. For the game that was meant to bring the franchise full-circle, that's really unfortunate.
  4. Goddamn, how did I never put it together that she helped with the Yu Yu Hakusho anime? I feel like I need to go try to find the episodes she did keys for. She did some of my favorite art for FE, and her TRS art is great. RIP.
  5. If he had left later or waited to make his own Fire Emblem-esque games, it probably would have ended better for him. Nowadays leaving a company and continuing to make similar products is more normal than not(On top of those mentioned, there's also Bayonetta and Platinum's whole foundation in general, Mistwalker's first big project was just Final Fantasy under a different name... That also had a very similar title to Final Fantasy). In America similar stuff was happening, like Tim Schafer and a bunch of Lucas Arts people leaving to found Double Fine and make more Lucas Arts-y games. It should be mentioned that compared to Nintendo, Square still recognizes the people that made Lost Odyssey(They still bring on Uematsu to compose from time to time, too), and Capcom's got a friendly-ish relationship with Platinum.
  6. I don't think you need to ask twice for mine. Says a lot that possibly her skimpiest design(For non-Dancers, at least) is this guy. I always appreciated that she kept most of her female characters in grounded clothing and actually wearing pants.
  7. I might be overly harsh on Awakening on this, since I've grown jaded on that game in general. I don't really hold it against it that it has a weak main villain, since plenty of FEs do(Look at my favorite FE game). It's just more irksome to me that they give Grima this attention after the fact.
  8. I had more of the opposite effect. Awakening is Grima's game. The fact that you needed a remake of a different game and a non-canon spinoff to flesh out and explain your main antagonist that the whole story revolves around only makes it that much weaker in the context of its own story. It's nice that Heroes and SoV expanded on Grima, but I consider those strong points of those games, not Awakening. And the fact that these games have this, while Awakening filled game time with Valm just makes it feel like they didn't have these ideas in mind during Awakening's development, and other people realized that they made an uber powerful villain with no explanation or noteworthy traits.
  9. FE6 is very kind to premmies in general.
  10. Possibly recency bias, but the remix End of Despair got for Ultimate is the first time since I ever heard Together, We Ride in Melee that I've gone "Oh man, this is awesome!" to Fire Emblem music ever. So that.
  11. It's one thing to like her as a character. She's Dart's sister, so she gets immediate cool points from me. But as a unit? She's an Archer. With bad bases. It's one of the cases where you can just look at a character and go "Yeah, this is an awful unit" just by those two things alone. I'm also typically the "Oh, anyone can be usable!" kind of people, but Rebecca's hot on the heels of Wallace in the competition for worst unit in FE7. Her growths aren't even that good to make up for her bases. Wil's also an awful unit, so comparing her to him really only goes to show how bad both are. You really have to go far out of your way to use either of them reliably. Or at all, really, since even their situational uses are pretty rare.
  12. Radiant and the SNES eras are pretty close. I have trouble picking one. The Radiant era is the most consistently great, while the SNES era has most of the series' peaks in quite a few areas, IMO.
  13. Western RPG: Mass Effect JRPG: Dragon Quest 7 Between the two, I enjoy Dragon Quest 7 more.
  14. Maybe if you look at the coloring of his Heroes artwork, but everywhere else, even Heroes in-game sprite, it's pretty white. Slightly off-white depending on the coloring, but still clearly on the white side.
  15. "We decided that Leif having a normal hair color and white armor was too distinct. We've given him blue hair and a blue outfit to correct this."
  16. I'll say Jarod. He's an interesting one, as he's the only one who has essentially already lost, and his role in the plot by the time you finally get to him is of an incredibly desperate man going on what's basically a personal war by that point.
  17. Switching characters is usually a feature in custom lobbies, but not in ranked/quick matches.
  18. As far as lore is concerned, I feel like people are looking way too deep into the whole Robin being Grima thing. While technically true, it really shouldn't factor into an actual fight involving Robin, since we never really see Robin channeling this power in any meaningful capacity. As far as I can remember, Robin's never really stated to be that powerful, and killing Robin doesn't seem nearly as complicated as killing full powered Grima. And by that point, I'd be really hesitant to call Grima "Robin". They may be the same being, but there does seem to be a point where "Robin" ends, and "Grima" begins. I really cant recall much of the lore from the mess of a story that is Fates, so I won't put any stock in Corrin, though. Gameplay-wise, though, Robin wins hands down. Access to every class, much higher maximum stats, access to more broken weapons and skills.
  19. I was just sayin'. Fighters technically have a longer history of turning into Heroes than Mercenaries do. I guess we could get really pedantic and say Forests are the proto-Hero, but that's no fun. Also Forests sucked.
  20. The first time Heroes were fully separated from Swordmasters, they were a Fighter promotion. Also Myrmidons and Mercenaries weren't unique classes until FE6.
  21. U srs? Boyd's the closest thing the franchise has ever had to a Barst successor. PoR Boyd has a 50% skill growth and a 45% speed growth. He even has a pretty standard 25% res growth. He also has a pretty tame HP growth at 75%. The only things typical about him are his 60% strength growth and 25% defense growth. He's very close statistically to Ike, a Mercenary. RD Boyd isn't much different. RD Boyd's bases, as a mid-tier unit, are pretty indicative of a typical Bord-type Fighter, mostly in that he's slow and bulky. But he brings over his Barst-esque growths, on top of now having doubled his defense growth. He'll start out being a typical Warrior, but after two or 3 levels, he's more or less caught up to certain members of the IM in speed, and will eventually start to catch up to or pass any of the Cavaliers, the Mages, and just about anybody who isn't a Swordmaster or Shinon. His other stats all being very respectable to start with.
  22. I am assuming a linear promotion. And if we're talking about a split, the Fighter's options are probably going to be Hero and Warrior, not Hero and Berserker as per Fates.
  23. That was unit streamlining, though. You still got a Warrior(Boyd) and a Berserker(Largo).
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