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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. 6 I'll give you. 6 has some of the worst map design in the series. But 7, 9 and 10? There are a ton of maps in 8 where it's just a ton of nothing, and it even falls into some of the trappings that makes 6's design so awful(Windy, tedious maps where you and the objective are at the exact opposite ends of the map. A lot of FEs do this, but 6 is where it's at its worst, and that's the closest parallel I can see with a fair few SS maps). It makes better use of space in those cases than 6 does, however. 7, 9 and 10, though, I'd put all of them above 8 quite handily. Though I'd also say Sacred Stones is just the "worst worst Fire Emblem", so I'm biased.
  2. I'm not about to subject myself to reliving the early days of the Fire Emblem fandom. It was an embarrassing time for everyone.
  3. I'll also vouch for the PS4's d-pad. But as for what your BEST option would be for a quick, versatile plug-and-play, the Xbox One is the only mainstream controller that works natively on PC and has an actual d-pad. The HORI Fighting Commander is also specifically designed for fighting games and 2D platformers like Mega Man. Obviously you'll be pretty limited everywhere else without joysticks, so it's more of a luxury item in that regard.
  4. Fuse Man's is insanely useful pretty much all the time, and Block Man's is great for enemies on platforms below or above you. Also Torch Man's stage is the most adorable stage in the series.
  5. Anyway, I'm happy with this. It's a great Mega Man game, and presentation-wise, it's actually progress for the series, and there are enough quirks here and there to make it stand out. A ton of reviewers keep saying "It's just Mega Man", but I feel like most of them aren't fans of the series and aren't seeing anything that stands out with MM11, like the fun stage gimmicks, which nearly every stage has(And aren't aggravating as fuck), the bosses also using the Gear system, and the Gear system itself. Power Gear kinda sucks, but Speed Gear has enough uses that it can fundamentally change a lot of aspects of the game. It seems like most people who actually give a shit about Mega Man are also very happy with this from what I've seen. Oh, also for the first time in a long time, most of the powers you get in the game actually feel useful.
  6. I'm up in the air as for how hard it is compared to the rest. It definitely feels more forgiving(As in, even just dying a few times on a stage will get you more than enough bolts to buy plenty of upgrades, Energy and Weapon tanks, lives, etc...), but the levels are brutal, and the Robot Masters are difficult even if you have the right weapon.
  7. The series isn't easy, but SotN is one of the easier(If not the easiest) entries in the series. If it's troubling you, then my main advice is to power through until it, if ever, clicks. I'll echo that Holy Water is good early game.
  8. You can always hope. Mega Man games can't be that expensive to make nowadays, so I'm sure there's little risk in new entries.
  9. I'd be fine with anything besides more Battle Network. That series was always lost on me. I just want more Mega Man. Seeing Mega Man makes me happy.
  10. As somebody who spent many years going "Mega Man Legends is laaaaaaame", I think I'd prefer they resurrect Mega Man Legends 3. I wouldn't object to new X games, though.
  11. I was gonna get it for Switch, but I changed my mind and got it for PC. I'm excited for it. I also skipped the demo, but I heard good things.
  12. Time to stock up on seasonal hard ciders and play spooky video games.
  13. That's really mostly an early game problem. The game doesn't fuck around tossing promoted units your way early, but your army far outpaces what the game tosses at you as far as raw stats go. Enemies really don't get much stronger from about chapter 5 onward until the very end of the game.
  14. The funny thing about pop-punk is that punk rock officially arguably started as pop-punk. The Ramones were kind of the first punk band that was branded as such(Artists like Iggy Pop, MC5, and The New York Dolls were defining the look, sound and attitude for nearly a decade prior), and they were poppy as shit. It didn't take very long for the Ramones to hit prominence and for people to run with the sound and make it much heavier and more like how we think of punk these days, but those early days? The Ramones are about as light and fluffy as punk rock ever has been. Then the Descendents started making a name for themselves in the mid-80s and cemented pop-punk as its own genre, which is more where Green Day got inspiration from. House of Wolves is one of my favorites, though something about Dead! just hits me the most out of anything off of that album. Welcome to your quarter-life crisis. I just can't do Danger Days. It reminds me too much of what happened to a lot of other "edgy" bands from that era, and the more I think about it, the more I think disbanding MCR was probably for the best.
  15. I imagine there was some Monstars-esque talent stealing going on last week. Whether it was the Bills' stealing it, the Vikings having it stolen(Or both), clearly aliens were involved.
  16. Back when the Zoe Quinn thing was happening, that's when I was like "Yeah, this all makes sense. This DOES seem like unethical journalism". It's right about the time that the term "GamerGate" really started to stick when I realized how... gender focused the whole thing was. It's even worse in hindsight, when that Zoe Quinn deal wound up to be a big pile of nothing, Brianna Wu and Anita Sarkeesian DIDN'T ruin video games, and a whole bunch of creepy assholes rose to prominence in their place and have gotten a massive audience because of it. And yeah, I guess there could be somebody like that, but it's rarer to see a liberal take issue with the identity politics of their party than the gun issues. I also don't really care about guns. I do think there should be more restrictions on people allowed to get guns and harsher penalties on people who let their guns get into the hands of others, but I am more in the "We're not doing enough to care for people showing obvious warning signs and our mental healthcare is dogshit" boat.
  17. Guns are a single issue, more or less. Gender and race politics, on the other hand, are so intertwined with the overall social politics of each party right now that it's harder to imagine somebody going "I'm a huge liberal... but goddammit the brown people are causing the SJW media to commit white genocide."
  18. I mean. There was like a 2 day period when that whole GamerGate thing was getting started and I was like, "Maybe there's something to this", but once it was made pretty clear that no, those dudes just hated women, I quickly distanced myself from it. If he was still with them after that, I don't know what to say. But here he's reposting a Steam meme, which makes me think he's having a laugh.
  19. If there's ever a need to cull the human race, I think this is it. This is the bar that needs to be cleared to ensure that your genes are allowed to pass on. I also browse the political threads enough to know that @Edgelordis just fucking around here.
  20. It makes me wonder. Do you think Capcom knew? Did some unwitting fan in the office think this was an amazing idea and everyone would love Suicide Silence as much as they did? Do you think Suicide Silence knew how much they were hated? Suicide Silence has always had their detractors, but I feel like if this was just another Suicide Silence release, there wouldn't be this much vitriol. It'd probably be looked at as another song from them, and I'm sure on places like YouTube, they'd get as much support as they usually do. And even though Suicide Silence is actually a big name in American metal(American metal hasn't been in a good place for a long time), they're still kind of in their own corner away from people not going to shitty metal festivals, or people happening upon their music because they listen to similar stuff. But here, they're being exposed to a big audience that's completely divorced from their usual audience.
  21. As much as I love Persona 4, Golden has one major, glaring flaw.
  22. Welcome to the enlightened(And very handsome) club.
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