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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Didn't watch the game, but given the track records of both teams, it was probably a little of both.
  2. What about Breakfast at Tiffany's? Anna'd be pretty divisive, I think. She'd largely be based off of her Awakening/Fates depictions, which would probably drum up more "Oh God, more Fateswakening representation.", since 4/7 of the FE reps are already from those two games(3 of them coming from Awakening), and older reps continue to get ignored. Also Fateswakening Anna just sucks in general.
  3. I really, really dislike the Batman/Assassin's Creed style of combat. It's very straightforward, to an almost auto-pilot/braindead level. A lot of people say these combat systems have a "rhythm", but I'd argue it's more of a "You nearly shut off your whole brain and it's actually very hard to not do well" kind of thing. Not that these systems are inherently bad, but there's very little variety in the core combat of these games. When these games are at their worst, lot of it is "mash attack, wait for the telegraphed counter, hit it, win", and honestly, I find the that there's not a lot of room for this system of combat of games at their worst, and these systems of games at their best. The new Spider-Man game is one of the better examples of this combat system, and its solution to this problem is largely "just give everyone guns so that Spider-Man is constantly on the move". It actually feels like you hit a rhythm when you do it right, but at the same time, it's very transparent and even it gets pretty repetitive without messing with the suit powers a bunch. I've been playing very involved action games with typical light/heavy attacks since the original Devil May Cry, and a lot of these modern combat systems that ape Batman/Assassin's Creed just don't feel satisfying. I don't think I'll ever feel that a combat system like that is more fulfilling than one like in Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, or Ninja Gaiden Black, where your options are much more open and ultimately feel much more rhythmic once you really get used to them than the single-button combat style. It always kind of makes me sad when I see a really polished-looking, intriguing action game, then I see Batman combat. Which yeah, you're right. These are basically "new-type" action games, and are becoming the norm over light/heavy combo-centric action games. Though, admittedly, this new style makes a lot of sense for a Spider-Man game. ... Anyway, as for the OP, there's mechanical use for heavy attacks in a lot of games. In games like Bayonetta/DMC, it's basically a combo modifier. You really don't use heavy attacks on their own, true, but you also don't really use light attacks on their own that often. A lot of combos have different functions and properties. A lot of combos that end on a heavy attack either knock an opponent on the ground or launch them into the sky, which leaves them vulnerable and leaves you able to continue the combo, doing much more damage. There's also guard breaking or staggering, which tends to be a property of heavy attacks. In games like the Souls games, the speed of two or three light attacks might not be fast enough to do the same amount of damage as one heavy attack in the same amount of time. If you know you can get it off, it's sometimes better to go for the heavy attack over the light attack. On top of this, heavy attacks break through poise a lot faster, or have unique properties, like the Golem Axe from 1's wind blast that's on the heavy attack. Then there's Bloodborne, where heavy attacks open up enemies to backstabs.
  4. Bills fans. Definitely Bills fans. After the (From an outsider's perspective of the event)euphoric last season where they managed to make it to the playoffs to... one of the most embarrassing ass kickings in recent memory as a start to the season... The Titans/Dolphins game was a subpar team losing to a bad team in an embarrassing fashion, but hey, it happens. And if I was a Browns fan, I'd be pretty happy with... uh, not losing to a team that's a division favorite. I'd say Steelers fans would be the ones who should feel bad about last night more than anything.
  5. "Sham Hatwitch" nearly had me dying the first time I saw it. The puns are arguably stronger than ever. Also, one thing I'll say, Sylvando is basically Big Gay Al from South Park, and he's amazing.
  6. If by "mainstream" you mean radio music and top 40 stuff, absolutely. No game music makes me want to blow my brains out quite like Imagine Dragons. Except maybe Otherworld from FFX and the Chocobo theme from FFXIII-2. And the theme song for Yoshi's Story.
  7. I'd probably never complain about a Dragon Quest story. None of them besides probably 7 have very lofty aspirations, and they never try to be Final Fantasy or anything. Just simple, straight forward "Good guy goes on quest to defeat evil", and all the smaller, individual stories rarely fumble and are pretty much always charming. My issues are more with the structure of the gameplay and the world. I'll probably compile them when I finish the game. Again, still really enjoying it, but some things are a bit disappointing to me.
  8. Congrats to the Browns for finally not losing a game. Can't go 0-16 this year! For real, being able to tie the(Admittedly Bell-less) Steelers after winning a total of one game in the last two years is a huuuuuuuge improvement. And there are probably a fair few teams the Browns could take on and actually beat. And then the Bills basically hand the Ravens the best stats and spread for the season right out of the gate. Maybe they've finally passed their curse onto a different team, who is coming off of their best season in like, 20 years.
  9. So Dragon Quest XI... Came out 5 days ago, and I've put about 40 hours into it. So it basically replaced my full time job now that I'm back in school for a bit. I have some... feelings on some things, but I'm clearly still enjoying it. Been a while since I sunk so much time into a game like this.
  10. I'd probably collect it. ... Some of it... The Jugdral and Tellius bits.
  11. Ah. I agree, though I think he'd have a cool moveset.
  12. I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out who this is in reference to. Anyway... Single player in general has been bad in Smash, and there's virtually no way to make it work with the priorities of the franchise.
  13. The good news: Square doesn't actually own the rights to the DQ music. The bad news: The man who does is the composer, and he's a very, very bad person.
  14. Erdrick. It's the one that makes the most sense if they're bringing in gaming icons associated with Nintendo, even if they really only stuck to this rule for Megaman and Simon Belmont.
  15. I've done it doing online math homework during college. I'm not an angry guy, but something about those damn online programs that just tell you you're wrong without giving any feedback... But I also used to tape/install drywall for a living when I was a teenagrer, so I just covered it up with a bunch of joint cement. I'd say about half of my friends' houses growing up had at least one hole somewhere in the drywall from either a friend or their brother or something getting frustrated. Also, are those a bunch of Vinesauce references?
  16. I'd say Pro. As nice as $100 is, being able to play most games with better performance and visuals will probably be worth more in the long run. It is a pretty reasonable upgrade for the price.
  17. It's silent on Octopath because there's a dedicated thread to it.
  18. No, walls here are made out of sheet rock, usually gypsum. It's a cheap, strong(When it comes to bearing loads), lightweight material. It's not very hard, though, so while it still hurts to punch, your hand usually just goes right through.
  19. So how 'bout that Dragon Quest XI? I'm pretty stoked. Got it pre-loaded on Steam.
  20. I've actually heard both Ark and Arch, but that doesn't prove my point.\ Mostly in reference to "bishop", though. Everything else I've heard exclusively "ark". "Archangel" being another one.
  21. Except "Arch" can be pronounced without the "Ch" sound, unless you're specifically referring to curved "arches". Things that are "arch" in reference to a name or a title are pronounced with the hard "K"/hard "C", like "Archbishop" or, in use of this series, "Archsage". Or DOOM's "Archvile". And depending on the language, "Ch" never has a soft sound. For example, I don't think German(English might be the only Germanic language that uses soft "Ch" sounds) uses the "chuh" sound at all, and all instances of that come to mind "ch" are the hard "K"/hard "C" sound. Sometimes it gets soft-ish, but it sounds more like a slurred "K" sound than a "chuh". Plus, if you were to spell it like "Arcanea", you'd get people doing the same here, where people might pronounce it with a soft "C", and it sounds more like "Ar-san-neigh-ah". Then you get the Romance languages, where "Ch"s are even softer than in English, to the point where they're basically "Sh" noises. Really what bothers me is the hard "neigh-ah" part.
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