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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Watched it on their stream. For whatever reason, the "Please don't break my arm..." "Mmmmmmmmno." part got me the most. I think TFS has just conditioned me into taking pleasure whenever Yamcha's in pain.
  2. Man, as bad as they are, the old Soul Calibur single player campaigns and character creations were some of my favorite things to do in fighting games. As somebody who has long since resigned that I'll never be good enough at fighting games and play these games extremely casually, I am almost more interested in how that campaign turns out than I am the balance, the roster, or anything like that. Going through them with ridiculous CCs like that are almost worth the price for me.
  3. I mean, unless you're paying off massive debts or saving up for something, the $360 for a Switch+BotW really isn't that much, even if you're not making bank. Unless you live somewhere with insanely high living costs and make minimum wage. In which case, yeah. Probably best to focus on staying out of those McDonald's bags. Anyway, this thread isn't about that. BotW Link knows what the ladies want.
  4. Because we assumed anybody who potentially had interest in playing BotW already played it.
  5. Now that the pre-season is over(For my team), I can't wait to see them in full. The Vikings were already stacked last year, and they've somehow managed to get even better on paper, still getting better sporadically with high quality nabs out of nowhere like Iloka. They basically trimmed all the fat and put on more muscle. Really want to see how Cousins pulls the team together this year. Or I'll just watch them crash and burn again. What's that? They're far and away consistently the best team in the history in the NFL with no Super Bowl wins? Yeah, probably crash and burn.
  6. Final Fantasy 4 is just all around a great game, while Kong Quest only really has gameplay to its credit. So I agree, they're entirely different.
  7. I feel like you need to be over 40-50 years old to actually pull off a fedora.
  8. Brutal Legend was a bunch of things. It was an open world action game, a car combat game, a squad-based melee combat game, a base building RTS, and then finally a hero-based RTS. I'm sure there's a genre or two I missed when describing it. Kingdom Under Fire specifically hits the "army-based RTS where you control a powerful hero unit", which is why it's the one I feel would fit better. You also level up and give your troops better equipment and whatnot, so it also has the RPG aspect that BL doesn't really.
  9. I think I might have backspaced a few words when I was typing that post and didn't catch it. It was supposed to be more like "I can't imagine there's anyone who isn't aware of how much of a monster Arpaio is". I live across the country and I'm well aware of how notorious he is. Trump pardoning him was considered questionable even on the red side(From what I hear).
  10. It's insane how little self-awareness these people have. There are hundreds of words he could have used in place of "monkey", but he conspicuously chose to use it in context of his opponent being a black progressive. The argument that this isn't racist fell apart the second he decided to not use any of those hundreds of other words.
  11. If they don't start out interesting and there's a clear character arc, yes. Secondary and tertiary characters can typically get by without it if we can get the gist of their character. You need to be a really good writer to pull off a main character undergoing no growth, because it often feels like there's no forward momentum in the story due to the main character's role as the central character.
  12. Arizona's been hinging on a swing state for a little while. It hasn't gone truly blue yet and definitely leans red, but it gets closer and closer each election. I think everyone is aware of how much of a monster Arpaio is, and Kelli Ward trash talking McCain after his death probably did no good for her. Which is great, because not only are these two terrible people, they look like they're human-shaped balloons ready to pop.
  13. Games have been edging out movies in terms of profitability for a few years now, so I'm not too surprised. Add in merchandising, and it was only a matter of time that a video game franchise would take the #1 spot, and Pokemon makes the most sense.
  14. The difference is that WWII is a war we were more or less dragged into, and a war where the really was a purpose to fighting. You know what would have heavily limited civilian casualties in the middle east? Not invading most of the places we did. We didn't have any real reason to be there other than to make rich people even richer. Our stated goal of stopping the development of WMDs was a flat out lie, fighting al Qaeda led to arguably way more harm than good, and finding Osama was a needle in a haystack operation, and we finally got him somewhere where we weren't ever really trying to attack. We continued to be buddy-buddy with the Saudis, and ignored the obvious threats in the middle east while killing civilians and profiting while they died and our own soldiers died. A lot of this is hindsight, but it was also something that should have been abundantly clear when Bush lied about the WMDs. People caught on pretty quick that 9/11 was an excuse to flex in the middle east, and was largely unnecessary. And the middle east is in worse shape now than it was then. So yeah, that's probably what I would have done as a commander. In chief. I'd probably be court-martialed or something if I was anyone else and refused to deploy.
  15. You never knew about licensed soundtracks? Priestess is a good band, and Color Me Black is one of their standouts. Here's another song by a band with a great name:
  16. Especially a country(Really... multiple countries) that didn't really have anything to do with 9/11. But again, that was a bad time for nearly all politicians.
  17. Yeah, RAM's getting bad. All of those rare earth metals driving up the cost. I got 16 gigs of reasonably fast memory about a year and a half ago, and that was about $120 when the prices were really starting to go up. Now it'd cost about $160 get that now. 16 gigs is fine for now, and I don't know of any high end games that go beyond it right now, but I wouldn't be surprised to see 20+ gigs being recommended for high end gaming in a few years.
  18. Yeah, they're getting back to normal prices.
  19. I'll probably get the 2080. The 2080ti seems like its value isn't the best. Plus, the gen 2 RTX cards will probably be head and shoulders above the 20xx cards when it comes to what nVidia's aiming for. It seems like getting the best of the best card right now will just lead to a bigger hit when diminishing returns kicks in. Plus, that's just for the Founder's Edition cards. The aftermarket ones will probably run better and be cheaper, so I'll probably be able to snag something like an ASUS Strix 2080 for noticeably less than the FE cost. Also, my card looks like it still sells for $200-300 used, so that'll ease it a bit.
  20. I'm actually pretty sure even my card could run it reasonably well. But this is one of those games where I think "Yeah, I want this to look as nice as possible."
  21. I'm still rocking a Radeon Fury(Not X) from 3-4 years ago, purely because I was interested in how HBM would work. The thing will probably set itself on fire just downloading Cyberpunk.
  22. It really depends. Minor continuity errors and stuff like "Oh, character X said they graduated from this college, but they don't offer that degree in real life!!!!!!!" don't. It could always help for writers and directors to go out of their way to make sure that stuff doesn't happen, but it's not the worst thing that could happen. But stuff tied to the actual plot and things that break your suspension of disbelief? If a bunch of Earthlings land on a foreign planet and start acting in ways no normal human being would, let alone trained professionals, and seeing random plot devices pop up that really should have been explained or used earlier(See the recent Alien movies)? If every step of the way, I have to question EVERYTHING happening on screen because there's no narrative consistency, and it isn't intended by the director or writer? That stuff absolutely matters.
  23. It's like, 75% of the reason I'll probably get one of those new nVidia cards. So, you know. Hopefully it's not delayed and those cards are already obsolete by the time Cyberpunk comes out.
  24. Part 3 is the most famous part, and it's where Jojo starts getting REAL Jojo. You should start knowing how you truly feel by then.
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