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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. You're getting $10 in Amazon credit with each game purchase. Factoring tax, it's going to be about a $4-5 increase, at least in the states. Actually it looks like it's about a $3 increase for me. Certainly not enough for me to go "RAW RAW I'M GOING TO SHITTY GAMESTOP INSTEAD
  2. Nobody's going to ditch Amazon because of an "effective" $5 increase in games.
  3. It's likely that this is the reason Amazon's removing the 20% discount. GCU was the only semi-legit competitor to Amazon Prime when it came to games. Now that they don't offer 20% off, Amazon doesn't have to, either. Anyway, doesn't impact me too much. I'm a PC gamer, and Greenmangaming still exists, so legit discounts between 20-25% still come my way. If I feel like a scumbag, CDKeys and G2A are there. Mostly just Switch games and the odd PS4 exclusive that interests me that will be a problem now.
  4. Call of Duty. I want to see Eliwood's head get blown off, and Hector has to report that he's FUBAR. For real though, I've been saying this since FEW, and Three Houses makes me feel this even stronger, but we should get a Kingdom Under Fire-style FE game. I doubt anyone gives a shit about that franchise anymore, so I doubt it'd even be a crossover at this point, but a squad-based FE RTS where it becomes a hero focused action game once a battle starts seems like it'd be a solid game. It's kind of how I imagine Fire Emblem actually goes down, anyway.
  5. Yeah, Arvis and Azel were actually cool with each other. Azel thought he was kind of a dick, but Arvis loved Azel.
  6. She very obviously has an eating disorder. People, for a number of reasons, can eat and eat and never feel full. She also might have a poor insulin response, and is thus isn't really getting the signal that she's actually full. She's just constantly releasing ghrelin and/or glucagon, and her hormones are telling her to constantly eat.
  7. Vanguard and Sentinel are two big mainstays in RPG and fantasy terminology already, though. Nobody in fantasy is just a "Spy". Usually there's some sort of other descriptor attached that gives it flair. Light Priestess is pretty literal, but again, it's not like Priestesses as a class/term aren't common as a whole in these type of setting. When it's coming to just using "Spy" by itself, I'm pretty sure in the west we associate that with very modern sensibilities, which is why it seems a lot more mundane, and probably why they didn't use it.
  8. Have we ever had classes that were just normal words, but in other languages? I don't think we have. Espion would have been weird. Whisper is at least an intriguing choice that isn't just a word in another language.
  9. They fucked up a lot. It got off to a bad start by redoing the movies, then went into a solid, but consequence-free tournament arc. Then they had a pretty great set-up for the Goku Black arc and shit the bed at the end. Then there were a bunch of boring middle episodes in the Tournament of Power, which ended pretty strong. Not as bad as GT, but it really is like, only a quarter of quality material.
  10. A "Whisper" can also be a noun. If somebody is being referred to as a Whisper, it's pretty easy to understand what that means. As to why they changed it from "Spy"? Probably sounded too mundane. But the name makes sense.
  11. It's not like the Browns have lacked meaningful talent these last few years. I mean, they largely have, but they weren't out and out as dysfunctional as the 49ers or Rodgers-less Green Bay. I don't even think it's Jackson's fault or any of the coordinators. But something about putting on that gross brown helmet ruins people. Maybe they're too tight. Maybe they're like a cursed item. It's the basketball that steals talent from Space Jam, only there's about 4 dozen of them and nobody gains the power lost like the Monstars.
  12. Reminder that the Browns nearly beat the Steelers in the preseason last year, and won all of their other games, the first of which was against THE SAINTS. The Browns, like the toddlers they are, will tire themselves out before the regular season starts.
  13. To be fair, being in Kingdom Hearts would make anyone depressed. But Termina's an extra level of fucked beyond being in some weird 40 year old Asian man's vision of an edgy 12 year old's idea of Disney.
  14. The biggest problem with a SSE-type story is just the... WILDLY different tones of every series. We had Ike and Marth, from worlds where they actually live with the possibilities that their friends will die right in front of their eyes. We had Snake, whose franchise is just a string of sadness and tragedy. We had Lucas and Ness, who were basically avatars for childhood escapism of the awful world we live in. We've got Samus, who seems to live in a world totally devoid of anything good. And there's Link, a character who's had tons of fun adventures, but also tons of adventures where everyone and everything he loves suffers, and his adventures in Termina alone would make Mickey Mouse depressed. Then everybody has to stop and be amazed at how amazing Sonic the fucking Hedgehog is when he gets a totally unjustified big dick hero moment. And it's played 100% straight. This ain't SatAM Sonic. This was "I was kissed by a human girl for drama" Sonic. So yeah. It might work with a light-hearted, comedic story. But trying what they did already would be just silly.
  15. You can call Sigurd and Eldigan "The Regulators". Mount up.
  16. There were two ways to interpret Alm from his original incarnation. The kind of standard "Nice guy" we got with SoV, and the brutal warrior that Awakening went with. I think I would have preferred the latter, and I think a lot of people were hoping they'd go that direction and were initially upset with what we got in SoV, where Alm is just kind of your typical lord. That said, Alm has his quirks and he's goofy enough that I think it works well enough. I'm indifferent leaning towards positive on SoV Alm. There aren't a lot of things that make him stand out compared to your typical Marth-lites, but things like "Hello, Mr. Sun." make it hard to truly dislike the guy unless your heart is a cold block of concrete.
  17. Yeah. As much as I want the moderate "neoliberals" who keep flopping to just go away and let young blood try something new, we should start with just getting progressive/DSA candidates in blue strongholds, then go from there. We know to some level that these messages can resonate with rural/red areas, as Bernie was really good at that, but jumping both feet in with "Free healthcare/college/universal basic income/equality for everyone" probably won't flip as many districts that are on the edge.
  18. I always felt that it's better to not think about it. If the game is fun, enjoy it while it lasts, and hope something just as good or better has replaced it by the time it dies or goes offline. I have plenty of good memories playing online games, and I don't look back at any of them and go "God, what a waste of time and money, can't even play it anymore."
  19. The first one. There are also tons of soundtracks that work great on their own and in the scenes of the game they're in, while I have yet to really find an "ambient" soundtrack that is fine to listen to on its own. I guess some Silent Hills might count? But that's about it.
  20. Yes*. I grew up in a household with tons of pointless and elaborate shit all over the place, taking up space and just looking tacky, and it always drove me nuts. *I enjoy color, so minimalism with color works well for me. I don't enjoy minimalism of just browns, whites and blacks that makes everything look like a dentist's office.
  21. I thought so, too, but at least two people got the opposite impression, so I don't know.
  22. I was getting to the former. Some things in life that seem like wasted time are actually pretty crucial in actually enjoying life. And being such a fan of sleep, I take special interest in it.
  23. Stop with the blue haired swordies, and I think it will be easier to swallow. The advent of Echo fighters lessens the burden, but we're still at the critical threshold for swordies in general. Thankfully none of the Three Houses protagonists appear to be sword mains, and ideally it'd be one of them who gets in down the line, probably as DLC. My money's on Edelgard.
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