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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. As people have said, George was the best artistically, Paul's been the most prevalent and consistently successful. Ringo's arguably had the best career afterward, though. Mostly because people actually remember he was part of the Beatles, which is relatively more impressive.
  2. FE6's tiers come up due to the lack of promotion items. You basically get two of each, and Rutger's basically a shoe-in for one of the Hero Crests, Miledy for Elysian Whips, and you'd have to be doing a challenge run to not use the Knight Crests on Cavaliers. This makes it really easy to classify units as "Bad", since not only do a good portion of them have bad growths and bases, most of them won't ever even promote. It's also why nearly every premmie in the game is considered a "Good" unit, because they aren't locked to tier 1 stats. Sophia, oddly enough, isn't quite hard-locked by her promotion items like most other characters. She's definitely near the bottom of the list for candidates, but there's really nobody who is "guaranteed" a Guidance Ring like there is for almost everything else. Most people would argue Lugh, but he's not crazy good like Rutger or the Cavaliers, and you don't really need to promote healers. Lilina's not that good, Hugh's the game's last effort to give you a usable Mage if you didn't pick Lugh, and Reigh's probably Sophia's biggest competition for the second Ring, but I don't think the end result is that different. Sophia at least has the best growths among the mages that gives her some payoff. She's still bad, though. Compared to somebody like Gwendolyn, who is not only just a bad unit, but she actively makes good units worse if you try to promote her instead of Lance and Alan. There's almost no metric where Gwendolyn can't be considered "bad". Bad class, bad bases, insane competition and you make the game harder by using her. Similar arguments could be lobbed at units like Ogier, who is made completely redundant by Dieck, and absolutely bottom tier units like Wade, whose abysmal speed all but locks him out of contention for the second Hero Crest. Fir, Gonzales, Geese and Lott can all be "good", but it's really hard to make a case for any of them over giving the second Hero Crest to Dieck. The lack of promotion items in the game really reinforces a hard tier list. Some units are just bad in FE6. FE7... pretty much everyone is usable and there are enough promotion items to go around. Some units are definitely better and worse than others, but you can beat the game with almost any composition. Even Nino's not crazy difficult to get to a level where you can use her without babying. Ewan might be the single worst unit in all of the GBA games, but the game has risk-free grinding, so it really doesn't matter.
  3. idk TWEWY had bad controls(Fight me) when it came out, and it still did fine. We're what? Like 12 years out from the initial release? Square's still trying with it, so I don't think they'll keep it going. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if this version wasn't just a test for them to try to figure out how to work the TWEWY concept on modern systems.
  4. I like to think that the presence of magic and supernatural elements keeps the world perpetually stuck in the medieval period. These fantastical elements stunt any progress that isn't socially-linked. There are instances of technological advancement, but it's limited. Archanea straight up had motorized engines, far and away the most technologically impressive thing we've ever seen in a FE game, but come 2000 years later, and it's seemingly been forgotten. The cleaner look of Awakening could be attributed to people simply getting much better at the things they have to work with in their world. They might not have automation, but they may have developed methods to quickly and cheaply produce high quality, clean armor. Or the art director had his head up his ass, which is probably more likely.
  5. Resident Evil, I find, is a good example, purely because of how many major style shifts the franchise has had. I actually love all styles of the game, but the shift from 0 to 4, then from 6 to 7 caused some contention within the franchise, though by 7, the idea that there wasn't really a "set" Resident Evil style, and it was close enough to the originals that it wasn't as contentious as 4. Though there were still plenty of people going "RE7 is a good game, but not a good Resident Evil"
  6. All games have things like dungeons, but not all games explicitly have dungeons. In these cases, the Shrines scattered around the world of BotW function pretty similarly. I do think the game would have been better served if there were less shrines altogether with multiple shrines being combined to give the feeling of going through a dungeon, but there's still largely an analogue that's more presented as an award for exploring the world. And on top of this, there's dungeon-like content in the over world. The trek to Death Mountain(And its peak) are environments and have challenges that you'd effectively get with traditional dungeons in another Zelda game. Hyrule Castle has a bunch of stuff to do that you would have seen in a final dungeon in other games in the series. And there are other areas in the game similar to this. I'd argue that dungeons aren't even entirely gone from BotW, it's just that the content you would see in a Zelda dungeon is all presented differently to fit with the non-linear open world aspect of the game. I do think it'd be nice to see some traditional dungeons in a Zelda game like BotW, but I don't feel like there's anything inherently missing from BotW that suddenly makes it not a Zelda game.
  7. I do think it is a valid argument to a certain degree. When a series goes on long enough, there is a certain level of expectation that comes with it. Saying "X:Y is a good game, it's just not a good X game." is valid in these cases, since you're still acknowledging that the game has qualities, it's just not qualities that you come to expect from the series it's a part of. It's not a dismissive complaint or anything. But there are people who lob this argument after like 2 games in a franchise, or in a franchise that constantly changes up, to the point where most people are still probably trying to figure out what an "X game" even is. Even worse, there are people who just... don't understand the franchises they're talking about, and they WILL use this as a dismissive complaint. I think Breath of the Wild falls into that last bit. I think the only people who say this only think Zelda is a game about dungeons, and the exploration and adventure aspects take a back seat, when the entire franchise was built off of exploration. BotW was a way to get back to the basics the very first Zelda game set while modernizing the concepts. "It's good game, just not a good Zelda game" is generally used as a way to dismiss Zelda in this case, since the game is pretty in-line with the rest of the franchise, and the only thing radically different about it is the lack of dungeons.
  8. Basically it's what happens when the golf club hits the ball at an angle and ends up sliding across the ball at the end of your stroke. To be able to do that with your foot is nothing short of incredible. Unfortunately not the good kind of incredible. It only makes sense for the best kicker in the NFL to fuck up in almost an impossible way like that.
  9. I'm also reasonably positive a Dark Souls character(Probably Artorias) will get announced as a guest character, what with both series being published by Bamco. It's probably one of their bigger franchises right now, and the atmosphere/designs fit well into SC.
  10. It kind of hurts to see the Browns almost win every single week. Like I feel like if you flipped a coin, the Browns could be like, 4-2-1, or even 6-1 right now.
  11. Setsuka, Cassandra and Lizardman are probably the 3 I want the most right now. Swap out Lizardman for Yun-seong/Hwang if the idea of two former Sophitia clones being released back to back seems lazy.
  12. Voters don't largely want it, but the politicians do. If they describe public schools as a social program that drains on taxpayers, which is how they always sell it, they can get their supporters on board with cutting school funding, though. And of course it goes hand in hand with the continued negative light that republicans paint unions in, which is how a lot of teachers get leverage when it comes to funding and pay.
  13. Well, see, that's where a difference in politics comes in. Republicans want teachers to be poor and public schools to be underfunded. So for them, that's the sign of things going well.
  14. I'd argue that one has the worst. It has the least going on, and a good 90% of it is total dead space. There's no real exploring to do, and all it ends up doing is making getting from point A to point B that much more tedious. It's just a worse version of Ocarina's. And it isn't even pretty to look at like Wind Waker. It's just... drab and lifeless. People can say shit about how there aren't any dungeons on BotW's map, but there's always something around, always something to do. I might be tempted to say A Link to the Past over even BotW.
  15. Maxi's button-mashiness is definitely super toned down from what I remember. I remember him just being able to chain moves together with a pretty small pause. The pauses here are much longer, and it seems like if you want to feel like "old Maxi", you really have to get his nunchaku stances down and know what to combo into and out of. He's still plenty mashy, but I've noticed that when I'm playing somebody better than myself(Quite often), I do much worse when I panic and start hitting buttons as opposed to using the few tricks I've taught myself over the last two days. And I hope Cassandra gets enough to really differentiate herself from Sophitia. I remember they were working on that with 4, where she was much less of a clone of her big sister. Similarly, I hope Lizardman gets his super feral moveset again. I imagine he will, no reason to have him go back to a third character with Sophitia's moveset.
  16. There's an argument to be made that the inclusion of the WT actually made SD a worse game, since the latter half of the game is so heavily sword and lance based, with very few axes on the enemy side. It ended up making the game super unbalanced later on. Anyway, yes. There should be WT. It's a core concept of the series, and quite frankly, the games become more monotonous without having to factor it in. I really don't consider SoV a "strategy" game for a number of reasons, the lack of consideration going into the combat being one of them. WT plays into that a bit, as it ends up just being "Just toss out your strongest units and watch out for magic". Without the WT, I feel like Fire Emblem would have to fundamentally change its identity to still hold onto the idea that they're strategy games.
  17. You can get it on PSN if you own any modern Sony consoles.
  18. It just feels good. I don't know how to describe it.
  19. Okay, I just went 50 matches with one of my buddies. We figured we should both practice a bit before going online. I think... I think I like Maxi. Seems like he's got a reasonable skill floor and a high ceiling. I really need to learn his stances. Really feels like I'm missing half of Maxi's set. The game's starting to feel a lot more natural, though.
  20. ANY TIME BRO You'll probably kick my ass because I haven't played SC seriously in over 10 years, haven't played many fighting games in general over the last 10 years, and... Have about 2 hours in the game.
  21. Innes Neimi's better on paper, but her biggest demerits come from her starting out as an Archer with bad bases. These are the most notoriously difficult units in the series to get going. I can't think of a single game(Where this criteria applies) where any of the unpromoted Archers end up better than prepromoted Snipers.
  22. I was on board with Xenoblade's story until(mid-game spoilers):
  23. I try to eat free range chickens and grass fed beef. I'll never eat veal, because that has always been one step(More like 3 or 4 steps) too fucked up for me. Cows aren't the dumbest animals on the farm by a large stretch, but they're not super intelligent. They're probably about average intelligence for mammals. Pigs I probably give too much credit, but that's generally where I draw the line. Cows haven't demonstrated that they're smarter than pigs, so they go in my belly. Anything whale, dolphin, or octopus related also gets the "too smart" treatment, but that's much, much easier to avoid. Their strong emotions makes it harder, which is why I try to go grass fed. Anything to make their treatment marginally better.
  24. Not really. Not a big fan of pork in general. My moral/ethical cutoff for meat is if the meat is too smart. Pigs cross that line.
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