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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Mario cartoons/movies are non-canon, obviously, but Nintendo still had to give the green light. For every single depiction of the brothers to go with "Hey, they're from New York City!", it just makes me think that that one thing specifically is true to Nintendo's vision. Again, probably because Mario is inspired by a real-life Italian American. Either way, they fall into the "Western" style of character when it comes to diversity, so there's no real reason to continue splitting hairs. The Ice Climbers really get me. They were clearly Eskimo-inspired in their original games, they had darker skin and long hair braids that are pretty common for depictions of Eskimos/Native Americans in general. Then comes Melee and they look like Kirby.
  2. Haven't been keeping up with the characters that much since announcement beyond K.Rool. Chrom's kind of a mish-mash of Marth/Ike, right? Did they just give him the bad parts of both as opposed to the good parts?
  3. Mario and Luigi are Italian American. You can argue Italian, since it's... really spotty, but New Donk City wears its real life influence on its sleeve, every single depiction of the Mario brothers outside of the Mario games has them hailing from Brooklyn, or somewhere else vaguely-New York-y, and Mario's based on a real-life Italian American. The only ones I find ambiguous are the Kid Icarus crew, who are angels, and thus, pretty weird to place.
  4. I mean, in a game where like, 50%+ of the human is distinctly human(Or analogous), it's not the worst thing in the world to have diversity. The closest things to somebody with a distinct ethnicity are... Ryu and Ganondorf? Arguably PKMN Trainer, since they're based on trainers from Japanese-inspired regions. Everyone else is either American/American inspired(The Mario characters, Ken, Little Mac, Snake, arguably Captain Falcon), or European inspired(The FE characters, the Hylians, the Belmonts, Bayonetta), and the few that could have some ambiguity, like Samus, Shulk and Cloud, are blonde. The truly out-there ones are the Kid Icarus characters, who I'd struggle to say are anything but just kinda... anime.
  5. The designs for Xenoblade 2, in general, are pretty... questionable. I don't think I'd be happy with any XC2 characters in Smash purely based on that.
  6. I think Berserker's a better promotion for Pirate. It first appeared(At least as we know them now) in the franchise as a promotion only for Pirates(In FE5, Brigands promoted to Warrior). Dumb connection, but I always figured the link was that Berserkers are a Norse thing, and FE Pirates could pass for Vikings, what with them using axes instead of swords, especially without the presence of guns in the franchise. I think keep increasing the Pirates' skill and speed, increase Brigands' strength and defense. Gonzo is the only playable Brigand in the franchise after Pirates and Brigands became essentially the same thing, and his stat distribution is really out of the norm from what we see of Brigands. Brigands are almost exclusively HP meat shields, and have pretty awful stats around the board on the enemy side. Give them defense to match give their crazy HP a buffer, and make them hit hard enough that they're actually somewhat of a threat.
  7. I just want the Lions to win next week so I can rub it into this obnoxious dude I know that the Packers are in last place in the division. But the Lions will be playing the Bears, and the Dolphins are a toss up for the Packers next week, so I probably won't get my wish this season.
  8. Matthis is a 2. Wait, what did I give Chad? Like, a 2? Matthis is a 1.5, then. The only thing worse than somebody not built to fight is somebody not built to fight who also doesn't want to fight, even for self-preservation. Even in the off-chance that he's actually stronger than someone, I am hesitant to say he'd even be able to win. I'd put money on Shannam in a fight. At least Shannam can accidentally do something cool in all of his failing every now and then. Lyn's a 7.5. Nothing super special. Definitely above average, and definitely classifiable as "strong", but she has her weaknesses. Not on the level of Eliwood or Hector. She'd still probably beat most other units in the franchise in a straight up fight. Gangrel's probably around a 6.5. Tough to say. He's got some strength, but he's mostly a Joker-type of character, more interested in scheming and manipulating the chances of a fight before the fighting starts. I would say he's adequately strong, but he's really not special when it comes to fighting, and he's outclassed pretty quickly and pretty early in his game.
  9. So when you add a scene, you're going to "Game capture"->"Mode: Capture Specific Window" and choosing the emulator, correct? If that doesn't work, your only option may have to use Display Capture, which is generally less than ideal, but doable if you play in fullscreen mode. Also, have you tried recording the emulator? Sometimes the preview in OBS doesn't pick up the image in the window you're trying to capture, and it will show up when you record and/or stream.
  10. This is Sakurai. For all we know, "He was too late to be included" might also mean "Here's his costume and that's all you're getting". Piranha Plant also makes this whole deal weird, since it also begs the question of "Well why Piranha Plant and not Rex?"
  11. I'm not sure how much I would attribute a promotion as something "Bestowed upon them by somebody else". Technically true, but how is this different from... almost any other Lord? A lot of Lords go through this. Alm has his promotion handed to him in almost exactly the same way. Any Lord who uses sacred items to promote are effectively going through the same things, and I think a lot of them even use the same "Wow I feel so powerful now" after promoting as well. These items and blessings might be tapping into the potential of the person, but it's not just granting them power as far as we know. And to top it all off... Why does this even matter anymore? There's 0 indication that the power Ike got just goes away once the game is over. It's his power, regardless if he was tapping deeper into his own, or if Yune gave him the power. Ike is just this strong now. I think the +5 to stats is purely an anti-frustration deal. Explicitly we just know that Yune's blessing allows people to harm others who have been gifted with Ashera's blessing. Again, Zelgius commends Ike's SKILL when Ike defeats him, which Ike entirely earned through hard work. Could Ike have beaten Zelgius without the power up given to him by Yune? Maybe, maybe not, but there's 0 indication that he became a better swordsman from it. Ike says that he memorized Zelgius's sword style and incorporated the good bits in with what he learned from Greil, so I feel like the "Zelgius and Greil got to where they are through hard work while Ike didn't" is kind of a disingenuous argument. I feel like this is an argument that will just go around in circles. So, as far as I know, Serenes Forest is the only place that says "Greatest". Because the references I've found have all said "You may be great among the enfleshed", not "Greatest among the enfleshed". Admittedly this is just two other places, but it's not a conversation that seems all that well archived on the internet. I don't know if there's an English version of Kurthnaga vs. Ashera on Youtube to reference since I can't find one, and I'm not about to go replay RD to confirm one line of dialogue, but there's a HUGE difference there. I wouldn't rule it out, since, you know, Kurthnaga can casually level landscapes while Ike's a dude with a sword, but I'm curious.
  12. Cannons are fine. K. Rool has a cannon. It's pretty much just realistic firearms like rifles, machine guns, pistols, shotguns, etc. that I wouldn't expect to see in the game.
  13. I would say that realistically, there wouldn't be VC characters in Smash. My line is: Are the guns real and doing real damage in a way that is analogous to how they do damage in real life? If yes, then they're probably off the table for Smash. Are the guns not at all based in reality and only serve a function in the game they're in? Then they're probably fine. EDIT: However, VC also has plenty of guns and weaponry that aren't at all based in reality, so it might work to some degree.
  14. I'm really confused by this. Was it stated anywhere that Zelgius was blessed by Ashera/wearing his blessed armor when he fought Greil? Because EVERYTHING we know about Ashera's blessing means that people blessed by her would be completely impervious to harm, unless the person they fought against wielded a similarly blessed weapon. All Yune does is bless the weapons so that her army can deal with those blessed by Ashera. They put them on even playing fields, and as Zelgius dies, he says Ike's skill is equal to Greil's in his prime. There should be no "Well, Ike's not as good as Greil because he needed to have his weapon blessed to beat Zelgius" argument, because from Zelgius' own mouth, Ike is just as good as Greil was at his height.
  15. Yeah, except this is all inference and assumption. We're never told that this is why Camus suddenly isn't swinging his dick around and taking armies out by himself. He just is, then he isn't. And the "Oh, he is still recovering" might be explainable in FE2, but by FE3 he seemingly hasn't recovered at all from FE2. Based on how the last fight turns out, Ike canonically bests Zelgius, and then goes on to be the primary person to fight(And take out) Ashera. In fact, Yune seems confident that he's the one most capable of doing so, even though he's the only person in the army who had canonically fought in the tower up until then. Even after squaring off with somebody roughly as strong as Tibarn and beating him, and even if you want to discount him fighting against Dheginsea and Sephiran because he had help, Ike should still be considered the single strongest person in the tower.
  16. There's a difference to how Bayo uses her guns and how most video game characters use guns. They're not her main way of dealing damage, they're colored like nerf guns, and they're magic. It's cartoony and over the top, compared to the RE way of handling guns, where they're typically used to pop heads. It's the same reason the Star Fox characters can use their blasters, Samus has her Arm Cannon, and you can use the Super Scope as a weapon, but Snake has to use CQC and various other weapons that aren't guns, even though his most iconic weapon is a pistol.
  17. Camus is inconsistent. His FE1/11 showing, he's arguably(I actually believe it's explicitly stated) the strongest Knight in Archanea, and he'd be an easy 9.5. By FE2 and FE3, he's downgraded quite a bit. Not to the point where he's weak, or even anywhere below above average, but the "HOLY SHIT, CAMUS IS HERE" aspect of his character is almost completely gone, and he's not treated as some borderline physical god. He's more around an 8.5 in these instances. I'll average him out to a 9/10. Ike's a 9.8/10(Breaking my standards for scaling here). He wrestles with the most physically powerful Laguz for fun, and all he does is train and cultivate mass. His mere presence can stop a civil war. He pretty handily defeats Zelgius/TBK by the end of the journey we see him go on, and Zelgius is basically Tellius' version of Camus. He then goes on to fight the most powerful physical being period in Tellius, the most powerful Mage in Tellius, and then he takes down potentially the most powerful being we've seen in a Fire Emblem game. All without stopping. Admittedly he takes some of them down with help from Yune, but everyone besides Ashera herself was also getting help(From Ashera). The only thing really standing in Ike's way from being a 10/10 world ender is that he doesn't have the sheer destructive or mystical capabilities. He's a dude with a sword. He's a dude with a sword. Possibly the single strongest dude with a sword in the franchise, but it only takes him so far. Alm's a 9/10. He was born into a dynasty that was based on martial prowess, then he destroyed it and built a better dynasty based on his martial prowess, so much that 2000 years later, his country still worships him as a beacon of martial strength. But he had a lot of help, and the feats we see of him aren't super crazy. The craziest thing we see him do is kill a melting dragon.
  18. True, but Chris is the closest thing to a main "protagonist" of the franchise, and Capcom likes to use him as the series representative. If it was Nintendo's choice, I could see Leon. If it was Capcom's, I'd say probably Chris. Either way, I doubt they'd get in, because guns.
  19. I like it because Piranha Plants are probably the most recognizable Mario minion after Goombas, possibly after Koopa Troopers, yet as far as I know, they've never been represented as playable in any of the Mario spinoffs or crossovers. Boos, Shy Guys, Dry Bones, Monty Mole... All have gotten their time. Yet Piranha Plant is the first minion to take the big stage as a playable character in a Smash Bros game of all things. Bullet Bill for Smash 6.
  20. Wesker doesn't have psychic powers, but he is super human. He does the most hand-to-hand stuff, and would work without a gun. He'd have, bar-none, the best taunts out of any RE characters as well. I'd buy him in a heartbeat.
  21. I got K. Rool, who I've pretty much wanted since Melee, and I'll be happy to take Simon/Richter, though I wasn't actively hoping for them to be in. And Ridley's nice, but I don't really have much of an attachment to Metroid. Beyond that, yeah. Not too happy with the newcomers. But Ultimate still looks good. I also skipped out on Smash 4, so all of those characters will effectively be new to me.
  22. I was gonna say somebody from Resident Evil, but it'd be really hard to do that without guns. Best chance would to actually have a tyrant like Nemesis. But Nemesis getting in over somebody like Chris, Leon or Jill is slim to none. I'd also put Chris above Leon for the most part, bit that's a different deal altogether.
  23. I don't get how the right wing, ESPECIALLY Trump, can simultaneously say shit like "Our military needs to look strong for the rest of the world", and then also say "Treat rocks like guns". What kind of insane, baby-soft military would act like that when they know the people they're going up against have no real means of harming them? ... you know, besides ones with authoritarian agendas.
  24. As somebody who picked Litten over the other two, I hate that Incineroar is in the game. Admittedly, he does make the most sense out of any of the gen 7 starters, but that kind of is what makes it disappointing. "Let's put the pre-wrestling Pokemon in a fighting/party game." I feel like Decidueye would have been a much more creative and fun pick. I don't even know how they'd handle Primarina.
  25. Huh. Well I'll be. Well then. That's somewhat of a relief. To me, that makes it more unlikely that Sora'd show up over a number of Square characters, unless Disney forced them to pick him as a representative.
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