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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. I am almost certain that, unfortunately, this isn't true, given that Square has used him in Final Fantasy, while Disney has not used him for anything. Unless the contract is that flexible. Edit: Never mind.
  2. Weak meme roster. Obviously would be: I have no idea for the real one. I think the general gist will be something like: 1. I still fully expect Banjo to be in at some point. If they're not constrained to the "Man, we finished planning the roster 2 years ago!" thing anymore, then this might be more likely. Supposing Microsoft isn't bullshitting about wanting Banjo in the game and the friendly banter between Nintendo and M$ is more than just poking at Sony for being a party pooper. 2. Probably a Square rep. This could be a twofer with Xeno rep and they could get Fei in the game, but that's a longshot. A Final Fantasy Tactics rep of some sort like Ramza(Most recognizable pick), Marche or Luso(Two who have been on Nintendo systems), but these are also longshots. Realistically, it'd probably be Geno. I still think Erdrick from Dragon Quest ultimately makes the most sense for Smash. Sora's the nuclear option, and a sign of the end times. 3. Another medium-defining third party pick. Could crossover with the last pick with Erdrick. If not, the options here are getting limited. The last "big" genres that really aren't represented are all adult-oriented, and would be sketchy for Nintendo, as most need guns. Potentially Dante for this slot, since he could be handled similarly to Bayonetta, and Capcom seems smitten with Nintendo right now. 4. A classic Nintendo character. Dixie Kong could fit here, supposing getting Stickers don't harm a character's chance like Assists, but it could really be any prominent Kong(Funky for trolling purposes). I would have said an ARMS rep, but the two prominent ARMS characters got Assist'd and Costume'd. Now that Mach Rider is out in the open, there's a possibility here as the "out there" pick that Sakurai likes to do, but I think Piranha Plant functions as that. Could be something super obscure here. 5. A Fire Emblem rep. Because a new proper FE character hasn't been announced yet for Ultimate, and it just wouldn't be Smash without a completely new FE character. Possibly Edelgard. Possibly a prominent older character that has done well in popularity polls like Hector(Sorry Lyn. Woulda said you, but ya got Assist'd.) Isaac and Skull Kid being Assists really kill my two most wanted picks, sadly, and two picks I would have seen as pretty realistic.
  3. The Grinch leak was too good to be true. Oh well. Isaac getting deconfirmed as a potential DLC character hurts.
  4. Kris, definitely. He's just a soldier. A really good soldier, but he's not terraforming the earth as he walks or a crazy undead dragon in disguise.
  5. It just goes to show how rough the N64 Classic might be if Nintendo and Microsoft aren't collaborating for it.
  6. Kinda sorta. The relationship between Castlevania 64 and Legacy of Darkness is weird, but Legacy of Darkness largely makes 64 obsolete. Legacy of Darkness is also really bad. It's one of the few Castlevania titles that even Konami doesn't want to milk.
  7. I know you're not trying to sell a serious list(Just a hypothetical Rare-less one), but I'm going to be pedantic and nitpick it, anyway: I doubt they'd put two Mario Party games on there, if any at all. If they did, it'd be 3. Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 wouldn't work as they were designed without being able to hook up copies of the GB/GBC Pokemon games, and I don't think Nintendo would include them because of this. Pokemon Snap would probably be the sole Pokemon game. 3 separate Bomberman games, especially ones that are as of... questionable quality such as that is very unlikely. Ogre Battle 64 is a very, very, very niche title for the system. As good as it is, it's highly unlikely such a game would be on the system unless they were really struggling to fill out a library. Mega Man 64 is just Mega Man Legends, and a pretty unfavorably looked at port of the game. I think a lot of people would raise their eyebrows if that turned out to be similar to what the N64 Classic actually gets. In fact, I think Nintendo would look at such a list and go "Shit, man. We really need to get Rare on here.", because that's a list with a ton of obvious filler.
  8. They've trademarked it, and the time frame between the NES Classic and SNES Classic makes me think we'll probably he hearing about it soon. I agree that it probably won't come out this year, but I'd reckon early-to-mid 2019 would be the release window.
  9. They're not gonna get Golden Eye, since neither Microsoft or Nintendo owns the rights. Microsoft, does, however, own the rights to Perfect Dark, which is just almost objectively a better Rare FPS on all fronts. Swapping out Golden Eye for Perfect Dark would be a much easier, and honestly better, choice. It would also require M$'s permission. Like I said, DK64 is the only Rare game Nintendo could use for the N64 Classic. A big problem when so many iconic N64 games(On top of those mentioned, Diddy Kong Racing featuring Conker and Banjo would be out, and Jet Force Gemini, Blast Corp, Conker and Killer Instinct) are now owned by Microsoft. An N64 Classic without Rare would be... Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time+Majora's Mask, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros, Star Fox 64, Paper Mario and Donkey Kong 64. Maybe Kirby 64, Wave Race, Mischief Makers, and a Mario Party if they're super out of ideas. And then 1080 Snowboarding? Snowboard Kids? Chameleon Twist? There's really fewer than 10 HUGE N64 games they can realistically use without Microsoft's say-so. When the previous Classics were at about 20, it'd be a stretch to get there. The timing of Smash and the N64 Classic is the biggest reason I've been expecting Banjo.
  10. This happened today. A video that supported the leaks last week was uploaded and taken down within the last 24 hours. It's one of the events that legitimized the leaks for a lot of people. Though it's unclear if it was directly Nintendo's doing, the video has been pretty thoroughly scrubbed from the internet. I haven't seen it resurface yet.
  11. The roof of Gruntilda's Lair? Or we could have one of those stages that cycles through aesthetics. Have Gruntilda in the back casting magic, which leads to us the background and hazards changing, all being based on Banjo levels. The idea of a remixed version of Gruntilda's boss fight makes me happy, since that seems like a decent choice of OST. And the GS level would definitely be the Venus Lighthouse.
  12. This would probably be the base roster, unless they're including DLC characters in the mural. And I agree with a new Pokemon and FE character for DLC. Those seem like obvious additions, but I'm not even sure it'd be Edelgard, even if it'd make sense for advertisement of Three Houses.
  13. Oh, I'm sure it has happened before. "Hey baby. I'm a special effects artist. Go on a date with me, and I'll tell you all about what happens in the next Star Wars film." But I'm Team Real. I was hesitant, but leaning Real before. The extra bits we've gotten since the morning has moved me to more to the side of Real.
  14. What @Florete said. I mentioned a few pages back that Nintendo's probably been talking to Microsoft about the development of the N64 Classic. With so many of that console's biggest games being Rare games, and Nintendo really only having complete rights to Donkey Kong 64(Nintendo wouldn't even be able to put Diddy Kong Racing on the N64 Classic without dealing with Microsoft), it'd be a pretty big no brainer for Banjo to come up, and his inclusion in Smash being part of a deal. Plus, there are tons of people who were introduced to Nintendo through Banjo. If Nintendo thought Cloud was enough of a get, Banjo's definitely enough of a get, considering that was a mascot that defined an entire generation of Nintendo games for a lot of people. I would be surprised if Banjo wasn't the most requested Smash character of all time. Getting Banjo would be huge.
  15. I don't know when I ever did that. I never said "Every single fan of Green Bay is awful", just that, collectively, as a group, the Packers have one of the most notorious fanbases in the NFL. Look up "Titletown" and "Lambeau Field neighborhood". You'll get a bunch of Packers-related housing development stories that all serve to make Green Bay more Packers-centric. The Green Bay Packers have turned Green Bay into the Packers' Green Bay.
  16. Have you been to a Packers game? The Packers have possibly the most notorious fanbase in the NFL. I say this as somebody who lives where both the Eagles and the Patriots were hosted during the Superbowl last year. And look up Green Bay. They're literally pricing out residents of the town to put in more Packers-themed attractions.
  17. These pre-release demos that get into the hands of the public at events are very well curated and deliberately put together. Things aren't in there if the devs don't want them in there. A GS item being the sole new item(As far as we know) in an event build like this is probably pointing to something.
  18. This was after a game in which they won 22-0. He has a history of doing this, and it's pretty clear he despises McCarthy. The last few seasons have turned Rodgers into a sad man. I really don't think he's happy playing for a second rate team that can only win when he's around.
  19. McCarthy is a terrible coach. The coordinators barely do their jobs. The team, sans Rodgers, looks like a bunch of second stringers from nearly any other solid team in the NFL. Green Bay, as a city, fucking sucks and is basically just a Packers themed amusement park with 0 amusement. The fans are some of the worst in the NFL. Every day Rodgers wakes up is is a day he regrets doing so. The guy hates the Packers.
  20. This is partly why I've been leaning towards this leak being real. Recreating the mural in such a way is waaaaaaaaay more effort than I've seen in just about any other game-related leak that turned out to be fake. Especially when the usual Smash leak is generally "Hey guys, my uncle at Nintendo snapped this picture of the character select screen of the full game."
  21. Look, I'll stop being disrespectful when the conservative narrative stops being "The liberals are unhinged and dangerous", and/or when conservatives stop committing the vast majority of domestic terrorism. The former is almost certainly encouraging the latter. When a dude who drives a Trump shrine mails bombs to democratic politicians(Which includes 2 former presidents, a former presidential nominee), democratic moguls, and liberal Hollywood actors AND a dude who frequents right-wing social media with anti-Semitic rhetoric shoots up a synagogue in the same week? Just as midterms are coming up and right wing media is amping up its "The democrats need to be stopped" narrative? What in the holy fuck is there to be respectful about? And then the president continues to incite violence after the bombs and claim the answer is more guns after the shooting? People are dying because of this nonsense. Don't give me the "Now's not the time" bullshit. I'll mock the people who are influencing this as I please.
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