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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. I have a hard time calling Tira "anime" when her closest analogue is a western comic book character, and her design and personality don't really resemble any anime characters. The only thing that really makes Tira anime is the fact that she's in a Japanese game. Zasalamel is more anime, being the "tortured immortal villain that wants the evil power", and his overall design evokes more of an anime aesthetic. And he wields a scythe, which is the most anime weapon after giant swords, and he's basically an inverse grim reaper, another concept Japan is in love with. Tackling the rest of 3's cast, Setsuka's not very anime. The most anime thing is that she's a street thug in feudal Japan who happens to be a woman. Amy's kinda anime, mostly due to her dress, but I'd rather forget she ever exists. And Siegfried is literally every shounen protagonist from the mid-90s to today. "The pretty boy hero whose life was ruined by the main villain of the series. He's a 5'5 16 sixteen year old and wields a sword that weighs twice much as he does. But as it turns out this main villain is actually part of him and he has to deal with his dangerous super powered evil side!" Zweihanders were usually pretty close to claymores, and usually didn't get much heavier than about 6lbs. Siegfried's zweihander has to be over 200lbs, which really only happens in manga/anime and anime-adjacent video games. The only difference for Siegfried is that Nightmare never comes around to actually helping Siegfried and powering him up to deal with THE REAL VILLAIN! That's the only thing that stops him from being the BIGGEST anime cliche, way bigger than anything in 3, and even bigger than Talim. And yeah. Groh's straight up just a Fire Emblem character. Actually, he's like if you mixed a Fire Emblem character with a Valkyria Chronicles character.
  2. I'd prefer it be online. Not a huge MMO guy, I just really like FFXIV. But I'd give a DQX a shot, since it's apparently pretty good. An offline MMO, though? That just sounds like Xenoblade, and I do not like Xenoblade.
  3. There are plenty of normal ass people who just happen to consider themselves conservatives, and don't devote themselves to politics. These are the people you'll probably be able to find plenty of middle ground with. There are also the disconnected people who have done nothing but listen to Fox News and have essentially been brainwashed into thinking one way. Generally these people are misinformed. Talk to them long enough and word your arguments in ways that connect to them, and you can probably find middle ground. Bernie Sanders was good at connecting with these people because of this. You're not going to find middle ground with the "new breed" conservatives. The ones who hole themselves up in their homes and just read biased news sources and shitpost about politics on Facebook, Twitter and message boards. These are the Proud Boys and modern age white supremacists who are convinced they're right because they listen to Ben Shapiro and Sargon of Akkad on YouTube every waking moment while calling people racial slurs in Overwatch. These people find a narrative they like, and stick to it like they're made of super glue. And if they don't agree with what you're saying, they'll just punch you in the fuckin' face.
  4. I really enjoyed SC3's single player content. Some of it was a ton of horseshit, but it was still a lot of fun. Glad that this game at least has the "Create a monster and go on a whacky adventure" aspect.
  5. Fair. It's just weird to see all of these reviews and see the general consensus(Among the reviewers) be "SOULCAL 6 IS THE FIRST NOTEWORTHY GAME IN THE SERIES SINCE 2!" Not sure how I feel about 3 being "the anime one", though. Maybe it was a slight change in art style, but I've always felt that the series as a whole has always been pretty anime. Talim and Siegfried are some pretty anime.
  6. I think a lot of places scrapped this practice, and I'm not sure if Japanese developers ever did it. New Vegas is kind of the one high-profile example of this, especially since the game was most commonly docked points for bugs, and the game's QA was handled by Bethesda... the company who would have given Obsidian a bonus if their game wasn't docked so heavily for having bugs. Also, I feel like a lot of the SC6 reviews are a little... off. I think it might just be because a lot of them never got super into the series, but a ton of them cite it as a "return to SC2" for the franchise, gameplay wise. Do I not live in a world where SC3 was highly regarded? By critics of the time and by fans of the series to this day? Because that's the world I remember living in. ... But who am I to say I'm a bigger fan? I never even bothered with 5.
  7. Paladin Amelia has 21 AS vs Eliwood's 19 in this case, and GK Amelia has 22 VS 19. Neither can double Eliwood like General Amelia can in this situation. Eliwood straight up wins in these cases due to his extra bulk and greater strength.
  8. The trade-off with early-mid game Erik is that he requires set-up to do any real damage, he has no utility, and he can't take a hit. And the damage daggers do with his standard set up starts to drop off real quick. He's good at doing damage to bosses, but others become better at it until Erik goes bonkers in the late game.
  9. Yeah, but Sigurd's a main character and isn't effective for the whole game.
  10. On the flip side, people who have been raped will have to live with their trauma for their entire lives if they're not able to overcome it, and even people who have "overcome" it will probably have lingering effects. It probably won't go away entirely. Obviously, it'll vary from person to person, but most societies these days depict death as preferable to rape for this reason. It's emotional, mental and physical torture. You know they'd be blaming the democrats if they had control of a single portion of the government. Though to be fair, it's midterms. You'd struggle to find anyone who'd be willing to admit fault during midterms.
  11. Seth's not like many other early game Paladins in the series. Most either have slightly lower stats to Cavs that you can raise up, or lower growths. Even stand-outs like Oifey and Titania fall into this to some degree... Seth is about on par with the best of the Cavs you can build up at comparable levels, and he actually has better growths than all of them. He's a full-on end game unit that you get in the first chapter.
  12. I'd actually feel more safe with a family living next to somebody who has murdered somebody as opposed to somebody who raped/sexually assaulted somebody. And as for serial killers... A serial killer's not gonna be stupid enough to murder their neighbors. They'd get caught in no time.
  13. Don't wish injury on Rodgers. He hates the Packers as much as you and I do.
  14. He talks with both Mist and Rolf a few times, and he does chime in a few times in the story proper. He basically gets one goofy conversation with both, and one serious conversation with each. The goofy one is where ALL of the jokes about Boyd are in pretty much the whole game. His serious moments(Rolf's mom and his solo conversation with Mist), both are treated as they should be, and Boyd's not really clowned on at all. And when he shows up in the story, he's treated seriously as well. If he shows up maybe 10 times in total in RD, he's really only treated as a joke once. I might be slightly off as it's been a year since I last went through RD, but he's definitely treated more like a respected member of the group than not. Which is a step up from PoR, where he was a joke in nearly every conversation, even in conversations with Laguz where he was being the most outwardly friendly member of the mercenaries.
  15. It is mostly just flavor text in RD, yeah, but his base convos in RD are a far cry from how he was treated in PoR. And he's still getting compared to Ike. Mostly in that the two are getting so massive that they're both ripping out of their clothes. Maybe it's just my inferences, but RD gives me the impression that: Boyd's more mature and treated with much more respect(Outside of the kids) than he was in PoR Boyd's still largely comparable to Ike, even if it does just amount to him being Ike-lite It's enough for me to adjust what I knew about him from PoR.
  16. Lex is Hector on a Horse. He's depicted as an equally capable protector of Azelle as Sigurd is(And we can go on a bit, long, windy chain about where that would put Lex), and one of the more combat savvy member of Gen 1. It's tough to say exactly how strong he is, but being in the same stratosphere as Sigurd puts him at at least an 8/10, since as strong as he is, he's still not Sigurd level. Few people are. Boyd's power comes down to a similar argument. And for the people saying Boyd's treated as a joke, you did play Radiant Dawn, right? In PoR, he's absolutely a hotheaded jock who gets treated as such, but by RD, he's mellowed out a lot, and he's really only fucked with by Rolf, his bratty little brother, and Mist, his bratty little love interest. And that is in light hearted base-conversations. In actual cutscenes and serious moments, Boyd isn't really treated differently than anyone else. When it comes to actual physical prowess, that's where the similarities to the Lex argument arise. Aside from baseline "He's a member of the legendary Mercenaries", which realistically puts any of the physical front line fighters at least in the 7 range, the other member of the GM/IM he gets compared to most is... Ike. And it's been that way since the very first chapter of PoR. Like Lex, he's obviously not as good as Ike. But being in the same conversation as Ike, who's an easy 9 even without Ragnell, puts Boyd at least at an 8/10. Arthur is a 6.5 or a 7. He gets an immediate boost due to being a Royal Retainer, which means his combat skills are good enough to be entrusted with a Royal's life. Granted, he's the retainer of the weakest Norhian Royal, and he has really not a lot of ability to show for it... and his luck is abysmal and would probably get him killed pretty quickly in real fights, he can, at least, fight to a respectable level.
  17. Sure. There's maintenance in like two and a half hours, so I'll try to get to it tomorrow.
  18. God Dammit All I wanted this week was for GB to lose, but they clinched a win with less than 10 seconds left in the game.
  19. Take your time with HW. That stuff is good. Stormblood is also good, and obviously being up to date on content is a big part of an MMO, but there's plenty to enjoy with HW. Also my alt is on Faerie. Haven't used it since SB came out, though. I've been staying on my main on Diabolos.
  20. Welcome. FE10's great, so hopefully you can get your save file and finish 9.
  21. I could see a Slime trophy being something like a Pokeball. Random chance to get a certain Slime. Slimes, Drakes, Seaslimes, She-Slimes, Slime Knights, Metal Slime Knights and King Slimes could just so straight damage based on which one, the King Slimes being the most damaging, basically being an OHKO. Liquid Slimes poison the enemy. Healslimes and King Cureslimes heal you. And then Metal Slimes, Liquid Metal Slimes, King Metal Slimes and Platinum Slimes would... I have no idea, actually.
  22. I want everyone to know that I'm judging you all very harshly. @Book Brois the only one passing.
  23. All of those things are dumb and stupid, but they're dumb and stupid for a reason... mostly. This Elizabeth Warren thing is dumb for no reason. Trump was being dumb, petty and racist to her for no reason, said some stupid stuff about it in public at rallies, of which there's tons of evidence, and he's still denying it. There's no reason for this to be as dumb as it is. It just... is.
  24. I don't think this Elizabeth Warren thing is the dumbest thing to happen during this administration, but it's up there.
  25. Weighted training clothes and access the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, probably. Only logical explanations.
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