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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. I mean I don't claim to be any kind of expert, but doesn't allowing Setsuna to get an instant four hits contribute to her ability to one-shot?
  2. It's bc people are finding F!Robin easier than Navarre. I literally just sent Vantage Ryoma in by himself, and he cleaned house.
  3. I think I'm just going to clear the map of everyone but Navarre and have my +Def Triangle Adept Ninian stand in front of him without a weapon as F!Robin slowly chips him down lmao
  4. @Vaximillian @MrSmokestack So, uh, I just ran some calcs. Interestingly, Bonfire actually nets more kills than Ignis. (Reds that Bonfire gets over Ignis are Alfonse, Chrom, Eldigan, Hinata, Laslow, Seliph, and both Tikis) This is presumably bc Bonfire kills everything that Ignis would while also triggering in one round of combat against slower reds that don't double Oboro, like Tiki or Chrom. *Calcs assume Oboro and her opponents are all 5* neutral, and Oboro has Killer Lance+ and QR.
  5. @Vaximillian Wait no go back and read up on what Smoke just said in case you missed it. Ignis is indeed better on Oboro assuming a Killer Lance + QR set.
  6. No, you're absolutely right. Serves me right for trying to help people minutes after waking up. Bonfire is only better if the enemy does not double Oboro, but if the enemy does, then Ignis is indeed better w/ Killer Lance + QR.
  7. @Vaximillian If you're still looking for Oboro advice, I'd recommend QR + Bonfire. With a Killer Lance, she'll proc Bonfire every round of combat (on enemy phase, which is when a tank like her should be doing most of the work) on units that double her, which is...a lot of people but most notably basically every red sword she's designed to counter anyways. Ignis, as @MrSmokestack suggested, is fine too, but I personally prefer being able to proc Bonfire every round of combat instead of getting a proc every other round. If you go the Ignis route though, you'll get a bigger proc that's primed at the beginning of your next phase though, so there's that. (But if you aren't strong enough to kill without a proc, then you'll have to use Ignis on the person that hit you on the last enemy phase, thus achieving nothing Bonfire couldn't except for wasting a turn). EDIT: Ignore me I'm tired
  8. Camus won't be coming for quite a while though (his GHB timeslot has yet to be revealed, though we only know the schedule up to Lloyd), but yeah Xander should be pretty great for Horse Emblem. And yes, Death Blow Reinhardt is ridiculous. +Atk Rein w/ Death Blow is capable of OHKOing Lunatic Zephiel without any buffs whatsoever, and with Draconic Aura up he can even OHKO Hector. Not to mention just in general there's literally no better A-skill for a slow Brave unit than Death Blow anyways.
  9. The only thing that'll really boost your score after the update is higher merge levels (and more skill inheritance if you haven't yet filled all your slots).
  10. Yeah I should have put "Eirika or Ephraim", though for the sake of being on a team with Nino I still personally prefer Ephraim. Eirika is mostly good as a rallybot, but Ephraim can be a rallybot and also check red swords at the same time, which makes him more valuable on a team with Nino in my opinion. But ultimately they both work.
  11. In my personal opinion, I like Klein with a weaponbreaker that allows him to ORKO threats he wouldn't normally be able to delete. For example, equipping Klein with Swordbreaker grants him ORKOs against many common threats he wouldn't normally be able to ORKO, such as Marth, Alm, Karel, and Ryoma. For his C-slot, if you just wanted to benefit Klein personally, Threaten Def is probably the best option. That said, I'm of the personal opinion that C skills are best utilized for Hone/Fortify auras for your allies. You ultimately benefit more from 3 other members of your team gaining +4 Atk or +4 Spd than one of Klein's victim's losing some defense.
  12. I mean I used a Rehabilitate healer, so, uh, yeah I imagine it would work pretty well. I very easily could have replaced Priscilla with Lissa instead. I think I could have done the run with 4*s only (Alfonse could have replaced Seliph for example), though I'd need to do redo calcs to see how another mage killer would do over Jaffar (I may have been able to pull it off with Gaius).
  13. @Arcanite I love how yours ended up on a different page lmao
  14. @Ice Dragon Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I beat the challenge earlier yesterday (had to go out right after and had no time to post) I did it with no skill inheritance, no seals, no merges, no A+ or higher tier characters, and no movement/reposition assists of any kind (though it took 7 turns as a result). Team was Seliph, Frederick, Jaffar, and Priscilla. The most important units were Frederick and Jaffar. Seliph was really just there to bait blues (he finish Zephiel off, but I could have done it with another tanky red like Alfonse), and Priscilla could have been replaced with another healer like Serra or Lissa. The play by play is here. @Arcanite and @MrSmokestack have both already finished as well (both before me since I spent most of yesterday training units up) but were waiting for me so that the three of us could all post at the same time <3
  15. "Salvageable"? Neutral atk Reinhardt is still one of the most devastating offensive mages in the entire game and is most definitely worth using.
  16. The best thing to do with healers isn't to change them up, but to shake up the game to make it so not everything is ORKO or be ORKO'd. Hopefully, the new Defense and Reinforcement maps will be doing just that.
  17. I'm not sure it's feasible without some kind of positioning skill, but if you just wanted to discount Drag Back (or did you mean Draw Back? I've seen both used to great effect on this map) or Reposition specifically, I believe I saw a few videos of people using Shove a lot instead.
  18. @Nathair Oh hey we have the exact same score :D I don't actually know what score you need to break top 1k after the update, but I'd hazard a guess at about 4940 or so? I say this because my score was exactly 4.9k last season, but I ended up with a rank of 1.2k or so.
  19. I would say, yes, Robin benefits more from receiving a def buff than Kagero, and Kagero benefits more from receiving a spd buff than Robin. As such, giving Robin Hone Spd and Kagero Fortify Def would probably be better. That said, your Kagero seems to already have Hone Spd, so if you wanted to ease inheritance requirements, it shouldn't make too much of a difference to just give Robin Fortify Def. I would also probably give Tiki Hone Atk over Fortify Res because that would add +8 to Nino's damage output. If you think having two Hone Atk units is redundant, I would actually suggest replacing Nino's Hone Atk with Fortify Res or some other buff as she really wants to be a Hone Atk recipient far more than she wants to buff allies.
  20. Of the units you have, I'd say Nino is your best answer to Reinhardt. Idk what nature your Nino is, but even a +Atk Reinhardt with Death Blow 3 can't ORKO a neutral 4* Nino (who then ORKOs Rein on the counterattack). And this is with zero buffs on your Nino. Not to mention Nino in general is an incredibly solid unit, and I probably would have recommended her to be your next 5* of the units you have anyways.
  21. For Reinhardt: Death Blow and Lancebreaker are probably optimal, though Wings of Mercy is also an option if you want to trade ORKOs on lances for more mobility. Idk who mentioned QR, but I respectfully disagree since Reinhardt shouldn't ever be left open on enemy phase to begin with. Also Wary Fighter is armor-only, so Rein can't inherit it. As for Nowi, I'd personally go with -res. TA + Quick Riposte is the best build of the ones you mentioned imo.
  22. I'm still holding out hope for Elincia and Micaiah, but yeah...
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