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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. @Hardy Yeah I saw and took that same survey on reddit yesterday. I look forward to finding out the results of the poll later :O The person that made that poll has actually done various other polls on FEH on the subreddit, all of which have been quite interesting to read about (even if I didn't manage to answer some of them in time).
  2. I would definitely not replace Lucina (especially not a +Spd, -Res as that's one of her best natures). If I were to replace anyone I'd sooner replace either Olivia to increase team BST or Takumi. Especially if you have no other way to deal with Hector and dragons (which, without Lucina, you don't). I'm hesitant to suggest you blow all 40k feathers at once, so my tentative suggestion is to promote Nino, take her to 40 and use her on your team for a while, and see how you feel (paying attention to what matchups/units you have trouble with when using your new team). If you do decide to promote both though, I would go for the +Spd Nowi over the +Atk. EDIT: That said, I do think Nowi will eventually be a good unit to promote and replace either Takumi/Olivia with (whichever you don't initially replace with Nino). Especially because Nowi has really good synergy with Nino. She has a Rally Def buff, which would help boost Nino's damage further, as well as Threaten Res, not to mention she deals easily with any red mages that would threaten Nino.
  3. I just want to know who the other banner characters will be (and there better be more than just two). Bunny Nino when
  4. Assuming the Takumi didn't inherit a new skill, Takumi's special is usually Vengeance. This deals more damage the lower his HP is, so if you happened to do a lot of damage to him without finishing him off, then Vengeance will do a hefty amount of damage. EDIT: Ninja'd by Vax RIP
  5. The best for your current team would probably be Nino as it currently seems like your team struggles against blue nukes or blue-heavy teams in general (an opposing Triangle Adept Nowi could 1v4 your whole team in all honesty, or at the very least take out 1-2 members). In general, I believe that Nowi is the better generalist unit to promote, but your team specifically seems to need a way to deal with blues more at the moment. As such, I would suggest Nino first (LoD 2 and Desperation 3 are good skills on her). A lot of people are hesitant to use Nino on teams without buffs, and that's perfectly understandable because you won't be using her to her full potential (though you have Olivia's Hone Atk at least). But even without buffs, Nino is a pretty decent green mage, better than a lot of her competitors (like F!Robin or Cecilia) even with a minimal Hone Atk buff, so I think you'll be fine.
  6. If it's any consolation, it'll only get better as you go. As your team improves, you'll also be able to score higher, letting you get more feathers per week, letting you improve your team faster, etc etc. The beginning is the hardest hurdle to overcome.
  7. "Beginner, intermediate, and advanced" are a bit misleading because they don't actually correlate to difficulty level necessarily. All it does is match you to a team based on BST (beginner teams have a lower BST than your team, intermediate have about the same, advanced have a higher BST). Since a lot of the arguably more threatening units, like Kagero and Reinhardt or Takumi for instance, have low BSTs, so you're actually more likely to run into units like those that hurt your team more if you hit intermediate instead of advanced. Most mages tend to have lower BSTs than melee units, so you're more likely to run into those at lower BST ranges (and I don't recall the rest of your team but remember that your best unit, Frederick, is a really great physical wall but can't take magical hits well). It's a dumb system, but it is what it is :/ hopefully the April update helps with this somewhat.
  8. It's pure blasphemy that we're getting an Easter event without Fire Emblem's literal bunny girls D:< Panne or we riot
  9. I had a unit die once, so I only managed to get a score of 4512 for now. Will update what the rank is when I wake up (and if I manage a deathless run I'll post it). @Korath88 God I hate the bridge map so much. That's also where my death came from. With dance support, the enemy Reinhardt went straight from his starting position to my Ryoma (who was still in his starting position, all the way on my side) on turn 1. I mean it was 100% my fault for not calculating distance, but at first glance I didn't think it was possible he'd cover BOTH ENTIRE BRIDGES in a single turn. EDIT: Rank is currently 1496
  10. If someone had told me a few months ago that reddit would be filled with Chrom x Ephraim bromance comics and fanart I would have thought you were crazy. What a time to be alive~
  11. Oh geez, that was honestly the most fun I've ever had on this forum. @Arcanite @MrSmokestack @TheTuckingFypo Did we ever reach a decisive conclusion?
  12. I'd vote Marth if only because you don't have a reliable way to really deal with manaketes otherwise.
  13. Lon'qu can get Vantage 3 at 4* though, whereas if you wanted Vantage 3 from Gordin, you'd need to get him up to 5*, which is considerably more expensive... Assuming they want LQ for Vantage anyways.
  14. Imagine if we got an event in the future that was double SP per kill or something, similar to current 1.5 exp events. A man can dream...
  15. Oh yeah, I forget that Michalis is guaranteed to be a bonus hero once they change up the bonus roster. Maybe I should put off Nino for now and train up Mike in case I don't get a focus from the next banner... I'll probably be fine though, as I'll have another full week at minimum, which is more than enough time to get multiple units up to 40.
  16. There is only one way to redeem yourself. You must ensure the spirit of Nino lives on in other incarnations, forever doing her best to bring joy and hope to those whose paths she crosses. I think it's pretty clear now who your next 5* promotion should be.
  17. If it makes you feel any better about Reinhardt: while Robin can tank a hit on enemy phase and hit back, +Atk Reinhardt should be able to OHKO any Takumi (yes, even +HP and +Res) on player phase. EDIT: It depends on what your playstyle is. Reinhardt is way better than Robin on player phase but worse on enemy phase. If you're an offensive player that can selectively delete opponents while staying out of range of the rest of the enemy team, Reinhardt is your man. Even without buffs, he can OHKO just about every non-dragon red in the game, plus Takumi and other archers. If, instead, you're a more defensive player who prefers doing baiting enemies during enemy phase and then retaliating, Robin will be better for you. If you do decide to go Robin, I would personally recommend Triangle Adept and either Swordbreaker or Lancebreaker (depending on what you need to kill more) to help him ORKO opponents he doesn't normally double.
  18. @Arcanite How could you??? A sweet, innocent cinnamon roll lost her life today because of your miscalculation D: RIP Nino we will always remember you in our hearts ;____; EDIT: It's alright, stuff happens. We're human after all. I'm sure Nino would forgive you.
  19. If my calculations are correct, the sword cav is going to blow Nino to the next dimension when he attacks. (50 attack + 6 from death blow) x 1.2 WTA = 67 effective attack. 67 - 19 = 48. Nino has 36 HP.
  20. Oh I see, I simply misinterpreted your statement then. Apologies.
  21. Thoughts on Fury vs Life and Death on a +Spd, -Def Nino?
  22. Oh wow, good thing @Liliesgrace has a +Spd Hana then. Thanks as always for the calculations!
  23. Oh wow, I'm amazed you had all the pieces ready to go already, but that's awesome! Hope you enjoy your delete button!
  24. I'd say it's fine as long it isn't -Spd or -Atk. Neutral Spd Hana still doubles quite a lot, and quite frankly no one is surviving 4 attacks from Hana, +Atk or not. I'm in class now and can't do extensive calculations though. If you wanted to prove that +Atk or +Spd is essential via calcs then feel free.
  25. I am a complete fool. I apologize to @Arcanite for criticizing them despite not knowing what I was talking about. EDIT: In that case, @Liliesgrace, after redoing my calculations: Ruby Sword and Death Blow is better on player phase for damage but worse on enemy phase than Silver Sword and Triangle Adept, so decide based on that.
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