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Everything posted by SavageVolug

  1. I voted Berserker because I really like the Berserker class, and would love to see this Captain Fargus-like Jaigen character someday. HOWEVER, that is sadly very unlikely so here are some notable other class types, Great Knight (FE4 or 5 version meaning it's a promotion of the AXE CAVALIER NOT AN ARMOR UNIT), Wyvern lord (this would be really cool honestly) Master Knight (mounted class from FE4 capable of wielding all weapon types and most forms of magic) I really like the idea of a Jaigen being a Master Knight specifically, Warrior (we sort of had this with Nolan, would like to see this idea done again), Hero (hey, Heroe class will ALWAYS have a special spot for me). A beast shifting Jaigen could be VERY intriguing especially if the Laguz method was used, and if he was like Caineghas, Tibarn or Giffca or someone like that.
  2. I always liked the Armor Knight variations that you had in Radiant Dawn, meaning you had a Sword one, two Lance wielders and an Axe one. I would really like to see this again, I also liked it how when they got to 3rd Tier they could wield all weapons except for bows. My personal favorite are Axe Armors, especially if they are carrying a big, massive shield as well, one of the things I love about the Marshall design in Radiant Dawn, Barons in echoes looks really good too although I would have liked it if the shield was bigger.
  3. Will you give Lowen the Antifa's Tears? (I think that's what they're called, item that boosts "maturity" AKA growths) I've found that usually helps Lowen out significantly, (I realize that's still a way's off before you get them but, eh...you know.)
  4. Oh! When did you start this? Lowen? Yay! My bro! Ok, Lowen is probably not the best cav in the game, but......I don't know I find him too loveable to not use. I tend to be a sucker for characters that are just average joes, no outlandish gimmick they're just a regular guy. Like Stahl for instance, and Marty, (who doesn't love Marty?). Lowen is not necessarily my favorite character in FE7 but he's up there.
  5. THIS! YES! My thoughts exactly, he isn't the ONLY one who has played FE7 or any other FE game for that matter multiple times and as a result developed a prefferred playstyle and approach. I've played FE10 probably close to 10 times, that doesn't mean I'm an "expert" on the game. Do I know the game well? Sure. Could I give some advice and recommondations? Yes. I consider Edward to be one of the better myrms in the game along with Stefen but that revolves mainly around that I love myrms with an actual Str stat or growth. But I'm not an expert on Radiant Dawn, there's too many variables. Sometimes Nolan gets speed screwed, Aran might get lucky on leveling up speed, etc, etc. And a similar thing can be said for EVERY FE game in the series. Though I have enjoyed reading other peoples' analysises and breakdowns of why X unit is actually better than someone is claiming or why Y unit is not as good as said person is saying.
  6. Not exactly a boss quote but I LOVE this line from Walhart, "Why haven't I killed you?.....I've asked myself the same thing several times.....But you're no threat to me. And I admit, you have your uses. Besides, I am not one for court jesters but you do......amuse me." Also when he says, "Why, Excellus, did you just volunteer to lead my personal guard against the rebels?" Yeah, I like Walhart, I often wonder why he's one of the "villains" in the first place.
  7. I see. It might also be helpful to forge weapons, but plan it around when you will get money or if you can sell something expensive, like an Arms Scroll or a Gem of somekind. If you equip Sothe with Bronze Dagger, most enemies he will do damage to but they will still be alive allowing someone else to get an easy kill if that concerns you. I understand your hesitation about Volug, but if you use him throughout your playthrough you can get his weapon level to S and I think SS. (not positive about that one but S at least is attainable). Nailah is VERY helpful at least for two things in Part one. Helping to secure more Prisoners in the swamp map, and quickly killing the thieves in the regain castle Daien map before they can swipe anything.
  8. I am currently on a Hard mode playthrough but I'm still on Part One, and have no idea on where you are. I would say though if possible you want at least some of the Dawn Brigade promoted by the end of of Part One. Say Aran (likely is the best tank besides Tauroneo who is already in 2nd tier) Nolan (generally pulls his weight well unless he gets speed screwed) and than maybe Jill for the 3rd candidate or maybe Edward if he's showing promise and or if you really want to use him. I wouldn't waste your time with Meg (Aran will probably have better def anyway) or Fiona. They're hard enough to level on Normal let alone Hard. During part 3 you want to get the Dawn Brigade to tier 3 by the end of Part 3 if you can. (this will be easier if some of them are in tier 2 already) Again I don't know where you are, so sorry if you want something more specific than that.
  9. Congrats! Very well done, you pulled through and completed it.
  10. Hmmmmm.......let's see I could take the advise of a very biased FE player (we probably all have our biases but still) or I could take the advise of people who have played FE in so many differant ways it's ridiculous. (Randomizers, 0% growths, reverse recruitment the list goes on) Deltre, Domdom, Mekkkah, and so on I would consider better FE players to take advice from. As they have not only played the game, but have mixed things up as well.
  11. It's up to you and what you prefer not to mention your play style but I prefer Faye either as a cavalier or an extra pegasus. She does quite well in both, she has good attack power and defense in both of these making her a good frontlines fighter. I personally would reclass her to cavalier, but again that's up to you.
  12. From what I've seen of Faye she is a unit with better defense and strength as oppossed to high resistance. I tried her as a cav and she did really well in that class, probably my favorite for her, and when I tried her as a pegasus she still had good strength and defense allowing her to take damage pretty well (considering the typical fraility of the pegasus classe) and had good damage output. Especially compared to Clair, however Clair was better at baiting out and dealing with mages as she typically had better resistance. Faye was more of a speedier Palla as a Falcon knight than what you expect from falcon knights.
  13. I will always consider Marcus to be better than Lynn. Hands down, has a mount, can wield three differant weapon types two of which offer 1-2 range. Due to wielding all three weapons of the triangle, it can be set up where he is rarely if ever at a disadvantage. Furthermore let's take for example the Port Badon map, when the Paladin Damian shows up I am NOT going to be sending Lynn after him even though she can do bonus damage. If she gets hit by him which can very well happen she will be close to dying. And on Hector Hard Mode the chances of her getting hit by this boss are even higher as he has both sword and lance. No, the man I send in for this job, is Marcus with a horseslayer that I picked up in the chapter before and Marcus gets the job done. There are people who have analyzed this much more than I have, such as the youtuber Mekkkah he has two whole Lynn annalysis videos.
  14. You're doing good man. I always found this map interesting due to only being able to take a very small party and just the whole layout and theme of it. I don't recall considering it paticularly hard. I can think of harder, or at least there are maps where there's more uncertainty going on. And in general FE7's maps are very doable very few of them if any give me the "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die." feeling.
  15. Isadora is awesome, her speed goes through the charts if she levels. She is one of the few characters who won't get doubled by the speedier mini bosses at end game (like the swordmaster, assassin and nomad trooper). Making her invaluable to me, Silver weapons don't weigh her down as much as they're lighter than Steel (something I always find amusing). By the time she is recruited you should have a body ring or two in the convoy giving her one of these is certainly an option. Though even without doing so she will get enough speed to double regardless of what she's using, chances are she will cap speed (again provided she is allowed to level up).
  16. I would say no, in honesty both Micaiha and Ike have certain tendancies that lean towards being a Mary Sue in one way or another but I would not regard either one as a Mary Sue. Miachaiha is for the most part liked really well by everyone in the army (thus her Mary Sueism) however part of this is how kindhearted and natured she is. Prior to joining the Liberation Army she was a refugee on the run in her own country. The Liberation Army would have heard of the Dawn Brigade and would at very least admire her bravery. She constantly puts herself at risk either for good and safety of someone else (in some cases this is a very foolish action but that's another story) or for the good of the army. Given all that it's no wonder she's popular among the Dain army, the final reason I don't think she is, is due to she has to struggle and fight just to survive more than anyone else in the game. Ike is respected by Crimea and Gallia equally and comes across as an Over Powered Powerhouse (hence his Mary Sueism). However Ike didn't just wake up to this position he had to EARN it, he has fought battles that granted him the strength and experience he know has. He didn't just win his spurs he earned them. He has the respect of Crimea because he and his comrades drove Ashnards forces out of Crimea effectively saving Crimea, so again he had to fight for and earn the respect he has. He has the respect of Gallia partly because his father was friends with Caihneghas and partly because Ike himself sees Laguz as equal in value and significane to Beorc. We're dealing with an Ike who has the experience of previous battles under his belt and who is a War Hero. With that said it wouldn't make sense for Ike to not have respect among Crimea and Gallia or for him not to be a strong, experienced and capable fighter. He has already earned his spurs. Every main character and hero has some charactersitics that lean them to being a Mary Sue but those charactersitics alone don't automatically make them one. So no I do not consider Michaiha a Mary Sue for the afore mentioned reasons. Bear in mind she's not even my favourite character, there are even times I think she acts foolishly, but I still do not consider her a Mary Sue.
  17. Con as I understand it reflects the physical size of a given unit. And given that in real life guys usually are larger than girls (not counting situations like a tall girl vs a short guy) I have never been bothered by the guy characters of certain classes having more con than a girl in the same class. Now there are instances where I think the difference is overdone but overall I see nothing wrong with the guys having more con. For Example if Fates had the con system Benny should have the highest con of anybody except maybe mounts and fliers, not only is he an armor unit he is also suppossed to be a really big guy, his con should be somewhat higher than Effie (now Effie should also have a lot of con/build but I don't think they should have the same amount). At the same time if you take say Henry from Awakening he should have less con than someone like Cherche, Sully, Flavia, Kjelle etc and probably have a similar amount of con to Tharja. I realize neither of these games have con in them these were just the examples that popped into mind first.
  18. Classes I want to see would include Pirates/Berserkers, Fighters/Warriors, Axe Cavaliers/Gold Knights, Draco Riders, Druids that staff animation, Laguz (especially Wolf and Lion based), Master Knight (unlikely), Mercenaries with huge two-handed swords, Nomads, Dread Fighters (maybe a combination between how they functioned in Echoes, Fates and Awakening) Griffon Rider (an entire class line, maybe give them Swords and Lances and make them a flying paladin like class. Very unlikely), Sentinals, Marshalls, Mageknights (FE4 version) Weapon Masters. Well there you have the classes I would like to see, some are likely to appear others are debatable at best but nonetheless I would like to see them make a return as is the case with Master Knight, the Laguz, and Griffon Riders and I REALLY want to see a more Tellius like design for the Draco Riders/Wyvern lords in this game. Only time will tell.
  19. It depends on the time of the year, if it's warm or hot out shorts and a sleeveless for me (preferably blue or with wolves on it) and either barefoot or sneakers, when it gets cool though I like jeans (preferably blue) some sort of flannel or Western wear shirt, work or cowboy boots.
  20. My least favorite map when it comes to Radiant Dawn is either the big Desert Map in Part 4 (but who doesn't dislike the desert maps?) and the Tower maps. The first one is pretty good and I like fighting Deghnesia but the maps themselves are bland in my opinion. Worst map overall though? That is difficult to say, the ones that come to mind the most are the Wind Tribe map from Fates (the one with Wind Blowing), the Ice Map (from Revelations where you fight Zola) the Cherry Blossom Map (where you fight Hinoka, this is more an issue of I really dislike that map's gimmick than the map itself) and The Moving Rooms map (Blades Drawn chapter where you fight king Summeragi). A lot of the Valla maps I dislike but in most cases having some good fliers speeds up those maps in question.
  21. I'd say Lekain is the main villain and he's a villain I like to hate. However I would say Sephiran could easily contend for main villain status seeing as he put into motion the whole mess we find ourselves in to begin with involving the Medallion. As we know he was trying to get the Goddess awoken and wanted the world to be destroyed.
  22. Very valid point in my opinion, I am fourthing this. One would not be take seriously if they were to critique a book or movie that they had not read or watched respectively. Why should this be any differant?
  23. I don't know if Azel is regarded as a poor unit necessarily but the weight of the fire tomes certainly doesn't help any, it's more he seemed harder to give kills too especially since being a mage he lacked the sturdyness of units like Culan who while also a foot unit at least has the bulk to be put in the front lines. While Azel doesn't at least not until he gets his promotion. Which is REALLY good I might add so once gotten there it is well worth the effort, this time around though which is my 2nd run of the game I think I've figured out ways to give him more experience though which pleases me greatly.
  24. Azel in FE4 (Genealogy of the Holy War) my first time playing I had a hard time giving Azel kills, but this time he's turning into quite the terror. Now most units in FE4 are really good or at least decent but this time I think I've thought of ways to get more use out of Azel. Dart in FE7 (Blazing Sword) when he joins there's nothing paticularly extroidanary about him apart from the fact he can walk on water but I put some effort into him and MAN did he suprise me with how good he got. He had speed, strength and HP and a lot of it, there were few enemies he couldn't double. Aran in FE10 (Radiant Dawn) he joins at a time where usually the rest of my party is higher leveled and better than Aran but one playthrough I actually tried useing Aran and he surpassed my expectations now I use this man every single time. This man is a brick wall he will be your best tank for the Dawn Brigade barring Tauroneo of course. Nobody is better than Tauroneo! Cherche in FE13 (Awakening), she joins at a time where you should have at least a couple promoted guys on your team and is in her base class, but she's a wyver rider. And THAT automatically spells awesomeness. Allow her to get some EXP, some kills and she will end up dominating the playing field. Charlotte in FE14 (Fates) she joins with a Steel Axe, not the best idea in my opinion but pair her up with someone like Benny, and maybe give her a Killer Axe instead let her kill things and she will turn into one of your more powerful units if not your strongest unit. Also promote her to Berserker because Berserkers are awesome. If you have the corresponding DLC for it you can get Strength Taker and Aether scrolls and give them to Charlotte. Both of which I think are really good on her. Honorable mention goes to Volug as I think he has more potential than what most might give him credit for in spite of not being a royal.
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