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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. 🤯 I can't believe it. This will be an otome. He looks like Ranmaru. I mean, the game is still on my radar, mostly because I don't have a whole lot else right now, but... yeah. I want the oldies available in some capacity. Wonder if young Ieyasu will go by his original name "Something" Matsudaira, apparently he didn't take up Ieyasu until a few years after joining Nobunaga. -But this is enough deviation from a topic about FE! Point has been made, Musou is anime, FEW is anime, FE is anime.
  2. Legendary Itsuki would make more sense than Mythic. And you are right that there really isn't a good Mythic pick for TMS. Maybe Tiki, so another Breath unit, but even that would be a real stretch. Medeus has no speaking role nor non-monstrous form, so there goes the one big option. Although if you reallllllllllllllllllllllly wanted a Mythic and needed to get pass Medeus not having a small body, there is this.: Although technically, not all games will be getting Mythics. Every other world can get a Mythic, but not every single game- Jugdral has no Mythics (maybe Forseti!Lewyn) and has to rely on being in the same world as Archanea. Path of Radiance can't get any but Radiant Dawn can.
  3. I haven't a clue. It's a sea change from the way FE is presently going, what with everyone coming early and on a silver platter. My main qualm with TRS's recruitment issues, is that it's possible to be stuck with only three staffbots (Enteh, Katri, and Rebecca is pretty impossible to miss). Mages don't get Staffs when they promote to Sages in TRS, so between that, things being on two routes most of the time, and an absence of Fortify, that could be very restrictive on the healing. Although maybe I'm treating blind players as too dumb and they wouldn't actually miss Plum. Well no, not that, I meant you're told "There is a nice person I'd want to go with you, but they aren't back yet". You aren't really told who that person is, the clue being in a character's title -displayed alongside their name- and the location of the chapter. It's not obvious enough that I could see them being 100% unmissable. You can obtain more escape items later, although it's not something that you'd very readily stumble on. Jill's Jewelry Boxes can be farmed in the -temporary- dungeon where I got softlocked many years ago. Let them age 5 hours IRL and Jill's Jewelry Box goes from this: into this: Same, Chaotic Dance is great! I like to pretend Folon is saying all the nonsense, his hair and complexion are strange, so it matches the weirdness of the "words".
  4. Out of that "Birthright mid-late" slump and entering into what I'd define as the actual lategame, will the rest of it be good or bad? Who cares when the Dark Purple Majesty of the Night and Prince of All Emblematic Tactics lay just around corner amirite? I don't think I would either, although I think you need to build it up as that being absolutely normal. Slipping that into a world which otherwise remains firmly set in one dimension is the issue. Thus, my preference for FE would lay in a game itself set within its own set of dimensions without gatcha *throws salt at the devil*. And without significant inclusion of prior worlds devoid of interdimensional travel being common. There also has to be some kind of spoken limit on dimensional access. Parallel realities branching off from every little decision would be too numerous to allow them all to be accessible! You killed three separate Dark Dragon God Ammuts? Sorry but there are another 10^35982714 to go! An evil cultist survived who is opening the portal to one right now -no wait they are the head cultist from that dimension looking to spread into this one. Parallel realities should probably not exist. Which would boil down alternate dimensions to being a border separating continents no different from an ocean, except instead of a boat to reach the other continent, you need someone able to work the magic on a cross gate.
  5. Let me think... Leteena is nearly impossible blind. Fortunately, you get substitute character if you miss her, they're both staffbots, so it doesn't matter too much. One character gets a special promotion if you don't send them the right way on the first split and have them talk to the right person on a certain map. Speaking of which, the same map as the above have a character who requires you play the map slowly to get. And said character recruits another character (one of the absolute worst) much much later. Visiting a house in an early chapter with a specific character is required for recruiting four characters. Two of whom don't show up until Chapter 23. The first of these characters provides the special promotion item for a very weak character. One character might be easily missable if you don't pay attention to geography being mentioned. One character is a huge chore to keep alive, but they're not worth it really, so it's no big loss. One character will go missing for a couple lategame maps, when they show up again, you need a specific character on that side of the final route split to rerecruit them. Thats most of the character oddities. A few "start the map and then reset b/c the game doesn't hint at who you should bring until a few turns in" exist as well, as they have in a number of other FEs (i.e. how I am supposed to know I need Lilina for this "Gonzales" guy?). Finding the keys is proving a chore? Are the books you're reading bite too much? As for the music, ah yes, Decay. I don't think it's 100% horrendous, it creates a basic horror atmosphere with clear notes. Although it is generic, and there isn't a satisfactory buildup to anything, it is sounds that haven't been properly strung together into actual music. I can hear that major issue. Let's call it a 2.5/10. Nonetheless, for the coward I am was at the time, it made me sufficiently not like the place and hope to leap into battle.
  6. It's relatively ordinary, some questionable map design, some Kaga characterization/plot shenanigans, and plenty o' stuff you can miss on the first playthrough if blind. Mostly because you'll have no idea in advance where to send certain characters during the first two route splits. Enemy stats aren't very high most of the time, they lean too low if anything, so blind should be bearable. Status staffs don't exist. Route splits in this game BTW differ from what you said of VS, you can pick mostly who goes where in TRS. Although the game doesn't tell you Mel will always go with Roger, so don't try separating those two. If you've any questions, I've completed the game almost twice (with an itch for a third at some point). I don't love the game myself, but it ain't terrible. Speaking of Ys, I see NISA is doing another sale on the eShop right now if Ys VIII would interest you there. I AM DARKNESS... DISPELLER OF LIGHT! ...DEMONS OF DARKNESS! Sorry, it's so old memey and in my bones. And yeah, Spirit Attacks are totally random. I think it's implied your answers to questions posed by Kalas affect the chances, but I have no idea how. Because Spirit Attacks are rare and cool IMO, if I get one against normal enemies, I'll use it. If I'm fighting a boss however and it'd ruin a Spirit Combo, I won't, because I'd think the Spirit Combo would amount to more damage, especially if the Spirit Attack was a poor choice of element against the current enemy. Although it isn't relevant whatsoever right now, Spirit Attacks were done away with in Origins. Instead, Sagi's Guardian Spirit changes the next card placed into your hand into one you likely want at the current moment, like a Potion if someone is low on HP -provided you have one of those cards in your deck. And because you're at the Ancient Library of Magic right now, Peaches drop a lot here. After 80 IRL hours, you'll find the Peaches will have aged into the best healing item in the game bar none. The Ancient Library of Magic overall has great Magnus drops. I'll third this. I don't adore the spritework of any particular old FE, but with modern 2D capable of being very aesthetically beautiful and detailed, and FE in no way requiring 3D for its gameplay, I think it'd be fine if it went back to that. I doubt it would, because 3D is the only realm for AAA games, 2D is sadly deemed the realm of the less moneyed.
  7. You do have a point. Perhaps I was making too much of the unnecessary historical spieling it does, and setting the prettyboys and the girls too far into a corner away from the rest of the cast. I commented on Nobunaga elsewhere. Has Musou done an otome spinoff yet? Gracia looks a little better, but the sacrifices to No and Nobunaga are 🤨 from me right now. (Yes, Nobunaga's visual design was getting stale, but this is likely to go a bit too far.) But, at the very least, I am absolutely certain Ieyasu is going to be shafted and be the one guy who doesn't get Bishonen'ed. Yes, Katsuie Shibata and Yoshihiro Shimazu may go bishie (Yoshihiro deserves it, the Shimazu forever!), but Koei will never do anything to "improve" the final unifier until SW6 turns out to be a quarrel between Mitsunari and Ieyasu over who was really Bishiyoshi's best friend.
  8. Ignore Hannibal, seize the castle further west to get his son free, then send his son to talk with Hannibal. Don't worry about sending Seliph back to seize Hannibal's castle, it automatically flips once he joins. To keep the Shield of Carthage alive (where are his elephants?), just massacre his army in one turn, so that he goes into the "retreat to castle to get reinforcements" mindset. Then surround him with a few units, and he won't bother attacking them.
  9. We already have one of those- Shannan Shannam. Monarchs not infrequently named their children after themselves. Brandenburg-Prussia during its rise loved alternating between Frederick William and just Frederick, Philip II-IV during Spain peak and fall, Louis XIII-XVI (plus prince killed in the Revolution bestowed the honorary title Louis XVII). As Frederick William indicates, FE could get into double-first names too. Or we could do the thing that historians often do when referring to famed Greeks of antiquity, name them "X of Y Location", like Isidore of Miletus.
  10. Ahahahahahahaha! The 4th Stratum boss took me 5 turns to kill on Expert! I can't even remember if it attacked me once besides the harmless mass-Fear and mass bind & ailment resistance debuff attack. Nothing to be sweated over at all for my slightly over-leveled team; I even naturally got the conditional drop. Hexer+Dark Hunter are OP. Now I totally understand why EOU2 is considered paradise for binds and ailments, on practically the same level as EOV. Given how EO bosses will hit throw container ships of bricks at you if you give them the chance, I have no qualms with bypassing their entire arsenal of attacks with some broken trickery of my own.
  11. Morning! --- Almost done with the 4th Stratum in EOU2. Almost all the random enemies fell to the power of Venom Curse yet again, Poison is way too good, being able to instantly clear most random encounters for 2/3rds of the game is incredible. Meanwhile properly buffed (Prelude, Attack Order, Frailty Curse, Charge) Tranced Soul Liberators have been amazing against FOEs, most die in two, maybe three of those. The lone threat which remains is the 4th Stratum's boss, which I'm told is relatively easy, though I'm expecting it to be merciless anyhow, just gonna grind a tiny bit more for an additional level first. And in typical EO fashion, I'm not even done with this run, and yet I'm contemplating teams for subsequent runs.
  12. True. If by which you mean FE allowed you to assign some replaceable generic grunts to named characters ala Langrisser and Brigandine, then integrating phalanxes would be more feasible. Though such a move would mean a whole lot of complications requiring careful adjustment to.
  13. True, schiltron would've been good there. Though as you imply, it'd be more of an enemy thing than a player technique. Pikemen as I understand it are weak in small numbers, you need them amassed to become that great porcupine-snake hybrid monstrosity which would be suicide to charge up against. A lone spearman isn't enough, and IRL, thankfully spears were easy to make and easy to train a fresh conscript in. FE having limited player units limits the possibility of amassing the cartoonish semicircle of unapproachable pointy sticks and maybe shields. Because, either you wouldn't have enough troops to do it, or, you'd end up having to invest too many characters into it to make it work.
  14. As if FE really understands the value of schiltrons and pikes in general? Well, poleaxes and horseslayers true, but besides FEH a tiny bit, it hasn't.
  15. (11 - current HP) * 10 = Avoid bonus. So if at 10 HP, you get 10 Avoid, if at 1, you get 100.
  16. Really? Did you say you were having fun with this puzzle earlier, or was that a different one? Was this super-long puzzle fun at some and has it since become a burden? If you actually mean a dungeon built around a single giant puzzle, well on paper that doesn't sound like a bad idea. It'd be befitting lore if it was placed in an all-important shrine as a seal to keep isolated a world-threatening evil or a universe-changing power.
  17. TMS had a lot of other things going against. Namely that for the FE trappings it has, those aren't a ton of FE, the FE aspect could've been integrated more strongly. (Keep in mind, I like TMS.) Also, Warriors is not exactly "anime". There are anime pretty boys and cute & sexy ladies aplenty, but Musou has a lite history appeal as well, both of the mainlines franchises being based on history. And there is that classic Musou catharsis of power as you cleave through hundreds of enemies, which has a certain anime appeal perhaps, but it's very separate from pixel lust.
  18. I'm feeling like if FE were to do a good political marriage, it should be two politically and militarily powerful individuals. Wouldn't it be an awesome ally or fearsome foe if two kingdoms, neither that major a player by itself, were combined in the union of two sage-warrior-monarchs? Perhaps there isn't true love in the marriage, but both would know exactly what they'd want from each other, the resources for their continuation of their shared and separate objectives. Imagine one trying to seduce the other into agreeing to their preferred allocation of their unified assets, knowing full well that impassioned kisses won't get the other anywhere. If they were sufficiently compatible, this sex of ulterior motives could be very entertaining for the two, creating real appreciation of the other person. And for the children, well they're the ultimate long-term investment, both parents could take a very keen interest in teaching the children the value of hard work and working towards the important things -however each parent defines these. This is true. Even the best of OSTs becomes bothersome if you listen to them too much. FE4 doesn't force you to play a giant map in one sitting, but people do it anyhow, and that combined with the turns of naught but moving units sometimes, creates a toilsome effect on the listener. If you broke up the FE4 experience more, it'd ease the music fatigue. And in some other FEs, the player phase theme may vary from chapter to chapter, another way of keeping music fatigue down.
  19. If only I knew how positive the Oina people in Okami are as an Ainu representation. They're the one case of the Ainu in video games that I can think of.
  20. For the Ryukyu Islands, which Okinawa of the famed World War II battle belongs to, during the Tokugawa Shogunate (1600-1868), the Ryukyu Islands were officially independent. This was because Japan wanted to trade with China, but the Ming & Qing governments hated Japan, not the least because of the Korea invasion under Toyotomi Hideyoshi and rampant Japanese wako piracy before Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu reunified the country. Some Chinese traders visited Nagisaki the lone Japanese port open to outsiders, but they were limited. The southern Japanese island of Kyushu was invested almost entirely to the Shimazu clan, and the Shimazu were also tasked with keeping the Ryukyu Islands as the clan's vassal. The Shimazus got a lot of political prestige from this back in Tokyo, despite the Shimazu being officially a tozama (discriminated against by the Tokugawa government) feudal clan. The King of Ryukyu had to hide his Japanese advisors when the Chinese came to visit, because China thought the Ryukyu Islands were their vassal, but the Chinese were smart enough to tell something was up. Nonetheless, China didn't interfere with Japanese puppeteering and continued to trade with the islands, and thus the Japanese could buy Chinese goods from there. In the present day, the Ryukyu Islands are notably where the vast majority of United States military bases in Japan are located, far in excess of their percentage of the Japanese population. It's contentious, because even the best behaved armies creates problems for the local people. But that is enough Japanese history! 😄
  21. Being our second Fighting starter that was part Fire, it isn't that it's bad. It is just Fire is so rare in Sinnoh in D/P. If you don't understand the "Infernape's paw" line someone wrote earlier, it's a Pokeified version of the phrase "monkey's paw", a severed monkey's hand is consider a highly cursed object. Wishing upon a monkey paw's is like selling your soul to the devil, it will end badly. Keep in mind Japan didn't really consider Hokkaido a part of the country until after 1853 and Japan's opening to the modern West. There were cultural and political interactions prior to that, but it was more a wild frontier under peripheral control. To avoid becoming prey to Europe and America as China and other countries were in the Industrial Age, Japan needed to be strong, and to be strong, it needed an empire. Bring Hokkaido and the Ryukyu Islands under direct control instead of longstanding indirect control, and conquering Korea were all necessary for Japan's survival -according to the Japanese imperialists, the natives living in those places might not have agreed with that. Ryukyu Islanders and Ainu alike are marginalized indigenous peoples who remain affected by longstanding, if weakening in the modern day, racism against them. Perhaps to an extent like Native Americans in the US and Canada, although I have not studied in detail the Ainu nor Ryukyuans myself.
  22. Thank you for the correction! I forgot to check Binding's script.
  23. Wouldn't a perfect circle be one where the last members of the lineage got sent back in time and became their own ancestors? -I can't see Crusader Kings getting a time travel mod, given the game ends once you get to a certain year, time is the game's limiter. And it wouldn't be worth making for incest alone, you'd need to be send an army and resources with your player character or something. Were it possible in the game to reach a situation wherein you amassed a giant army but found yourself without soft targets to aim it at, then a time travel mod would be useful if you could rewind time to when there were softer targets which your great big army could then claim. Good point! And as for other examples, HardinxNyna. Remember- she wed him solely because Boah was convinced she needed a big strong man to help rule Archanea and restore it after Medeus's short reign. Hardin loved Nyna too, but were she entirely selfish, she would've remained unwed b/c Camus was her one and only. You beat me to it. TearRing Saga has two little examples too. A totally generic pompous good-for-nothing noble tries marrying Princess Enteh and thus become King of Reeve. Enteh doesn't want it, and Runan her true love objects at the ceremony, threatening to use the force of all the attendees loyal to him if the nobleman doesn't back down. The duke is a chickenshit and so surrenders. The other instance being Prince Richard who has childish fantasies of becoming King of Leda, which meant having to marry Tia, the lost princess of the fallen kingdom. When she asks for time to consider his very public sudden proposal, he is furious and later betrays her to the evil dark dragon cult to get that crown he wants instead. And yet, in the end they somehow make up and actually wed. Is this Kaga did BerkutxRinea first? As for other mainline FE examples, FE7 might have had another political marriage.: Louise: “Lady Hellene has changed. Before she got married, she was a kind woman who wanted to be a good wife and a good mother.” Pent: “She and the king are ill matched. She has suffered much. And now, she is obsessed with the succession. Such a sad life…” It's not outright said to be arranged, but it could very well be. And if it was, well it helped Zephiel and start FE6 as a result, about as bad as HardinxNyna then. LinoanxArion in Thracia 776 is a political marriage, arranged to defend her little fiefdom of Tahra from the Empire and add it to Travant's realm. It's treated... rather neutrally, Linoan's true love is Deen, but she seems to accept the political situation and harbors no ill-will towards Arion, who isn't passionate for her but nonetheless polite. IRL, some political marriages were indeed bad. Gustavus Adolphus and his wife Maria Eleonora of Brandenburg turned into a loveless nightmare I recently read. Although Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III was passionately in love with his first wife (and cousin) Maria Anna of Spain, his somewhat early death at 49 may be owed in part to depression from her loss 11 years earlier.
  24. Well, the FE Mirages are mostly subtle. Their designs are awesome, but personality-wise, Tharja and Virion are the only two who stand out (excluding Tiki of course). I don't mind the subtlety though, and Draug being paired with Mamori is a good contrast of little girl and quiet big man. If one instance of reality is be taken as a universal example, it'll take 4 instances of first cousin incest and 1 case of second cousin incest to result in an unfortunately inbred to the point of severe physical and mental impairment child. -Assuming I read Charles II of Spain's genealogy properly. So what's a one-time cousin marriage gonna do? What are the chances their descendants are going to fall in love with their relatives. And mind, reality wasn't concerned about love when it made those weddings, FE has modern world values, so political marriages wouldn't happen. I know I'm late to say it, but congrats! You're more of a Mario Master than me. I gave up somewhere into the start of the Green Star collecting. Nor have I ever really finished the bonus stages barring SMG2. I've never finished SMB3 or 1 or played LL at all either.
  25. Hard to beat sword lasers raining from your mouth.😛 Touma da best. Kiria, Mamori, Yashiro, Maiko, and Tiki are all great or fine. Eleonora is slightly below the big pack for some reason for me. Itsuki is basically SMT/Persona Silent MC with a tiny bit of dialogue. Tsubasa... would be better with less limelight narratively, spreading it out to the others would hide the fact she really isn't that strong a female lead. And Barry has a comical idea behind him, but leans into "middle-aged otaku" to the point it becomes creepy to some extent, so he has to finish dead last. FE is Ninty, but I've played enough Mario & Zelda and the ilk that I get what you're saying.😉 It'd be worth seeing what you propose tried out in SRPG Maker. Now how would FE design philosophy in Mario work out, to flip the question. Terribly?
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