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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. This isn't at all special, so I read. https://kantopia.wordpress.com/2018/06/24/fe-heroes-do-my-best-jpn-vs-eng/ Outside of FE, I recall a young happy archer girl who'd say the phrase often at the of their turn. Besides tone of voice, how about facial and body language? Eyes narrow with inner anger, the sword hand, although the mind has no desire to kill, clenches the Killing Edge with a touch more strength. The still body of the silent assassin keen to avoid unnecessary movement, unusually moves its stance a bit as if caught most unexpectedly off guard- but not too much given Jaffar's expertise and still strong loyalty to Nergal and Sonia. I can't see Jaffar shouting in rage very much, not yet. In the Night of Farewells confrontation with Sonia, after he has discarded his old obedience forever, but not now. Will you get to see that confrontation? Well, 58 Avoid + a Pillar's +20, 34 HP, 15 Def, 11 Res and an Elixir will largely determine that, won't it?
  2. Being in a WWI trench provides good evidence some would say for the nonexistence of God, but being in one provides a good reason to want to believe in a benevolent God just the same. Replace "WWI trench" with Coronavirus and "God" with a "perfect" Trump, and you have an okayish comparison. Crises are not guaranteed to make disbelievers of a "wrongful" concept and can have the opposite effect. At the end of the day, this country was already polarized into factions against and for Agent Orange. Nothing so far has stuck to the demagogue, and no future disaster will peel off his supporters. Well, not in significant numbers, maybe a few farmers abandoned him during the Chinese Tariff War of... 300BC? -I forget how long it has been. Even if rural Americans started falling like Plague victims into mass graves, which it hasn't, 20k dead Americans in total is still tiny, would they blame the President? Or would the living be so consumed with grief that they would be focused on grieving and shout at you if you tried to ask them "Who do you blame for this?" because they honestly don't care about that? Then the tears dry up, and they try to get on living daily life with sorrow in their hearts, never once thinking about how their loss is related to government, and thus going to the ballot box/voting by mail without the slightest change in their thinking from what it was pre-Coronavirus.
  3. And why not go a step further and swap out some FE6 characters for FE7 ones? Alen and Lance with Kent and Sain would be good, since they've same total growths. Marcus with Marcus too? Lugh with Erk? Melady with Heath? Shanna with Florina? Ogier with Raven? Garret with Hawkeye? Clarine with Priscilla? Bors with Oswin? Sin with Rath? Wolt and Dorothy with Rebecca and Wil? Ellen with Serra? Wade and Lott with Dorcas and Bartre? Geese with Dart? Maybe even Zelot with Isadora just because? Cecilia with Pent? You don't have to, but it'd be a way to check and see how certain characters function in a higher difficulty environment. Does Oswin get worse, or better? How much less broken is FE7 Marcus in 6? Is Raven even better?
  4. Facial hair does weird things to people. Bartre becomes smart, and Hector's arms shrivel up- his FE6 version has only 18 Str for a 20/20 General. And Hector would've been much worse, and Eliwood... would've been Roy with less Luck- so-so. Lyn vs. Normal Mode Rutger and Fir, for the heck of it (rounding up if .5 or greater): Level 4: Lyn: 18/5/9/11/7/3/1 Rutger: 22/7/12/13/2/5/0 Fir: 21/7/11/12/5/3/2 Level 15: Lyn: 26/10/15/17/13/5/4 Rutger: 31/10/19/19/5/7/2 Fir: 30/10/16/18/10/5/4 I'll leave Lyn's promotion as Blade Lord, instead of changing it to Swordmaster. Level 20/5: Lyn: 35/15/23/22/18/10/12 Rutger: 43/15/24/23/8/12/6 Fir: 40/15/23/24/15/9/8 Level 20/20: Lyn: 46/21/29/30/26/13/16 Rutger: 55/20/29/30/13/15/9 Fir: 52/19/29/30/22/12/11 Lyn has inferior bases even on Normal for Fir and Rutger. But, by promotion she sheds her inferiority and ties, before emerging the best besides HP at maximum level. Not bad, her base HP just needs a bump. Made female Swordmaster instead for +30 Crit, she could be roughly as good as these two.
  5. Complete every non-Itsuki character's set of three side-stories. This modifies their character ending information and adds an extra scene with Itsuki. It's not a "good ending" in the sense the alternative is a "bad ending". It's "good" vs. "better", or "good ending+".
  6. I remembered Nintendo made two Valentine's Day cards once. One was Adult Tiki and read "Let's upgrade our relationship status!" or something like that. The other was Walhart and read "I'd conquer the world... For one moment with you." Can anyone find these? Fair point. There doesn't have to be a "reason" someone is gay, it doesn't have to be related to their other character tropes/facets. Again, I'll suggest Stahl, because laid back and mild is a nice vibe. Let a friend to all be a hubbie to all fans. I know I kinda contradict what I just said, but I personally like the chill best bud type, since I like Ranulf and Stahl and I think they're alike in this way. These are the four most popular males from the poll that determined who got into Awakening's DLC CGs. Intentional? Or just your personal preferences?
  7. Fates had its Mess Hall too. You could borrow from it for ideas. Peri's Exquisite Beef Stew, with plenty of red tomato sauce maybe? I would suggest Lugh Baked Tarts, Soren Stolen Lamb Shanks, and Ike Spicy Plate of Some Hunk of Meat too. And on drinks, some reusable plastic bottles in the shape of Vulneraries please.
  8. Sorry for your ironman being ruined by Purge. Lyn averages 29 HP and 6 Res at 20 unpromoted, Kenneth is 31 Atk with Purge, so I can definitely see a less trained one with RNG variability being OKHO'ed. Only for FE7, he's a typical embarrassing, loving dad with muscles in FE6. The difference is night and day, Bartre grew brains when he got older. Harken's bases are slightly better on HHM. He, Heath, Vaida, Guy, Raven, Geitz, and Legault all get, presumably intentional this time, Hector Hard bonuses of about 4 HP and 1-2 points in everything else growable except Lck. You could buy some Lancereavers in the chapters that sell them, but a mere 15 uses each is annoyingly low.
  9. Well, they say Frederick II "the Great", King of Brandenburg-Prussia and victor of three wars in which he wrestled Silesia from the Hapsburgs and defended his seizure against all odds, was possibly gay. At the very least he disliked women, had no mistresses, was distrustful of religion so he wasn't simply being celibate, and very rarely saw his wife and had no children with her. Sure he was an arrogant elitist despot who wasn't quite as enlightened as he styled himself to be, but doesn't this fit Walhart? Other things on the male side, Gayrom would have to mean surrogacy because Falchion demands the Brand, and I'm not sure IS wants to write that in. But, I'd like someone "relaxed" as an option, which means either Henry or Stahl or Kellam but I wouldn't want him. Henry I guess. Considering I remember the Harvest Festival had a joke of this between him and Vaike, no.
  10. If Reyn's VA recorded no new lines as stated before, and there will have to be some battle involved, does that mean no Reyn at all in FC? It'd be awkward to exist in gameplay but never speak a single word in story. Well, there goes one tank. If it's just Shulk and Melia, how are they going to survive any battles that happen? They're both squishy. Who could be there to take the pain away? The Monado is large enough to block hits with, and it's magical enough to pretend that in the case of new Arts, that Melia remains frail and Shulk shifts role to tank. Pretend it's reflective of character development from the main story too, he can stand on his own two feet against any pressure.
  11. If they'd port Stella Glow, I'd want them to bundle and port the three Luminous Arcs at the same time. They're the predecessors to Stella Glow, inferior, but same emphasis on Witches with the same general anime aesthetic and feel, and same SRPG gameplay. Individually they wouldn't be worth selling, but as a bundle for $29.99? Maybe. Younger me was remiss LA3 never left Japan too. And if you're able to those rereleased, then raid the rest of Imageepoch's library and bring us 7th Dragon and 2020 and 2020-II, perhaps all bundled together too at a $29.99 price tag- plenty o' good dungeon crawl there. The major issue all three games must be translated here. Lastly Arc Rise Fantasia- the Wii RPG that is narratively a wannabe Tales, but with turn-based gameplay. $19.99 might be reasonable for an old full-length game? It was co-developed with Marvelous, who are bringing back RF. But, the North American publisher was Ignition, who also gave the game some atrocious voice acting and slightly inferior translation.
  12. I was being intentionally contrarian and putting the worst possible spin on it for the sake of perspective. But yes, the interview from 1996, the same year as Genealogy's release. https://garmtranslations.wordpress.com/2019/02/13/fire-emblem-genealogy-of-the-holy-war-fan-special-roundtable-discussion/ The most relevant bit of it: So, Kaga did care for Julia, but at the same time he compares her to a weapon and says the final chapter was merely a bonus, which I take to mean not truly central to the narrative he was most focused on. Never mind how Kaga wrote and himself saw his characters, is not the be all, end all of how a character is. After all, I'm sure 70-80% of FE4 players would agree that Kaga: Kaga’s comment: Sigurd’s chapter was meant simply to be foreshadowing, leading up to Seliph’s chapter. Was wrong about this. FE4 Gen 1's narrative is usually preferred to the 2nd Gen's, to call Sigurd's stuff just foreshadowing is to demean it and overvalue Seliph's simple liberation war. Lilina is on the boxart of FE6, and inherited Caeda's ability to recruit random people. It's not her fault FE6 is a Roy monologue. Guinevere isn't playable except after 10 playthroughs and only in noncanonical Trial Maps, so I get why they didn't toss her on the box. If we went for narrative presence and gameplay usability, the female lead for FE6 would be Merlinus (or Elffin).
  13. It's not merely that, it's also narrative importance. Kaga once said Chapter 10 is the real end to Jugdral's plot- Seliph has avenged himself on Arvis- and everything else is clean up. Understanding this to mean FE4 (not only Gen 2, Kaga expressly preferred Seliph campaign over Sigurd's quest it seems) is merely Seliph's personal story, Julia becomes an afterthought of much lesser importance. She exists, to cast it in a most negative light, to sweep out the trash of Julius, Seliph already slit the throat of the noble and magnificent stag called Arvis. -- Elincia is solidly a deuteragonist to me. From its inception PoR wasn't about Elincia, nothing of what we have of PoR beta notes, which isn't a lot actually, mentions her. PoR is Ike's story and Elincia just facilitates the journey. RD did something quite interesting with her I don't think any other lord has had to deal with, even if it can be fairly critiqued. Part 2, despite its bumps, is excellent writing to me and it centers around Elincia's character development. Part 2 is filler, a way to transition from 1 to 3 without too much drama and whiplash, but they could've done far worse. Likewise, the Hawk Army in Part 4 is world-building and loose ends fluff, but to me it's well-written, and Elincia is part of it. From a mere helpless damsel in PoR, to a confident, steeled queen, able without feeling unworthy and inferior to stand aside the mighty Hawk King as his equal. Whilst Legendary slots I'd say should go to protagonists first, deuteragonists to fill in what remains of the slots when the protagonists are exhausted is fine to me. Elincia can take one. A better Amiti seems boring to me, so I picked Matrona, because Laura or Rhys aren't likely to come and get it sometime soon.
  14. If one were to trust the Wikis, it look like it's Rigaku for Reason in 3H, which is given the no-debate definition of "science". Anima Magic in GBA FE is Kotowarimaho. Not the same term, yet both have the "Ri" Kanji. Forblaze's epithet- the "Infernal Truth" is Goka no kotowari. "Ri" is present again, but I don't know anything else other than the absence of "ma" means there is no "magic" in the title.
  15. Eh, I'm too materialistic to decide. Merely sibling relations? Rolf's cute and all, but coldly thinking about it, I don't really care about a sibling bond for its own sake and nothing else. I might have a sibling I love IRL, but adding another with no other benefits? I'll pass. Even when I recall my young childhood memories of fantasizing about being the sibling of Ash in Pokemon, it was always predicated on me having Pokemon powers. I guess my mind was as selfishly superficial on this topic then as it is now.
  16. Looking the .org FE Wiki to double check, it appears yes and no. The magic type in Japanese supposedly translates as "elemental magic", and consists of three Kanji (judging from what I know Kanji to look like). But the support Affinity's name looks like it is only the first of the three Kanji used in the name of the magic type, and nothing else. The Wiki notes: "Inner Essence. The meaning is difficult to translate into a single concise word and, among other things can be described as, reason, logic, or "the natural order of things".[2] Possibly invoking the Chinese li[3] it is a philosophical concept relating to the "rational principle" of nature." Bolded on my part for emphasis.
  17. This is weird. I've put some thought into who I'd want to have an intelligent conversation with, and an overabundance of thought about who I'd want to shack up with. But none on sibling relations. What kind of sibling relationship is this? Are we adopted/sworn siblings? Or is this some altverse shenanigans where we've suddenly known each other since the other left our shared mamma's womb? Are our we like siblings but actually cousins b/c one of my real world parents is descended from a shared ancestor 3-4 generations ago as one of my sibling's parents? If me and Kurthnaga are siblings, does that mean I'm a Dragon Laguz, or does Dheg only punch people now b/c I'm Branded? If I were to be pure Dragon Laguz, sign me up for Kurth for sure, or Tiki as a second pick, or Ena for third. Reyson, Sephiran, or Naesala for a fourth through sixth picks, Skrimir for a seventh. If I must pick a human royal family, I want to review my options from every FE world carefully and pick a sibling who would let me build our shared empire as I wish. Leif, if you don't let me install opera houses and observatories in every provincial city b/c finances don't allow it, I don't want to be related to you. Need I be more humble? Fine, off the top of my head, can I be the fourth member of the Oscar-Boyd-Rolf crew? I simply have no idea who I'd realistically care for on a purely sibling level.
  18. No free jumping in TMS, it's purely context-sensitive. Next FE has a dedicated jump button for the 3D roaming segments, but it's utterly worthless because you can't jump over or on top of anything with it, and all it's good for is making the MC grunt like they're taking a hot dump and making love at the same time.
  19. Perhaps the Guinevere and Zephiel scene would've been better shown to the player, but not to HEL? We don't need them to see everything we do. I'd say when it comes to GBA magic, it's as follows: Anima- Philosophy (apparently, Anima has always been called "Reason" in Japanese, not just 3H, explains Forblaze as the "Infernal Truth") Dark- Pseudo-scientific (not a bad idea, medieval European alchemy and astrology were predecessors towards real science) Light- Faith As Knoll puts it in his C Natasha support: Knoll: Hm… Well, I suppose you are right about that. Your magic stems from faith in the unknowable, the divine presence. In contrast, dark magic stems from knowledge, from understanding. We distrust what we do not understand, and we strive to know the unknowable. Perhaps our disciplines truly are incompatible. For Kenneth, perhaps faith, not in the unknowable, but in Nergal, which suffices on a magical-emotional wavelength level, is what lets him use Light magic. True gods are, besides Tellius, doubtful to exist in FE, though lesser spirits should, so I wouldn't think any god gives power to anyone for any magic. It's just different mindsets facilitate use of a certain magic type more than others. Maybe, just maybe, they mean Jerme? Sonia: “…… I wonder what he’s about… …I’ll deal with it later. Listen, Jerme. You’re in charge of the guard while I’m gone. Do not let anything happen to the item.” Jerme: “In charge of the guard… Bah! I was top dog until that cretin Jaffar showed up.” Yet, Jerme seems very sadistic, and Jaffar came off to me as having been with Nergal since he was an infant. So I would think Jaffar became a Four Fang as soon as Nergal corrupted the Black Fang, and Jerme is a pre-Nergal/Sonia original? But why would Brendan allow Jerme in? At best, Sonia brought Jerme into the Fang, and Nergal kept Jaffar as a bodyguard for a time before deciding to have him join the Fang proper. Loli Ninian when? Get to it Heroes! 😜
  20. Super Star invented "Copy Abilities with more than 1 move", which is core to Kirby nowadays. For a date-free timeline of Kirby: After this comes Return to Dream Land, and you should know the rest. If Kirby got a second game on the Switch that didn't play very differently from Star Allies, we'd have 5 similar games in row. I love the Super Star format, but it needs to be spaced to stay fresh. Maybe Planet Robobot after Triple Deluxe was just too much Kirby for me, the 3DS didn't need two of them. Mario stays limited to 1, 2 at most with SMG, 3D collectathon platformers per generation. Kirby should follow suit, or try a reinvention like Breath of the Wild. As for Kirby spinoffs, with only the worthy titles being bolded.: TL;DR For other Kirby games you could play, I recommend Super Star. You can emulate the Dark Matter Trilogy and Amazing Mirror on the side, but they aren't the best Kirby games. For the Dark Matter Trilogy, get every Rainbow Drop/Heart Star/Crystal Shard before fighting the final boss, otherwise you miss on the true final boss and will get the bad ending. They're weird Kirby games in that they have these.
  21. I think Kirby has kinda stagnated at this point. It starting with Squeak Squad Returns to Dreamland brought back Super Star goodness in the modern era and given us several titles of it, yay! But it needs to figure out how to do more than a single gimmick now, and to be less overtly reliant on blasts from the past. It needs a good paradigm shift, a pivotal, fundamental change in what it means to be a Kirby game, but it has to be executed well. As for Triple Deluxe, Planet Robobot is on the whole the better game. Bosses in 3D can spend a bit too long in the background, Pyribbit being the worst. Robobot Armor is better than Hypernova for a stage gimmick too. Playing as King Dedede after beating the game is fun, but only equal to Meta Knight. The experiences being quite the same otherwise, if one had to pick only one, PR would be it.
  22. Except movies are too boring. I can't muster the effort to sit and focus on one for the 1 & 1/2 to 2 & 1/2 hours required. On the other hand, I was on an extreme end willing to suffer through Persona 2's far too frequent encounters to see its narrative through. What I may not be able to tolerate in a movie, I may be able to tolerate or more in a video game. It's my personal double standard of aesthetics, and so as long as I do not assert this as a universal standard all should obey, I am sticking to it. (BTW, I have no problem disliking a genre, particularly for this one that though I love it, tends to be overly vocal amongst them all.) I'll terminate this argument here and keep to my inclusive beliefs as to what art is. You and your snobbishly exclusive ones can stay in its clubhouse for five million in a world of seven billion. It seems in this matter and others we are destined to disagree, which is but saddening, yet so be it. I hope to be right, but if there is an afterlife wherein a purgatory exists to expel my erroneous beliefs before ascension to the paradise, I wish to be there to remove this one of art if it be wrong. I would hope you wish the same of yourself, and of me as I would of you on the grounds of the inherent value of all human life. Good day sir! Let us meet again elsewhere as thought we had drank from the River Lethe.
  23. And what of art that isn't filthy propaganda, art that intends to defy or doesn't intend to be educational? How much education is Manet's Olympia besides France has prostitutes? What education does Monet's water lilies provide other than beauty exists in nature? If that is sufficient for you, then why doesn't Tales magical-not-so-subtle-allegory environmentalism message or Tellius's "racism is complicated, difficult to overcome, and bad" enough? Not all art is a Hogarth political cartoon. You're sounding like a STOP sign might be art. Heck, the Stop sign is better art it sounds than actual high art, since that is often laden with intricate subtleties and education is better when it's direct. Visual novels of the good non-dating sim kind might be an extreme case, but so are very high artsy movies. Woody Allen spits at the Marvel Cinematic Universe not without a reason. Furthermore, how much play is one really doing with visual novel? If the game is merely reading text with a light and easy puzzle tossed in every 30 minutes, does the one drop of egg yolk kill the meringue-to-be? Not necessarily. From what I'm aware, a central twist of Nine Persons Nine Hour Nine Doors requires the touchscreen exist. Bravely Default could be done in certain movie theatres maybe, but not at home. Unless you can tell me how you make work elsewhere, go ahead, I sincerely mean it. Saying someone is overrated doesn't inherently prove your point. Now, is there anyone in this forum that knows the technical definition of "design"? Do video games fall into that and not art? If so, why?
  24. TBF, this was an Asian English translation, Southeast Asia doesn't care too much for accuracy being English is nonnative. Everywhere else replaced the p-word with "assault". From a totally unrelated game:
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