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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Avi is a character who originally looked like this: and was going to be (as in she canonically isn't) related to Peach.
  2. Now that I think about, despite it being a good way to kill two birds with one stone, FE6's corrupt Etrurian nobles never make Roy fight the Western Isles resistance fighters. The bandits of Chapter 9 are just bandits paid for by the Etrurian nobles to kill Roy and oppress the locals I think. The odd thing is, if one reads Binding Blade as inspired by Marth's two journeys narratively, then I've interpreted the Western Isles as the Grust and Macedon Expeditions. So just as Marth's hands were kept clean with Lorenz's honest rebellion and Macedon under Archanea stooges, so Roy is kept out of slaying Larum and Elffin's comrades. You do kill good people in FE, all those Camuses and the valiant masses drafted into their nations' warfare and fighting either against their will or without knowing the hidden truth. But in certain cases from time to time, IS has tried to keep the player from killing the good.
  3. For 8 and 8x, the bandits are there to get back Dagda, Tanya, and Marty. Though at the same time, the game explains how the barrenness of South Thracia's land leads to banditry in desperation. Besides that, the bandits of 8, 12, and 15 all serve another purpose I think. That purpose being carefully planned relaxations of difficulty. 8 is the first chapter where Fatigue sets in, after the menacing Manster Escape. So the game relents to compensate for having a large number of allies tired out. Chapters 11 and 11x weren't so bad I think that they needed a Fatigue-relief chapter, but at the same time, the player has gotten a lot of new allies in the past few fights. Chapter 12 lets you train them up without fear of ballistae and murder holes galore. Steal is useless on all those Brigands, and yet they have it and it causes them to provide increased EXP when slain. With Fog of War, Salem's Sleep, and the Capture + turn limit to get to 12x in, Chapter 12 still isn't too easy. Chapter 15 is a fun breather before the route split, and for some, Chapters 14 and 14x might have been problematic (but 14 is actually easy if you aren't trying to the Dragonpike and Nosferatu without Warp).
  4. No. Instead, we flip the word around to make it woh. Does my new avi look okay, or should I keep looking for a new one?
  5. And random realization I knew before, but forgot to mention- Mystery of the Emblem Book 2/New Mystery. This game really shouldn't have had an opening chapter with bandits. The game kicks it off with trying to repress Lorenz's one-chapter rebellion, so you should be fighting Grustian rebels. The game makes up the excuse that only Lorenz himself is left and that bandits have taken over in the chaos. But this excuse only exists to keep the player from dirtying their hands. Lorenz and his rebellion are in the right, but IS didn't want the player to massacre good people, so they killed all the good people beforehand via bad people. They even deny you Lorenz's head by making him too durable to take down and hence Marth just talks to him and he dies on his own accord. Don't forget the Barbarian Clans of Archanea. Primarily all those who Gharnef brainwash into protecting the Dragon's Altar/Table/Place Where Medeus Lives For Four Minutes. But the rest of them practically own the northern wastelands (not that anyone civilized would want to own them), and put the wastelands' powerful feral dragons in domesticated shackles. Honestly, if they could drag a handful of Wyverns, Fire, and Ice Dragons down into Aurelis, they could possibly destroy it overnight.
  6. https://www.siliconera.com/2019/07/25/project-sakura-wars-introduces-the-shanghai-combat-revue-and-its-action-rpg-gameplay/ So they've ditched the strategy RPG gameplay for action. Sounds like a questionable move, but at least they explained why and that there was internal struggle on the matter.
  7. Whilst I usually don't have vivid dreams or dreams I remember on awakening, I did have a short one last night. I spun a wheel with all three houses listed on it. Whilst I thought to myself "maybe I should spin the wheel four times", the dream ended before that happened, I didn't see the results of the third spin, nor do I recall that of the second, but the first and therefore only I do remember. I remember it because I then woke up and grabbed the piece of paper and pen on my nightstand and jotted down "GD". But then I returned to sleep, and woke up to discover the piece of paper where I wrote the GD didn't have it on it. I had jotted down the note in a dream where it seemed I had woken up. I guess I could follow this dream then, I don't care about the houses at all really. But I'm not going to buy this game for over a month at least, so I don't have to decide now.
  8. Ah-mee-bo Guh-zee-bo Two words, each three syllables, with the last both being "bo". The three syllables altogether being rather unusual in English. Perhaps this is the good chemistry of the phrase? And oh, they rhyme. I didn't realize that right away because I was saying "Guh-ze-bo".
  9. There is a solution. Just press +. Or whatever the skip button is. That should severely cut down on the number of spoilers you see. I might actually play the game this way.
  10. Well this is interesting, Nintendo is now supposedly considering offering free Joy-Con repairs, and refunds for those who have already had them done. Latin America, or at least Costa Rica, is indeed offering free Joy-Con repairs it seems. Europe might be a mixed bag, Brexitland is not free-repairs, nor is Baguetteland, but Damned to be Dryland is free-repairs.
  11. Because one can judge the grammar apart from the emotion placed into it when voice acted. The juxtaposition of powerfully emotive elocution with improper spelling, pronunciation, and structure, is an unstable mixture that cannot create a singular resulting reaction in the audience. The awesomeness of how it is said coexists with the badness of what is said, and serves to heighten the cringe reaction. Should I change my avi, even if what I change it to has nothing to do with my username?
  12. From a story standpoint, it lets the player be eased into the narrative. They get some time to learn the basics about the main character and the world before having to understand what the Evil Empire is currently doing, how it operates, and what the good guys are doing to stop it. This doesn't stop the Evil Empire from doing evil starting with Chapter 1, Binding Blade and Sacred Stones have the Evil Empire invade in the opening. But delaying encountering them in gameplay lets the player digest things easier. FE doesn't like doing In Media Res starts, or so I understand that artistic term. For FE to do that, a war would have had to been underway for months, if not years, with the starting playable heroes directly involved in it. In the particular case of Path of Radiance, the bandits of Chapters 1-3 also serve to establish an "ordinary day in the life of the Greil Mercenaries". It creates a sense of normalcy in peacetime, before Chapter 4 and the Daein invasion turns things into abnormal times with the Greil Mercs being abnormal mercenaries tasked with protecting Princess Elincia.
  13. You've inspired me to whip up my next FE minutiae project: Note- numbers never factor in the lord/forced deployments unless stated otherwise. FE1: Thracia 776 (Note, the hyphen shows minimum deployment requirement including Leif, the right is the maximum deployment including Leif, but not other forced deploys): Binding Blade: Path of Radiance: I'll do all the other games later.
  14. Nope, after you complete the second stage of the final fight, you'll be granted a reprieve to rearm everyone. It's when you end this reprieve and choose to walk forward onto the third battlefield (which has a separate pre-battle screen for position units) that it'll be set in stone. Also, at that point, IIRC, all Laguz (maybe not the Herons?) will start every battle with a full transformation gauge. That was specifically for the Serenes Massacre. Do recall that despite being the Laguz-friendly Beorc country, Crimea back in PoR's Blood Runs Red, had Ranulf shoved a bunch by racist peasants. The Herons I guess were treated differently from the other Laguz. The Herons were known to be delicate and peaceful, the rest are furry and feathery and like roughhousing. Herons = civilized apostates (they did not believe in the goddess-choseness of the Apostle) to Begnion people, other Birds and Beasts = savages, or I speculate. The game did make the point that the Begnion Central Army was only grazed up to and including 3-3, though you might be right that the massive retreat was too much. Pulling back to an opposite riverbank and holding there might have been more realistic. Begnion is the undisputed superpower of Tellius. Whereas Bern = Etruria in Elibe for instance, Begnion lacks any single equal in terms of strength. All kingdoms but Goldoa originally were part of Begnion- so the artbooks and an official timeline describe. There is a -30 Hit penalty when attacking from Range 3 with a bow, but Marksmen (Saggitary in Japan) have the Skl to not care about that. While PoR was really bad for bow users, RD did better with them, well not great (FE12, FE6), but they're better, and the Marksman class is a sweet treat for them. RD has what's called the Extended Script. Basically it's a translation faux pas. In the Japanese version of the game, playing on Hard adds little bits to the dialogue here and there. The US added some bits of its own to the script (Micaiah mentioning Lekain at the end of 4-P is one of them), but forgot to translate the Extended Script. One itty-bitty scrap: Micaiah: β€œIt really suits you. This costume.” Sothe: β€œAre you sure…?” Micaiah: β€œMmm-hmm.” The Extended Script has serious stuff too, like this from 3-13: But SF doesn't have the full Extended Script translated, unfortunately. And I forgot to mention, be sure to strip anyone you're not bringing into the final battles of the Nihil and Parity skills. Ike should've gotten Nihil on promotion, make sure he keeps that. Otherwise you can wait until on reassigning your copies of these skills.
  15. I want to update my one big FEH topic, and since this game is out now, I have one question. How many playable characters are there in total? Across all routes combined. Individual routes would be nice to know too, but not what I need.
  16. ...On second thought, looking up Another Episode Newlywed Mode (picture taken from months ago) Please let this just be similar menus! I'm sorry if I got any actual hopes up and I shouldn't have! I also managed to find elsewhere that each voice drama is about 7 minutes long. So 91 minutes of voice drama total. Looking at FE voice dramas, the Blazing Blade and Radiant Dawn ones went for 1800 Yen each ($16.50 USD). The Shadows of Valentia one went for 3500 Yen ($32.20 USD). Not sure how long those were, but being sold apart from an actual game unlike these might have made them pricer I speculate. One minor positive from the bleh nothing trailer, the 3D monster models give us the tiniest view of the art direction and graphics of the RF5. That is good, since it should be looking massively different from the 3DS port of RF4. And if the prior console RFs was anything to go by, Tides of Destiny (I prefer the simpler Japanese title "Oceans" actually), it'll ditch the top-down view for from-behind the protagonist perspective. Just to provide a an image each for what the prior console graphics looked like:
  17. I seriously did not know entering this topic that it referred to a 3H limited edition. I saw the title, and I thought "What is this? Some wacky Call of Duty spinoff? Some wacky Story of Seasons spinoff? A Plants vs. Zombies spinoff?" ...I leave this room.πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈπŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ
  18. Well Rune Factory 4 Special has released in Japan today. And they released a teaser trailer showing absolutely nothing but the old games' box art, some updated monster models, some new monster designs, and silhouettes of the new hero and heroine.: Hats, that's something we know now. RF4 Special save data causes two characters from the game to appear in RF5. Who and in what capacity is unsaid, but it'll probably be minor, like all the other prior character cameos in RF. The purple color in the 5 in RF5's logo will have some sort of tie to the game's theme. And since I didn't post about it before, for those who don't know, Rune Factory 4 Special's "Another Episode" was revealed back in June. It's 13 voice dramas- also called CD/radio dramas- which are events relayed through voice acting and some new illustrations. Each individual dramas belongs to a bachelor or bachelorette, and Ventuswill has the 13th. Ventuswill's voice drama is free, the rest of the voice dramas are free for the first month after the game's release, but you have spend 700 ($6.50 USD) Yen to download them all if you buy the game later. This is NOT the Married Life mode. That was not revealed at that time.
  19. I actually skipped the smithy event, but with me benching FEH forever now, and a nice little break, I think I'll get back into the swing of things for the summer event. My one concern right now is the genders for the summer event. The game is suggesting we'll get at least Summer Euden for a male, which is better than some other recent showcases have been. However, Euden isn't exactly what I want, the problem is he is just boyish, which is cute, but I'd like a little more virility on display. However, this: To celebrate summer in Dragalia Lost, we're preparing a two-part event which centers around the constantly cheerful ocean songstress, Siren. ...means there might be a second summer banner, hopefully with another beach dude.
  20. Ironman and Hard on New Mystery *Has flashbacks to the Flame Barrel* Good luck with this!
  21. No idea about 3H, and won't for at least over a month (just to remind people that not everyone is rushing out to buy this day one). But I wouldn't call Fates radical myself. It expands, but it fundamentally changes nothing of existential importance. Has FE had a Breath of the Wild? Or even a Super Mario 64/Ocarina of Time? Or Symphony of the Night? I don't know.
  22. I found this, but it isn't as informative as I thought it'd be.: https://cheddar.com/media/stop-complaining-you-secretly-love-spoilers
  23. 86 of the 143 Binding Blade supports are opposite-sex if I counted right. Or 60.1%. 59 of the 111 Blazing Blade supports are opposite-sex. Or 53.1%. Lower might be because Blazing's female roster is smaller as both a hard number and a percentage in FE7 than FE6. 44 of the 83 Sacred Stones supports are opposite-sex. Or 53.0%. 31 of the 68 Path of Radiance supports are opposite-sex. Or 45.6%. The only game where same-sex supports outnumber opposite-sex supports. Since all same-sex supports are not romance, I can ignore them for my next attempted calculation. 17 of the 86 Binding Blade opposite-sex supports I've bolded as judged to be certain romance. With 6 possible romances or so I see it. That means only 11.9% of all of Binding Blade's supports are certain romance, 16.1% with the six possibilities. These is also 19.8% and 26.7% of the opposite-sex supports. 24 of the 59 Blazing Blade opposite-sex supports are certain romance. With two-three loves without endings adding in SainxPriscilla, FioraxGeitz, and HectorxSerra. That means 21.6/24.3% of all supports are romantic. This is 40.7/45.8% of all opposite-sex supports are romantic, almost half. 19 of the 44 Sacred Stones opposite-sex supports are certain romance, with two cases of what I bolded as possible romance. 22.9/25.3% of all supports are romantic. 43.2/47.7% of all opposite-sex supports are romantic. Counting all my bolded, there are 12 romantic supports in PoR, this is including the highly contentious IkexSoren. Without the bolded, its only 4 supports that are certain romance (but there is more love than this in Tellius NaesalaxLeanne, CalillxLargo, MicaiahxSothe, NailahxRafiel). 4 of 83 is 4.8%, 12 of 83 is 14.5%. Leaving out IkexSoren, this 12.9% and 35.5% of opposite-sex supports being romantic. I should add that only 35.19% of Binding Blade's non-Trial Map playables are female. For Blazing Blade it's 29.55%. For Sacred Stones (no Creature Campaign) it's 36.36%, and for Path of Radiance of 13 the 41 support-having characters, 31.7%, are female. Why mention this? Well, Fates and Awakening have gender parity, of 49% female. Therefore, if you wore a blindfold and randomly shot Magical Arrows of Undefined Attraction, you would I think end up with 50% same-sex and 50% opposite-sex supports (not actually the case of course- b/c children, but think of a future hypothetical game without them). Likely not equally distributed for all characters, some would have more opposite-sexes and other more same-sexes, but the big picture would show equal halves. But, since all of the above games have significantly more men than women, if everyone were to get an equal number of supports, wouldn't it be expected that the percentage of opposite-sex supports would be lower than what they are? Looking at FE7, every girl but Karla and Ninian has 7 support chains. That is the maximum in FE7. Not all of them are opposite-sex, "Eek men scare me!" Florina has Hector as her only male support buddy. But on the other hand, Priscilla and Isadora have only male support partners, and Lyn and Serra have only Florina to turn escape from maleness with. Even Louise has nothing but men save for Rebecca, and she has a husband who bangs her during/just before the adventure! If some women are feasting in conversation, then it means some men either aren't naturally talkative, or just got shortchanged.
  24. Why is it I'm more eagerly speculating on a just-announced Nippon Ichi Software game than 3H and a slew of other AAA titles? The game in question? The Bokuhime Project, which translates as "Boy Princess" or "Lady (like the noble title) Young Man" I think. NIS's first (implying they might do more?) cross-dressing game. How is this game going to pan out? There are so many possibilities!🀩 But let's face it, the cynic is right. This is going to be just silly Japanese jokes, possibly a little offensive, and nothing truly in line with what IRL crossdressers think, believe, and are. Or even worse, judging from that one artwork available, it'll just be the typical anime girls, being typical anime girls, with the excuse they aren't actually girls when the eyerolls at the cutesy sexualization come. Since with the exception of the upper left girl and the less feminine lower left, none of these show any visible hint of possibly being male. However! I can't help but be a little foolishly optimistic it'll be better than that. That it'll be actually be cute guys looking like they're crossdressing in style, done with some not so bad silliness. Not that I think I'd ever get this, but I'm keeping my eyes on it. Just to see the final results.πŸ˜™
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