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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Plot. It's hard to have well executed themes if the plot isn't doesn't have good execution I think. Themes without solid plot execution then would amount to nice ideas on paper that don't pan out.
  2. Was there an event any time ago which gave out free Dragonflowers? I for some reason have 22 Colorless ones. But I coulda sworn I've never touched the mode. I never intend to obtain and use them. Maybe there was one instance I totally forgot where I tapped into the mode, but it must have been really forgettable if I can't recall a thing of it.
  3. I'm the person who frequently fields Glade on at least outdoor maps, despite his lackluster stats. Thracia gives a glut of unit slots, and Glade rarely fatigues with how little combat he has to do because I don't need everyone to be fighting. Dodgetanking in Thracia could use every possible +3 Evade too, since 1 RN Hit makes it harder to do (and Ballistae are so accurate and strong). The volunteers only give a little BEXP, 400 total. A level 1 Beorc 2nd tier unit with 0 EXP currently on them in RD requires (50x21) + 50 = 1100 BEXP to go from level 1 to 2. You can safely get let the volunteers get stabbed to death and not miss out on much. You probably ended up doing the same of not caring with the vigilantes in Blood Runs Red back in PoR. And the volunteers will technically live into the post-battle scenes storywise anyhow. For a postcard solution, I always send Nephenee south to visit three of the villages, and leave Brom up north. However, this 0% growths run (which in RD does have stat procs- the game won't allow for a 0 stats level and will instead force a +1 HP in 0% growths) from the legendary Dondon might provide you with a near-complete guide to winning this without a hitch. I don't think he did PoR transfer bonuses or any real RN rigging here. The three differences in my and his approaches are: Brom shoving Nephenee on turn 2 for some reason (on turn 1 we both have her kill the Fighter north of the cliff, while Brom visits the village on the left). Leaving the northern village unvisited until after clearing out the south. I don't do that, I have Brom visit the north village after the left one. DD instead sends Brom south, DD seems smarter here. Nephenee heads east for DD to get visit villages and get Heather, I usually sent her west to the Javelin village. Again, DD seems the wiser, since it lets you catch Heather on the first turn she shows up. Just don't risk Nephenee against the boss and leave it to Brom. And have Brom stop by the Javelin village, which DD didn't consider important for his turncounts, but you'll be wanting it.
  4. Part 4 Interlude 0.26: 8/4 New Places The rest of Part 4 won't take long, I'll finish it next time.
  5. Sorry for the delay on the next part, I had stuff written up, but it was all in a post I didn't actually post, which SF ended up deleting. Part 4: Song and Silverman Section 1: Mu-y Macho Stair Climbing I should be able to complete this Part in just two Sections, maybe three.
  6. Base points and renegotiation leverage I hear? One must hope his "Old Man "Get off my lawn!"" isolationism wins out. Remember that Syria one-off missile strike from years ago? I like to characterize that as the Old Lawn Man shooting his shotgun into the air, but going no further.
  7. Looks like a luau this time? But no one is entertaining with flashy displays of fire. Then again, is that water behind the planks? A boardwalk or boardwalk-luau fusion then? I'll bring the saltwater taffy, overpriced games, cheap prizes, and a few great whites and gangsters then. ...I'm in the mood to play a little Super Mario Sunshine now. Sirena Beach to be precise. Why don't Nintendo make a 3D Mario HD Collection? Access to the old ones isn't so easy nowadays.
  8. Literal whitewashing. Wow. She looks lacking to make her lighter like this. And for Robin, a darker skin tone would be appropriate given that thing I'm not sure is human called Validar. Unless he had a pale virgin fetish that led to the capture of a lovely white "bride". From what I kinda recall in Awakening, Flavia, Basilio, and Aversa all had 3D models that looked a bit lighter than their portraits showed them to be.
  9. Until they add 3D functionality and gyroscopic control to FEH to make still images like those Super Mario 3D Land images, which have select parts that move and rotate as you move around the game system. Do it IS.
  10. Sure. If there is any reason you need a wish, make one, on something, on anything. Next meteor showers for this year start on the night of July 3rd through August 15th. You can expect to see only five per hour though.
  11. Blue, can't think of a particular shade though. And my room is Cabbage Leaf Green. Has mock apple pie lost its reason to exist in a globalized world where apples are available year round?
  12. Thanks for this preliminary number. FE's roster size has tends to be in the mid-forties, low fifties. So they've already revealed half the cast or more then. I don't think things will be Sacred Stones small or Fates small. And I decided to do a little math, using the under the criteria I listed in the opening post. And according to it, if I did the addition right, the total number of missing canonical playable characters is currently 323.
  13. But wasn't... Swimsuit Female Corrin the worst of all swimsuit characters? Doesn't her bottom tear from top to bottom on one side in the injured art, and would hence fall off were it not a still image? Nobody else has replicated that, right?
  14. They put Pyra in a blender with NES Art Celica. The results are... interesting? Bleh, I'm a Mythra (and Morag, and Brighid) person anyway. And fortunately, I can't think of an FE female who could fuse with her visually.
  15. We could another Red Infantry Celica, just have them recycle Pyra and put a brown-haired Alm in the artwork.
  16. I've already stopped reading the board here on SF, mostly because I don't want to get hyped and avoid speculation. I'll just keep to this and hope for the best. I don't visit other FE sites. Even if I get an eyeful of the undesirable, I'll just keep in mind there is always the journey to be enjoyed, even if you know the destination.
  17. True. FE being made in Japan I guess leaves it blind to global color a lot of the time. Does 3H still lack skin tone customization? And yet all the way back on the Wii the nothing game Pokemon: Battle Revolution's international version added two additional skin tone options for the player, and went and colored some of its trainers. Did IS not notice Monolith including the ability to pick anything from white to black to bluish green in XCX (although the playable cast there is near-exclusively white)? I'm strictly against any and all Seasonals beyond temporary use for TTs, but Helboy looks nice beyond his not so pretty mug (but you know who also don't have pretty mug? some of the 30 canon Axe Infantry not in this game). Normally I don't care for profuse musculature, Sumander and Summerick did little for me, but for some reason it's working here, as long as I mentally behead the dude.
  18. And with Swimsuit Ylgr, we've reached 100 Seasonal alts. By the way, whenever it is discovered, somebody tell me how many permanently playable characters 3H has. I won't be picking up the game for a few months myself.
  19. Nice character analysis. The love is there. For myself, in a nutshell, Pelleas has been definable by a good heart with good intention, but utter ineptitude in bring those intentions to fruition. His noble self-sacrifice is less about running selfishly away, as a mockery of noble sacrifices. Pelleas is so pathetic he can't even die right, and has to have somebody else kill him. This is not to say I dislike Pelleas, I actually do like him a lot. He is truly, as his leitmotif is called, "Sorrowful Prince Pelleas"; although "Pitiable Prince Pelleas" might be a clearer wording of what he is. Nor can one blame Pelleas for everything that happens to him. His signing of the Blood Pact? Yes, that is a real and fair criticism, Pelleas was stupid there, done thinking it would be for the better of his country- his good intentions at work, albeit he never actually read the darned paper himself. But at the same time, Izuka intentionally chose him to be a puppet on the orders of Lekain and more implicitly Sephiran. Pelleas could have no idea of this prior Parts 3 and 4, even if Izuka was clearly a loon. A loon certainly doesn't have to mean someone is working for the enemy. I do like Pelleas stepping down from the Daein monarchy. He isn't actually Ashnard's son, so the Hengist Dynasty (assuming it wasn't supplanted earlier and we don't know it) is well and truly dead (Soren wouldn't want it even if Pelleas knew). Maybe Pelleas be a fine king in an era that sat in the middle of a Pax Telliusana, but not at the founding of one when more was demanded of a monarch. Pelleas tried to be king for a while, he really gave it his all, but it didn't work out for him or for his country. He doesn't have the bloodline, he doesn't have the merit to rise to the highest office, what right does he have to the throne? Micaiah hasn't the bloodline the same. But she has proven merit greater than his. She harbors the same love for her country as Pelleas does. And the masses love Micaiah more than Pelleas, therefore, she ticks off three of four boxes for the monarchal office. Pelleas has only one. Growing a spine of defiance once does not mean always. Pelleas still trusted Izuka a lot, he was likely really busy doing a lot of kingly stuff, which would be overwhelming for this still unsteady newfound prince. Pelleas likely appreciated having a close advisor handle some of the very large workload ahead of him. And Izuka if it came to it could have easily bullied with insistence Pelleas into signing it, particularly if he caught him at a moment when Tauroneo or Micaiah wasn't around. Agreed, I like this. It's very unusual, but does drive home that Pelleas isn't suited for the great burdens of war or regnal peace, he is frail in ordinary ways (as opposed to special ways like Micaiah). Not so much a character comment, but I do like having a playable Spirit Charmer just to put a face to them in Tellius and prove they exist. It helps the Branded a little by having them exist as well. Visually speaking, I think should be mentioned in passing with Pelleas's character. In particular, his blue hair is likely inspired by Ashnard. Ashnard had blue hair, it'd be wholly plausible his son would also have it, it'd be an easy connection. In reality the son of Ashnard inherited a shade similar to his consort Almedha's dark green, and that is a clever trick on IS's part. Blue hair combined with maleness also draws a, more coincidental than by design I would say, character comparison and parallel between Pelleas and Ike. Ike is blue-haired like most old FE lords, and Ike is a very strong and talented person, Pelleas is quite the opposite. And regardless of hair color, most old FE lords are princes who must save the day, Pelleas is the prince who doesn't, and who instead royally screws up. Sigurd is the only one to flub up as badly as Pelleas, Leif is the Lord of Nonstarters, but even he gets a happy ending.
  20. A solution for sea level rise! Although he'd slaughter the entire oceanic ecosystem in the process. And it does nothing to affect ocean acidification. And all that evaporated water has to condense into clouds and then turn to rain eventually. If the clouds go inland before they turn to rain, that'd mean torrential flooding in all likelihood. Where is our Book 4 villain the Deity of Winds and Draconian Justice- Pholcetee? Maybe she/he can solve the underlying problem. Outside of roughly: the old men, the one old woman in Niime, Dorothy, maybe Meg, and some other randos like Makalov and Devdan; yeah most playables are classically idealized human forms or in some other way given to being visual appealing. Not equate things, since Hrid is a main story character and therefore the lack of actual doing is worse. But most FE characters technically have no claims to fame at all based on military achievements. Being most do not appear in the main plot and the player is free to kill X or do Y with anyone, few accomplishments can be attributed with certainty to anyone. All that can be said is they helped in a certain cause without specifics. Just a matter of time and Wil? It isn't a hard game, thats for sure (unlike Thracia), even without access to grinding and the like as in later games. Although if you ever want to, SF has all the Support Conversations' text right here. -I'm not trying to evangelize or anything, just asking. Doesn't Mr. Not Mirage!Chrom have part of his skeleton exposed? Is the Summer sun and salty water going to be so magical that immersing himself in them will bring him back to life in his birthday suit? Or will he be having a dead good time at the beach with the watermelon just falling out his midsection for hungry crabs to eat? Why did this game need more than 21 OCs again? I mean sure it only started with three heroes and two villains, and adding a few more as the game progresses is natural. But why not have acanonical versions of old heroes and old villains occupy more of the plot? FE has plenty o' charming princes, big sisters, little lolis, and other girls.
  21. OCs exist in this game and get a mustard seed of flavor outside of quips. It's apparently enough to make them "popular" and "endearing". So it seems. The "masses" must be as shallow as can be. And isn't depth overrated? A little charm can buy you a farm. And such is life. Does "taste" concerning pixels matter?
  22. Well if you to choose to join, we'll salute you for your patriotism! That is a pretty big deal. Take your time to decide. The choice is momentous.
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