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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Homonym has no homonyms unless our Nym swings that way. I is for iridescent.
  2. *Gets smacked with hot wax, fire, and bronze painted gold* *Turns the chandelier into the dragon seen here and has them attack the next poster*
  3. The "Nature speaks not to us directly" part? That was derived from a little reading of Absurdism and Albert Camus, I believe he used something to the effect of that phrase. We wish to impose order on the universe and explain it, but we do so on our own, without the consent of anything we examine. I do believe that science can discover Truths of the world and is essential to the betterment of human civilization, despite the fact everything we know comes in through our senses and is processed by our minds. But it is always worth keeping in the back of your mind it is all human constructs of what humans perceive the world to be. New Year's celebrations are in a sense very strange. It does take the Earth 365.25 days to complete one cycle around the Sun, and it does affect conditions on Earth, but years are not in any way meaningful to non-humans. Plants bloom and wilt according to climatic conditions and the increase and decrease of sunlight, not according to a calendar. Otherwise this star magnolia outside my window wouldn't have tried to bloom in December, only to be paused midway when the cold showed itself at last. Years, when they begin, end, and how they are subdivided, are human constructs, though solar years and lunar months alike are based on natural phenomenon. All this said, I do celebrate New Year's, out of the value humans assign it.
  4. And I guess I just felt like counting out things. Adrift had such a splendidly ironic name though. And I do agree that even if Fates has everyone in the year's end, it'd be better than having all that space wasted by alts and seasonals. ...And to continue with the above counting, just because I like to, FE6. Even with Idunn + four PCs, how many do we have left to add? Let us see: Now let me splice out some obvious and likely "undesirables" who likely will never come: Still numerous. A dent of four from the next banner drops this to 22. How about the notables of Marth's games? Just those with enough personality to not be deadweight. Some subjectivity in my choices, but I tried to be realistic: And just to remind what remains of Genealogy Gen 1: Whenever FE3H comes, things will be more complicated. It'll be another ~40-60 characters, who due to recency and plentiful supports will be popular. But stuck with the drip-feed we currently have, it'd be snubbed real bad. Unless they had the artist as part of the 3H contract agree to do some quick additional drawings suited for FEH, and the VAs the same. Then perhaps they could select those they believe will be unpopular and relegate them to the 3*s, while leaving characters predicted to be in the moderate and great popularity characters for the 4* and 5* pools. So when they decide it's FE3H time, they give say five 3*s, four 4*s, and four 5*s. For a total of 13 characters, maybe 15 with a TT and GHB. T'would not be unreasonable, given the game will be releasing over two years into FEH's proclaimed five-year lifespan (in which case, this game by July should be in a midlife crisis, no?).
  5. Although I thought I saw an infographic showing the impact of the shutdown state by state, I think California was the most impacted in terms of sheer numbers, 30000+.
  6. Easy enough, they inherited Shadowgift from their mother who is Aversa. To be precise, the Aversa served Validar in one world, which was then ruined and only then did they remember that they were brainwashed by Validar. They fled their world just in time, but upon arrival in another world, were captured by the Grimleal and raped by another Validar, a few years before that Validar forcefully obtained the child Aversa of their world. Thus an endless cycle of Aversas begat the ruin which forces another to flee and become the Mother of Destruction in yet another world. Are you a fellow believer in Solipsism?
  7. By the standards of RD, I must agree, although it might have been from a technological perspective a little distorted (perhaps somewhat intentional given the context of how the scenes are relayed). It was in character for him, the amount of weakness, grief, happiness, and sagacity were all finely tuned. -Although I'm no connoisseur of VAs. Ranulf sounded fine too, his lines before the Zelgius duel were delivered well enough. Not too strong, not too weak, kinda chill, much like Ranulf himself. I'd also like Skrimir's old voice back. It was unexpectedly deep, but the depth was different at least. Though some will probably find it weird I like the vocals of a chain smoker (or so it sounds to them). I'm sure he could do a great Sara. Or maybe Renault.
  8. Okay. Thanks for the very detailed explanation! Seemed shady, but it just really avoids a headache. Perhaps FEH is actually rather generous in allowing one to snipe colors, would've been useful for DL where I never got a fourth Wind unit nevermind I had a pile of Wyrmite worth 100+ summons by the time I quit. Sniping I guess is why summons have to be done individually. Would be nice if there was a way to highlight multiple Orbs and then tap summon just once. Tap a unit after the summon if you wanted the intro dialogue you skipped, I know it'd be but a few seconds spared, but it'd be a nice little convenience. With Velouria and Keaton, from Nohr, we'd have only the following left not included: So 13 vs. 8. And all but two of the shared characters left, and Fuga, are Hoshidan in appearance. Altogether, 13 + 8 + 6 + 1 = 28 unincluded Fates PCs leaving out Anna left. By contrast, even if I leave out most RD-exclusive PCs due to being so underdeveloped so they're deadweight, were still missing even with this Laguz banner: And while someone like Largo and Devdan and Muarim aren't like to get in, I could've added Lyre, Sigrun, and Vika. Heather's lesbianism and Volug's chest might be entertaining too. I pick Tellius, since something like Thracia or Archanea have lots of underdeveloped characters, including some who never actually say a word. Everyone from PoR however has a personality with some measure of exploration and development. FE4 got two banners last year- Quan and co., and Ares and co., we need a Path of Radiance one later this year. And while we're at it, let us see how Awakening fares, how it compares with its heir called Fates.: So at first, Awakening doesn't look so shabby, it has only six non-Robinsexual Gen 1s left. Add in those Robinsexuals and the Gen 2s however, and you see it is much worse. Despite being only one game, unlike the semi-two of Fates, it has only six fewer character missing. Now how about that supposed other darling FE7- if you can call it one? Well don't let the amount of Lyn and Hector favoritism fool you: Despite having a smaller cast than Awakening, it has only one fewer characters still missing. And I didn't include Nergal, Limstella, or the easy sell of Sonia. And like PoR, this game has supports, its characters are developed to some degree, and this is past the problematic start of supports that FE6 was. Five ladies only though. And Vaida is much too unappealing for most superficial men I think. I'd like Farina though, I dislike Awakening and thereafter Anna, but Farina I somehow do. Maybe because she was never as intrusive and isn't a franchise mascot. And while I'm at it, how about the other game with many good supports from the GBA era, SS: Thirty-three PCs total in the story, yet only eleven. Plenty of men left, many older. Yet they have five PC women left, six with Selena Fluorspar (I'm leaving out Ismaire). With two per-four character banner, and one for the last with Selena GHB, we could save a few good men. Cormag, Gerik, Forde, Ross, Duessel, Saleh, Knoll (my personal preferences), that would leave: Franz, Rennac, Ewan, Gilliam, Colm, Artur, Kyle, Garcia, and Moulder to freeze and drown in the North Atlantic, not that I'd be happy with killing them like that. Arguably better than SoV though. Good luck deciding which two-three lucky guys of 12 are saved by Tatiana, Silque and Rinea. Nomah and Mycen will die, Leon can cry an ocean too. I'd hazard Conrad and Zeke will escape the pyre.
  9. Although to express caution and skepticism, there is subtlety, and then there is invention and interpretation. Which is say one invents things that are not truly there or intended to be there by the author. You see a face in a power outlet. Not to delve too much more into hermeneutics, but I'm not wholly dismissing your arguments. For even if your interpretations do not align with what the authors intended, they are not necessarily worthless. Authors do not have exclusive rights allowing them to dictate meaning, and some intentionally choose to leave things open to reader interpretation. I don't think Shakespeare's authorial intentions regarding Hamlet were to make a play about why one shouldn't procrastinate and just do it or give in right away. But that is my personal interpretation, and I like it; perhaps others will like it too. I'm not going to weigh in and say whether you support your assertions about what the authors intended with sufficient evidence. For evidence is needed to back an argument of authorial intent. Again, I'm only issuing a word of caution. Nature speaks not to us directly. The wind never told me to call it wind, nor that it is a movement of air, or presently that there is a strong gust about me in a south-southeast direction. Substitute Nature with IS, although it could speak to us directly with an interview, which I doubt we'd get.
  10. Listed in painstaking detail my results in the dedicated pull thread. I think I can certainly say I was on the better side of Fortuna for my first banner. Not a single unwanted 5*, and I still have about 2/3rds of my Orb stock left. I haven't any idea of their natures or anything, but a beggar and spendthrift can't be a chooser, and hence should not worry their little head about something ultimately out of their control.
  11. I hope they'd consider doing this again with the eventual HW2. Giant bosses might be regarded lukewarmly at best, but Volga (and Wizzro) proves referencing old nonhuman bosses and enemies can be entertaining. Perhaps they should do this with Gohma next, given how reoccurring a boss they are. But I'd be open to anything if it's done well. Volvagia has only appeared twice, so they could use pretty much any boss. If they wanted to blend a Warriors personality/archetype again, well none are as iconic as Lu Bu. Yet maybe a tactician, I'm thinking Zhou Yu, could work. I'd like Cao Cao, but he is a little too grey for HW I'm afraid, and Nobunaga is so black in his ambition I can't possibly see his personality in the simple good-evil dualistic world of Hyrule. Link could use a bro when there are so many heroic women around him, and who'd be better than someone with the aura of the Little Conqueror?
  12. Random observation from a greenhorn whose only gatcha ever played was Dragalia Lost (dropped it after like two months because it got too boring with the grind). DL when I examined a banner, listed not only the rates per * rarity, but also that of each and every individual unit. Even if the majority of values listed were the same since nearly all units obviously are going to be affected the same since only a couple get the rate up boost. So if I wanted Lowen (no relation to FE's beside a green hair), I could see he had an 0.04% (making up the number here) chance, which when added with all the other 4* Characters and their chances, equalled the displayed 4* Character in general chance. They even had a separate breakdown per unit for every tenth pull on a Tenfold Summon, which is guaranteed to be of at least 4* rarity. Why doesn't FEH do this? IS afraid it'd make scare people or make them realize "maybe I shouldn't play this game with these awfully low rates"? DL has a cast of OCs nobody loves going in, and with much of its summon pool taken up by the filler equips called Wyrmprints, which one remembers most as terrible pity breakers. One could argue it has more reason to obscure the individual rates from the player than FEH. -Unless FEH has a such an individual breakdown feature and I just don't see it. But then why do I see people ask about their exact chances of getting X every so often here? I'd think an individual unit breakdown might be something IS would want to do, for legal transparency at least.
  13. It begins. (Though I had grabbed a free Bike and Bector.) 893- the number of Orbs going into this. My first summon ever, in order: Saizo, Leon, Lachesis, Eirika, Nailah. Bleh, progressive, wish I could know but don't, eh, YIPEEEEEEEE! 2nd: Eliwood, P5 Boy, Serge, Eliwood, Elibe's little Hexer. 3rd (not going to snipe as a beginner, plus I'll have the remote hope for the miracle of Micaiah): Odin, Mobin, Wrys, Wind, Tiki 13. 4th: Florina, Gwendolyn, Nayru, Touma's Mirage, Reyson. Victorie! 5th: Din, Shanna, Leanne, Tiki 13, Water Vestal. Relay Combo! 6th: Klein, Wind, Merric, Camilla, Hexer. 7th: Flash Gordin, Mae, Nino, Mmorgan, Sheeshiicaeda. 8th: Priscilla, Sailor Moon, Henry, Takumi's Boyfriend, Water Vestal. 9th: Flash Gordin, I Am Setsuna, Effie, Cirque du Soleil, Evergreen. 1st Intermission (Changed my mind and opted to withdraw prematurely since no Reds and then only one red, and I originally though the continued session discount would be 4-3-2-1, if if less 3 orbs of a color I'll snipe I've decided): The Hurricane, Effie, Lilina. 10th: Prussia, Jeorge, Evergreen, Sheeshiicaeda, Sheeshiicaeda. 2nd Intermission: Tharja. 11th: Clair, Jeorge, Hexer, King, Henry. 3rd Intermission: Athens. 12th: Athens, Tibarn, Forrin, Flash Gordin, GJC. At last! Mission complete! Celebration music! Down to 633 Orbs. Will withdraw for now. Tomorrow, play begins and I've my Children of Strength to plow through things, the rest being supporters or sacrifices for them. I'll return to the altar not for some time if the augury is correct, so I'll be able to replenish my power of calling, perhaps in full, and then some. The Summoning Spirit will rarely make me quiver with its holy ecstasy.
  14. I have the desire for the game, it'd be my seventh Tales, but I've something of a backlog featuring other RPGs I want to get through first.
  15. Why can't they just increase up the number of banners at once? The more there are the greater the Orb pressure is, the greater the urge to buy becomes. With enough artists and VAs available, they shouldn't have bottleneck/overworking issues. It'd let them appease multiple audiences at once. The cetacea who want the same old girls in silly outfits could have their stuff. And those who wish to more seriously treat the game as Fire Emblem: All the Heroes, but who may not spend as much if not anything. An endless parade like a graduation, of heroes big and small, male and female, aligned in orderly lines, marching with a sense of quiet pride into a grand auditorium, a theatre, set to the sounding of the Fire Emblem Theme (in the Genealogy rendition). Where hath this gone?
  16. Although as a little fun fact, Amelia was originally going to have Tana's role in SS, with her class a flying Trainee. Tana came later.
  17. So Devdan, Basilio, Flavia, Medeus, and... is Niles tan enough? -Or Fiona! She is cute and tragically underdeveloped. But Spring doesn't officially begin until the 21st. That is early. Unless this coincides with the Japanese cherry blossom blooming period, that is a national event. So we'd have Heroes adorned in shades of pink from nearly white to bright and bold.
  18. There are but four, the seasons in a solar year. So why two so soon? Haikus are easy. I wish I offer complaint in limerick.
  19. OH LORDY LORDS OF ELIBE NO! ...Unless TMS counts as collab due to Atlus's hand in the game, in which case, YESSSSSSSSSS! -Or Advance Wars. I would spend for a Flying Green Tome/Dagger Eagle dropping Bomber bombs on everything. With Lightning Strike as a Special, being a super Galeforce. Third pick that would be interesting to me- Winter Sports. Skis, Snowboards, Skates, and an Ice Hockey Stick or Snowmobile.
  20. There are two Special Heroes here. Is one this "Hero Fest" thing I hear about? The other must be "Love Resounds"- my tentative name for the Valentine's sequel. Not getting another New Heroes until at least 3/8 it looks like stinks though. At least I'll be able to replenish my Orb supply after trying for all the Laguz.
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