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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. The developer Neverland went bankrupt halfway into working on Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven (can't get much more anime harem than that). That puts a serious hinder on there being any more RFs. I was into Harvest Moon as a kid, so I got into Rune Factory from that. I stopped myself from buying RF4 after realizing I hadn’t completed most of the games. I cleared Rune Factory 1 twice, but later sold it because it is unplayable compared to everything that came after it. RF2- I insisted on completing a year in the 1st Generation, which burnt me out at the start of the 2nd Generation, which is the heart of the game. Frontier I completed, but I never fought the optional Kraken and Serpent bosses. RF3- I lost my motivation for some reason around the time of the third boss, and finding out marriage is necessary at the very end of the plot and not quite as justifiable as RF2’s need for marriage, helped kill my will to finish it. Tides of Destiny- made it to the final dungeon, but for some reason stopped there, I don’t know why I did. Rune Factory, well it was generically anime in some ways, and the plots of 1 and 2 had potential but Frontier's, 3's, and ToD's were all bad and held back by the fact the series lets you play at any pace. The series didn’t give many good reasons to continue playing after the story was over and post-marriage life had nothing to it. Farming never played that significant a role, and combat always seemed rather too simple and easy. The series at times felt like it was very budget- small games from a small company that could have been amazing with more resources but which it stood no chance of ever having. But somehow… I… liked… it. RF4 never seems to be going down in price either, another barrier to me getting it presently. That and me having become a little too critical nowadays would likely stop me from enjoying the games as much as I did in my more relaxed youth.
  2. Whoops, must have skimmed over things too fast. I do think not being in a widely played game makes Shinon less of an issue. If PoR gained mass availability, he might be even more unlikable than the other abrasive archer Takumi. Although not quite as much I'd think since Shinon has no plot dialogue after Chapter 7 unlike Takumi, whom Fates gives plenty of limelight to and who Fates tries to make off as being a good person more heavily than Shinon. Soren is closer to Takumi when you consider their story relevance, although trade Takumi's protagonist bashing for Soren's strategic mind. He's going to grow as a love-hate character once Tellius is more available. More love and more hate- the two should cancel each other out. Also, add potential comparisons to Tharja/Camilla/Faye because of Soren's Ike dependency, which I don't find to be appropriate comparisons, and I'm not saying Soren's Ike dependency is healthy, but it will happen.
  3. Odin Sphere is a 2D action/beat em' up game. It is available on PS2 for the original version and PS3 and PS4 in Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir edition. Only buy Leifthrasir, I cannot stress this enough. Besides being in HD with better audio, the game got a massive gameplay overhaul, which is good when the original apparently had major issues in this regard. The game still has the original gameplay available in Leifthrasir in a Classic Mode anyhow if you're interested, but the new Refined Mode is so much better. The game follows 5 different playable characters, each with a storybook of 7 Chapters. You unfortunately do not get to choose the order in which you complete the storybooks, but this aside, the game is very good. Each character plays differently from the rest, each is fun in their own way, and you can change the difficulty at any time. The graphics are hand drawn and the music is good enough. The plot, which has some fairytales inspiration and is also based on Norse mythology. Each character's tale is interesting in some way, and they all take place at the same time roughly (an event viewer can later show you the exact chronology of events). And then you have a 6th book which wraps up the plot quite nicely. I bought it on sale digitally, I loved every bit of it. The game can be repetitive however, you visit the same locations with every character, though the level layouts with those areas differs for each. As in Gwendolyn's version of the Ancient Battlefield is not the same as Oswald's, but you do end up fighting the same bosses and minibosses and grunts over and over again. Presumably this is done because hand drawn enemies are not easy to make a lot of. This can be repetitive and is a serious issue of the game. My recommendation is to complete a storybook and then take a week's break before you tackle the next to forget the enemies a little so it won't seem so bad. The 6th storybook should be tackled right after the 5th though- but do go back and load each character up with a few good Healing Potions, get them a few levels, make sure they have full PP, and other things before you begin the 6th storybook. Odin Sphere spoilers:
  4. Nobody has brought up Shinon? Shinon seems perfect here. He is arguably quite well-written, I think so. Rather nuanced, his Rolf, Janaff, and Gatrie supports all having good things about them, and his other bits of dialogue are good too. His bigotry is distinct from all the goodie good Laguz lovers your army is made of. One bigot in the playable cast helps get across the point the world has them. He doesn't worship the main character either- he just continually bashes them. But nobody could deny Shinon has an unlikable personality, he has Provoke for a reason. Naesala is similar- he sells a friend to a wretched sack of lard for no reason other than profit. He fights against said friend for a time working for Daein, just for profit. In PoR at least Naesala is unlikable. And yet, Shinon and Naesala aren't real, so I'm willing to excuse their ugliness. In reality, I want two million goodie goods as white as snow, but in a video game, throw me some grey characters. Their questionable or objectionable behavior isn't hurting anyone.
  5. So tired. Maybe it its just how I'm feeling right now, but continually following the Heroes board here and trying to keep up and read every post seems like too much. For the few days I'm going to be here again, I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up like I used to. I'm getting too old for all this hustle and bustle, though it should die down in a few days, before the next Qing legion excites this forum again. And onto another note.... I’ve finally decided to put my foot partly down and “joined” in FEH. Here is hoping this fanservice fiesta will be in some way enjoyable for someone as uptight as I’ve been towards this game. I wanted to leap in just for the sake of the 50 anniversary Orbs (the offer lasted until some time yesterday), that was logically too big for a future FTP for life player to ignore- even though I’ve missed on over 365 of such bonuses so far. (Logins plus Apology Orbs would equal in that time.… 200-300? Sounds like enough to draw one desired 5 Star with average luck from what I see here.) For what may be months however, I will be purely a nominal player collecting the slow drip of login bonuses and spending monthly excess Platinum Points on Potions, but no actual playing, so I won’t be a real player. All I've done so far is complete the two quick tutorial battles and pay no attention to the unskippable opening movie and then skip the dialogue thereafter. When I finally go whole hog shouldn't be for a while, I don't have the time until May for that. When at last I might be satisfied enough, then I shall put the accretions of lazy Summonspheres to use. It's a step though to at least have this done. This said, I when I do get to playing I will be playing what I call “iconoclastically”. No I’m not smashing the screen, but what I am doing is: no voices, no or rarely battle animations, no bothering to look at anyone’s quotes, any and all story will be skipped. I will apply this even to those from before I became iconoclastic, before Fates (which is fine, since I don't generally trust FEH to not flanderize the characters I like). All that shall matter is gameplay, and a bit of who I actually care about, which, given my parameters, means a general bias towards those between 7-10 (11 I’ve played, but without having played 12 I can’t allow myself to truly love any of them since the War of the Heroes contributes more to a good handful of Archaneans). I also forbid myself from Seasonals entirely, even a good looking male. If I want to fantasize about them, I can find their sprites/artwork online, that is good enough. Actually using them for long ruins the magic anyhow. Absence (and abstinence) makes the heart grower fonder. Part of me wants to cry over these mean restraints and question the logic behind them. But to it, I say TOUGH IT UP! …I have chosen the name “Pandur” for my summoner. The name is derived from Radiant Historia, it’s a weapon given to the hero Stocke upon completion of a side-quest by Teo and Lippti and the weapon is said, figuratively to a have bit of the twins’ heart in it. The twins watch over the world from Historia, a place aloof from time and space. So, much as with my avi, I have chosen an affiliation with actual interdimensional observers, which is not wholly inappropriate for the FEH summoner. Although I don’t think I had thought of it initially when choosing the name, Pandur is specifically a gun, which works quite well with FEH.
  6. To name a few instances, there is a scene in the Tales of Abyss opening where Luke and Natalia are surrounded by Kimlasca-Lanvaldear soldiers in Baticul and Tear is looking on reaching out to Luke from some higher elevation in the city. Never happens. Symphonia has a scene of Presea fighting golems in what appears to be an open wasteland- such a place does not exist. Scene of Richter fighting Emil in Dawn of the New World where Emil walks on a wall- epic, but doesn't exist ingame. Crono Trigger has a piece of official artwork showing a snowy setting with 2300AD-esque buildings in the background with Crono, Marle, and Frog fighting a monster that never appears in a snowy place, much less 2300AD. The Playstation-added opening trailer has Crono and Frog using X-Slash on the skeleton boss of the 600AD bridge- but Frog doesn't join until after the bridge so it can't happen. Ayla in artwork and trailers is shown with a club, but she always fights with her fists.
  7. My speculation: "Lekain says in the desert chapter Sanaki's older sister was assassinated at the same time as Misaha by the "Herons" aka Senate and he is barely hiding it. We don't know how old Micaiah was at the time, but since she doesn't remember the event, she must have been a baby. 0 years to 4 tops I guess. Given Sanaki was born in ~636 if we turn back the clock on her age, and then look at the assassination as happening in 625, that means Micaiah would be ~11-15 years older than her. So Micaiah is probably somewhere between 24 and 28. This would make her the oldest lord in FE coincidentally." Sanaki's mother wasn't an Apostle, either Misaha had a boy or her daughter couldn't hear the Goddess's voice. We don't know. The game does make it clear Sanaki was the next Apostle after Misaha. Sanaki couldn't hear the Goddess's voice either, but Begnion was desperate for an Apostle at that point, and it would take more time to figure out if she could hear the Goddess or not. And if she didn't, well monarchs who come to power in their infancy have the issue of escaping noble manipulation through their lives sometimes. As for Micaiah and Sothe, I'm be eh on it, but after reviewing the evidence, I see the groundwork the game lays for it. So it isn't bad, nor great.
  8. In practice, there was a lot of luck involved in it- Rafiel and Kurthnaga were beyond his control but extremely helpful. But I don't think he actually meant to play it out that way, he doesn't egotistically take responsibility for it like that. All he wanted was to break the seal on the Medallion, which needed chaos. Getting Goldoa involved- well the game doesn't make it clear whether having actual representation from all intelligent species was absolutely necessary or not. The Senate was a plan B when Ashnard, who he apparently lost some measure of hope in after he lost the Medallion it seems, failed to break the seal. When Ashnard tried again in 425, Sephiran accepted the chance it presented. Sephiran didn't actually scheme that heavily, he has only been active for 20 years. As a third point, he felt that Ashera, who in about 244 years from the Serenes Massacre would have awoken anyhow. He believed Ashera would kill everyone whenever she awoke, out of mercy for the suffering world, he wanted to do it sooner than that. And as long as Dheginsea the optimist and Yune didn't persuade Ashera otherwise, Ashera's trust in Lehran's word could have possibly persuaded her then and there to kill everyone. Ashera Yune says also got colder and more aloof in her sleep, she never consults with Yune after all when she awakes, she just trusts what Lehran says without confirming what broke the seal. As pointed out before, Sephiran is internally conflicted. He is driven to the depths of despair, but he doesn't love what he has to do. He does not relish in doing evil like Manfroy or Validar. He is not like Lyon- magically corrupted or possessed, Sephiran is just humanly hesitant. Sephiran is in sense irrational, but rather this form of irrationality over degenerate dragon or a thousand others. As for Sanaki, she's his descendant, and he never got to raise his own daughter centuries ago. Give him a break, he probably wanted to be a dad and finally had the chance. He was going to kill her, but it was in her best interest- he didn't want her like everyone else to suffer. But since he can't get his judgement right away, he might as well have her enjoy the she has time as much as she can in this suffering-filled world before that happens. I don't think he could have bore the thought of personally killing her. 1) Ashnard subjugates the country and tries initially to stamp out Elincia, but her going to Begnion brings Begnion into the fray. Which means more chaos, and more chaos means the dark god who can bring forth his Social Darwinian world will come about sooner. This can explain his willingness to let Daein go, it buys time for more chaos generation and the fighting still makes some. Crimea also puts him in the perfect position to strike at Gallia. 2) Why would the plan to involve Gallia in the war die if Elincia dies? Daein hates Laguz, period. Daein was founded by a Laguz bigot named Senator Hengist. Whose new kingdom made one of its first objectives only 5 years after coming into existence was an invasion of Gallia, which Crimea and Begnion refused to let them do. And Daein was willing to fight Crimea for the right to invade Gallia and it took them another 5 years to realize it wasn't worth it. As for Gallia's refusal to enter the war, here are some reasons why: Caineghis:“In my heart of hearts, I would like to take guardianship of Princess Elincia and assist in the rebuilding of Crimea. However, anti-beorc sentiment is running high here in Gallia. If we were to offer safe harbor to Elincia, I feel many of our elder statesmen would protest. They would say that we are giving Daein an ideal excuse to attack.” GiffcaNothing to be done about that. Every one of the older retainers has memories of laguz subordination. Even the king. If Princess Elincia were not King Ramon's orphan, I doubt he would be willing to aid her. DheginhanseaAnd you, king of lions? What will you do about your home of Gallia? Now that you know Daein's feint toward Gallia is merely another move in his game of war, how will you act?CaineghisThey've made no formal declaration of war.Until they do, we watch and wait.TibarnIf it's the first step towards eradicating all human scum, Phoenicis will help you destroy Daein.CaineghisNo. Unless this becomes a true war among all nations, I want you to stay your hand. As long as Gallia is protected by the sea of trees, we can stave off Daein's attacks. The memories line sounds strange when the actual timeline is consulted since 645 is the year of Daein's invasion and Gallia became officially independent back in 400. The Recollections say at most the Beasts live on average to be 204 years old. 3) Fair enough. 4) Ashnard does as my first point here makes clear. Sephiran pinned his Daein hopes specifically on Ashnard. Ashnard wants chaos and to break the seal on Lehran's Medallion. I think Soren, who I trust here, outlined exactly what Ashnard in Chapter 25 PoR (the Birds aren't in the planning, but it isn't hard to imagine them entering the war- look at what Tibarn said in the Caineghis stuff, and for Naesala- well he fights with Daein for a bit being an opportunist, and the Blood Pact could force him to join Begnion later): SorenKing Goldoa said that a conflict which engulfs the entire continent would free the dark god from the medallion. Let us assume that the war would have such an effect on the medallion no matter where it was...or who possessed it. And let's also assume that the king of Daein thinks this as well. I can hear him now..."Where is the tinder for the blaze I need?" The answer to this question proved to be an easy one. Yet he had to find a wayto test his theory...So, he attacked neighboring Crimea. It had to be Crimea. Begnion was too big, too powerful. Daein would have lost. Crimea, however, is a country known more for its scholarship than its military strength. Daein probably felt that a surprise invasion would let them win while taking minimal casualties themselves. And they were right. Crimea was easy prey.Elincia... SorenKing Ramon was also friendly toward laguz...I imagine that this, too, influenced Daein's decision. If things went well, the conflict would be enough to engulf Crimea's ally, Gallia, and the fires would spread. First Crimea, then Gallia...And eventually Begnion as well. Daein's power would increase, and strife and discord would spread across the land, eventually reaching the lost medallion. Why Begnion would enter is not clear, but they do have some racists and might want to kill Laguz- like those pestering Hawks. Or they could be interested in stopping Daein's ambitions thinking they'd overshadow them. It wouldn't be hard to Ashnard to get Begnion in. 5)According to RD, Dheg, by virtue of Almedha's tragic union with Ashnard, which Sephiran played no part it, Goldoa almost did: Nasir: Shortly after you left Goldoa, you met Ashnard in Daein and were united with him. However, your union begat a chain of tragedies. Did you know that the red dragon platoon which went in search of you was captured and turned into Feral Ones by King Ashnard?Almedha: I-I had no idea.Nasir: Ashnard needed Goldoa to get involved in his war. That’s why he did everything in his power to provoke King Dheginsea. Most of you have never fought in a war, but even more than other laguz, the dragon tribe loses control once they taste battle.Kurthnaga: Oh…Nasir: Near the end of the war, we found out that Prince Rajaion could not be saved. I thought the king would surely go on a rampage. At the time, we had no idea that Lady Almedha was still alive. The king thought he’d lost not only dragon soldiers but also his children.Ena: …Nasir: If the war had ended any later… Had Ike not killed Ashnard… Goldoa would have joined the war. And we would have started killing. We would have destroyed the Daein army, its coconspirators, everyone. We would not have stopped until the continent was ashes. Then the spirit of chaos would have spread across Tellius, awakening the goddess and destroying the dragon tribe. That was the danger we faced in the Mad King’s War.Kurthnaga: …Ena: But Ashnard was defeated. And Rajaion regained his sanity thanks to the songs of the heron clan.Almedha: …Sniff… Bwuah… Sniff…Nasir: We escaped annihilation once. We took Prince Rajaion’s body back to Goldoa. And the king did not shed a tear, nor fly into a rage. He endured his loss by himself. He endured for the sake of his last child, and for the sake of his people. Goldoa remained neutral. Damn the Dragon Laguz are strong! By themselves they could broken the seal. (Though they're probably only as strong as the Manaketes in other games.) By the way, the official timeline mentions a Tellius Continental War- which likely almost broke the seal at 53 years of fighting from the Daein and Kilvas invasions to the peace treaty. 425 was the same year Daein and Crimea agreed to a truce after 5 years of fighting. That this war exists in the records gives Sephiran in his despair hope that he can doom all. 425: Begnion Empire’s invasion Feeling that their dominance has started to fade, the Begnion Empire, using the Goddess’s name, sent troops to begin an invasion to restore their dominance of the continent. The invasion started with new powers Daein and Kilvas. 428: Kilvas’ surrender Kilvas refused Phoenicis’ reinforcements and surrendered to Begnion. Also the Daein troops, concentrated at the capital of Nevassa, continued the resistance. 432: Tellius continental war Believing Begnion’s dominance over the continent would not bode well, Crimea decided to ally with Daein, and declared war against Begnion. Begnion’s battle with Crimea and Daein erupted. Although Begnion’s might was unshaken, but due to the involvement of the Laguz of Gallia, Phoenicis and Kilvas, the war was prolonged and continued for numerous decades. 470: Formation of Serenes The citizens of Serenes protested against Begnion’s war, which was done in name of the Goddess. Because they doubted the existence of the Apostle, they ended up angering the senate and became at opposing sides with them. Finally, the citizens of Serenes established their own independent country, although the battle of the validity of the Apostle never ended. 478: Treaty of Sarasa, Kingdoms of Daein, Kilvas and Serenes established The war entered a seemingly neverending state. Begnion, worried about their great losses, finally decided to find a way to stop the war. In the end, by the intervention of Goldoa, peace talks were held within the Sarasa region of Goldoa. Begnion signed a treaty of peace, with the conditions that they had to return their conquered lands to Daein and Kilvas and recognise them as official countries. I love a good bit of Tellius talk.
  9. Orson and his Zombie Wife is creepy, I felt that and I like Valter too. Carlyle didn't come off as creepy, just lovesick, though I can see what you mean. But why can't Orson be both an emotional well done betrayal and a creepy man? And you know what would make Orson's creepiness even better? Showing him in his good days as a normal man, not necessarily hearing in detail of the happy days he had with his wife, but just his normal noble soul. It'd make his descent into madness a little bit more offsetting since you'd be able to compare his likable old self with the sharp contrast of his fallen self.
  10. On Ninian: On morphs: This said, the Sacred Springs of Valentia don't obviously appear to be overflowing with the sheer power need to revive. How do they work by the way? Chant a spell and think on the departed, maybe bring a memento and viola alive again? Or did Alm drag Forsythe's corpse into the heart of Fear Mountain and have it sip/bathe in the fountain? I'll also mention how in FE1 and FE3 B1, the Aum Staff is only usable in the penultimate chapter, you can't use it inside Medeus's keep. I guess the Resurrectory is special, and the Dragon's Table is close enough in magical climatic conditions- makes sense when Medeus was resurrected via the maidens and he kept them around to keep himself alive. On the topic of death and resurrection, I have two things to bring up from RD. The first relates to the Blood Pact: The second relates to a potential death later on, and I'm tossing in some talk of FE4 while on the topic:
  11. I'm okay with status staffs actually, I was actually a little annoyed that Awakening got rid of them. I want to see them return actually. This said, I will not deny that their execution has not been perfect. Poison has never been more than a minor nuisance outside of perhaps Thracia. Silence is rarely an issue due to the player generally using few mages and healers and most of the time magic users have high Res to make they chance they hit lot, but it can be painful if it hits you only healer. Sleep, Stone and Berserk are all nightmares to deal with, they're 5 turns of being totally crippled and you need Restore ASAP to deal with them, particularly for Berserk. And in some cases, the only thing stopping you from pushing forward on a map, like Sacred Stone's Father and Son, is the presence of a few nasty status staffs- in this case four of them, two for each side of your approach to the throne room. Outside of the infamous Hexing Rod, I felt Fates did good with the status staffs. Many status packing enemies can't move, and Freeze is Sleep as it should be. The effects are not overpowering here at all like Sleep, Stone and Berserk since they only last 1 turn instead of 5, but that one turn of crippling can still matter, just not as overwhelmingly. There is also the issue of statuses being rather limited in their usefulness for the player. There are few enemies that stand out as being so strong or distinct as to demand or heavily suggest they should be Slept, Berserked, or Silenced (and good luck with this one given generally high magic enemy Res). Poison is meaningless on the player side. Status staffs are typically very rare and have very few uses as well. Besides Thracia, I felt Fates was good with player status staffs, since Elise comes with a 4 use Freeze and you can buy another 3 of them at a reasonable price. A lot of RPGs have issues with making ailments relevant on the player side, a few games make them work, Etrian Odyssey invents classes like the Hexer and Arcanist dedicated to the job of spamming binds and ailments, and give others skills to abuse those conditions- the War Magus's Ailing Slash, the Dark Hunter's Soul Liberator and Ecstasy. But in general, they tend to be more of an enemy tool because the enemies are either too immune or too weak and the ailment techniques too inaccurate to make them relevant.
  12. Persona combat sounds good being rooted in SMT, but I can't get past the high school and dating sim aspects. And P4 has one character I just don't want to deal with, while P5 has themes I'd rather not want to deal with either. Innocent Sin has a resurrected Hitler at the end, and I loathe the use of Nazis in popular entertainment media. So that leaves the hopelessly dated P1 and second half of P2 in Eternal Punishment for me. Not very good. PQ I was considering because I like EO, but I wouldn't care about the characters and the aesthetics are also off-putting. I'm doubtful, but maybe the in development PQ2 will change up the aesthetics and thus allow me to stomach it, I can do without knowing the characters. Like EO has actual characters in the first place? ...I did put up with TMS, but the dating sim and high school aspects are nil there. Modern Japan isn't a problem for me. I was fine with Devil Survivor 2 as well, but that is presumably less of a simulator than Persona. Some series you want to like, but in this case, I'd need some form of altered consciousness to break the ice. My issues aside, glad you're enjoying the game. As an SMT fan, I approve of anyone getting into the subseries that began with SMT: If... and which P3 and then P4 made into its own successful independent franchise.
  13. And I'm back for the next few days, before I depart once more. By the 11th, I will get gone again until the next major new banner release. I know I might have sounded rather silly and upbeat when typing that, but in truth, I was rather dismal. The day immediately afterwards as it became almost 24 hours since I last was on SF, I internally wanted to go “Arrrrggggh!” and break down and hop on again. That I think is proof enough SF was becoming a serious addiction for me. That, combined with countless hours being wasted on it, and I fear an addictive sense of escapism and apathy towards other things was seeping in. I’ve gone through life never having done drugs or alcohol, and I’m not on any other social media site. I managed to be successful academically while lurking before joining, and even participating in SF for a semester without any issues, but becoming so invested in my posting seems to have sent me off a cliff. I could wake up and immediately want to check SF to see if anyone responded to any of my posts from last night, despite knowing such a check would destroy my concentration for the day; sometimes I’d later recheck the site midday- not just at night; I would check again and again for an hour to see if anyone added new posts to present topics- I craved new posts. I think someone in the “video games possibly being labeled an official addiction problem” said a social media addiction isn’t an official psychological disorder- if so- why not?! Long story short- I’ve done okay in my short and precious life so far, I don’t want a love of chatting in heron land to derail it! That would be inexcusably my fault and utterly pathetic. To not force this whole thing on you and make it not look as long to someone just doing a glance, I’ll shove most of the rest of this in spoilers. I will say my effort to curtail myself for the past nearly two weeks was successful. Never once, I am being honest, did I lurk here anonymously. I managed to successfully stay off the site. I didn’t quite work as hard I as hoped I would though in the meantime. The first day off, probably from being up late at night, I had a headache through it all. And on subsequent days for a bit, some video games replaced SF, but staying sober long enough should restore my focus and get me working hard again. IIRC, I read a 500 page repetitive monstrosity on Emperor Meiji in 3 days once, I want to get back to a life of being able to do that agony. I did admittedly type this whole thing up before returning to SF today, with the intention of posting it. But at the same time, I feel I have some justification in having this as a record of how I felt. Many of my thoughts are also portrayed in my head as forum posts, others are often arranged in the format of a late night talk show though, and I don’t have a similar addiction to them, so I don’t think there is an issue here.
  14. I'm thinking SF is getting the better of me again. So I'm going to try to restrict my usage once more, but the only way I can exercise self control is via having a little outside assistance. Rather than ask for a temporary ban this time, I'm just going to declare here I'm taking routine breaks. Since I admit to loving FEH gossip, even though I still don't play and things are typically quite slow on the other boards on SF. Until the beginning of May, if you see me on here posting and it isn't two nights before to the day after a new Banner/GHB/TT is revealed and or dropped, then I demand to be publicly called out on and shamed back into withdrawal from this site! If you see my name show up in the "Who's online" or "recently browsing" thing at the bottom of the forum page or looking at any topic as of tomorrow, hit me with PMs to kick me out of here. Hopefully that will not be needed, because I won't hopefully be on now that I've said it. Any FE Switch news I will not permit myself to show up for (but when a Heroes announcement comes up I will purview what has happened on the other boards, but only then for the allotted days) since as cool as that would be, I want to avoid the hype for FES. And as long as it doesn't bomb or end up being something ridiculously absurd that IS had to be binge drinking stoned to think of it, I'll buy it later regardless; Nintendo must love such a blind and loyal purchase (and I actually regret buying Revelation- but no other game in the series). So, looking at the Heroes Calendar, it appears the next big event is a Voting Gauntlet on the 2nd of March. Actually, I'll skip showing up for that, VGs aren't so fun when you don't play them, and the toxicity they spawn feels like running a gauntlet of thirty or so whips thirty times. They're also too tumultuous with too much multiplier uncertainty for me. The next thing after that is a new, what appears to be standard new non-Seasonal Banner on the 9th of March (I'm assuming the 4* and 5* Banner on the 3rd is one of those filler skills ones). Therefore, if you see me here prior to the night of the 7th, heckle away at me! So goodbye for the next nearly two weeks, and when I return, may I discover IS has made a flawless unobjectionable in every way possible banner for once, and that a drop of junk 5*s and addition of more 3*s is announced by then too, that Soren is getting a Tornado refinement to make him better, and that TMS characters will be eventually added. Barring this outrageous fantasy, well here hoping it's Thracia, or if not that, then Binding or Gen 2 Genealogy or Gen 2 Awakening! Rep the entire seriesssssssssssssssss! Again, bye for now!
  15. IS has invented "Era of the First Exalt/Grima's first attempt to destroy the world" Puberty Tiki?
  16. Whats the wait of two weeks when you need to a wait a year just for the next chance? It will be interesting to see people would be voting for next time. Hector and WT might remain, simply b/c CC and DC, but who can honestly predict what the hottest units will be a year from now?
  17. *Makes a human sacrifice to keep the Sun rising and free from obstructions every day* 180
  18. Well this was publicly voted on Ike worship. That makes it a little better than just IS shoving the worship of someone (whether its Ike, Lyn, Lucina, Camilla, etc. it doesn't really matter, excessive worship is excessive worship and is bad) down throats without any consent to the worship. But go ahead and be vocally irate if Ike gets another form within the next.... 6 months? A year? I'll issue a statement of disapproval as well if that time comes.
  19. I've still got to complete EOU (the clones, the Great Dragon, Alraune and the Core and 6th Strat FOEs are all that remain for my R-DH-P-H-T team), and EOU2 (went as far as Juggernaut with a L-WM-B-S-Sov group, up to Flame Demon in Story Mode). And I never fought Mr. 6th Stratum without chemicals in IV. I want EOV, and I think I want to try my first tankless team in a NG+ IV run L-N-D-S-M, all with the young male images, but I need to settle down and finish what I've started first! I'm terrible with this. 178
  20. Just to repost what I just put in General Discussion: It was very close, just over 4000 with totals of over 100000. I was fearing a Tharja victory, but I wouldn't abhor it here, since its not just fanservice but actual gameplay goodness here. A Vike victory is good for me though. When I get around to playing at last, I want to make a Radiant Rondo team. VIke-Micaiah-Soren-Sothe. Color-wise it's balanced, has both Def and Res hitters, Soren is the only weak one in the group (cmon' Tornado refine), and it works as infantry team. I'd have a lot of reasons to love it. The only character that will be difficult to get is Micaiah.
  21. Fine by me. Provided BINDING SHIELD! CMON IS, GIVE HIM THE POWER OF THE EMBLEM AND THE SPHERES! OH EMBLEM OF FIRE! PROTECT ME WITH SHADOWS, STRENGTHEN ME WITH THE STARS ABOVE, SHED THE BARRIERS OF MY FOE WITH LIGHT, HEAL ME WITH THE ESSENCE OF LIFE, AND LET THE EARTH DEVOUR THE ARMIES ARRAYED BEFORE ME! Or at least the Fire Emblem by itself. Nyna is weird, her Camus fetish is pretty inexplicable, since there is not really anything special about him. I mean he's hot, but no particularly outstanding features. And how do we know Hardin didn't gain those thigh in a Faustian Bargain with the Darksphere? They're so incredible, they must not be natural. He sold his soul for thighs to make Ishtar jealous. We won't know until the leather is shredded off a Coyote!Hardin (a plain old Silver Sword won't cut it- what to give him?). Well it was very close, just over 4000 with totals of over 100000. I was fearing a Tharja victory, but I wouldn't abhor it here, since its not just fanservice but actual gameplay goodness here. A Vike victory is good for me though. When I get around to playing at last, I want to make a Radiant Rondo team. VIke-Micaiah-Soren-Sothe. Color-wise it's balanced, has both Def and Res hitters, Soren is the only weak one in the group (cmon' Tornado refine), and it works as infantry team. I'd have a lot of reasons to love it. The only character that will be difficult to get is Micaiah.
  22. She's been that way from day one. The only question is how they show the absence. An actual surprise would be Ivy in her primary costume being modest at all. Her alternate costumes generally are (SCV is still rather bad), if not a nun's habit often much more covering still. SC as whole seems to be rather sexualized. Taki has always had a chest inappropriate for a ninja, and while Talim appears by virtue of her youth to be always kept modest, Sophitia, a mother who in the earlier games dressed appropriately, in the very first game had hidden swimsuit and underwear costumes in the console version.
  23. As a kid I let someone "borrow" as in gave and never got back, FE7 and Mega Man Anniversary Collection (GC version). I also at school lost my entire 3rd Gen of Pokemon and Pearl, Advance Wars Black Hole Rising and Days of Ruin, that was not good. Later I buy a used copy of Days of Ruin from Gamestop, and in a story mode file already started, it goes up to Waylon Flies Again, the same battle where I got stuck on my copy before I lost it. The Trial Maps unlocked seemed a little different and it had none of my old Design Room maps, but I wonder... 173
  24. I dislike Celica's story promotion, it's too hard to get her to 20 beforehand, and she is all but guaranteed to get anticlimatic nothing bonuses once it happens. 166
  25. A blend of realism and extravagance is nice. In the old days, I used to love crazy animations (the GBA Sage crit being a favorite). Over time however, they and critical quotes lose their luster. Henry saying "Have some death!" the first 100 times, good, maybe once in while thereafter, but it loses its specialness if its all pervasive forever. I still watch the crit-Mastery collection videos on YouTube for Radiant Dawn, but not so much. Nowadays I'm too impatient 99% of the time nowadays to bother with having animations on, they're just too slow for me. Call it the effects of growing up.
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