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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. *Blows up like a balloon* Noooooo! My latex allergggggggyyyy! How did you know??????!!!! *Emits a bright flash of psychic light, causing the next poster to uncontrollably cry.*
  2. *Blows up like a balloon* Noooooo! My latex allergggggggyyyy! How did you know??????!!!! *Emits a bright flash of psychic light, causing the next poster to uncontrollably cry.*
  3. I certainly remember this. It's amazing I was gentle with it and never had that actually happen in all my years. Pressing down on the plastic center as hard as possible to release you must! Technically it probably cuts down on the cost very very very slightly.
  4. Because he has too much time on his hands and it's fun! He can't wait to see if anyone gets pregnant with his shadow babies. You see, he fused his with that of a dead horse using a couple hexes, he also added a raven's and a Risen's to the mix, and some algae and reptile blood, because the colors are cool. It's inner alchemy, or is external in this case. Well whatever it is, it's nothing he can't reverse, or can't he? Well if he can't he doesn't mind, he'd love the surprise and suspense of seeing what happens next! And you know he can control it like a fifth limb right? Now where'd I leave that booklet on the secrets of the masculine netherworld of Awakening?
  5. What does he squeeze exactly? Is he flexible and can squeeze himself into the tightest position I can think of? That's good for a performer you know. Or is he good at squeezing objects. In which case I hope he can control it does doesn't squeeze my hand too hard if I give it to him. How does he handle peaches, butterflies, yams, and avocados? Please, you should run a Palm Inigo instead. Compression is nice, but it's good to do something different for a change. Hence my current team is a Palm Alchemist Inigo, a Elemental Point Blank Gunner Klein, Chaser Navarre, Beast Ike, and a Fantasia user and healer in Alphonse.
  6. Best Part: Being a celebration of all of FE. Wurst: Plot post Gangrel, and particularly post Walhart. It being impossible to get lots of skills without breaking your stats. Difficulty is also wacky. Maps are quite plain too. Sully disembowels her foes. Enemies like to dump once they're in on the Stahl, but he just flushes his worries away.
  7. Currently I'm enjoying Deltre's Radiant Dawn LP. Me being the Tellius fan I am I like rewatching it and seeing someone else go through the game with an open mind and no idea of whats in store for them.
  8. I guess there is the second year of Seasonals. Think of it like this- they can't just rerelease Ylissean and Nohrian Summers again for next Summer, they'll have to add something new to add more pizzaz. And that is where Hector shows off his pecs. We can get Bunny Serra for Spring. And Sigurd gets his wedding suit.
  9. My 4 unit food-based Thanksgiving Banner: Selena as Cranberry Sauce- with the classic shape of the can it came out of. As Mashed Potatoes with Gravy- Donnel. As Pumpkin Pie- how about Sumia? As Turkey- Hinata. Now let me prepare by thawing him in cold water in the sink, in you go my lovely bird! Then, I shall put him into the oven breast up, basting him generously first. Once he is done cooking *slaps on surgical gloves* I shall insert the stuffing! And onto my dinner table he shall go. If I must drench him in gravy, so be it!
  10. They're probably going to spread out the Hoshido royals. Yukata Takumi for a Hot Spring Banner sounds good to me. As does Ryoma covered from head to toe in jingle bells, he can perform the most moving "Joy to the World" bell ringer rendition just by himself. Normal choices are extremely few. Aversa, Camilla (but she's better with an Axe and hence got that instead), and nobody else. On the plus side, the introduction of a Hoshidan royal means Nohr is no longer the only side of Fates being made into "Seasoning". No rehashes of old seasonals here either, not another Xander or Lucina in sight. More obscure characters might be able to get seasonalized sooner or later. Of course, crossing the non-Lyn non-Awakening/Fates Seasonal representation barrier hasn't happened yet. This said, you don't need to be deep to be made into Rosemary, Sage, Parsley or Thyme, so there no reason why a pre-13/14 character can't be made converted into Cinnamon or Cloves or Allspice or Nutmeg.
  11. Bharva, now he was bad! It's all Bharva smash! It didn't help him being Silver element made magic sting him less. You just fight him again and again, and unlike SRW where boss repeats are bearable, Lumionous Arc is lacking in the flashiness to make it better. The game is slower too. Kaph isn't necessary for the final battle, Karen with her Flying Shell can handle it too. I've never used him for the final fight and got through it just fine. Vanessa being rehashed for all five Hot Spring Battles in LA2 was more my problem with her, and her inclinations towards Theo in LA. The Radiant Rondo battle in ARF is the one time she is fun to fight. Luminous Arc 1 and 2 are both mediocre JRPGs in retrospect to me. Slow in gameplay, characters lacking balance, the plots are eh, only the anime aspects and music make them worth buying. LA1 does one of the most shallow and terribly cliched of "Kill God, Religion is EVIL!" takes ever. It excretes over Xenogears, which for all its Kabbalah-like esotericism, tried to do the God thing well. By the time Stella Glow (LA4 in spirit) got made, you'd think Imageepoch would have gotten much better. The demo told me they didn't. And then I heard loli Fatima is fought just as repetitively as Fatima, the plot goes slowly at first, and God turns out to be evil. Imageepoch almost deserved to go out of business. Arc Rise Fantasia was good though, and 7th Dragon seems okay too.
  12. A criticism of RD shared by a sizable number of SFers is that Ike steals the show come Part 3. These critics have generally displayed a preference for more Micaiah and or Elincia. I’m in agreement with the idea of extending Part 1 by 3-4 chapters, that sounds feasible and reasonable without being filler-ish (filler without justification is bad). And I could see Part 2 extended by another 1-2 chapters, while still maintaining the scope of a small rebellion and not a total Crimean Civil War. If we wanted a Civil War, that wouldn’t be necessarily a bad thing, it’d just be a more fundamental change to its plot. Likewise, we could extend the war against the Begnion Occupation Army into more of a long haul affair, there wouldn’t be anything innately wrong with that. However, would there be room for Parts 3 and 4 if we had a Crimean Civil War and a much longer Daein Liberation War? And even if we had room, these additions would not address the showing up of the GMs in Part 3. At best it’d just relatively reduce Ike’s portion of the story. Here, I ask, much as one would ask “how would you rewrite Awakening/Fates/SoV?” and apply it to Part 3 of RD. The part where the Greil Mercenaries show up. What could be done in the absence of Ike? I personally think, it’d require a lot of alterations to make an Ikeless Part 3 work. For one, we need a big good reason why Ike, a powerful mercenary in need of a living, wouldn’t fight alongside his PoR Laguz comrades if a war broke out between the Laguz and Begnion. We don’t see him pop up in Daein because he lives in Crimea and probably didn’t understand exactly what side to join or anything, and he and his crew aren’t so desperate that they need to go there for money. We don’t see him in Part 2 until the end because Bastian has arranged it. If Bastian hadn’t, then Ike would have been unleashed on Part 2 sooner. If we were to get a Crimean Civil War or an extended Daein Liberation War, it’d be harder to imagine Ike just twiddling his thumbs during either, particularly the former. Elincia in the case of Civil War would have more reason to seek out Ike’s help too. In a sense, Bastian’s hiring of the GMs was the best that could be done for Part 2. But the GMs steals the attention you say with the Lucia rescue? Well, if it was just an arrow shot through the noose and Ike grabbing the falling Lucia, and that was the end of the animation, wouldn’t that be a little anticlimactic after all the tension built up beforehand? God never sends a stiff breeze to put out the fire about to immolate an innocent tied to a stake, the Lord sends a torrential downpour! And sure, some would say letting Lucia die would be better than letting her live, but that is arguable since the most important thing from that scene was the Elincia was able to put country before her loved ones, she developed as a ruler not knowing Ike was there to save the day at all. Now, back to Part 3. Well let’s say for a hypothetical moment there is a good reason why Ike doesn’t show up during Part 3. What do we have? Gallia, Phoenicis, and Kilvas vs. Begnion. Great, I like Skrimir, he can be the new Part 3 MC. Now here is a problem- the Laguz lack unit variety. Would you seriously want to go through a Part 3 where everyone had transformation gauge woes, all range 1 physical, no archers, no mages, and no healers? Begnion is the clearly villainous side here, we can’t play as them. If we wanted playable Beorc, and lacked the GMs, we’d need Crimea, Daein, or Sanaki. Crimea could work in theory, the country is friendly towards Laguz. Though if we took the Civil War approach, why would Elincia be inclined to send troops? Her country would be hurting as is and need to recover. Plus, Begnion would have reason to invade Crimea too, and that is no small threat. The GMs belong to no country as mercenaries, them getting involved means no danger to anyone but themselves. We'd also lose out the 3-9 politics stuff, which I liked. Sanaki could work, she’d just have to escape Begnion and the Senate and make for the Laguz Alliance camps ASAP. P3 would then be her quest to reclaim her kingdom, which sounds good. Of course, Sanaki would need a totally new Beorc crew, since everyone from PoR save Tanith, Sigrun, Tormod, and Muarim isn’t in Begnion any more. And let’s face it, Elincia would need OCs too, since outside of she herself (and would she a queen just off a rebellion/civil war be able to spend time fighting in Begnion?) the Greil Mercenaries have a monopoly on PoR’s natural healers. Heck if we had Micaiah fight more at all, she’d need some more new characters too. Not that there is anything wrong with new characters, it'd just mean more effort. Now the third Beorc option- Daein. This is the most contrived if it were to be the only Beorc we played as. Why? Because one, Daein fights against the Laguz on behalf of the Senate. The Laguz are as I have said, are lacking in unit variety, bad from perspective of just fighting as them alone, and fighting against them alone- which is what Micaiah would be doing. 13 chapters of nothing but Laguz killing sounds tedious. Make Daein side with the Laguz? Well that sounds nice, but Daein has a cultural hatred of Laguz Micaiah won’t be able to change overnight, siding with the LA would make her and that guy named Pelleas lose public popularity. Not to mention it completely undermines why Pelleas is king in the first place. If Daein was to win its independence, Begnion wanted a weak king in charge it could control, and Pelleas was chosen to be that by Izuka- who also tried to destroy the liberation effort with the suggestions Micaiah rejects time and again (attacking Talrega, poisoning the prison camp, ignoring the swamp executions). Even if we burned the Blood Pact, we’d need some way to keep Daein under Begnion’s control to a large degree, else we must fundamentally rewrite Part 1. Now what of a mixed solution? Sanaki or Elincia vs. Micaiah? Sounds workable to me I’d admit. Plus it’d be interesting since it’d mean Part 3 would lack a male lead and thus RD would be accidentally kinda feminist up 3/4s of the way through. Though I would like to see Skrimir get attention as a Laguz lead alongside Sanaki or Elincia. As is Skrimir does get a character arc in Part 3, from stupid brute force and hot blood, to a more calmed and reasoned disposition. Personally, I would be fine with keeping the GMs in Part 3, and just shifting Ike from being Eliwood to Mark and let Skrimir take Eliwood’s spot, to use an FE7 metaphor of MC importance. We get playable Beorc RD doesn’t have to invent more of without a problem in sight. Or, we could have Ike send the GMs to help Elincia/Sanaki, thereby reducing the need to create new characters. Ike himself wouldn’t show up though, he could be alone off trying to find the Black Knight. Except Ike isn’t selfish like that. After the BK kills Greil, Ike doesn’t run off to find him, he remains loyal to his contract with Elincia and instead helps her. Sure, the BK serves Daein and fighting for Elincia meant fighting Daein, but that I don’t think explains why he serves her completely- Ike is never “I’m only work for you so I can kill my pa’s murderer, got it?”. By the time of RD, Ike has a personal connection with the BK, and knows that he would invariably be interested in meeting Ike again. Now let us turn to Part 4. As is, we all know Micaiah gets shoved aside here and that is wrong. This said, we can’t leave Ike out of this, even if we can feasibly do so for Part 3. And it isn’t like we can leave out Part 4 either. Stefan’s A Mordecai Support foreshadows the truth of the Branded. Yune and Astarteyune (Japan’s name for Ashunera) show up in PoR’s data. Sephiran’s Mantle and ominous final words in PoR which include mention of Ike’s future.The BK’s mysterious death, and Zelgius’s NPC data. There is just too much evidence for what P4 brings in PoR. And do you really think they invented Dheginsea for the one scene he shows up in PoR, or didn’t plan out Soren’s parentage in advance? They’d have to scrap a lot that they had laid the groundwork for if they abolished Part 4 completely. We know the answer to the Part 4 issues- give Micaiah more time to talk and put more of the spotlight on her and less on Ike and Yune, simple. No radical rewriting necessary. Elincia doesn’t need more Part 4 time, she has nothing to do with Yune and Ashera, or the BK or Sephiran, Micaiah does, Ike does, Elincia, nothing save her little spat with Valtome (and would that even exist anymore if we rewrote P3?). Sanaki could use a little more P4 attention possibly, as could Kurthnaga.
  13. PoR's Easy Mode is really easy with a lot of EXP, Normal isn't difficult either. Laguz only comprise a handful of units, Beorc are good and plentiful, so you need never touch a Laguz. Skills have few scrolls and their effects are more a bonus than anything. Biorhythm is +/-5 Hit/Evade outside of Boyd and Makalov.
  14. I kinda get what you're saying, except you have it much worse and it's beyond your control. My sympathy. You're probably a much harder worker than me though. My own little story. Nowhere near as bad as yours though.
  15. From the end of PoR C16, the Serenes Massacre is explained so: This says the Serenes Massacre was the result of rumors after Misaha's assassination. It was just a scapegoating by the Begnion people in their rage. Ashnard did steal Lillia, Reyson's sister, but he was never directly implicated in causing the Massacre. Rafiel's accusation is that the rumors were planted by the Begnion Senate itself- they wanted a heron genocide. Sanaki apologized when everyone thought it was a rage-venting, nobody thought nor did Sanaki apologize for a Senatorial planned killing. Begnion rebuffed that and that is what got the Laguz angry. By the way, I only discovered it on my last playthrough of many, but that Crossbow ends up in the convoy if an NPC gets the kill. I also have shared plenty in your "not getting crits" problem in this chapter. Those Killer Ballistae aren't as good as you'd think, they only give 10 Crit and don't use the user's Strength in the damage equation- like Crossbows. The game will explain what happened to Ragnell later as a side note. Don't worry, Ike's golden blade will return to him eventually. Ranulf is great by himself, he is just such a likable ordinary guy to me. Ranulf seems to make Ike pop a little more, he just makes Ike a little less stoic and a little more.... entertaining, lively? I don't quite get how he does it, he just does. Lastly, I do like Skrimir too. Originally I wasn't big on him, but in retrospect, I've come to appreciate him as a character. I'll give the full reasons why later.
  16. Well I guess that'd be informing the Laguz Alliance secretly of the Pact, or doing the absolute minimum to remain loyal. However, the Senate either way would find out and take necessary action. There is also the fact that at a rate of 1...2...3....4... and so on, even if the Pact was activated, the number of deaths it'd cause would take a while, months, to exceed the deaths done in fighting the LA.
  17. So tomorrow? Well you will be missed for the days/weeks of your absence.
  18. We've gone forever without seeing Lucina's face. We could use this.
  19. It won't be orbs silly. It'll be candy! Until the banner ends, all orbs at a 100 to 1 conversion rate are turned into pieces of wrapped candy. They do exactly the same thing, they just look appropriate for the holiday. Or so it'd be nice if it was the case. And if the Summer banners turned orbs into beach balls. Also, expect one of those four new seasonal characters to be shoved on a banner shared only with Gaius. Kellam: Boo!!! Everyone: I think I'm hearing something..... nope, just my ears.
  20. Which is perfect for next year's Walking Dead Zombies banner. Infantry Emblem crawls from the grave hungry for more exclusive skills! Agreed, we don't have Aum, Valkyrie or Bifrost yet.
  21. But will you admit that even though you didn't need a seasonal unit, you nonetheless found one you adored? If not, oh, that's fine. Now will we have a Performing vs. Halloween VG? Both involve dressing up. Which is why it'll all be cavalry and fliers for that one. Only fools run into the stores. Fools that get trampled over by horses and midair dumped on by wyverns!
  22. Can anyone make out anything from those silhouettes? A elf-like hat and a coffin, that I can see on a quick look. Well I know you won't be pulling for the one week exclusive Baby New Year Nowi!
  23. Just to point this out, but her powers do fail her when she spares Jarod from the BK, and that does show she isn't perfect. Then we have Part 3, which until the end of 3-F, is free of special powers. For all of P3 barring that end moment, she is struggling to keep things together without her powers. Part 4 does unfortunately overuse her powers, which include hosting a goddess who does about 70-80% of Micaiah's total P4 talking. This negatively affects her agency, and development in the last leg of the game. Sacrifice only matters for two seconds by the way. Don't forget the Valla Curse! That is bad too. I do think the Blood Pact could work a bit better with a different and more explained logic than 1 dies 1 day, 2 days on the second, 3 on the third.... and so forth. I'm not expecting the BP, a magical thing, to be totally logical. But turning it into a "virus" which infects the Pact tatooed, but which can't kill them, only those they come into contact with and thus are "infected" and who then can infect others could work. Beyond a distance of so many miles/kilometers of the tatooed, the virus dies. A monarch cannot live in complete isolation of the subjects they are supposed to govern, so it's impossible for the BP to not impact their country. I think one's dislike for the BP is partly dependent on how much one likes Ashnard and Naesala. For it cheapens Ashnard's rise to the top (and the old man who made the Pact for Ashy is never explained, a simple "Sephiran did it" could work though). For Naesala, if you liked him being against the grain of morality without altruism at heart, then the BP hurts. If you disliked his PoR avarice with no visible good reason, then the BP's effects on him are good or benign, probably.
  24. Thank you for reminding me of that regret. It was cheating on Easy Mode Scenario, but still put up a challenge. I've come to realize extreme platformers aren't for me. It's why I'm wary of buying Donkey Kong Country Returns. I can handle Marios though. Don't know about Sonic not having played one in forever. Also, I bought them for a 1-2 bucks each, but Mega Man X4 isn't so fun as X on my Wii U without restore points to make getting through the maps, and sometimes the bosses, easier and more fun. I could nearly kill the spider on some tries, but I never took down even that. Mega Man 8 is another cheap $1-2 regret. Frost Man's Skis from Niflheim are just impassable. The rest of the game is good enough, but over half of it is out of my sight because of "Jump! Jump! Slide! Slide!". Muramasa: The Demon Blade for Wii, well I liked many things about it, but it convinced me I can't do hardcore action. Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir on Normal and sometimes Hard was great though.
  25. Don't forget Lowen! He is all about cooking (and can be shipped with Rebecca). And just in case you're wondering, the green curtains match the drapes, if you know what I mean. Oscar, well I'll leave him a mystery to you. Perfectly natural, those hips don't lie, you subconsciously wanted to be in his thighs. Or, you could sense his natural maternal qualities, he is the spitting image of Saint Elimine, well, close to it. It is no wonder Nino left her children in his care. Sounds lovely, but perhaps not the best for Halloween. An elegant Mardi Gras maybe? A Venetian Carnival? Phantoms of the Opera House banner?
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