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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I'm not big on shipping and getting obsessed over it, but MistxRolf I much prefer over MistxBoyd. If Boyd doesn't like it, well he can't have Titania either because Rhys deserves her. He'll either have to find someone else, or ask Mist if she wouldn't mind being polyandrous.
  2. Etrian Odyssey Untold and Untold 2 gives you both the original synth and arranged orchestrations with the ability to swap them on the fly outside of battle (new tracks like the ones for Gladsheim also get synth versions too). Sometimes the arrangement falls short (overuse of electric guitar for instance), other times they match up well or have equally likable differences (the 3rd Stratum in EOU2 I recall as an example of this). I generally like swapping between the two versions in EOU2 to give my ears a rest from repetitiveness. I've spent a few times here on SF sampling the various Fire Emblem Theme renditions, and on Youtube listening to "demakes" of things like Xenoblade Chronicles music, so I like both arrangements and originals and it depends on the individual track to determine which is better.
  3. The Laguz have poor growths, need to transform to do anything (and then have to waste turns burning Olivi Grass while shifted to stay that way), while shifted earn EXP at a snail's pace, and quite painfully lack 1-2 range. I liked the deviation of the Laguz from the shapeshifting stone approach of the older and more recent games, but it does hamstring them. All this said, the Royals of course are brokenly strong in RD, and the Herons are pure utility goodness. But among the rest, there isn't that much good- Volug and Mordecai (b/c he has giant Defense when shifted) plus the Hawk duo, Skrimir, and maybe Ranulf are all decently usable. The Dragons would be too if they didn't join so incredibly late and the first two massively underleveled with one having terrible stats even when trained. Having almost finished a draft where I've been using Mordy as one of my few units, I will say that if you're using just one or two Laguz, you do get enough Laguz Stone uses in RD to last you the whole game with some moderation. On a non-draft, you shouldn't have many scenarios where your Laguz fights to point of being unshifted on the enemy phase and you desperately need to shift back into fighting form with a Stone. Pop 'em when you really need turn 1 enemy phase/ turn 2 player phase (without being able to spare your Heron for 2x Olivi + shift over those first 2 turns) combat. As for PoR, Lethe and Mordecai, particularly the former, have some solid midgame potential, and Muarim and Ranulf can carry on where the two prior beasts left off to a degree. The Hawks are particularly lacking vs. the Beorc fliers though, and the Dragons while strong, lack that lovely 1-2 range like all Laguz do and one of them comes underleveled. Not to mention the absence of Strike ranks keeps them locked to Steel weapon power when Beorc eventually get Silver access to outdamage the Laguz.
  4. The middle of Chapter 16 looks a bit like the Bound Hero Map.
  5. Oh no! Who will save them? The Silver Knight of Renais? The Obsidian of Grado? The vengeful brother? The Takumi of Frelia? I see they went with Scorched Sands for the map- makes sense seeing how it's the one chapter where you fight him. I think it's also one of the less bad desert maps in FE between not being overly sandy and having the dynamic quality of two separate hero groups (well more on Eph's route), plus two awesome separated bosses, each with a full army. Now if only we had Ephraim, Forde and Kyle on the exterior Renvall map vs. Valter's crew- fight the battle Eph somehow won! Edit: The map isn't Scorched Sands after all when I actually compare them instead of going off of memory. It does look to be inspired by it though.
  6. Manfroy also sired children, a daughter I think, and then some time after Sara was born, he killed them both. Why he had a kid? Like Jedah, no idea. Perhaps the evil dark cult leader just wanted to show he had virility.
  7. I guarantee they will do the same thing with Warriors and FE Switch. Warriors? NO! There is going to be what, ~6 OCs (at least two of whom are swordies)? That'll be Tempest + GHB + Banner combo-able I guess? My problem is the possibility of getting "Warriors" variants of non-OCs, and because SD's characters sing in the note of "blaaaah!" it'd end up being Warrior!Lucinifer and Warrior!Xanthan Gum. If someone really wanted those, just take your phone/tablet/PC/Mac and put some plastic wrap around them- boom, everyone is so very Musou now.
  8. Well theres worse. There are plenty of games that need more reps, being denied fanservice isn't that bad. Of course we could kill two birds with one stone via swimsuit!Touma. That'll clear the way for Travant and his son and "daughter". But that still doesn't help Narcian or Ashnard now does it? But progress takes time I guess. Valter was a psychotic serial killer-ish villain done fairly well. His final words are terribly disappointing though, as is the fact he never moves as a boss.
  9. Her Speed cap is 34, Aran and Danved have 33. 34 + White Pool = Aura doubling; Neph can also double 4-F-3's boss and the Fire and Wind Spirits without WP. Neph is absolutely the best Sentinel choice for Endgame. But Neph is an investment, and Aran, while also an investment, pays off sooner and more valuably for the DB than Neph does for everyone else pre-4 Endgame.
  10. Ah yes, Luke vs. him. I think it's sufficiently grand for the occasion, with a soft side reflective of the fact this isn't good vs. evil, but rather a battle more about character development and maturity between two intimately interconnected individuals, to use what words I can to describe it. It's a little short in length though. 8.4/10 Hero of Legend- Forsythe from Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
  11. I'm in agreement that characters should not be walking jokes/weird gimmicks. Ilyana I do detest, but Kieran I'm okay with- he just seems to be a bit more rounded out than Ily and actually gets some good meaningful discussion done with Oscar in PoR. Gatrie I generally don't like that much because he is a bit flat, but him and Shinon form a good combination together and in this case we get a better understanding of the two individual and their relationship to each other. I don't want IS copy/pasting any comedic act that went over well in one game directly into another. I know there are only so many personalities and forms of humor and not everyone has played the older games, but don't make things exactly the same. For example, Joshua-L'Arachel and Makalov-Bastian supports both have humor built around gambling, but the characters involved are fairly distinct and the humor which results isn't repetitive between the two.
  12. Yeah, having some sort of growth indicator- letter ranks, colors, some set of symbols, something that could let one get an idea of growth rates. Like a "D" in Magic indicates a growth within 15-25%, whereas a "C" would be between 30-40%. Though I'd rather leave things more ambiguous than a 5-6 letter system, given growths and stats don't go that incredibly high to warrant so many distinctions.
  13. Wrong! Camus is immortal! What else explains Freddy's loyalty? He's just had to go through a few makeovers and name changes over the millennia.
  14. In retrospect letting the Soviets fight the Japanese was a bad idea- North Korea much? Though I understand why Truman wanted it- to reduce US casualties in case of a Japanese mainland invasion. Also, Duma is the name for the Russian legislature. The entire plot of SoV is an allegory showing how Greece needs a Tsar unrestrained by a corrupted legislature and church.
  15. We'll need to do full body searches of the horses and their riders alike in order to determine the presence of tumors and or carcinogens. We will begin our examination with colonoscopies, and first up is Shockstick- Reinhardt's trusty stallion who garners a stud high price. *Places latex gloves on* As for the Emoji Movie: ? ???????☠️ Ah yes, Madame Goldiga- surely she can't be suspect in her husband's murder.
  16. The Lingua Franca is the Lingua Omnipotentia. Hence in the future, the Lingua Franca will be Lingua Sino-however-you-Italinize-it. The Asians here are actually time travelers from that day in the future, secretly boasting about that day to come.
  17. I prefer to refer to it as the mother of all harlots. Though to be fair all languages are to at least the slightest degree slutty and prone to change. That corn is only found in American English by the way, particularly the South. But hey, all this blind and rampant inter-everything banging counts as diversity and multiculturalism- yay! Why bother with Indian Pale Ale? Lager is king! And why bother teaching phonetics? Coding, business, and sciences are the real thing the American educational system needs more of! Followed by history and civics. If you much else to say on this matter, bring it to Serious Discussion, I won't because I don't know much more. "As long as colleges and universities can keep churning out enough intelligent individuals to keep things afloat, all will be okay." I guess that's been the US's motto since... the 16-something or others?
  18. With a little reprogramming and insertion into an android, that can easily be fixed.
  19. in the names of Elincia and Emmeryn could the two of you please cease this bickering? Different opinions on the power levels of different but equally fictional and inconsequential characters. You've sparred enough that the both of you should realize that neither one of you will convince the other. I don't care who started it- because once things get too far in that becomes irrelevant, all that matters now is the resolution. I'm only saying this because I mean well.
  20. Down with Magyar/Hungarian, up with Icelandic! And don't let Tamil win the Gauntlet, Team Quechua is far superior! And screw utility- all written language is garbage unless it takes the form of highly stylized calligraphy. ? Ya know you can find the entire support log recorded here on SF. Sure reading it isn't quite the same as seeing it ingame, but it is an option that saves a little time.
  21. Just give everyone their official artwork for their respective games as selectable alternates to their new artist portrayals. I don't care if this leads to some disparities in how the characters look from different games- like the current artwork is all perfectly cohesive. Well Japan it's Larchel, I guess NA wanted to make her pretentious. Which she kinda is charging into fog surrounded by monsters as a level 3 Troubadour with only a crappy Berserker by her side. That said NA did tone down other characters, turning Cougar to Cormag, Coma to Colm, Cetheredra to Caellach, Heanius to Innes, Xyst to Gerik, AMarica to Marisa, and Asseray to Artur. Welcome to Fire Emblem Heroes- spend $20000 on orbs and you'll receive a free "Guide to the Nether Regions of All FE Characters (Barring the Underaged per FBI Regulations)"! Want a free sneak peek into the forbidden lands of the Awakening cast?
  22. Orochi as the mythological Orochi (or Da Ji for WO fans). Volug or Keaton as Cerberus. Jakob as Jack the Ripper. Camilla or Peri as Elizabeth Bathory. Kellam is the Mad Gasser. But we shouldn't forget the more lighthearted costumes of Halloween. We need the Emblem Rangers! Owain is Emblem Red, Arthur is Emblem Blue, Ophelia is Emblem Pink, Emblem Yellow is Elise, and Emblem Black is Benny. Then we have the mysterious Emblem Purple who does his own lonesome thing- Leo.
  23. Hector never married, he kept the affair a secret. But with his forceful mastery of Lycian politics, when he said "this girl is my illegitimate, and she WILL be my legitimate!" all the Marquesses agreed to it. That's not possible you say? Louis XIV of France was successful in legitimatizing his ill-begotten brood. Didn't Zeus swallow his wife Metis though, and that's why Athena popped out when he got hit in the head? Maybe that's what happened to Serra- yeah I doubt she'd hide mothering the Marquess of Ostia's child with her loose rumor loving lips. Has to be it.
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