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Everything posted by DraceEmpressa

  1. 3/ 19 special banner? too late for white day, too early for easter .. hmmm, i wonder what it is ...
  2. where is the link to Sharena' s character introduction? the ones this banner' s leak from?
  3. tbh all of this talk about objectification have the same basis as why there is power creep. There is buyer so there will be market and not the other way around. If there is no buyer, the market will die on itself. So what must be eliminated is the consumer base, not the market. The problem is, is that possible or not? That the FEH units are not only selling sex appeal, but also simply usability as unit with minimum to no regard to personality as character is baffling to me. Many units can have better personality with their alts, or their appearance in FEH, but no, since sex appeal and unit usability is enough to sell , they don't bother to improve the personality. How Surtr and Reinhardt gets into top 20 males in CYL3 shows how minimum people cares for personality as well, and it upsets me, same like Legendary Azura. Her design make me hope she will shed some light to Valla, or mention about Arete, but no, her lines basically sums up as "I sing and I'm a sociopath who doesn't care of other countries fell as long I keep my mouth shut and can destroy Anankos" . In real life, personality matters more than looks or skills, but that's what sells in video games, so companies will be milking it. but again, since sex appeal and unit usability is enough to sell , they don't bother to improve the personality. And said lack of concern to personality will always baffles me, but who am I I alone can't eliminate the consumer base.
  4. If the game counts the loli Tiki and the adult Tiki as different characters, and as both versions got summer alt, it's posible when the loli one becomes Legendary, the adult becomes Mystic, not to mention in the future DLC Tiki did become the new Naga. Exactly. It is also the reason of why gameplay-wise, new heroes banner dont' offer interesting things as much seasonals can bring, and with the "I already have a unit of this weapon/movement"" often being the case to decrease the revenue of a new heroes banners as they don''t have new units that plenty of players don't have yet. Beast banners helps lessen this, and there are few cases of actual new Heroes to have interesting weapon/,movement combination, but the majority of actual New Heroes banner only bloats an already oversaturated unit type. Not to mention people do complain when Heroes defy canon to make a unit type interesting , so, yeah, "actual new heroes" and "interesting type" is something that you can barely have. Speaking of which, if they can make the foxes and the bunnies cavalry in gameplay without making the sprites riding anything, cavalry dragon when? Pretty much obvious that she's the star of the banner with the banner icon at your castle shows her. That icon for banners always shows the supposed star of the banner; Yeah, now they relate New Heroes with FB and SPecial Heroes with TT as seasonals units don't need that fleshing.
  5. I wonder if their bad skills is IS trying to check the waters if people are really pullong just favorites/non alts despite they don't have that much good skills and stats.
  6. Yikes, Idunn is armored dragon. I thought my orbs is safe! Rutger is the free unit, where is the surprise. also, anyone noticed Gustav?
  7. Ranged, player phase cavalry and fliers. If they are enemy phase I wouldn't pull, if they are melee I wouldn't pull too, and I also wouldn't pull for armors/infantries. I made other exception like Valor skills (although I i did not pull for Lance Valor last year because I hate infantries, and Lance Valor is the only valor skills I don't have yet), or bow flier (due to personal reasons, i will only ever use Summer Takumi), and armored dragons with both DEF and RES high.
  8. also, inb4 reinhardt , brave lyns and veronicas are return to arena because of legendary roy's effect
  9. I feel like listing the retunrs of the legendary heroes, cmiiw? Hrid: May Ryoma: march Lucina: march Gunnthra: June Robin: June Eirika: May Ike:April Ephraim: June Lyn: May Tiki: May Hector: April Fjorm: April Marth: April Eir: March Azura: March Duma: May Roy: April
  10. So I've seen the datamine and let me say that I don't like what I see
  11. Leanne and Reyson gained 3 move on their own while transforming, while Azura gives three movement to the unit she danced to if they are fliers or infantry. This is more useful for people running infantry/fliers nukes, and Tibarn/Keaton gains 3 moves even if they are untransformed because of Gray Waves. and that's just Gray Waves. Prayer Wheel gives the highest buff to all stat. So if you have a unit with +7 atk cause hone atk 4 , after danced they got +7 in spd, def and res. That synergizes way too well with bladetomes, and even if you didn't run bladetomes, you will still want that all stat boost. Nevermind that Prayer Wheel also stack with the B Dance skill, so if Azura has Torrent/Earth Dance 3, the danced unit got +5 to all stat even if they didn't got any buff before.
  12. I am surpised that no one mentioned that the next legendary hero is
  13. The agreement that summer takumi is male sexualization done right is so satisfying to me to read, heh heh back to topic though, it does seems that beasts has rendered axe, sword and lance obsolete. Can't say they trivialized dragons though, since dragons still have thar adaptive damage and deals magic damage when mor than 60% units in this game has low res.. Like, Tibarn trivialized Elincia, and now, Keaton trivialized Swordhart, since transformed beast infantry have 3 movement AND can ignore that trench.... Oh, and Keaton attacks twice regardless of the phase of the combat. Wonder if I put QR on him he will attack 4x in enemy phase?
  14. As much as other contents are indeed datamine, isn't the Tempest Trial itself is already officially announced so you don't have to add the datamine in the title?You still put datamine info into the spoiler box ofc
  15. It's just me or now they are associating Tempest Trial with Seasonal banners and new heroes banner with FB?
  16. I want white day banner with all pretty boy unit because i'm cheap like that~
  17. Well then, when is the release timespan of Gen 1, gen 2, and have Gen 3 starts yet?
  18. Valentine Titania has 145 BST, Mist and Soren are 144, is it safe to assume that in book 3 too ranged cavalry are not getting BST boost?
  19. 264 orbs down and I got two Mists, both -spd... Ah well, this update deletes the flaw, so I picked the one with res asset. Also, her dad blocked me once, and he's -atk... Well, even -atk he has 38 atk, so it's fine I guess....
  20. It looks like this year's valentine would be another armor fest, no?
  21. it's the 31th yet still no announcement of FEH channle yet... the anniversary starts about 52 hours from now...
  22. Some of them still can be fodders ofc. Like Halloween Nowi has Hone Flier. I honestly don't like specifically talking about one unit being fodder tbh
  23. My point is apathetic players only cares about things you mentioned, usability. And IS seems to think they are the majority.
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