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Everything posted by DraceEmpressa

  1. The BG is red, so red unit, likely no. Then again, they make Sue green bow, so red bow is still possible. Taking down Lost Lore is a good idea IS. Taking down Rokkr Sieges isn't.
  2. >Lost Lore gone >YESSSSSS!!!! >Rokkr Sieges gone >NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
  3. Pretty sure it's to fix the field quest one. To cause another bug on its own... IS, is this intentional to give us orbs?
  4. More like despite the west doesn't want to , the incest sells in Japan. the Takumi fanbook outright sarcastically refer to the people who buy the book as "oneechan fans", but hey if it sells in Japan despite the west complained they ain't stopping, they are Japanese company after all. In all seriousness, was it ever confirmed Duo units are solely armors? Imagine.... Fliers or cavs with 185 BST.... and they bring Brave Lyn, Reinhardt , Brave Veronica, Legendary Azura and Brave Camilla to the arena... yikes.
  5. also is there any lost lore event? please don't start at the 13th.
  6. well, I do remember late month and legendary/mythic banner update usually come only 2 hours before new banner is released, but usually, version update is released about 28 hour before new banner... I rmemeber last month update was already out at this hour.
  7. Another error? Inigo's score is 35 bil yet the tracker record it as 36 when remaining hours is 9.
  8. Now I wonder if Duo Unit is only for armors. I mean, one mount can be ridden by two people as well.
  9. Is there an error to the predictor? the proper number for Shigure is 1047 mil, against Inigo who has 1252 mil, yet the predictor counts Shigure has 1043 mil and Inigo has 1167 mil?
  10. They increased the free orbs for each pack's purchase, does it mean now the 143 orbs pack saves more than the 77 orbs pack ?
  11. I missed the developer/artist challenge maps. Now I think about it, do we ever had VA challenge map?
  12. How to sustain the units tho? Astra/GF sure increases the damage,but it doesn't help sustain the units?
  13. Well, considering seasonals and legendaries can be rokkrs, it certainly raises the dragon count. I hope it wouldn't be an armor dragon, though. As for daggers, I think they will pose similar problems with Claude now, as Claude being pain is mostly because he has Defense Smoke, and rokkr damage defaults to decrease both def and res by 7. Which also means strategies used now will also work, and people can relax a bit more since they can use fliers against daggers.
  14. I did the Brave Lyn strat with two herons and forest map, but with Summer Takumi. My Summer Takumi was +10, has summoner support,Aether, Swift Sparrow 3,Guard 3, Breath of Life 3 ,5 dragonflowers, and the seal was Heavy Blade. My Takumi has enough Speed to double intermediate-difficulty Claude and enough HP and Def to survive bows at that difficulty. both Reyson and Leanne has Goad Fliers when Legendary Azura has Hone Atk 4. Gets me 160k on Intermediate. Planning to do this again on future dagger rokkrs... Yeah, so we may have 8 soon enough. I missed the dragon one though, I wonder when will they put dragons again? and for Beasts... to be fair, beasts weapon effect differs on the movement type, so maybe it's what makes it hard for them to make beast rokkr weapon.
  15. I think the most annoying part of Rokkr Claude is, another being bow unit and most players' nuke and fliers, the other is his Def Smoke keep kiling player units from reinforcements. If only Idunn and Nagi's breaths combined into one.
  16. Last year CYL is also FB, yet this year we got TT alongside CYL. It's not about seasonal or New Heroes, it's about paralogue or story chapter. This year CYL haven't broke the pattern of paralogue= TT, while August's banner is both New Heroes.
  17. I'm not sure who will the october new heroes will be, but I'm sure it' wouldn't be the farfetched heroes. Now they have a pattern of story chapter tied with FB, paralogue tied with TT, and one set each month. The october TT certainly is Halloween one, so we can rule out Farfetched Heroes as it's another paralogue.
  18. I noticed that this year, with the exception of 3H and Brave banner, each New Heroes banner has at least one beast or dragon unit. So that's the new plan? They seem to milk all non-humans they had into FEH. In b4 not only Morva or Dheginsea, they'll even make Almedha , Gotoh, and Xane as dragon units. 'cause dragons are easy to make broken of.
  19. I got +spd -def Dancing Ishtar and -atk +res , which should I build for next arena ? Ishtar have lower BST, but she can reliably kill all enemies on the map and get +12 arena score, or Dancing Berkut? What should I put on his weapon , B and C skill to use him as a tank? My aim is simply to get into rank 20 once if I decide to skip the 19th banner so I consistently got 5 orbs per week.
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