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Everything posted by Zanarkin

  1. You could do dancing, or hit up local board game nights around your town. There are usually regulars to those. Also what Rapier said is pretty good. Asking a friend or family member is a good way to find new things. Plus chances are they will be more than happy to have you there.
  2. I really want to get this game on release, but I'm worried they might pull the same shit as they did with Sun and moon where they release the definitive version a tad later.... I think I might wait a few months before i get this game. I wish I had done the same with S/M because looking back the game was pretty bare bones compared to other games, like B2/w2 and Platinum.
  3. Mordecai once got 2 speed BEXP levels in the beginning of part 2 of Radiant Dawn. With 22 speed he was doubling for a fair bit into the game. It aso meant he reached higher claw ranks faster so that was an even bigger boost to damage. Couple that with strength at almost every level up, and it wouldn't matter he couldn't double speedy enemies.
  4. This. I used to do this regularly when I was young (used to live in South America)
  5. I would recommend Contrapoints, Knowing Better, Thunderf00t, Scishow, Healthcare Triage, Kurzgesagt, CGP Grey, Two Cents, Wisecrack, Hello Future Me, After Skool, TheOdd1sOut, The only Vlog here is TheOdd1sOut, but I find it kinda entertaining and its all animated. Contrapoints tends to have really good videos about controversial topics. Thunderf00t is great for science related stuf, and his debunking is also pretty great. SciShow, Healthcare Triage, Kurzgesagt, CGP Grey, Two cents, and Knowing Better are informative videos. Wisecrack is great for philosophy in media, Hello Future Me often talks about writing and symbolism in TV shows, cartoons and movies. He has a really good video essay on Zaheer from The Legend of Korra. After Skool takes narrations, motivational speeches among other sort of recorded stuff and draws along with them. They are kinda really neat.
  6. I have always had a romanticized picture of whales in my head. I really like them, big ones in particular. I also like turtles/tortoises. Edit: oh and birds, because I am jealous of their ability of unassisted flight.
  7. I have not come out yet to anyone irl but I did have a moment where I came out to myself, at least enough to accept the fact that I wasn't straight. I'm also still not sure whether I would label myself with any particular label either. Aside from maybe bisexual with a preference for men. I jsut figure I'm attracted to whoever I am attracted to, what gender that person happens to be seems rather trivial honestly. Also I guess this is the first time I seriously discuss this on this forum and online in general so . For most of my teenage years I kept thinking I was straight, at least for the most part. Though I think I might have been in some denial. My parents have always been vocal about their homophobia (...? I don't really know what to call it. I just know they wouldn't be entirely happy with it, at least not at first), even if they say they would accept their children no matter what. And I believe them, I mean, coming out as an atheist was a pretty big shocker for both my parents but they eventually accepted it. And I think religion is an even bigger and more important part of their life. My mom even told me once that was the one thing she could not forgive (though I think she has by now). Either way, I always thought this coupled with some pretty strong homophobia from my childhood and teenage peers led to me being in denial about my own feelings for men. I had a few crushes on girls during High School. Though it was not many, and I honestly can't say whether I was forcing myself to have crushes, mistaking feelings of friendship for more romantic feelings, or actually having a legitimate crush. I honestly can't say I ever found too many people attractive during high school. I think I was 19 or 20 when I started experiencing attraction towards men and sometimes (but very rarely) women I would see in public. It was around this time I started to understand why so many of my male friends would often stop a conversation to suddenly talk about how hot someone who just passed by is. I used to think if I could just have sex with a woman, I would figure it out and become fully straight or something. Though I ended up having sex with a woman, I think i ended up being pushed more towards the other side lol. Granted the experience was pretty terrible and I think it is all my fault for pressuring myself into that situation without being clear and honest to myself as to what it was I was looking for. Not that I have a clear picture now, but I am honest enough with myself to know that sex with just about any woman is out of the question. I know I can't have sex with just any random person, as much as people, friends and family seem to think and tell me that just because a guy is a guy they want sex with whoever they can get it with. It was after that experience that I truly started wondering about my sexuality and trying to figure out what I wanted in a romantic and sexual partner. I also started being a lot more honest to myself about my sexuality and started considering romantic and sexual relationships with men as a possibility. Granted I am still in the closet about this and I find it difficult to just go up and ask a guy I might be interested in getting to know better on a date. Recently I have been wondering about how to tell my friends and how to best let my family know. I don;t particulalry have too many ideas on that, mostly because I figured I would tell them if the question ever came up again but it hasn't so far. I figure if I ever meet someone I would let my friends know when they ask what is new with me, or if they ever ask me again about my sexuality I'd be honest with them about the confusing mess it is. As for my family, I'm not to sure how I would approach it. Talking about it out of the blue seems very uncomfortable, mostly because I have never felt comfortable talking to my parents about sexuality, my love-life, or anything of the sort. I figure if I ever get a boyfriend and they ask me about my love life I would tell them... But that also seems difficult to do.... Guess I will cross that bridge when I get there. Hopefully some day there is some sort of organic way of doing it but I don't think that is a realistic expectation. Update 10/02/2019: I came out to my closest friend. Got a crush on someone, my friend asked me if there was someone and I ended up telling him I was interested in a guy. He was cool with it. To be honest I expected this reaction, but I was kinda scared at first he might make fun of me, or something. But that didn't happen so
  8. What I don't want to see returning from fates or awakening is the damn dating sim. To a lesser extent I would like a return of RD class mechanics, and skills. The skills in fates and awakening feel a bit too overpowered. And I liked how unique the class path of RD and PoR made each unit feel. Aron and Nephenee were the same class but each felt quite different when you played with them given their distinct growths and lack of ability to continually train them, re-spec and train again. Although you could max every stat with BEXP but I'm not saying lets bring back that mechanic in its entirety. I will just wait until more is known about the game to decide if I buy it or not. After the disappointment I found with fates and Awakening I really don't want to fork over the cash right on release.
  9. I heard that the switch isn't region locked and that you could change region settings from the menu allowing you to buy stuff from other regions' eshop. If its true, that might be worth doing. Octopath Traveler sounds like a really good game.
  10. Coffee is a must everyday for me. I start to get headaches and shit if I don't drink it. But also I really love drinking coffee, specially if I am with friends. It is great to sit, talk and have a cup of coffee. Weed, even before it was legal. I prefer getting high with friends, but I do often vape/or ingest it when I am alone. The high used to be really entertaining, but now I feel like I need to get really really high to get the previous effects most of the time, so I tend to have breaks between my regular uses. Alcohol consumption is mainly from beer. I don't like getting too drunk too often cause I fear the next morning. I used to be able to finish a bottle of rum with one of my friends and at most I'd get a headache. Now, a bit of whisky and my stomach is in angry protest the next morning. Still beer can be really nice for a buzz and sometimes getting fucked up drunk is worth the next morning.
  11. Well all I have is a laptop that isn't dedicated for gaming, so I don't know about it running any better than it would on the switch, but you are right on the control and cheaper points. However what draws me to the idea is mainly the portability along with being able to hook it up to a bigger screen if I so choose. Which I can do with my laptop, but that is heavier and I don't always want to take it everywhere I go. In all fairness though if I have the money this steam sale I'll probably buy the games on steam. I'll just have other games on the switch.
  12. Now I'm curious if its worth holding out for a price drop, or just buy it on steam when a sale comes by... Ugh decisions.
  13. I used to see this a lot from most people, but nowadays it just comes from people who don't play any video games whatsoever but still for some reason care that other people do. Most people I know are fine with it either because they play a wide variety of games. I don't really have many friends [if any] who consider graphics and mature content as the end-all-be-all for video-games that adults can and should play. The friends and people I know who don't play video games tend to be quiet on the subject. The only one who really says anything (though not regularly) to me is my best friend, but that's because he considers video games a huge waste of time and that happens to be how I spend most of my free time. However I always answer with the fact that how one spends time is a matter of personal preference and that I don't particularly care to be productive [which he cares about a lot]. Also my one of my brothers thinks Nintendo games are garbage because they don't have super good graphics and aren't about shooting or whatever garbage he likes. But my brother is an idiot and I rarely bother taking his points seriously on pretty much anything any way. TL;DR: most people I know are fine with all types of video games. The people who have negative opinions about them I have either agreed to disagree with them, or I just don't care about the points they raise.
  14. Do third party games go on good discounts for the Nintendo switch? I am thinking of getting a switch relatively soon and I was wondering if hoping for a sale for Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Crash Bandicoot N.Sane trilogy is asking for too much. I have seen good sales for some third party games, but I am wondering if this extends to more expensive games like the two mentioned above. The reason I ask is cause these two games go for a 50% discount during steam sales, and if they are unlikely to go on sale on the switch I'll just buy it on pc. But I like the idea of having these two games as portables.
  15. Night Forest, cause I like darker colour scheme, but also Lehran.
  16. :o exciting. I'm loving the crash revival going on. This game looks pretty awesome. I played tag team racing back on GCN and I enjoyed it a fair bit. Might pick this up on PC if it ever gets here (which I can't see why they wouldn't).
  17. I tend to peel off slowly. Specially if its an particularly hairy area. That can really pull on your hairs.
  18. I have had a couple of trips to the ER. One was when I broke my left arm. Had to wait for an ungodly amount of time for my dad to get there because for some reason, they won't do things to you in Colombia without money being present >_> at least that was the case with me in early 2000's. Another was for appendicitis. Woke up with a mild stomach ache that wouldn't leave. Around 11 at night it got really bad and my parents noticed I looked really terrible. Went to ER, it was appendicitis... Another long wait before surgery because I had eaten previously... lol. At least I wasn't in the waiting room this time. Most recent one (2013) was for kidney stones. I woke up one day, with a lot of pressure in my bladder (or near my bladder). Didn't think much of it other than discomfort, went and had breakfast. After that, I went to pee, and there was blood. Started puking (apparently a common reaction to kidney stones pain) so I was rushed to the ER. Where I had to wait a long time before they gave me any sort of pain medicine. My mom says I almost crushed her hand.
  19. I was wondering if anyone here has the game and would like to play together. I play pretty regularly, so let me know if you guys are interested. I play on PC, but for those with the console version feel free to look for teammates here as well. Also feel free to post any news, tips, and questions about the game. It'd be great to have a dedicated topic for monster hunter world here :). Also we could make a discord channel dedicated to this, I'm not as experience using the app, but I'm willing to make one and learn as I go along if there is enough interest.
  20. Somewhere in the -20 to -30 Celsius. Maybe lower idr. Happens regularly in winter here
  21. 25 hour a week as the norm would be amazing. I currently work part time and only take up to 24 hours. Although, I rarely if ever get 24 hours consistently seeing as I work in a grocery store and they love to cut hours. I would love it if full time jobs were 25 hours a week. Would make things so much better, and I wouldn't have to debate whether to apply to a full time job and lose the way of life I want to actually have or continue having a shaky paycheck but have a considerable amount of time to spend on things I want to actually spend time on.
  22. Student debt pardon followed by free secondary education! Also, the 40 hours per week norm fucking sucks. If any country has a norm that is substantially less, lets bring that here. Come on Canada, get your shit together.
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