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Fabulously Olivier

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Everything posted by Fabulously Olivier

  1. That's actually a fair analysis. But then, all of this is in addition to Eirika handing the plot McGuffin (the stone) to someone who she thought was her best friend and who she still thought could be saved. Her naivety is stupid, but also sympathetic and human enough that one can understand where it comes from. Celica, on the other hand, hands the plot McGuffin (herself) to an obvious villain who she has no reason to trust and every reason to distrust. The decision defies common sense, comes out of nowhere, and is so poorly handled that it would make more sense (and somehow be less insulting) if Celica simply had her agency taken away by a spell from Jedah.
  2. I like Ike. I am not an "Ike fan." He's not even my favorite lord (that is probably Sigurd or Chrom at this point), but I will gladly own up to liking the Tellius games much more than Valentia. But since we're calling people out on their favorite games now, your favorite Fire Emblem is a mobile title (which is still better than Echoes). Frankly, calling anyone out on their tastes is a farce, given that. As for your complete joke of a point, it is neither ironic nor stupid. Celica is an idiot. Every flaw that Eirika holds also exists in Celica, right down to foolhardy naivety which directly causes the end plot to happen. At least Eirika had the excuse of childhood friendship with the villain in question - meaning that Celica is actually significantly less intelligent than Eirika. What exactly does she offer in terms of character traits to make up for this baffling character flaw that isn't also possessed by every other lord? Lyon - one of, if not the best villains in the franchise Cormag - one of the most memorable wyvern riders in the franchise, alongside Jill (for good reasons) and Camilla (for two reasons) Lute - clearly memorable enough to be a runner up in CYL1, despite being a minor character, and for good reason L'Arachel Dozla Kyle and Forde - the social knights with the most personality and the best contrast & friendship of any social knight set in the franchise Joshua Orson - a simultaneously sympathetic and monstrous villain with a disturbingly memorable plot twist Myrrh - one of the most developed Manaketes with an above average investment in the plot for her archetype Valter - one of the most recognizable villains in the franchise within the FE fandom (And Tana - the thickest pegasus knight. Coughs). That's a lot more than 3 characters. And frankly, that's just what I would consider to be memorable. If I'm just going by characters that I consider to be good, that would involve MOST of the Sacred Stones cast. Innes is my favorite archer in the franchise - because he's everything good about Shinon with more class and without racism. Gilliam is one of my favorite knights (because quite frankly generals are the least characterized class in Fire Emblem, and he's one of the better ones). Gerik is one of my favorite mercenaries because of his backstory and dynamic with Tethys. Also, the ability to speed through or grind through a map doesn't make said map not exist. For someone playing the game normally, Sacred Stones is a relatively entertaining game. Frankly, I barely forced myself to finish Echoes, and will never play it again. My best friend (a hardcore fan since Blazing Sword) still hasn't been able to finish Echoes because it is such a lifeless game from a gameplay standpoint.
  3. I disagree completely. Yes, Sacred Stones was too easy, but it at least had some semblance of map design, which is more than can be said of Echoes. Also, while both games have excellent character rosters, SS has quite possibly my favorite overall roster.
  4. Equal parts happy and disappointed with this banner. Hector - Possibly his best art yet, alongside an overpowered kit. I would have preferred to see a variation in his movement type over a variation in weapon type. Armored lance Hector is great and all, but a great knight or wyvern lord would have been much more interesting to me, even if they came with Armads. Also, the power creep is quite frankly absurd. Stop. Powercreeping. Armor. FFS. Ephraim - great art, great kit. Again, I dislike armor comps and hate how they keep powercreeping them at the expense of every other type of team. Veronica - absolutely love her new art and kit. Very pleasantly surprised. Though could she kindly set a precedent for healers to get prf staves and better specials? (Celica - I do not care. I personally think she is the most overrated character in the entire franchise from the most boring games in the entire franchise. I do not like her, and this uninteresting kit with uninteresting art isn't going to change that.)
  5. What if these characters are actually based on their friends? Ephraim - design based on Lyon or Innes Hector - design based on Eliwood Veronica - design based on Xander Celica - design based on Alm Marth - design based on Merric
  6. Celica has Mycen. Veronica doesn't have one, but Bruno is close enough.
  7. I'm hoping that they'll use this opportunity to go with non-canon movement types for these characters: Hector - Great Knight with Armads Ephraim - Wyvern Knight with Siegmund Veronica - Wyvern red tome Celica - Pegasus rider with Staff Marth - Armored unit with Falchion and Lodestar appearance
  8. Which is exactly the criteria I was using. Bayonetta is ridiculously, absurdly overpowered. She is one of the most ludicrously over the top characters in all of gaming - see comment above about her literally punching God across the solar system. It's just a coincidence that she is also one of, if not the, strongest characters in Smash as well.
  9. Bayonetta is by far the most powerful character in the roster. She is in her own tier which is frankly incomparable to everyone else (except maybe Kirby). (So I guess SSB4's game balance is actually accurate).
  10. Not sure why you rated Little Mac, Mii, and R.O.B. above literally any "anime with a sword." If anything, Ike in particular should be in the Chosen Ones tier. Hell, even FEH bluntly describes Ike as "the strongest hero." He is at least on par with Link in that regard, having stood toe to toe with the king of dragons and a literal god.
  11. Sothe & Micaiah - echo of Zelda & Sheik Gabriel and/or Trevor Belmont - echo of Simon Protoman and/or Bass - echo of Megaman Sylux - echo of Samus Ken - echo of Ryu
  12. I am of the opposite opinion. I love the portrayal of Dracula; I found that it added so much depth to his character and made him so sympathetic (to me) that I find it difficult to root for the protagonists for no other reason than that they oppose this intelligent, romantic, misunderstood monster. I love the hard line that they take against organized religion. I like Trevor. I do not find him insufferable. I find his apathy an understandable and appropriate response to the state of his country, and this is counter-balanced by a desire to help those whom he has determined to deserve it. I do agree that the music could use work. That should be fixed in future episodes.
  13. I'm not sure if echo fighters for Robin and Corrin are even necessary. As avatars, their appearance and gender are up to the player, meaning that in a sense, Robin is the echo fighter of Robin, and it would be just as effective to include additional facial features and hairstyles in their costume selection.
  14. Ike is a difficult case. He's very popular, but as someone who really, really likes the Tellius games, even I have to admit that the largest source of his popularity is Smash itself - just like Roy. I think there is a case to be made for Ike being carried over to a series reboot or for him being left out in favor of giving a new hero his kind of Smash spotlight. I could see this going either way, though I would be disappointed if Ike were ever removed, given that he represents such a bold part of the series' history.
  15. I think there is a place for 1 additional FE character in Smash Bros ultimate, as dlc and a non-sword wielder. I would be baffled if that character is anyone other than Edelgard. As for a theoretical Smash 6, I doubt it will go the Ultimate route. It will probably be a reboot that resets the roster entirely. In that case, I predict that FE will be reduced to a few distinct characters that are relevant to the modern age of the time (as in Marth and possibly Robin would be the only existing reps to carry over, with the rest being from new games).
  16. I'd like to make a few changes: Legend of Zelda 6) Ganondorf (Hyrule Warriors version, Wind Waker version as costume) Metroid: 8) Samus/Dark Samus/Sylux (alt costumes) Fire Emblem: 10) Lord (Marth, Ike, Roy, Chrom, Lucina, Leif, Eirika, and Seliph as costumes, no recolors) 11) Mage (Robin, Celica, and Micaiah as costumes, no recolors, unique spell animations with same effects for each) 12) Paladin (Xander, Sigurd, Eliwood, and Seth as costumes, no recolors) 13) War Cleric (Edelgard, Lyssa, and Libra as costumes, no recolors) As a note, sequels would get additional FE classes: Swordmaster (Lyn, Ryoma, Navarre, Joshua) Warrior (Hector, Charlotte, Dorcas) Lancer (Ephraim, Nephenee, Dimitri) Archer (Takumi, Innes, Claude, Louise) Rogue (Sothe, Jaffar, Heather) Singer/Dancer (Azura, Ninian, Reyson, Olivia, all unarmed)
  17. Perhaps the easiest playable incarnation of the 4 would be something akin to having one playable while the others provide support via specials from the background, similar to how Pokemon trainer stands in the background.
  18. I do really want to see the BotW champions, but I think there may be scoping issues. The only real way to represent them in playable form is as a transforming character or to have them somehow all cooperate in a single moveset like the Ice Climbers. To only include one would be just wrong, and I see an assist trophy as being perhaps the most realistic means of including them. Also, is there like a poll with the most popular Champion? I've seen no evidence on that front, and I had just always assumed that Mipha was the most popular.
  19. To be honest, I'm not a fan of the three versions of Link at all - not when characters like Impa, Midna, Zant, Ghirahim, Skull Kid, Ruto, the 4 Champions, or anyone else (that isn't Tingle) exist. But ultimately, I think the distinction comes down to current Ganondorf not being a quality representation of any of his game incarnations or the character as a whole.
  20. On the topic of echo fighters, Ganondorf deserves better than just being a bad echo fighter of Captain Falcon. If he was reworked to say... Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf with a Wind Waker costume, that would be even better than a new character.
  21. Awakening already has Arena Ferox, and if we have to be limited to one Awakening stage, I'd rather it stay that way. Though I am completely open to Grima as a possible stage. If we get a new stage, I hope it's the opera house from Fates. That would be incredibly interesting from both a gameplay and aesthetic perspective.
  22. Agreed. I love female Morgan. But is it necessary for them to be an echo fighter when they could so easily be a costume?
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