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Fabulously Olivier

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Everything posted by Fabulously Olivier

  1. Best art - Michalis Worst art - Regular Hector, Eliwood, Lloyd, Rebecca
  2. I'm a big fan of defense maps in general. I know I'm in the minority here, but my favorite stages include Elincia's Gambit, The Price, Blood Contract, and Conquest Chapter 10.
  3. Obviously. But the Brave heroes aren't canon. They're basically "what if" creations. If any character canonically deserves to inherit Urvan during the Radiant Dawn final act, it is Titania. Ike was technically closer to Greil, but it can also be said that he has no need of the weapon, because he already has his iconic Ragnell, and hasn't been shown to receive advanced axe training in the same way that he was trained with the sword.
  4. If Titania doesn't get Urvan due to her close relationship to Greil (much closer than Tauroneo to Bryce), I see no reason for Tauroneo to get the Wishblade. If anything, Nephenee should have gotten the Wishblade. Most players would naturally give her the weapon in a Radiant Dawn playthrough.
  5. I made some adjustments based on feedback. Seliph - kept Brazen Atk/Def, as I still feel that it is in line with his original design while being distinct in purpose from Divine Tyrfing. Changed second skill to a new skill that synergizes. Eliwood - changed bonuses to Fury 3 (all refines), Def Ploy (refine skill). Removed dragon slayer. Jakob - Added special cooldown charge -1. Legault - Added Spd Smoke 3 to the debuffs. Kaze - Added Mirror Stance 3 to complement the other bonuses. As for Shigure, I included him because I strongly disagree with releasing new units without a prf weapon. I feel that every unit, regardless of viability, (perhaps barring dancers), should have a prf weapon, with weaker units having stronger ones. After all, every unit should be able to maximize their arena score. I did, however, slightly nerf the effects of his proposed weapon and try to make it distinct in purpose from his innate Harmonic Lance.
  6. I think it will be Azura. But not as another lance unit. They would want to make her a blue tome dancer by emphasizing her water-bending.
  7. Some new and revised suggestions: Seliph - Heir of Light Tyrfing Refine (All) - Changes bonus to Brazen Atk/Def 3 Refine Skill - Desperate Counter (If unit's HP is less than or equal to 80% and foe initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.) Seliph's refined weapon is meant to make his original design more effective, while adding in a complementary enemy phase bonus. With this, he would become a low hp-monster with a weakness to mages. Eliwood - Knight of Lycia Durandal Refine (All) - Changes bonus from Death Blow 2 to Fury 3. Refine Skill - Def Ploy 3 Eliwood's weapon is an odd upgrade on the original, changing Death Blow 2 to a skill that synergizes more with Eliwood's stats. It also refines with Def Ploy 3, to play off of Eliwood's high resistance and help him death with common high-tier threats. Robin - High Deliverer The Art of War If unit is adjacent to support partner, grants both unit and support partner Atk/Def +6 during combat. Refine - If foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff and unit's Def > foe's Def, foe cannot make a follow-up attack. Robin's tome is intended to complement both his tactician/support characterization and his Heroes' role of being an enemy phase tank. Hawkeye - Desert Guardian Guardian's Axe Effective against Dragon's. Renewal 3 Refine - Guard 3 Hawkeye's axe is meant to make him into a solid anti-dragon tank. Jakob - Devoted Servant Gentleman's Dagger After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Refine - Underdog (During combat, compares unit's hp/atk/spd/def/res to foe's. For every stat of foe that is higher than that of unit, gain atk +2. Calculated before all combat boosts are applied.) Jakob is a unit with well-rounded stats, but no real stand-outs. This refine should grant him a solid damage boost against most units, as most will have higher stats in multiple areas. Odin - Potent Force MY ACHING BLOOD! Deals +10 damage when Special triggers. Refine - Underdog (During combat, compares unit's hp/atk/spd/def/res to foe's. For every stat of foe that is higher than that of unit, gain atk +2. Calculated before all combat boosts are applied.) Same as Jakob. This should give Odin a much needed damage boost. Subaki Ace of Spears If the sum of unit's Def + Spd > the sum of foe's Def + Spd, boosts damage dealt by 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage.) Refine - Def/Spd Push 3 Subaki's spear is meant to give him a much needed damage boost while playing off his naturally high defense and speed. Shigure - Uplifing Artist Spear of Ballads If unit is within 2 spaces of support partner, grants Atk/Spd +4 during combat. Refine - "If unit is within 2 spaces of support partner, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to that ally during combat.". Shigure's spear is meant to highlight his supportive nature as Azura's son, while also complementing his naturally offensive spread. Legault - The Hurricane Eye of the Hurricane After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Spd/Def/Res -7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions. Refine - If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, boosts damage dealt by 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.) Legault's dagger is meant to take full advantage of his high speed. Kaze - Easygoing Ninja Kaze's Shuriken After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-5 on foe through its next action. Grants unit Def/Res+5 for 1 turn. Mirror Stance 3 Refine - If unit's Res > foe's Res, boosts damage dealt by 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage.) Kaze's dagger is meant to take full advantage of his high resistance. It uses the Rogue Dagger as base instead of the typical silver dagger in order to further complement this. Try using him as a mixed phase magic tank with this weapon.
  8. No one. I would prefer costumes over clones contributing to roster bloat.
  9. - Smash Ultimate - Fire Emblem 3 Houses - Cyberpunk 2077 - Devil May Cry 5 - Anthem
  10. Mario: 1) Mario/Luigi (alt costumes) 2) Peach/Daisy (alt costumes) 3) Bowser Legend of Zelda: 4) Link (Breath of the Wild) 5) Zelda/Sheik (transforms) 6) Ganondorf (Hyrule Warriors version) Metroid: 8) Samus 9) Ridley Fire Emblem: 10) Marth/Ike/Roy/Lucina (alt costumes, merged moveset using Marth as a base with Ike's Aether replacing Dolphin Slash, among other changes) 11) Robin 12) Azura 13) Edelgard Pokemon: 14) Pokemon Trainer (Pikachu, Greninja, Decidueye, Charizard) 15) Giovani (Meowth, Nidoking, Garchomp, Mewtwo) Xenoblade: 16) Shulk Donkey Kong: 17) Donkey Kong Kirby: 18) Kirby Kid Icarus: 19) Pit Star Fox: 20) Fox/Falco/Wolf (alt costumes)
  11. Well, no, but Fjorm is clearly a primary protagonist (at least of act 2) who is building up to a legendary task (defeating Surtr). Gunnthra could be entirely removed from the story, and the only change that the writers would need to make is having Fjorm know the location to the shrine that, as a mature royal of Nifl, she should already have known the location of.
  12. I wonder if anyone at the planning meeting pointed out that Gunnthra's "legendary" accomplishments would be that of a glorified compass.
  13. To illustrate a point. Disliking a character - especially a popular one - does not justify lumping those that do into a group. While I dislike Marth, I acknowledge that others may like him for reasons other than just being the first lord. Some may like his self-critical attitude. Some may like his chemistry with Caeda in Warriors (of which I might count myself included). Others may simply appreciate his character design or applaud him for not being a traditionally masculine protagonist. Perhaps there is something more to him in some other media (like the Manga), which I have no knowledge of. Ike and Hector seem to be victims of stereotyping - as if they are only popular because they are potrayed as gods among men. I think there is plenty of room to like either for other reasons. Hector has a great family tragedy (the death of his family members to sickness and knowledge that he may develop the same). He shows selflessness and loyalty when he takes up Armads to help his comrades, knowing its curse. Ike is a different protagonist from the norm. He's down-to-earth. He's abrasive to authority, stoic, brash, and has no desire to become part of the pomp and circumstance of the nobility. It's interesting to see him forced into a position of command and nobility and working in that position despite his discomfort. It's interesting to see his open perspective of the Laguz in a world taught to hate them. It's interesting watching him go from a trainee to a hero over the course of Fire Emblem's longest (and IMO most well-realized story).
  14. As they should. He has more going for him than most lords. It's easy to lump people into liking him for his strength, as with Hector, but he earns that by having a great arc within a well realized setting. He comes across as more grounded and more flawed than most other lords. It's easy to point fingers at popular characters because they're popular. Hell, I cringe at the amount of fanservice given to Marth when, for example, in Fire Emblem Warriors every single character stops just sort of giving the man fellatio in support conversations. He is so insultingly perfect from my perspective, and the lackluster writing in his games haven't given him room to earn that. But I wouldn't call Marth fans out for it; they just see something that I do not.
  15. I'll be rolling red, green, and blue. Green: Want Hector, Myrrh, and Brave Ike merges Red: Want Vanguard Ike merges and Leif merges/better IV's. Tharja makes good fodder, as I hate Seasonals on principle. Blue: Want Legendary Ephraim merges. Want Morgan merges. LA Lyn will make good fodder for my Soren. Colorless: Skipping. While I want Robin merges, I despise Elise as a character, and avoid seasonals unless they are good fodder.
  16. If it must fill a Res +4 fire blessing axe unit, then Camilla is currently the most likely candidate to fill that spot on all counts.
  17. As this is a new green hero, I'm expecting one of the following: Hector Camilla Fjorm's brother Edelgard (least likely)
  18. Why are we assuming that a formation has to be the same type of unit as the character? In the trailer, we see Dimitri send out a formation of Myrmidons (or Mercenaries?). It seems to me that formations will not necessarily match the character and may even be selectable.
  19. It might work, at least as a church/enemy unit type (ie: Inquisitors.) I can't necessarily see Assassins working as such, but a band of Thieves is still entirely plausible. Or of course, they can balance Thieves/Assassins/Rogues/Etc. to have a different mechanic as a substitution for Formations.
  20. I doubt it, considering you can already preorder from Amazon and Best Buy.
  21. I don't get the hate for Dimitri at all. Sure, he has the least interesting design of the three, but I don't dislike it.
  22. I also think it didn't help her case that she showed overt hostility and bias towards Ike. While her feelings were understandable given Ike's position as a war hero from the opposite side, he had done nothing to her or her people to deserve her contempt. It's hard to like a character when they are antagonistic to a character that you already like.
  23. Just counting characters I've played (everyone before Smash 4 and in Smash 4's non-DLC roster): Wolf (my Brawl main) Ike Robin Marth/Roy (my Melee mains) Link Mewtwo Lucario
  24. They do, but it appears to be a placeholder, as they have no cover art or information. There is also no indication of a special edition, which many (myself included) may be interested in.
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