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Fabulously Olivier

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Everything posted by Fabulously Olivier

  1. The biggest games of E3 for me were FE Three Houses, Smash Bros Ultimate, Cyberpunk 2077, and DMC5. I'm still on the fence about Anthem, but I like what I see. My concerns are what I do not see. Is this game going to be as content-starved and story-lite as the Destiny franchise? EA has not done or said anything to quell those concerns.
  2. The problem with Kirito was never his design. It was his boring personality, overpowered wish fulfillment tropes, and SAO's generally low writing quality. If anything, Kirito's character design was the only positive aspect of his character.
  3. No thanks. The cloak is the only aspect of Byleth's design that I like. An option to toggle or change the cloak would be welcome, but if no cloak customization is available, I would like to keep it, tyvm.
  4. The results may be questionable, but IS has always been ambitious. I expect them to attempt something complex, because history shows that is what they strive for.
  5. I am strongly leaning toward the Sacred Stones structure or a linear structure in which the lords split off and you have to reunite them one by one. I don't think that they will separate the player from their avatar to play chapters with the other armies.
  6. Which story structure do you predict that Fire Emblem: Three Houses will follow? The poll is strictly about expectations, not desires, but feel free to discuss desired stories below.
  7. In Azura's case, that was an unfortunate and immense mistake. Azura would have added something entirely new to the roster with her lance, singing, and water-bending. She's also a better representation of Fates than any other character. Whereas Corrin is... just another swordsman, but with some light transformation animations. I'm glad that they went with Robin over Chrom, however. Robin is simply more iconic and brings a more interesting moveset than Chrom could have. Robin is currently the most unique character in Smash's FE roster. I hope they don't make another Corrin mistake with 3 Houses. Unless the new avatar brings something seriously unique to the roster, the three lords (especially Edelgard) would be more interesting inclusions. However, what would you think of an avatar that works similarly to Pokemon trainer, with the player being able to switch between Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude as fighters while the avatar gives instructions from the background? That seems like it would be a pretty strong representation of this new game.
  8. To that end, would you prefer a traditional gritty rogue, a Nathan Drake type character, a silver tongued thief (sort of like Bastian), an assassin for hire, or a bard?
  9. I suppose. But I think there is room for consideration. DLC is a great way to make money here. I expect that we will see DLC because the opportunity is frankly too good for Nintendo to pass up. Moreover, it is also reasonable to speculate a somewhat larger volume of dlc. Smash 4 launched on the failing Wii U and the late-in-lifecycle 3DS. Smash Ultimate will be launching on the young and wildly successful Switch. Smash Ultimate will be THE best opportunity for a live service that Nintendo will have on the console platform, and I think that Nintendo realizes that.
  10. I guess I just want to see someone like Sothe, but done way better.
  11. I'm expecting 1-5 more newcomers in the base/unlockable roster with another 10 as DLC.
  12. It's too early to tell definitively, but Best Buy.com is selling a single standard edition for $60.
  13. Ultimately, getting more information isn't going to get the game into our hands any sooner, nor will it make the wait any easier. It will just feed the hype cycle. Let us just hope that Spring 2019 is a worldwide release and implies March 2019 as opposed to April or May 2019.
  14. I think that the only thing that got me through most of DotNW until the disgusting difficulty spike at the final boss (he could 2 shot team members with auto-attacks, wtf) was that Emil was very fun to play as. Don't get me wrong. He had a terrible personality (as did Marta), but his combat animations and aerial-heavy combos just felt so very right. As a series, I consider Fire Emblem to be nothing if not ambitious. Ambition is the greatest strength and greatest folley of IS. Even when their risks fail, it speaks of an admirable desire to evolve their franchise that I think most of us here don't appreciate.
  15. Well, at least we are agreed that Zestiria was bad. If anything, I despise it more than DotNW. The only character I liked was Rose (who was probably one of the best female leads after Tear, IMO). I hated the combat reworks. I despised that I was getting new combat tutorials constantly (to the point that I could not remember more than half of their mechanics). I found their difficulty spikes unpredictable, frequent, and absurd. And I can't even comment on the story, because I gave up on that disgrace of a game about 40 hours in (and had not grown to enjoy the story to that point). Edit: Regarding Persona, IS did collaborate with Atlus to make SMT x FE. I wouldn't be surprised if they picked up some tips and tropes from them, seeing as how they are on good terms.
  16. I don't think I'd hold up Tales as an example series for much (good or bad) anymore. Vesperia was the last great Tales game, IMO, with every game since ranging from decent, if unremarkable (Xillia, Graces, Berseria) to legitimately among the worst games I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing (Zestiria and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World). A good example of how to handle a silent protagonist would be the Persona franchise. If FE can base its avatar on that, we may have a success on our hands.
  17. None of the above. My ideal lord would be a charismatic rogue that starts with a dagger. After a crisis of conscience, they reluctantly join a mercenary band. As the character becomes more supportive and grows into a leader, they would gain access to staves.
  18. Byleth may not be his official name, however. It may be a player-chosen name. Corrin was previously meant to be named Kamui (or at least shared an original Japanese name with Kamui), after all.
  19. Is it even going to be a matter of choosing houses? It seems strange for a teacher to pick one student to support.
  20. As ever, my favorite version of Ike (Lord Ike) gets the shaft. Shame we couldn't play with all of his costumes.
  21. It's funny, because that was in my last-hour e3 predictions on the last pages of the leak discussion thread. I've already nailed my predictions that it would be a new continent/world, a traditional setting, and would have an avatar. The three lord setup makes me think that I could be right about the multi-side story as well. And the new style of interaction screams the possibility of Persona style supports, as I predicted.
  22. Perhaps the avatar is older than the house lords. Character creation can make age ambiguous, but he could be around Seth's age. They wouldn't even have to give up the dating sim aspect of the game for that age range. And I am seriously liking the idea that the avatar could be a level 1 pre-promote.
  23. This brings up another interesting question. Is the avatar, or 'teacher," fulfilling the Jeigan role? It honestly seems like the perfect way to represent the avatar as a tactician. Have them start out the game strong, used tactically as a training unit. I would expect comparable performance to Seth in the lategame, given that the avatar character should not fall off too hard. The avatar in this story needs to be strong enough to guide the lords, but end the game just strong enough to be relevant while letting the lords shine.
  24. I can't determine that. From the info given, it appears to be a new world not connected to main series continuity.
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