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Fabulously Olivier

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Everything posted by Fabulously Olivier

  1. I found myself laughing at this because of my own inside joke. I always had this headcanon of Oscar keeping that joyful, relaxed expression even while mowing down hordes of enemies, and I loved him for it. My personal version of Oscar was basically Peri, but not shit.
  2. The thing about Robin is that the Levin Sword perfectly represents his unique tactician class, being an unorthodox magic-damage sword. It doesn't have the same synergy with Marth or a vast majority of the roster in general. While Smash didn't suddenly make it his personal weapon, it did help to associate it with him more strongly than with any other character.
  3. To be honest, Geneology's story would make a fantastic framework for a crossover, with characters from across the franchise (albeit, I would personally prefer that the Tellius series - by far their best universe - serve as the core story inspiration). The story we got was effectively Sacred Stones lite with cliffnotes versions of Fates and Awakening set inside. But aside from that, we do have history mode to potentially tell important stories from across the franchise.
  4. As perhaps it should be. It's mechanically one of the best Warriors games. My frustration lies only in so much of the franchise being unrepresented in a game that exists solely as a celebration of said franchise. I'm just hoping to get a sequel.
  5. One can use rhetorical speech while still saying something factually accurate. And how would that be different from the status quo? 3 of the 9 DLC characters were sword characters, with 2 being clones. We didn't need them. One of the dlc characters was a 4th clone of the same archer moveset. We didn't need him. Fact is, the dlc barely helped weapon diversity, aside from giving us a couple infantry lances.
  6. Not melodrama. Fact. And ultimately, the decision to intentionally hold back some of the most important characters to potentially sell a sequel that was not yet agreed upon or licensed was on Koei. Calling something vitriol or vocally hateful doesn't make it illegitimate. The fact that there was such a backlash implies that there is a cause of said backlash. That's how PR works. And I am happy for the 1 million sales. That's great. I represent two of those copies myself. FEW is my most played Switch game. I've given the game positive reviews and word of mouth. But that does not mean that I should just accept the final word on the game being "it's all over. Dunno if there will be a sequel. Sorry if none of your favorite games were represented. Now let's talk about ass and legs."
  7. Honestly, this interview frustrated me. They are the ones that held core, essential, fan favorite characters hostage for a sequel. That means they should follow through and make it clear that they are absolutely following through. I love the game we got, but it isn't half the game we deserved. And this isn't half the interview we deserved either. We deserved a focus on the future, not talk of fetishes and Olivia's perfect ass.
  8. Nay. Always nay. Gender locked classes are nothing but lazy design in any game.
  9. Well, Warriors games are all about dumb fun... so, I guess you could say the laughably inept PR is in character.
  10. We have Robin as a representative of the game that saved the franchise, and he/she does enough to be distinct and justify their placement. Lucina is such a blatant clone of Marth that she literally steals his identity. If that doesn't say costume, I don't know what does. You could spend the development resources to make her stand out (as you can with literally anyone) but, quite frankly, that is a waste of money and resources when you can just use her properly as originally intended and put the resources into someone who is unique from the start - like Lyn, Hector, Micaiah, Ephraim, or countless other characters from this incredible franchise. Also, I don't appreciate the dismissive attitude. Roster real estate is a thing, even if only in player perception. Regardless of whether it is an issue of actual mechanics (ie - UI efficiency) or only player perception, it is absolutely a development consideration.
  11. She was originally intended to be an alt costume for Marth and retooled at the last minute to be a clone. It makes sense to bring her back to costume status to make room for a different rep. A costume is roughly equivalent to a clone anyway.
  12. The thing about Fire Emblem is that it is the one Nintendo franchise that rarely settles into formula. No 2 FE games are truly mechanically alike aside from the obvious core genre mechanics. There is such a substantial variation in mechanics, and thus a fractured fanbase.
  13. In the context of better than expected sales figures for FEW1, I thought this would be a good time to reignite discussion with a few more suggestions. Free Mode - Freely select the stage, objective type, enemy level, enemy heroes, deploy limit, stage modifiers, and music for custom battles. Enemy tactics can even be customized to make them to target specific objectives at specific times. Custom stages can be saved for future use and even shared online. Online co-op.
  14. If a sequel is announced for Fire Emblem Warriors 2, what approach to stage selection would you prefer for the next game to take? See the included poll for options and feel free to express your wishes in the thread. Are there any particular Fire Emblem chapters you would love to see adapted into a Warriors stage? Note - this is for actual gameplay stage designs, not history mode story scenarios. I personally really want to see: Path of Radiance: Port Toha Serenes Forest Radiant Dawn: Elincia's Gambit The Price Final Chapter - Rebirth Sacred Stones: Chapter 8 - It's a Trap Chapter 15 - Scorched Sand Chapter 19 - Last Hope Awakening: Chapter 4 - Two Falchions (Arena Ferox) Chapter 9 - Emmeryn Fates: Opera House Wind Tribe Village (Revelation Route) Port Town of Dia Shadow Dragon: Camus the Sable The Temple of Thabes
  15. Well, yes. But TBK is literally invulnerable to nearly everything, can teleport across the continent at will, fires shockwaves out of his sword, and is one of the most skilled swordsmen in his world. Plus, he's a lot more intelligent than the dimwitted Lu Bu.
  16. TBK would do more than just fill the Lu Bu archetype. He'd make Lu Bu look like an amateur.
  17. I would be legitimately curious to see what crossovers Fire Emblem could have in the future. Hell, maybe they could do something as small as put the Falchion or Ragnell in Dark Souls Switch or Skyrim Switch. Maybe Ike, Marth, Lucina, or Robin could appear as a guest character in Soul Calibur. It's fun to think about.
  18. Warriors games rarely get rid of characters outside of OC's. So, you're likely to keep Frederick.
  19. Right. And I'm inclined to think that Nintendo is cautious about overshipping Switch games. Cartridges aren't cheap, after all, and have directly contributed to Switch ports often being more expensive to purchase than other console versions.
  20. I'd love a sequel, but I'd also be satisfied if they just released the fan favorite Tellius and Elibe characters as DLC. Hopefully, these figures are good enough for Nintendo to license the rights to a sequel.
  21. I have never been less interested in a GHB. Kana is an annoying, uninteresting character.
  22. Class diversity would unfortunately diminish greatly if hit/avoid were removed. That said, random level up stats should absolutely be removed in favor of selectable boon/banes in the mainline games. This would preserve replay value and allow units to be optimized. It would also make the PvP they've attempted to shoe-horn into the game an actual balanced, legitimate game mode.
  23. Honestly, I'm kind of hoping that it is delayed till early 2019. The last thing we want is for it to be overshadowed by RDR2 or Smash Bros 5.
  24. I don't know. But I wonder if they would make this kind of reveal on the release day of God of War - a game which is already taking the gaming world by storm.
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