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Fabulously Olivier

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Everything posted by Fabulously Olivier

  1. No, no. That's how waifu's bait people. How does one bait a waifu?
  2. I doubt that the artwork would be fixed for any normal reason. I mean, Hector, Eliwood, and Lloyd still have their bad artwork.
  3. I was making a joke at the expense of the franchise's dating sim mechanics, not Robin's artwork.
  4. Sure, Commander Shep- ... I mean Robin can do it and no one bats an eye, but now it's a fuck up.
  5. Maybe it wouldn't. Riven from League of Legends is very attractive, but manages to have the strong female appeal and is aesthetically and thematically very similar to Echidna.
  6. I'm certain that Libra will drop because nothing about his kit justifies him being 5 star. That works for me, because I like Libra. Maribelle will be 5 star. No way that they would make dazzling staff easily available. Olivia will be 5 star, simply because of her being a flying dancer. Sumia I could see going either way. Her kit isn't spectacular, but her popularity and C skill will probably place her in 5 star.
  7. My personal order on the series is Vesperia > Abyss (which very well could have been better than Vesperia if not for its eternal loading times) > Symphonia > Berseria (which could possibly be better than Symphonia) > Xillia > Xillia 2 > Graces > Zestiria Not really counting anything before Abyss.
  8. I am saying functional sense. Begnion, despite being the most populous country, is also the least interesting and has the fewest worthwhile characters (unless we count the separate Laguz nations individually). While Crimea is positively brimming with characters, Begnion has few characters left that people care about. I'm not sure that it matters though, since country specific banners aren't that common.
  9. Marcia is a Crimean unit in RD, but her origins are Begnion. And seeing as how so few worthy units are from Begnion, with so many being Crimean, it makes more functional sense to lump her, Makalov, and Astrid into Begnion.
  10. Kieran would need another Crimean banner. Perhaps a Crimean retainers banner alongside Lucia, Bastian, and Geoffery. I'm all for it because Bastian is quite possibly my favorite character in the entire franchise and I would love to see him in Heroes (and as a viable unit for once in his career, ffs).
  11. Why not both Bertram and Petrine (and Bryce). Also, I was thinking RD Jill, just for weapon diversity. Lance fliers are oversaturated. RD Jill is more likeable anyway. Sure, PoR Jill is the one with a character arc, but RD Jill has matured because of that character arc.
  12. How about 2 Daien banners? One regular for Zihark, Jill, Illyana, and Tauroneo, with Bertram as GHB. One Dawn Brigade for Nolan, Edward, Leonardo, and Laura, with Pelleas as TT reward.
  13. What kind of bait does one need to attract waifus? Inquiring minds need to know.
  14. Speaking of accessories, I would like some more serious accessories. A few examples: Radiant Hero's headband Vanguard's headband Various generic colored headbands Marth's tiara Masked Knight's mask (SoV) Sothe's scarf (if possible) Various capes (if possible) The Black Knight's helmet (PoR/RD) Bertram's mask (PoR) Canas' monacle Tiki's crown Lyn's feathered headband
  15. This is also my opinion of Zestiria. I would add that Zestiria also has an incredibly unpleasant, convoluted combat system. It is not much of an exaggeration to say that the game was obsessed with tutorializing new obscure combat mechanics every few minutes, even up to and past the point I quit playing approximately 35 hours in. It was too much, and I was simply overwhelmed by this strange convoluted game in a usually simple series.
  16. Right. My mistake. It's more similar to Follow Up Ring. However, it is significantly weaker than Follow Up Ring and my opinion of it is not exactly high.
  17. I'm not sure if just being viable/good is sufficient reason for them being 5 star. A 5 star unit should probably offer something exceptional/exclusive. At the time of Ephraim's release, this could have possibly been said of him for the simple fact that he had a prf weapon. That is no longer the case. His only unique aspect is his prf weapon, and it is average at best even with refinement (brash assault 1, really?). Plus, Eirika is 3-4 star, despite offering a more unique niche than her brother. It feels weird and inconsistent.
  18. I will never understand why visible natures aren't already a part of the game. It is such a simple UI change, would not threaten profits, and would ease the player experience tremendously. Just put in a boon/bane row, color code the strong and weak stat, or put a + and a - by the boon and bane. It's not rocket science.
  19. I actually really liked Berseria, but no amount of plot connections will make me play Zestiria again. 35-40 hours in, I failed to find any aspect of Zestiria enjoyable. If ToS:DotNW didn't exist, I would call Zestiria the weakest link in the series.
  20. I'm hoping that some of the older or junk 5 stars will be demoted. Ephraim, Faye, Gray, Hinoka, Karel, Leo, Luke, Mist, Saber, Sanaki, Sonya, Tailtiu, and Young Tiki would be prime candidates for demotion. I don't expect Linde, Lucina, Lyn, or Ike to be demoted, despite being good candidates for it because they are very popular. Lyn has a higher chance than the others seeing as how she was never in meta. I'd also like to see a "free" 1-2 star summoning banner that includes the askr trio and a pool of basic "retired" 3-4 star units, which would be removed from the regular pool. This banner would always be available. This banner would not cost orbs, and would not have traditional summoning sessions, but would rather open 1 orb of a chosen color, crafted from the shards, crystals, badges, and great badges of its respective color.
  21. We'll just have to agree to politely disagree on this one. Good art cannot exist without the context bad art. Negativity is not an evil and can be constructive. With the knowledge of which art is perceived as "bad art" by some consensus, IS knows which characters, if any, could receive a popularity boost with an art revision, should they ever decide to do so. Conversely, and more likely, they are informed as to which art styles to avoid in the future. It is noteworthy that no new characters resembling Hector or Eliwood's artsyle have been released. This is a positive thing when handled with tact and respect.
  22. Allow me to politely provide my perspective. Listing more examples of disliked art is not the same as saying that the game has more bad art than good. In fact, aside from seasonals (which I would never like regardless of their art quality, and thus I refrain from judging their quality) the examples I mentioned are the only examples of bad artwork that I can think of. Conversely, the game has such a large pool of great artwork that picking favorites off the top of my head is difficult for me. In a game with so much high quality art, true stand outs are rare. Michalis is my go to example of a character who, in my opinion, has always had some of the best, most detailed artwork in the game. However, in the interest of fairness, I could look into other characters who I consider to have stand out artwork. Those are Bruno, Berkut, Ares, PA Azura, Boey, Knight Exalt Chrom, Deirdre, Dorcas, Eldigan, Legendary Ephraim, Legendary Hector, Hawkeye, both Hinokas, all Ikes, Jakob, Lene, Brave Lucina, Legendary Lyn, Legendary Ryoma, Sigurd, and Sothe. See why I kept my list low? When I have that many that I would narrow down my favorites to, it becomes almost useless.
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