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Posts posted by redlight

  1. 28 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    The pegasus knights were fairly risque such is the power of 90s anime. Honestly its nothing on FGO standard, but FE designs have been fairly fanservicey since day 1 even if Awakening took it on forefront while Fates finally cranked it up

    It's just thighs on a character image featured in the guidebook or something and the games never were able to highlight them. It's more "It was never noticeable". Mistake on my part then. I should stop talking about it further as I'd be going off-topic

  2. 1 minute ago, Silverly said:

    Some people threw a fit over the female Byleth for having a noticeable bust and shorts

    I don't know about others (and I don't really want to generalize the fandom too much), but when I compare male and female I question whether the female one is a teacher and the same character. It's not that bad as some make it out to be, just comparing it to the more professor like clothing it stands out.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    In FEH any sign of fanservice already sends the people into panic or things like Bridal Sanaki makes them all worried, but after playing Fate/GO and seeing examples like Raikou, Abigail, Jack and Passionlip all the fanservice paranoia in the FE fandom seems small. FEH is actually incredibly tame with fanservice. In mean Camilla and Tharja would be considered tame and conservative in Fate/GO. Imagine the reaction of the people here in Serenes to the examples I said before, Raikou, Abigail, Jack and Passionlip.

    FE is more fanservicey in recent years. It's out of place for the entire franchise and it's not something pre-Awakening is rather known for. Meanwhile, the Fate franchise started out as a dating sim with h-scenes (oh wait, Tsukihime as well). But Jack and Abigail aren't something we should normalize (we all agree to use only their first skin)

  4. 9 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    Really? I don’t see it. I heard people comparing the two but I think it’s a bit of a stretch.

    Changing the subject, your user picture reminded me: 

    I got Melt today! On the very last day of the banner! Now I have both Melt and Lip!

    The hairstyle looks similar, but he's definitely no pseudo-servant. He might be Bartholomew Roberts, but he's from Wales. Then again, he might have gotten a tan from the area in which he spent his pirating days.

    Damn. You've got me tempting to roll on SSRs with what I've seen on your support setup.

  5. Quite recently I was made aware to try to coincide details in leaks with those in official releases thanks to GoT leaks. Can't believe the final few episodes got their script leaked.

    Thani mentions the blonde girl being Ingrid in of their answers, but this is confirmed info already, albeit very very recent. I think today someone found out her name and it wasn't from a bio, just a screenshot or something with her speaking.

  6. Projared: I lost over 200k subs and my dickpicks are all over the internet.

    James Charles: Hold my beer.

    Seriously. James Charles manages to eclipse him by losing a million subs and being called out for his deviant sexual predator behavior as well as just being an arrogant asshole.

  7. 6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Didn't notice the Leif & Nanna BHB, out of pity for Thracia and a liking for Leif stemming from FE4, I think I'll have to go for the littlest lord, hopefully he will be drawn by my pity. I don't have that many Orbs though; and please no Swordhardt. Daddy Quan would be very good though.

    Julia gets a little of my pity, but I can't try for her, have to ration my Orb usage. I already have her mom and Green Tome is certainly my most common Tome Color (I need more likable Blues- Blucius IS!).



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    Something with this game just doesn't click for me. I find it dreadfully boring. A diminutive FE isn't as fun as I'd hope it'd be. I want to like it, but Hardin stood a better chance with Nyna. 

    I can't be bothered to learn what all the skills do. I can't be bothered to try the GHBs for the challenge. I stand no chance nor have a care for this metagame stuff. And as quick as it is, I often haven't leveled my characters at all and leave them used. Skill Inheritance is awful, I need to grind for more SP for it to work and have to sacrifice a unit I can't help but think might be better off given to someone else. A merge project is a total joke. Summoning is the only joy this game has to offer, and it's only a joy when one has Orbs to give and one gets the reward they sought.

    Whenever I reflect on my PC rep numbers, I just think to myself, how nearly halfway in this game's lifespan, there is so much missing. I see the void, I see the slow rate of additions, I recognize that not everyone is going to make it in. But even were it not for my total inclusion desires, it would do little to affect the gameplay. A bite-sized SRPG that has the flavor of the glue Sigurd's horse became.

    I won't drop this game, I continue to play it lightly, but I can only ever give it a 5/10. And that entire 5 is for the idea of FEH, nothing for its gameplay. I really really liked the idea of an intraseries crossover, but this... isn't working for me.

    I think Fallen Heroes 2 has just put me in a bad mood with this game for the moment, every NH this year has been good for new character additions and has made the 50:50 divide with Seasonals bearable. With FH2 this isn't the case.

    Just take a break. Maybe try something else. Like Langrisser, Epic7 or FGO.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    That could be embarrassing, but if it was an accident, it's not really something that's too horrible.

    I had noticed ProJared has been really inactive.  I wonder how people who do YouTube as a career survive when they never make videos, like Spoony.

    He has a gaming channel that's active. Probably streams, but I'm too lazy to confirm that

  9. 1 minute ago, Tryhard said:

    Even as a joke, its unlikely projared will lose much except his image just like drdisrespect. Unless hes kicked off YouTube he will do fine.

    Dsp is still a scam artist begging for money at any opportunity, if you can call that lasting.

    I'm talking about being active, but yeah. The man's a garbage human being. He's being doing this for years and keeps on falling deeper into the rabbit hole. Past the point of redemption

    It's hard to be active again after this kind of controversy. Unless Jared manages to handle this well and the allegations against minors are unfounded. Even then, he's incredibly inactive on his main channel.

  10. 53 minutes ago, Dai said:

    Oh no, Ross and Holly were married. They divorced in October of last year due to Holly wanting to move back to Seattle for her birds, since it was less smoggy there. Of course, given that Jared's fling with her had been going on for at least a year now, I feel like this was a big part of it, rather than the other.

    And no, not all the nudes are censored. I came across a full-blown dick pic while scrolling through the drama.

    My bad. Apologies to the misinformed. I'll quickly edit them.

    Yikes. Luckily I browsed the Twitter of people documenting the situation. Either blurred or blackened

  11. 3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Jared cheating on his wife is something between him and her. Its not nice towards her but ultimately its none of my business. 

    He announced the divorce on Twitter for all to see and blocked her shortly after he made the tweet (she actually found out about the announcement after he posted it, she wasn't aware he would do this). She was not pleased and people started ratting him out. You can find his nudes on Twitter (censored of course) since he's trending or at least was when shit hit the fan. She was aware of his Tumblr page where he made sexually provocative poses, but she regarded as his way of making a joke. What she was not aware of was the nudes he was sending to his fans. There have been allegations of an underage female receiving such nudes, but there isn't any way to confirm the age of the nudes being sent as well as the accusers age.

    He was cheating on his wife with Game Grumps's Ross O'Donovan's former partner, but there's been drama recently between Jared and Game Grumps that both might have cheated on their partners. Funnily enough before shit hit the fan, they privated all videos featuring Jared on the Game Grumps channel. This was over a month ago.

    His subcount is almost under a million. Dreamy Creamy Keemy will cover the story tomorrow so there can be expected to be more blowback to his channel not that I care. Just pointing it out.

    This did not age well



    On another note, DSP manages to outlast another content creator. Can this madman be stopped?

    EDIT: I misinformed people about the relationship status of the woman Jared had a relationship with. She used to be married to a Game Grumps affiliate, but that ended tlast year. However, videos featuring Jared on the Game Grumps channel have been privated so there's drama there.

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