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Posts posted by redlight

  1. I find the artstyle of FE in recent years do be divided into 2: anime cut-outs or RPG designs. With how Kozaki's artwork is inserted into the game at least in Awakening it feels like static anime images. SoV has RPG like character designs. The best way I can describe it is... They're more shaded and feel like a piece of art.

    While people criticize XBC2 for being too anime, the character designs feel like they belong in a RPG. It's just how they look when rendered in-game. But that's just my opinion.

    Regarding the whole "FE is anime". Anime itself has changed a lot over the years. "Anime" 15 years ago is wildly different from "anime" today because of trends, cultures and a whole bunch of stuff. Might just be me, but I find the LN and idols/moe industry to have had a massive effect on the anime one in more recent years.

  2. In recent memory, Melt and Shiki from CCC collaboration event in FGO. Melt is bulky AND is constantly buffing her attack. Shiki has a short cooldown special attack that has a chance to kill a party member. She could also charge it faster. Needed to have taunts for that. And that tank might just die instantly from the death debuff. And once you break her first bar of health she changes into a different form that has a AoE special attack with a slightly longer CD than her previous one, but can inflict death on your party. Less than the single target's chance, but now she uses a buff that boosts damage, pierces any kind of damage negating buff like invincibility/avoid AND decreases death resist chance for party members. That's enough to kill an entire row of your party most of the time with her buff active.

  3. 1 hour ago, Silverly said:

    I wasn’t suggesting the servants I brought up specifically, rather the fact they’re so rare (at least the latter three) should one want them. You want Medea lily? Gotta wait almost two years for the Prisma rerun. Lancer Salter? Aside from the 10 mil download campaign and the Garden of Sinners rate up, she’s nowhere to be seen. Gorgon? After the 9 mil campaign, she’s awol.

    That’s also why I omitted Gawain, Tristan, Thomas Edison, and Emiyalter because they all get rate ups fairly often, or at least in comparison to those three in particular. I’m perfectly aware they’re not worldbeaters (I feel Medea lily is underrated by some though that’s neither here nor there), but I feel stressing the fact that how uncommon their rate ups are is necessary for those who potentially want them.

    I was just offering some insight into the rare servants. That's all. But I understand what you mean. It's like the whole Luke situation

  4. 8 hours ago, Silverly said:

    That being said, @Water Mage I wouldn’t recommend Caster Gil if you’re looking for offense. He can deal it, but it’s not entirely his job per se, as others mentioned. In fact, I’d suggest you pick someone that’s storylocked since you can’t pull those ever unless they get a rate up. Some like Nero, Li Shuwen, and Salter get them once in a while, but then theres the likes of Medea lily, Lancer Salter, and Gorgon who almost never get rate ups so it’d be ideal to snatch someone very rare if you want them. Of course, if there’s someone specific in mind that’s a personal favorite regardless of how often they could appear, then by all means pick them. It’s not like SRs grow on trees.

    Bear in mind that some SR servants especially the story locked ones are not so good or garbage. Sure, if you want to collect characters or like a particular one go right ahead, but some are really not worth that ticket.

    @Water MageGuess ill throw in my thoughts on some of the servants mentioned. Nero gets a decent buff in a few years in the form of a 5CD battery and a area trigger arts buff, but she still has a few issues like damage and IP. Nothing that Ozy or Lanling can't cover up though. Very specific that those two, but I strongly recommend saving for Lanling. Top tier SR Saber. Otherwise, would get Nero next year as a free SR as that's a bit before her strengthening, but then you'll have an even bigger competition on who to pick.

    Li Shuwen is rather good. Burst damage and a recent NP upgrade in JP.

    Salter is rather meh right now in JP. She has high attack as well as her NP doing more damage than the usual buster AoE. You're gonna have to wait and see when they buff her Instinct. Good for farming at least.

    Medea lily is cute, but pretty garbo. Still, you can maybe find a place for her in stall teams if you want.

    Lancer Salter is pretty decent. A good burst Lancer if you're lacking one. Her star absorb skill is pretty nuts.

    Gorgon... She has issues. 1 turn attack buff, crit damage up on a guts (7 CD ?), lack of star absorption especially on the Avenger class as that's bad if you look at her crit skill. Her NP at least gives the part +10 NP charge. Would avoid. If you're looking for an SR Avenger go for Lobo. Monstrous strength is pretty much a fallen behind skill, but that's really the only issue I have with him. Plus that NP interlude in JP

  5. 6 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    As for an offensive Caster I was thinking of getting CasGil from the free 4 star event. He’s a offense/supporter hybrid isn’t he?

    Changing the subject, I’m leveling Passionlip, and damn her skill set is good! And it has great synergy! 

    He's really more like support who also happens to benefit from his own buffs, but his attack is rather low. And his NP gets a strengthening later tho he really isn't known for damage.

    She gets even better. NP interlude and taunt strengthening tho that skill is confusing for me

  6. 1 minute ago, Glaceon Mage said:
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    At least then he's a Lancer instead of having no class advantage or disadvantage, and the taunts pulling your attention away from the "main" Benkei.  The fight works like corrupt Ushi fights in Babylonia so killing a duplicate before the main one just causes respawn.


    Damn. That sounds tough. If only they could make him as good as he is a boss

  7. 16 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

    Though on the other hand, that duplicating Benkei quest is... a thing.  Taunts, skill seals, np seals, stuns, curses, plus Chaos Tide and earthquake.  Babylonia spoilers I suppose we should be glad that Ushi was the one taken in Babylonia proper.

    He already displayed his annoyingness in Guda 2. Or was it the first one?

  8. 5 hours ago, Water Mage said:

    The new sentinels battles(Emiya, Tamano and Nero) were easier than I thought. I just need to clean up shop and I be done with the event.

    I think I’m going to start saving for Summer Nero. I really need an offensive caster, and from I what I’ve heard she’s amazing.

    I'd honestly recommend saving for Sheba, who comes at the end of the year as she's an SR so you have a better chance of getting her. I'm very skeptical of pulling SSRs as a f2p player if you plan to summon more than a few servants in one year. There's also Circe who comes up around the same time, but she's more of a stall Caster from what I heard, but you could do Heaven's Fell or Black Grail shenaniganz with her massive battery. There's also EliMech as she has advantage against all cavalry classes, including Assassins. She happens to be free.
    EDIT: There's also Sieg and CasShu coming next year but that's far too late if you're in need of one in the near future so read further at your own discretion. Sieg is pretty meh. No, two of his skills are incredibly bad/old at that point in the game so that's kinda saying something. At least he has NP looping from what I heard as well good for farming. CasShu is odd is what people have described her as. QAAAB with a buster NP, which is awkward. Kinda like Sheba in being a burst DPS Caster as well as having a Charisma, but Shuten's is a bit better. Her's gives slightly more attack as well as bonus damage against demonic enemies for herself. That last thing should come handy in some events. There''s also the NP seal. Definitely a unique servant for sure.

    I didn't think I needed to use only one command code in BB/GO's fight at the last stretch. Used 2 :(

    Nero was annoying to deal with. She hit really hard for some reason in both versions.

    Tamamo dragged on longer than it should have. She's surprisingly durable as a enemy if you don't have riders. Should've brought Ushi, but it ended in a few minutes after she class changed.

    Yeah, this event showed me how good Cu is. I knew he was good, but goddamn is he a champ. Was on my last legs several times. Planning on giving him a few grails. Also, that strengthening coming soon smileyface. More damage and Accuracy on his NP. And I guess death chance +10%, but that's really for the mobs. I wish ProCu got that NP strengthening as well as CasCu's battery (both have the same skill, just that CasCu's was given a battery as part of his strengthening).

  9. Wow. Merlin really helped me out in that Kiara fight. My team was Bedi, Hans and Merlin. Surprisingly enough Bedi's defense skill really came in handy when Merlin couldn't use Invinc as his skills are rather budget like bcs the important effect is static across the board.

    My thoughts on the story


    BB caught me by the nose. It went a bit differently than what I had expected it to be like. Poor poor Extra trio. I was surprised by some of the themes in the story. I wasn't expecting it to be like some kind of survival horror mixed with sci-fi and dating sim elements.

    I found the characters to be rather great this time around. The weaker ones even somehow managed to leave an impact. I liked Demiya. Had more characterization this time around and he's very tenacious. Same for Tristan, but he's more faithful to what he's supposed to be like. Sakura clones we're fantastic. Melt was lovely, Lip adorable and BB obnoxiously cute. The villain felt last minute, but she was foreshadowed so it's not that bad. Really a missed opportunity for some of the EXTRA characters not to make a appearance. And Gawain, oof. You poor guy. Shame you've been done dirty gameplay wise. And that Seraph staff worker, I think she was dead the entire time and started to reveal herself when you defeated BB and after Demiya tried to kill her. 

    I found it to better than Shinjuku

    EDIT: whoops


  10. 19 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    Berkut - His ingame performance really doesn't reflect just how great a character he is. Berkut's Lance is great... just not on Berkut.

    Berkut's Lance is as good as the unit it's equipped to. Basically, the weapon is just okay on him bcs Berkut is okay. But he does need a prf

    27 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    Hawkeye - One of the worst characters in the game

    No he isn't, unless you're using Gamepress' tierlist which is a whole can of worms itself. He does need a prf though, but that's the standard for all gen 1 BST units

  11. Battling against friends is a very good feature. It's been requested for a long time.
    Hopefully all of the refines will be good this time around. Otherwise we'll have to wait 3 years for them to improve a unit again because they can't bother going all out for older units' prfs like they do with new units. My prediction: Stahl and Sully won't be saved. They might some niche with gem+brave(horse bond), but is it worth the dew. Prob not.
    Blessed Gardens discontinued... Yeah I'm happy. I've been strongly irritated by rehashed content with just more stats, but from what I remember they started to ease up on the difficulty towards the last set of maps. The rewards will be moved to Allegiance. They're trying to push their new mode.

    I noticed they don't give refinery updates to f2p units anymore.

  12. 12 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

    BB is not a support. She’s not even a semi-support. Her role starts with a D, has a P in the middle, and ends in S.

    Guess I'll eat my words from what I said before. SM is such a stupid skill. Pair that with arts cards. So silly. Even star gen is quite good. From what I read she needs buster cards as a starter for better damage. Tho to be fair, her kit is a mix of everything, but it's one skill that's overshadowing the other two

  13. So... Luvia is permanently in the summoning pool. If you miss her you can get her as your free pick later down the line

    My thoughts/review on Grey as she's pretty controversial. I'm a novice so there are probably mistakes in this review


    Her deck is definitely not the best that it could've been, but her kit somewhat salvages her. She has the highest ATK stats of all 4* assassin, tied with summer Ushi funnily enough (she has more hit counts tho, but is outdamaged by Grey in the NP department), but Ushi's is probably better with that offensive buff removal on the enemy team. However, Gray's OC effect benefits the party more compared to Ushi's OC effect due to card variety. She's going to be compared a lot to summer Shishou, summer Ushi, Carmilla and Enkidu. She has something similar to all of them, but Enkidu and Ushi probably the most. However there are many differences between them despite similarities, but more on that later.

    Surprisingly enough she doesn't have Presence Concealment and her quick hit count isn't the best (3), but she has a NP gain passive that gives +10%, putting her near Enkidu's NP gain when using her arts card. 3x(0.71+0.10)=2.43 compared to 5x(0.53)=2.65. Ok there's a gap, but the NP gain is pretty good tho (unfortunately 1 arts). Shishou's is the same as Gray's coincidentally. Independent Action gives a rather decent boost (11%) to crit damage putting her quick cards to some use. Magic Resistance gives 15%. Remember that last passive when I'll be talking about the last skill.

    Her first skill is basically Monstrous Strength A (30%) plus additional damage against Undead enemies (100%). It's a 5CD skill that lasts 3 turns. She needs as much attack as she can with that triple quick deck. She has higher attack (9456) than summer Shishou (9049) and it's above average for an SR. But that triple quick haha. Still, more attack is good as with that skill active her attack with quick will be a bit above her regular attack stat (9834 if I'm not mistaken). Her anti-undead niche isn't that impressive, but gives her a rather good use for farming those enemies if they happen to appear as she has a battery and AOE NP5. It'll come in use if you remember you have her. KnK has undead enemies, but that event already had a rerun before she appeared. The only hope you have her being used for that event is if they rerun the collab with more KnK servants released, but that's a stretch.

    Her second skill is a QB Mana Burst (40%) with Invulnerability attached to it at 6 CD max. The cooldown is justified with the invul and the boost is rather nice. It's kind of a combination of Enkidu's two skills: Transfiguration and Presence Detection. While not being identical word for word, the similarities are there. Two skills in one in this case gives her more versatility for the other two skill slots for better or for worse compared to Enkidu. Enkidu always gets a Buster buff, but it's second effect is way too unreliable unless soloing or something. His boost is higher, but Gray's skill gives her a more reliable boost as you get what you're shown. You don't get access to Arts boost, but it was unreliable in getting it in the first place anyways. The problem with this skill is that it has two completely different roles and the Invul might have just made the skill CD even longer. You either want to boost your damage or protect yourself. If you use it for the intent of one you miss out on the other for 6 turns and if you're using it only for offense then the Invul made the skill worse. Pierce Invul might have been better as the CD would have been shorter and it'd have made the skill into a better offensive one. Tho she has at least versatility with that skill.

    Her last skill is a bit of a disappointment. While yes, a battery is good, it's arguably worse than Bedi's. She gets a static 20% across level ups, but has 30% debuff resist for 3 turns at lvl10. Maybe DW thought that a budget battery too OP. I dunno. The debuff resist boost is lower than Bedi's tho his is only mental ones. Remember that Magic Resistance? Well she has 45% debuff resist with this skill active if I'm not mistaken. Should protect her from debuffs better at least.

    Her NP is a easy NP5 so she'll have 500% damage without any trouble. As I mentioned before, her NP helps out the party due to the benefits the OC brings. It's awkward in quick deck, but it can give a chance to salvage bad draws.

    IMO she's not the worst welfare or as bad as summer Shishou and is probably somewhere in the middle when put into a welfare tierlist, but I could be talking out of my ass. I'm tired so good night. Leave feedback


  14. Here's the datamine in case anyone's interested



    Honestly not too sure about Grey QQQAB with buster NP. They could've at least given her more hit counts for quick as it's 3. I don't know what the second effect of her final skill is so I'll reserve my judgement. But it seems that she has a passive +10 NP gen

    Oof. Her battery is basically less than Bedi's, but has resist against all debuffs, albeit smaller percantage than what Bedi has.

    She seems to have an anti-undead niche tho that's a trait belonging to regular enemies 

    Luvia is a crit monster with a focus on Arts tho she has 2 buster so you could position for more damage for BC. Her arts Mana Burst gives 30 stars at 5 CD (lvl10). Has a star absorb skill that requires 5 stars to activate and it also gives a boost to crit damage as well as NP gen (it's also 4CD at lvl10). Her first skill is gives a decent boost to atk, def and np gen. Her NP generates 20 stars and deals extra damage against evil aligned servants. She's top tier for sure IMO at least.

    I'm not too sure about Reines. She has good skills and NP, but her Rider class kinda gets in the way of things with star absorption. Tho if I'm not mistaken, you should be able to negate class disadvantage for zerks. Uwu what's this? Her targetable battery boosts NP damage. Oh. It has a attack debuff demerit. Wonk wonk

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