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Posts posted by redlight

  1. I had stomach flu for the last couple of days and it was not a nice time. Since all I did was lay around in bed I saw it as a good opportunity to finish FGO's campaign, or at least the first part. Right now at around the second half of Solomon's temple. Huge thanks to everyone on my friends list, who have helped me reach this point. I couldn't have done it without your money

  2. 38 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    Here's hoping Klein is treated as well as Niles was.

    Niles' was rather... It's okay, but I honestly don't see non-fans being interested ever in using him. That Light Brand effect might as well not exist most of the time. As for Flashing Blade and CD-1, it's okay I guess. It's rather shitty that def debuffs are detrimental to his weapon, but they're better that Light Brand in general. Ice came up with CD-1, Wo Dao and Bold Fighter being in his weapon. It wouldn't make him the best archer, but it'd make him the only archer among the 3-4 star pool that doesn't use a brave bow worth using.

    My guess is they'll either give Klein a brave bow or a firesweep bow.

  3. Vax's talk has reignited my interest in GBF, but further affirmed my views on the current state or rather stagnation of the game.

    Since I made a new account I can only do the easiest difficulty right now. One thing which others noted is that the green cav looks exploitable.

  4. I think I'll try to make up a Echidna, but it'll most likely end up being wildly different if we get her at all

    Echidna- Goddess of the West
    Green Axe Infantry
    BST: 168
    HP/40, ATK/34, SPD/35, DEF/33, RES/26
    Weapon: Golden Battleaxe (16 Mt)- Grants unit and nearest ally within 2 spaces bonus to Def/Res during combat = highest bonus on foe. If foe's HP = 100% and if unit initiates combat, grants unit Special cooldown charge +1 per unit's attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
    Special: Bonfire
    A: Steady Blow
    B: Def Feint

  5. Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Reasonable I guess. Although it makes me pity Draug and others a bit, since now they're less mobile and practically the same power as these Infantry. -Still gonna raise a Draug though, in place of Mamori.

    Also, for the Binding Blade banner that is next up, if we assume Rutger, a reasonable assumption, will he make Ayra or Karla look like moldy jerky? Or will they intentionally spread him such that he doesn't ever so slightly trounce either? If he goes GHB like good ol' Navarre, I can see them doing to him what they're currently doing with our Velvetine Rabbit.

    And there is a moderate chance Lugh will be on the BB banner, and he might then get the BST bump (he'd prolly also be the demote if he was on it). How many Infantry would the banner have though? Certainly not the whole thing- Melady and Perceval come to mind.


    -Yeah, I know, I'm looking too far ahead when this has just dropped. But I will make it more relevant by predicting that the Binding banner will be less exciting (which isn't hard to imagine), partly since it will lack Beasts to hype up. I just hope it isn't a total disappointment like Thracia's lone banner, or Canas.



    17 for Panne sans Morgan if I count right:

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    1. Yarne
    2. M Robin
    3. F Robin
    4. Cordelia
    5. Olivia
    6. Frederick
    7. Virion
    8. Stahl
    9. Vaike
    10. Kellam
    11. Lon'qu
    12. Donnel
    13. Ricken
    14. Gaius
    15. Gregor
    16. Libra
    17. Henry

    Plus from DLC:

    1. Harvest Scramble PannexOlivia
    2. Harvest Scramble PannexCordelia
    3. Summer Scramble PannexSully
    4. Summer Scramble PannexNowi
    5. Summer Scramble PannexCherche
    6. Future Past 2 PannexYarne

    And whatever text she gets in Yarne's Paralogue, two very short battle convos with Einherjar Sothe, Einherjar Athena, Einherjar Zihark, and Einherjar Oliver; and the "obligatory first round of combat" one-liner in other DLC battles.

    SF has all the text if you want to check and see if FEH coulda dun better.

    I meant 50+ supports as in the C, B, A and S support conversations

  6. Spoiler

    Ugh. The script for Panne's voice lines is so shit. Basically "I am a rabbit. I do rabbit things and eat rabbit food". I understand some games withing the 3DS era tried to have character gimmicks, but there had to be something more than this shit. Like 50+ supports and nothing of value?


  7. 10 hours ago, kratoscar2008 said:

    Nationality matters in this case since the focus group that IS based their desicion on artist is inherently japanese so wether this desicion was the correct one or not will be decided by their recepion.

    Also Kozaki IS the most popular artist, the forums reception are rather inconsequential. Like how you will read Camilla hate on the internet while she is very popular for the general public. So my point is mainly that despite the reception you read around this artist in the internet might has been of the liking of the general public.

    Lucina actually did it, to the point that Nintendo basically ignored Chrom's status as the Lord protagonist and put Lucina in Smash first and she has the most alts in Heroes compared to the other popular characters i believe.

    It should also be stated that Japan has had more exposure to the series and the most popular games according to this poll (https://s.inside-games.jp/article/2017/09/20/109838_3.html) are FE4, FE7 and PoR. It had like 2000 people, but that's the best you're gonna get out of events like these

    Unless you have a link to some kind of poll, I'd recommend people taking "Kozaki is the most popular artist" with a grain of salt.

    Lucina being in Smash first is due to more popularity than Chrom or something, no? Robin was apparently a no-brainer, but they still fitted Chrom in Smash as part of Robin's final smash. My guess is that they wanted all three, but would face backlash for 3 characters from the same game coming out at the same time

    Your info about alts is a bit outdated. Camilla technically has 7 with the brave alt coming later this year. It should also be stated that the devs or at least the director of FEH has stated that they really like the royals. However, Lyn is the most popular female in FE (at least before Echoes). In fact she got her 5th alt before Lucina. Those two are also sharing spots with Azura and Tiki, though Tiki having 5 alts shared between her child and adult might have justifications for arguments to be made

  8. 39 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    Should I replace Robin with Arjuna? I really can’t decide.

    Arjuna does have more potential with him having a higher level cap, but his skills overall are rather meh. He's a decent farming servant with his battery skill and another skill that boosts his NP damage. As far I understand Robin's growth curve is linear meaning that his level ups will be pretty much the same from beginning to end. Arjuna's is semi reverse s which mean that he gains a fair amount of stats beginning and end, but suffers somewhat of a stump midlevel

  9. 3 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

    Seeing those other pieces makes me wonder what they saw in her work that made them think she was a good fit for FE. I get that trying out new styles is good, but... I can't find anything to like about her style even disregarding the fact that it lacks any tone of seriousness, which I would consider pretty important for a game about war.

    IS obviously trying to make a Persona knockoff ?

  10. 46 minutes ago, Magus of Memery said:

    They finally gave Beowulf some love.

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    Instinct buffed to:
    - 15 stars at max.
    - EAM levels of Crit Star Gather rate (1 turn)
    - 50% Crit Dmg Up (1 turn)

    This is one way to make someone relevant.

    0/10 No Herc upgrade giving him 12x guts

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