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Posts posted by redlight

  1. 11 minutes ago, Azure Sen said:

    Altria is the exception rather than the rule in FGO, with most characters that do have multiple versions having 2-4 versions at most.

    Let me just add them here with explanations for others to understand alts better. These are just ones I managed to find with quick research. I'm leaving out summer alts for characters  with the exception of Jeanne.

    • Liz has 4 versions of herself with 3 of them being annual halloween freebies. You can count Carmilla as well if you want as her story is based off of Liz's and in the First Singularity Liz talked about how Carmilla is her future self or something.
    • Jeanne has 5, but Jalter was a villain in the first singularity way before she became summonable as well as both Summer variants were released 3 years in at the same time with one of them being free. There's also Jalter Lily, but she's supposed to be a joke. She's also free. Jalter is also way different, feeling betrayed by God and has become evil to spite him.
    • Emiya has a more dark and ruthless version of him that's well... black (sorry) and uses guns.
    • Atalanta has a alter version 3 years in that's actually based on one of her NP from Apocrypha.
    • Medusa has two alts that are more faithful to her story: the gorgon and her loli form before like her sisters.
    • Ereshkigal is Ishtar's sister that's also inhabiting the same body as her..
    • Cu Chulainn has a "younger" version of him that's actually the scrapped version of him from Fate/prototype and his berserker alt is way way different from himself due to him actually being transformed into someone else's desire.
    • Schathach and Skadi I'm not too familiar with (I am aware of Skadi's connection with Scathach), but they're different people from what I can gather.
    • Vlad Extra is actually the first canon one if I'm not mistaken. The Apocrypha one was originally scrapped for a failed online rpg project, but got later reused for the novel.
    • Iskandar has youthful version of himself that uses a different name and is of a different age.
    • Gilles... is because Jeanne.
    • Medea Lily is youthful version of Medea that's supposed to be her when she betrayed her family (she's still aware of her entire life tho).
    • Da Vinci bcs spoilers.
    • Gilgamesh has a wiser and more mature version of him after he returned from his quest for immortality.
    • Ibaraki Douji is a halloween freebie.
    • As is santa Altera.
    • Hassans are all actually different people who have taken the name.
    • Shiki has a freebie and a premium version of herself, but both were released around the same time. I think the saber one is supposed to be a hidden personality in Shiki that's primordial in nature or something.
    • Lancelot has his regular form bcs he's relevant for the story and is required to explain a few things.
    • I have no idea why Kintoki has 2 versions of himself, but one of them is arguably the best free servants in the game so I'll take it.
    • Quetza santa is free. 
  2. 32 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    I said Saberface, because despite being expies, these design are obviously trying to take advantage Saber’s popularity.

    Plus, in Fate/GO regular Saber has lots of alts:

    Regular Saber

    Swimsuit Saber

    Saber Lily 

    Saber Alter 

    Santa Saber Alter

    Lancer Arthuria

    Lancer Arthuria Alter

    Mysterious Heroine X

    Mysterous Heroine X Alter

    Mysterious Heroine XX

    Ultra Heroine Z

    Even her alts have alts! And I’m not even counting, Proto Saber and the Saberfaces and the alts of the Saberfaces.

    Because Fire Emblem Heroes is the first Gacha for many people they aren’t used to thr Saberface effect that happens in Gachas.

    How do I explain this? First off, some of them have the same face BECAUSE it's the same artist (some artists have sameface syndrome, but at least skin tone, hairstyle, hair color, eye color are all different as well as bodytype). Plus they have different personalities, VAs and whatnot

    As for Artoria alts. Are they unique from one another? Yes, at least the alts, not the alt alts. If you were to ask a person that knows nothing about Fate what does Saber, Lancer and MHX have in common then they'd just say "blondies" (or bleach). The artists have taken creative liberties with the characters to the point where it's easy to mistake them as being different characters. Camilla depiction in Heroes has the same artistic inspiration and doesn't take too many liberties to stray from the original. Just different clothing with different artists

  3. I guess I'll give my opinion the moon goddess event writing. Bit late for the party


    Overall I likes it. Characters were presented charmingly and it was fun seeing them interact with one another. A decent amount of humour was included that made me like it even more. The ending was terrible though. From what I heard it was accidentally left out and due to the emergency Nasu had to write one in a short period of time. 


  4. 1 minute ago, zuibangde said:

    I think the delay of Three Houses is playing a part of what's happening now. It takes them half a year (?) to plan these banners and I'd imagine if Three Houses was released in late 2018 like it was planned, we would at least be seeing a Three Houses banner that features the 3 lords by now.

    I suspect this banner was pushed to replace a planned Three Houses banner which might explain why we're getting two seasonal banners instead of 1 seasonal and 1 New Heroes banner.

    Even if it were a Three Houses banner, it's too early. Unless you mean the initial release of late 2018

  5. I quit a while ago, but while I was still playing my excuse was my favorite characters and refinements for my faves getting introduced. Oh and I guess skill refinery and a story that doesn't progress by relying on new heroes banners. Writing for events was a desire as well. As you can tell these were all expectations and nothing really that made me appreciate the current state of the game

  6. 14 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

    Gachas are a money-making scheme, they last as long as they make money. Increasing profits will keep the gacha alive for longer, not kill it faster.

    If a company does something that results in backlash it'll lose customers. Especially if people already have a list of things to say and backlash happens over and over. Heroes did worse in it's second year than it's first. Gachas like FGO and GBF did better year two than their first year. And 2018 for Feh could be described as FEH "selling out" a lot of the times. Clearly they were doing moves that profited them, yet they earned less than the year they were rather cool about the game. Of course most of it stems from the flaws of Heroes that have become more obvious to players over time in terms of collecting characters. There's a lot to be said, but I think I can just sum it up as characters can fulfill the same roles with little differences in stats. SI was a mistake if you ask me in terms of unit uniqueness.

    Will there be people who will spend on these banners? Yes. Will people quit over time for controversial decisions IS makes? Yes. Recent examples are Vax and me. There are more people here that have quit (or just are inactive in Serenes and could still be playing) just by looking at older topics

    @AlkaidIm talking about Muspell Generals with gyaru sisters, not Fire and Ice. Contrary to popular belief, the Muspell general banner was decent, not incredibly popular. It didn't do incredibly well, just decent enough

  7. 9 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

    I definitely agree there. I do wish they'd cater to people more evenly so more people can be happy, but outside of the visible youtube like/dislike ratio it's hard to say if those complaints have that much of an impact on the image of the game. Powercreep is an actual gameplay issue, but alts and what characters they add is being bad or not is completely up to each individual. Like for me, no matter how many complaints a new Camilla alt gets I won't be deterred since I like her and will be happy to get more of her. I don't beg for IS to spam her, but if they choose to make more I'll certainly take them. I'm sure there's plenty of Lyn, Hector and Eirika fans that feel the same way, and since those are among the top popular characters that's a lot of people.

    And not dissing the game or it's characters, but look how there was a lot of support for Leif and the Thracia banner last year, in great contrast to the dislike bombing of Adrift, LLyn, LLucina, etc. Yet it seemed to do by far the worst of any banners last year despite that. (again, going off rankings since that's the best we can tell) And they even added a strong Rein alt to seemingly help boost the banner for those familiar with him and not his game. I'm just saying that the vocal crowd doesn't always seem to reflect where the money goes, but IS is the one who has the actual data on that.

    To be fair, in the past year they've done more to even things out better, even if the Fates/Awakening lean is still there, but it's mostly been improving.(now powercreep's speed is the real concern of late)

    You sure about Thracia? It did about as well as Muspell banner in the west and really well in Japan, on par or even better than Lewyn's banner

  8. 43 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

    So finally at 5.25 pity rate I got a hero and it was a +Hp -Atk Reyson. This is a pretty bad one but I will work with him as I need to try and save some orbs for the new seasonal banner. So how can I build him? He will be run in a beast / dragon team. Also if he gets demoted what would be the best asset for him to merge him?

    Also for some Tailtiu merges (not +10) what would be preferred +Atk or +Spd?

    This will definitely be expensive, but here goes.

    Reyson (5* +spd)  
    Weapon: Heron Wing  
    Special: Moonbow  
    A: Fort Def Res 3  
    B: Wings of Mercy 3  
    C: Def Ploy 3  
    S: Spd Ploy 3

    You could just replace Fortress with Fury. Since he's a flying dancer with WoM it'll be hard for him to constantly proc fortify beasts so you're better off planning ahead with ploys

    As for Tailtiu, that's kinda... It depends. If you're using Fury then +atk. If Sturdy Impact then +spd.

  9. I'd rather they make a Smash gacha instead.

    It's one thing to make collabs in a gacha that isn't based off a franchise (basically full of OCs so there isn't any expectations for certain characters to get in), it's another to make a collab in a gacha that's based off a franchise and plagued by several seasonal banners. Look at the situation right now. We're supposed to have started off with book III, but there is already a bunch of seasonal banners (four before even the third one can begin) and it doesn't help there was so much unnecessary boring fluff before book III that lacked new heroes or had heroes who should've come out in the Muspell banner timeframe.

  10. 42 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

    They dropped the update, finally.

    Guess I’d better go redo my AR Raiding Parties.

    Edit: And I should probably think about what Naga & Divine Naga refinements mean for Julia, too. Hm.

    Edit 2: Naga’s refinement says:

    In combat against a dragon foe, disables foe’s skills that “calculate damage using the lower of foe’s Def or Res” and “calculate damage from staff like other weapons,” and unit can counterattack regardless of foe’s range.

    That’s a localization mistake, right? Because it sure reads like it only negates the staff damage calculation effects of Dragon foes.

    Probably worded badly. What they meant is mystic boost with one part having a restriction

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