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Posts posted by redlight

  1. 4 hours ago, Zihark11 said:

    so wanted the communitities opinion on my home brew of Lloyd! Love the black fang and love Lloyd, he is for sure my favorite but he sucks quite a bit tbh. compared to other units available and his Regal blade isnt very impressive even when Refined and makes team building more restrictive then other units.


    so i came up with this build mostly for fun but its actually showing results better then i expected.


    Safeguard+ Refine +Def



    Fort. Def/Res 3

    Poison strike 3 

    Res Tactic 3 

    Poison Strike 3


    So basically i wanted him to be more bulky so with this set up he has base 30 Def and base 36 Res which is pretty good. Hes being built for a Tactics team So he will get atk and def tactic bossts every turn essentiall being 50 atk, 36 def and 36 res. His attack is weaker so i added the poison strikes so he can widdle down higher HP units. He is not a sweeper anymore (not that he did that well in the first place). He doesnt take much dmg from physical attacks during the enemy phase because he has safeguard+ and his naturally high Res.  

    Blue tome units are a threat but wont always OHKO like they used to. He can handle any green unit except surtr (he actually can do about over half if he can trigger iceberg + posion stirke dmg). Most swordsman do nothing to him just gotta watch out for there spd so he doesnt get doubled to much.

    I'm about to go to sleep so I apologise for not giving the proper answer you're seeking, but I'd recommend checking Stolen Ramen's channel. He has a bunch of cool builds for Lloyd in his hero battle clears

  2. 47 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    Yeah, but money's money. That's at least a weeks worth of groceries for a single person, or a months worth of hot pockets for someone unconcerned with their health.

    It is a lot of money IMO, but XRay has spent way more than that definitely. By lucky enough to get 200$ I mean that's the most what he'll get if he's lucky after I was researching on how to sell my account a few months ago in November. Selling it on Ebay from what I heard is not a bright idea due to numerous reasons. There's a dedicated subreddit for selling FEH accounts and even a discord. I asked a mod about usual prices and to my surprise accounts that have had a lot invested into them, despite a lot of money being spent on them, would fetch a 100$. XRay might be able to convince people to buy his account for 200$ bcs from what I understand he's spent a lot of money on the game. But there is no potential equal monetery return on spending on a mobile game

    EDIT: As an example of someone whose spending I have a decent idea of. Ice has probably spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not then at least five figures. He isn't going to get his account sold for that much realistically

  3. 38 minutes ago, Kiran_ said:

    I'm surprised everyone cares so much about powercreep. I love it! The new skills are fascinating and give me new ways to use my favorite units with SI. As long as they're not locked on units, I love the Tier 4 skills. They bring about viability to old fav units. I just got Death Blow 4 finally, so at least I have that for a unit, and maybe if I get lucky I'll get some Sturdy Impact fodder cause that skill looks beautiful!

    The best budget A-skill is probably still Fury and there's a mountain of A-skills locked behind 5 star exclusivity. Consumer dissatisfaction wouldn't be as high if they just listen to complaints about powercreeping skills and garbage skills in the summoning pool remaining useless. No one would be salty if they had easy access to Sturdy Impact. No one was mad at BK for being OP at the time of his release bcs everyone got a piece of that Black Luna pie.

    23 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Part of me wants to quit too, but after spending so much into the game, I cannot bear to let it go.

    Just uninstall the app spontaneously. It's much easier to act the less you think about the action

  4. 57 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    I won’t. I’m going to concentrate on Granblue that I’ve been enjoying more and more recently, and maybe even give Dragalia a try again.

    If you have the time I'd also recommend playing FGO. Join gacha hell. The story is rather nice (but please skip Septem, skip everything in it, that Singularity is so poorly written, perfection doesn't exist) and most of the characters come off well written. Plus, loads of character interaction in events (quite recently Musashi got really fun and heartwarming introductory chapters). The game is stingy with SRs and SSRs, but there are several great 1-3* servants you can get (and boy do I mean good: Anderson, Georgius, Asterios, Cu (FSN is one is better), Ushi, Kojiro, David, etc.) plus the occasional welfare SR as well as a free pick of any SR servant in the summoning pool that's not a Summer unit. There's also the beginner summons where you get two free SR servants from a small pool of characters that's for beginner's only. A lot of people reroll for Hercules and Carmilla, but Martha and Marie are the waifus you wanna look out for. Sadly Marie is one of the worst you can get, but Martha has a party debuff clear niche that can come useful endgame of part 1.

  5. VG: completely redo it from the ground up. Try a different concept

    TT: needs more interaction. Have there be more talking during TT. Change bosses and final maps periodically. Should last less than what it really is.

    FB: Burn it to the ground. Just have Paralogues that introduce the characters to you with the same rewards. IS should take notes from GBF or FGO

    TB: Rework it into being something completely wacky. It's designed to be lazy as fuck without any fun. Just an excuse of "new content"

    GC: ditch the dumbass fort/camp system and the ugly-ass maps. Use maps from previous FE games in RD map size and have them use the same objectives as those maps.

    Arena: Cool down on BST scoring, but don't be as lenient as AR. Also, what Ice said

    AA: what Ice said

    AR: Just put it out of it's misery and remove the base building aspect of it. Just let it be a arena where you can select your defense position and the units' positions.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    But those guys aren't canonically dancers, and seasonal units have never been demoted.

    I'm talking about dancers in canon, that they can add to normal banners and possibly demote. EDIT: At this point, they really should cut back on alts unless they're those seasonal banners we can't get rid of.

    FGO only has summer seasonals and it's doing just fine, but I'd doubt IS would do that. Cutting down powercreep would be a nice start. FGOs new SSR servants are usually "just good". There's also no SI so every servent is unique for better or worse. Broken ones are like a few a year. And the older ones get strengthening quests to buff skills or their NP if DW wants to entice people to summon for older servants

    1 minute ago, Dandy Druid said:

    Neither are Inigo and Shigure, yet they still got a refresher alt.

    I was saying that Lewyn and Homer could potentially be starred in a seasonal banner like Inigo and Shigure were.

    Both's mom's are refreshers and they dabble in the skill that their mother's are potent at. Bard is literally a glass cannon class. Might as well make troubadours refreshers as well bcs of their original meaning

  7. 1 hour ago, Kaden said:

    I think they would have just re-released units instead. Want Est to have skill that aren't literal trash? Gonna have to summon a new Est, a 5* summon and sharing colors with Clair, Gwendolyn, and Oboro.

    They could just upgrade defiant res to brazen spd/res and seal spd to chill spd.

    They'd need to cool down on giving new units full kits though. Or just give older units free skills

  8. He's too much of a hassle to train up on the harder difficulties. His bases are low (no, growths don't make up for you being barely able to even land a killing blow reliably) and requires too much effort/babying without grinding

  9. Generic mooks in a unit's "brigade" seems to be the "major" feature even if it seems rather dull right now. I do hope they flesh it out. I think there's a missed opportunity with generic enemies in Awakening and Fates. Having enemies have an avatar's randomized features would be somewhat refreshing to see in battle (model only)

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