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Posts posted by redlight

  1. What about everyone else IS? Of course there might possibly be a delay, but if I were in charge I'd have versions of all languages launch at the same time to avoid confusion




    1. How important is X for heroes (Positive on left and the further right you go the less positive. I'm using Google translate so bear with me)

    • illustration
    • art faithfulness
    • illustrator
    • VA
    • whether VA is the same as the original
    • sprite
    • animation
    • hero's personality
    • Characters you don't already have
    • are they of your favorite game
    • rarity of their weapon and mobility type
    • Ratings by friends or people you know
    • Ratings by websites
    • rarity of their skills
    • if they have skills you want to inherit
    • the cost of skill SP for scoring
    • valor and exp skills for training
    • stats
    • Usefulness in Arena
    • usefulness in AR
    • usefulness in hero battles
    • usefulness in RD
    • special hero
    • legendary hero
    • mythic hero
    • arena bonus unit
    • AR bonus unit
    • TT bonus unit

    2. Do you change your teams for events and other content?
    ⦁    I change them according to the event or content
    ⦁    I tend to play with my favorites regardless
    ⦁    I don't really care

    3. What is it that you consider/do that's important when initiating combat(starting form left going down, then to the right and down)?
    ⦁    Targeting the opponent's weakness,
    ⦁    increasing attack
    ⦁    increasing speed
    ⦁    lowering opponent's stats
    ⦁    mobility
    ⦁    Increasing your Special activation frequency
    ⦁    Negating the opponent's bonuses or your penalties.

    4. What is it that you consider/do that's important when letting opponent initiate combat?
    ⦁    Targeting the opponent's weakness,
    ⦁    increasing attack
    ⦁    increasing defense
    ⦁    increasing speed
    ⦁    lowering opponent's stats
    ⦁    dealing with opponent's of all distances
    ⦁    hp recovery
    ⦁    Negating the opponent's bonuses or your penalties.

    5. Do you have games from where you'd like to see new heroes? (all games including spinoffs are here, Archanea saga is also here but skip it, it's titled BS)

    • Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (column 1)
    • Gaiden
    • Mystery of the Emblem
    • Genealogy of the Holy War
    • BS Akaneia Chronicles
    • Thracia 776
    • Binding Blade
    • Blazing Sword
    • The Sacred Stones
    • Path of Radiance (column 2)
    • Radiant Dawn
    • Shadow Dragon
    • New Mystery of the Emblem
    • Awakening
    • Fates
    • Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
    • Echoes
    • Warriors

    6. Specific hero you'd like to see? (can be multiple, but this is Japanese only so use Japanese not English)

    7. Seasonal themes you'd like to see?

    8. your age

    9. gender (first one is female, not male)

    10. Other mobile games that you play
    ⦁    Puzzle and Dragons
    ⦁    Monster Strike
    ⦁    FGO
    ⦁    DB Dokkan Battle
    ⦁    Knives Out-Tokyo Royale
    ⦁    GBF
    ⦁    Pokemon GO
    ⦁    LINE: Disney Tsum Tsum
    ⦁    Power Pros
    ⦁    Star Dragon Quest
    ⦁    Romancing Saga (JP only)
    ⦁    Dragalia Lost
    ⦁    Yugioh Duel Links
    ⦁    The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage
    ⦁    BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!
    ⦁    Other (insert text)

  2. Regarding there being more votes in the top-cut. We're already a few years in and for some there really aren't all that many characters left that they want in the game. It's quite likely that people voted for a character they wanted to win instead of new ones into the game

  3. Despite being one of the more controversial CYL I like almost all of the winners unlike the last 2 where I only liked Celica of the eight

    I hope they don't make Alm an armored unit. It'd be cool if he'd either Mycen's armor or his own version of Berkut's one, but with a coat of blue

  4. 10 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

    Well...the “leak” was taken from the source code of the official webpage so it’s pretty much legit.

      Hide contents

    Nice to see that the Eliwood surge was very real. Camilla being pushed my Micaiah was rather unexpected but it’s good to see that Micaiah wasn’t pushed to 3rd place due to the agressive pushing F!Robin got. 

    Marth can still win next year’s CYL just by being Marth. His biggest competition would be Dimitri and Claude, followed by Chrom and M!Robin. 

    Unless Dimitri has a good personality or something, I have hard time believing most people get past the design

  5. Spoiler

    HAHAHAHAHAHA. LOL. Sorry, had to get it out of my system. It's kinda funny when people said that Marth will definitely win like it couldn't have gone any other way. No offense to Marth fans. I hope his time comes next year as he''s been screwed in the ass on several occasions.

    Camilla winning is good for the community as people won't be at each others throats next year.

    I personally like both characters on the male side and Micaiah. I hope they get the game sorted out so that I could roll for them. Otherwise I'll keep on waiting for skill refinery


  6. If we can only summon during a specific time then I need to reinstall to get the free Azura and then uninstall again as I'll only return when something huge like skill refinery is introduced. I think the big deal with Azura and why people are so angry at this kind of powercreep is because we lack support units that are on par with her. SI took away the support utility several units had and now everyone can perform a semi-support role that's spread across the team. The only way you can be special when it comes to support is by having a unique skill and/or weapon. If Robin's weapon had something like hone QP when at full health or something instead of raventome then they'd be one of the best support units that doesn't have a part of their weapon wasted instead of a weapon that doesn't know what it wants to be. We need more units like Azura, albeit not as broken but are borderline broken that are support only. She'd have been well more received and considered to be borderline broken even if she was infantry and Gray Waves gave the movement buff to only infantry allies.

  7. Loptous, huh. Would indeed be shocking, but I don't think it'll salvage it IMO

    I honestly wish they'd ditch the "new chapter out only comes out when new heroes do" routine. It hurts investing into to the story when there's barely any of it. Players have a shit ton of stamina that's often not used and pots to boot (if you're not aiming for top 1000 in TT or something). I'd like them to take the FGO route and have these big ass scenarios released every 3 months or so allowing you to spend hours trying to clear the new scenario and having a sense of closure once you complete it instead of waiting a year for a flimsily written story that didn't need to be dragged out (there were parts in book 2 that felt like they were just trying to buy time). Also, what is the point of having a part of a chapter that doesn't have any dialogue, just a battle. It seems like they either can't afford decent writers all too often or are just taking the lazy gacha approach, which I'm more inclined to believe as the supposed revenue doesn't look like it's being funneled into the game to improve all that much (they're probably funding Three Houses, but even that according to Ice seems like suffering from set backs, I apologise if I misrepresented anything you said Ice). Just add-ons like more ways to earn score are given that encourage you to spend more money seem to be given more priority. There have been modes introduced, but around half of them are just reskins of already existing modes and all new modes range from bad to below mediocre at best. They stopped receiving patches as well

  8. 1 hour ago, Etheus said:

    Finally! How this simple, necessary feature has taken 2 years is beyond me.

    Perhaps they're trying to not get people to quit by listening to demand. I recall the nature system being questioned during 2017's interview. It's something they were looking into... nearly 1 and a half years later we're at this moment. 

    Now if only we can get skill refinery. It's something they're looking into... and we get it in 2021.

  9. 1 hour ago, Vince777 said:

    Pretty sure it won't by the large majority of non-whale players. 

    Of both versions of Myrrhs I encountered during my time playing the game almost all of them had DC despite it not being native to their original skillset. Bear in mind that regular Myrrh has been a regular face in around tier 20 score range from the time she got released

  10. Wow. This is out of left field. I thought it would be Dheginsea. Then again, we've got a bunch of characters with AoEs in the series.

    I approve. He looks badass, is new to the game and a final boss to boot. This game needs more of this. My only gripe is that he doesn't have his helmet from the Gaiden cover. But it seems that didn't get implemented into Echoes unless Duma statues had a helmet

    At least he doesn't have trainee BST. That shit is stupid on a armored units nowadays

    I understand that they're trying to push solo skills, but I'm not really feeling it on armored units. It's going to get replaced by DC by most people anyways

  11. I did some time on the SSBU gamefaqs forum. Allegations of people angry about FE's overepresentation in Smash voting Camilla to spite the FE fandom seem to be unfounded. However, there were indeed some (very few) who said they voted for Camilla to cause salt and piss off the subreddit. I highly doubt that they are the reason for Camilla being number one. She's ranked highly in CYL every time and it was a matter of when not if that she'd win. But still, I do find it nasty that some people would support a character purely for the reason of causing salt.

    I managed to find the 4chan board. Some naughty images might be in it so a word of caution to the younglings. Posts in it are in line with what is said. But then again, actions speak louder than words. They could just be saying and not voting at all

     Make of it what you will

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