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Posts posted by redlight

  1. 38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Looks beautiful to see written down a way to 0 growths even this game. When it finally dies, I hope hacking it in full would become possible.


    Any evidence of this? We don't need an FH2. Who would they include? -Whoever they could think of should be saved for GHBs/MHs. And if there is to be one, I'll call Brainwashed Ninian now, since Celica wasn't enough.

    Some banners seem to run at the same time as last year's. CYL and Farfetched. Maybe CYL is iffy, but I find it weird how they went on to release Farfetched around a similar time the next year.
    I'm personally thinking of Berkut, Lyon and Greil. As for the GHB, Mareeta?

  2. 54 minutes ago, TheWildestCat said:

    If the sword is tyrfing. Shouldn't there be a hole in the sword itself, I mean in FE: Awakening the sword has a hole in it as in part of it. I got that from the art of Fire Emblem Awakening book. I'll post it later as soon as I can get the book. 

    That's the Awakening redesign. This is what it looked like originally and in Heroes




  3. If we are really getting Fallen Heroes 2 after Valentine's Day banner then that'd mean that IS was telling us we were only getting RD and BiB as the 2 new heroes banners without alts next in the near future when it was announced.

    If it's really Fallen Heroes after Valentine's then it's quite likely there are no demotes?

  4. I've seen people think it's Ike on the left thinking it's Ragnell the person is holding, but the crossguard doesn't match at all with it (Ragnell's is slightly pointy towards the tip and hilt while this one is much more pointy towards the tip and there isn't anything pointing towards the hilt). It's more akin to something like Marth's Falchion or Tyrfing, but if it's not those two with what seems to flower/vine decorations added then it's a just a seasonal weapon.

    It could be young Ike, but he looks kinda skinny. I guess it's up to artistic interpretation on how they draw bodies and if they stick with it

  5. 22 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    You can do Pair Up Quests

    With One Hero

    I don't think they thought this through. Plus it would have been a fun set of quests if they stipulated that you needed to have ally support on the two Heroes.

    I'm guessing they said it in terms of if one of your two die you can still complete the quest with the other one

  6. I'm starting over from scratch if they add a weapon forge and/or skill refinery since then I'll have something to keep me invested in the form of the hero battles as that was a good challenge. In the mean time I'll reroll for a decent festival Elincia once that banner comes and I'll put aside the game until a major update comes along.

    I wish they'd give use easier access to divine dew.

  7. While there were a few good things, IS falls into the same bad habits with every potentially good idea by coupling it with a ranking system. Aside from that, very underwhelming, but there's a limit to how much a team can improve in a small amount of time. Then again, devs give off the impression of being students who do their assignments at the last minute when they had plenty of time to do it before. At least better than the shitshow the FEH channel for book III was as it addressed a couple of gripes and improved unit customizability somewhat.

    During the last few days I've been lead to believe they're somewhat indifferent towards the player base as of late as there was a survey for the Japanese players only (asking significantly less questions than last year and not even asking opinions on the game modes which leads me to believe that they're done with updating them or AR was the only one constantly receiving feedback from several players as well as a good part of the player base is a bit too passive about their complaints of gameplay) and the Feh channel had a last minute announcement. It was said on the calendar that there'd be a 2nd anniversary celebration, but there was confusion among the player base as to whether or not we'd get a Feh channel

  8. 3 hours ago, Lewyn said:

    I have seen some reviews/videos.  Oh another thing about rarity.  Apparently the low rarity heroes are pretty much worthless.  That is a big difference from Heroes where there are some very strong low rarity heroes so even if one's luck is terrible they can still do well.  

    The lower rarity heroes all have their niches, no? That's what I keep seeing been said

    I deleted my account data. All my progress, all the money I spent, all gone. After taking a break for a month I decided to try to at least play the game with the recent anniversary going on. I was reminded of several issues the game had that made it not fun and was pushed away. I also think the game is being badly managed, but that's from my POV so maybe yours is different. Oh well. Whatever.

    @XRay The reason why the game got negative reviews was bcs players missed out on the launch gift with a free SSR, but the time to receive the gift was extended and was given to all players regardless if you preregistered or not. There were a few other hiccups like the community manager, but it got sorted out nonetheless.


  9. 1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    If people wouldn't mind mentioning Brom in the "characters you'd like to see" bit, I'd be eternally grateful.

    It's not translating for me. Ah well, I guess I'll wait and see if an English survey is released.

    It's not supposed to apparently. Use the opening post as a reference as that's where I put the translated stuff. Everything is in the correct order and it's rather short this time compared to last year

  10. 53 minutes ago, Cysx said:

    Three Houses, with its three male leads, sounds like a serious contender next year(assuming it's out)

    Edgelord: IT IS MA'AM!!! MA'AM!!! Lol. Byleth. Tho they seem like a silent protag. I'll wait and see

    I doubt Sphagetti Bolognese will do well since he looks pretty bad based on comments from several people, but Claude might have a chance

  11. 21 minutes ago, TheWill said:

    So do we need to switch to the Jp version to fill out the survey? I know you sent a link, but I've seen images of the survey and the laytout is different than what I'm getting on that link.

    You sure? Questions and topics are in the right order. If you're talking about multiple choices on the left and right then start from the left going down and then the rest of the stuff on the right. Are you using PC?

    This survey is disappointing. Doesn't care to ask us about game modes. They're pretty much seemingly fine with how things are right now in terms of content

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