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Posts posted by redlight

  1. All I can do really is just make guesses. I wasn't really around for when Fates was being marketed so I might lack experience or understanding of events leading up to Fates' release.

    It'll do as well as Awakening, but I'm not sure about Fates level (reminder that the game was split into 2 physical copies so it'll be more bloated). The gap between Fates and TH is longer than Awakening and Fates, as those are the big titles and not Echoes, so that might have some role to play. We kinda saw what happened to SnK with it's gap between two seasons.

    I feel as though the marketing has been weak, but we're getting stuff now at least leading up to the release.

    There are a few things I imagine that could make the game not appealing. If it doesn't borrow elements from Awakening/Fates then it could turn off some people. There's also the box art (for people new to the franchise), but that might just be me.

    I think a lot of people have grown over the years and aren't dependant on games journalist sites like IGN ("Fates is a emotional and engaging story" or whatever the meme is, it's not just that as there's an entire pile of mishaps/funnies since then) as they've started to see the flaws of their reviewing process. I think FE Youtubers will have some part to play in how many copies are sold through reviewing though it'll be a small portion of potential buyers. If the game is somehow worse than Revelations (I doubt that'll happen) then yeah, I actually see much more influence due to how despised it is among some of the more influential FE YouTubers.

    This part that I'm about to mention could actually happen. There's a potential aspect (NOT CONFIRMED YET) that might actually stir up controversy. I've seen reactions to the thought of the avatar marrying students and it's ranged from indifference to denial ("there's no way they're gonna go that far lol" is what I've seen some say). I will criticise the devs for the decision of allowing the avatar to marry students (IF IT HAPPENS), but I won't get as mad as some people would.

    There's also the matter of DLC. We've reached the point of no return when it comes to criticism of microtransactions in a full priced game as well as how DLC is being handled (cut-out from game yet available at launch, cheat DLC, etc.). Echoes managed to make it's way to YongYea with it's DLC pricing and timing (but it's not the first time a FE game has been criticized for it's DLC) so if a game that's supposedly much bigger than Echoes makes it's round then I can see him swaying people not to buy the game. He won't say don't buy the thing, but the game will have a stigma from the criticism. And it's not just only him, there'll be others spreading information about it.

    There are some that are skeptical bcs Fates so they might just wait a bit to see people's reviews on YouTube or something though those within the FE fanbase will gravitate towards experienced FE YouTubers

  2. I cracked and became thirsty for Melt. Spent 90 SQ only to be reminded I'm in no position to spend for a SSR being the F2P peasant that I am and also summer Martha coming soon hurhur. Maybe in two years time once I get a well paying job (at least that's what I hope for unless me going studying for a high-demand job where I'm at is a waste of time and effort). Thankfully I got Passionlip and Suzuka in my last batch. Got some CEs as well that'll greatly benefit me and you guys

  3. I saved nearly 50k FP. Didn't get the event CE and only one relevant 3* NP upgrade. Where's my Medea, Euryale and Serenity?? Rates are bad, I know. But Boudica and Saber Gilles of all things?

  4. 11 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    i DO mention him

    " So far im thinking we're getting Indra for India, "


    Yeah i predicted the pako servant is going to be Indra. The hints are (kinda) all there


    @Water Mage Also to note, yes the crypters were facing so far have been surprisingly frontloaded, so its not too surprising the leader is 5th. For example, Ophelia is actually considered the secret weapon of the Crypters and we beat her second

    I could've sworn that dude was speculated to be one god's Avatar or something tho I guess he fits the bill of Indra as he's a vessel for god. Tho I don't know if he's ever had an avatar. Could be he actually appears in the flesh without any need to anchor him to the mortal realm

  5. 50 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    To add to what the other guy said, the LB after India was the one where they said Zeus is the monarch. So far im thinking we're getting Indra for India, and Zeus for that one at the very least

    Other guy ?

    It's possible that the pako servant is the ruler of the Indian Lostbelt as Skadi was introduced in the same manner of trailers.

    15 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    Sorry for the mistake I thought the Zeus Lostbelt was the last one since the guy in charge is the leader of Team A. It’s a city in the Atlantic Ocean right?

    He is the leader tho some of the Crypters have some kind of secret or are special. That blonde guy with the shorter hair is considered to be a genius on par with Da Vinci. While he doesn't possess leadership skills he seems to be worth more trouble than the others.

    There's also Beryl, who may be


    a member of the KotR as the OP shows him covered in blood and he also possesses peculiar ears. The reason why I might say that he is one of the knights is that there was a knight who was a werewolf. There's also the matter of Beryl not being incredibly fond of women and the knight I mentioned was betrayed by his wife.

    Also, it's not in the Atlantic Ocean. It's supposedly some kind of city or civilization built upon the titan Atlas

  6. 41 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    I don’t think we’re getting Sir Kay now that I think about it. I mean, the next Lostbelt after India is Camelot right? I think they’ll introduce new knights of the round there, unless Camelot has a different “theme” if what if my theory is correct.

    After India is Atlas/Greece. The one after that is what is referred to as Round Table Territory AKA Britain. No one is sure about the last one bcs it's censored, but it looks like there's a temple there among a forest. Could be Central/South America or maybe some other area with temples and forests. Let me know if there any other places like that


    While Kay does appear in CF, he's not a heroic spirit, but can manifest as a being similar to one.


    The one in that storyline is a being whose personality/identity is based off the real Kay



  7. From what I remember Babylonia will be a two cour anime.

    Camelot films will take place from Bedi's POV and the character designer is the same as Grimgar's if I'm not mistaken. Or at least the person adapting the lead char designers character artwork

    @Glaceon Mage Smolxander's animation update

  8. At the end of the day it's really just a vocal minority acting out. Even then, them being assholes isn't necessarily exclusive to the FGO fandom and are probably assholes in every other parts of the web and communities.

    I'll echo the sentiment that it could've ended up bad either way when it came to censorship. I'm no zealot when it comes to these kinds of issues, but I can see the criticism tho I'm not outraged by it that's for sure and can still use Demiya without taking pauses to think about "stereotypes". Either some people get incredibly offended that rile up hate mobs bcs of Demiya or some guys are assholes on the internet. They could've put more effort into the recoloring, but the end result is probably more desirable for Aniplex and co. Tho they should've censored Jack if we're gonna be honest. Kids with thongs makes me want to bleach my eyes.

    6 hours ago, Water Mage said:

    It’s funny how something as simple as a back button is such a huge update. Though it probably took so long because of Star distribution.

    I honestly had a hard time accepting the concept bcs of it being abusable, but that was a product of me not putting much thought into it. Stars only get reshuffled by using crit related skills that affect the current turn is such a simple solution.

    8 minutes ago, QKumber said:

    Tweeter/media outrage is so out of place.

    It's a combination of two factors why Twatter has gotten cancerous, the first being applicable to the whole Demiya censorship. Tweeting has kinda become like people saying raw stuff like they would IRL. As for the second factor, the climate in Twatter has also gotten more... Left-leaning and PC I guess you could say due to biased censorship policies.

    8 minutes ago, QKumber said:

    Maybe since I do not live in the USA things are different, but the moment when you CANNOT speak about something because it offends someone, that is a very scare moment

    US and UK in a nutshell. Hate mobs in US and thought police in the UK.

  9. 20 hours ago, Water Mage said:

    Thanks! This is much more useful than the one I was using!

    You can also look up when the focus rotations for each banner is up if you search for them through the fgo wiki

  10. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    I mean he's not good. There are a lot of better red tome options.

    We're talking about regular Leo or picnic one? Bcs you mentioned red
    There are several different ways of contributing to the team, be it having an effective weapon, being player phase or a tank. "There are better red tome options" is somewhat truthful, but a majority of the "better" ones have much different roles to play. Either way, regular Leo is pretty underrated anyways as a tank with Raudrowl+CC.

  11. They're fine for the most part. It's only when they're tailor made for prfs that they get stupidly obnoxious.
    I can understand the premium aspect, but to be honest that logic is BS when much weaker skills are locked at the same rarity and devs can't throw a relic from 2017 into the 3-4 star summoning pool. IS is somehow unable to see the SI pool for summonable heroes has it's issues like having nothing of value, outdated skills and/or 5*-ing to get one okayish skill. I think there'd be less backlash for powercreeped skills if they remove rarity restrictions on skills. 20k feathers is way too of a hefty price to get salvageble skills from trash fodder units. You'd get more value for when you'd summon something.

  12. 45 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    An armored unit with limited candidates for armor march sounds like it could be rough...

    ...But on the other hand my new Halloween Myrrh would be perfect for him!

    Edit: Does the ending shot mean there won’t be a GHB for this, or are they just not showing who it’ll be at the end?

    GHB is Haar. In the notifications under the banner reveal

  13. 3 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

    Bird Tribes in January, the next Tellius banner


    Those were just the royals. I don't know if the heron siblings qualify as royals, but they sure are part of a royal family

    2 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    For the next far fetched banner, who will take Randulf's place now?

    Alfonse the Edgehog

  14. 9 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    It’s gonna be so odd having an event of the game that never released in the West. I wonder why CCC was never released in the west. 

    Anyway, I think this event will be NA’s first encounter with new classes? You know Alter Ego and Foreigner.

    Alter Ego appears this event, 3 with one being an SR and the other 2 SSRs. Bear in mind that these are limited time servants so you won't be able to pick the SR Alter Ago as this years free SR tho the player base gets a free Alter Egos anyways by the name of Mecha Eli-chan and Mecha Eli-chan Mk.II. Their only difference is the artwork and their voice lines. Other than that they're exactly the same. I can't remember what determines who you get, but upon doing the rerun you can get the other one.

    Foreigner appears at the end of the year with Abigail as a SSR coupled with the SR caster Sheba (I hope I can get her). A month after that Katsuai or whatever her name is who is considered the better one of the two, at least from what I member. Their berserker interaction is different so you need to look it up as I'm too lazy. All of them have a passive skill that gives 2 stars every turn. They also have as much star weight as archers ranking them the second highest anchors in the game.

  15. Spoiler

    So people have been analysing images of Kama and she might actually grow older or at least her body the further you ascend her.


    Holy shit. The new CM's theme is BB channel theme in F note




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