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Posts posted by redlight

  1. Reines' skills:

    • Team defense up (3T) and damage cut (3T) and small amount of NP charge

    • Charge 1 teammates NP and increase their attack (3T) and reduce self damage (3T)

    • Give 1 teammate invincibility (2 hits, 3 turns) and increase debuff resistance (3T)

    NP is really something


    NP reduces enemy team & crit attack (OC). Self debuff removal. Removes team's class disadvantage for 3 turns


  2. 1 minute ago, Silverly said:

    About damn time Luvia is in the game. Kinda wish she took up the mantle of a more interesting goddess though, I don’t know who the hell Astraea is.

    She's a greek goddess that's the inspiration/model of Lady Justice

  3. 8 minutes ago, Magus of Memery said:

    Gray being not a Lancer though ... that makes no sense. EDIT: Her NP is AoE and inflicts Buster & Quick Resist down.

    So we can expect a standard lancer deck. QQABB. Rhongo has been buster twice so I'm guessing this one is a Buster one as well. I'm hoping her quick hit count is good

  4. Spoiler

    Waver ga shinda!!!

    SSR rider Reines with a AOE debuff that reduces defense and I think crit chance (or attack). She's support from what I understand that are people are saying.  Pseudo-servant of Sima Yi

    SR Ruler Luvia, I think? ST. Pseudo-servant of a greek goddess of justice, Astrea

    SR AOE Assassin Gray. Oh shit. sorry @Glaceon Mage I jinxed it. I jokingly said in response to your prediction that she'll be an assassin

    Welp. I know what I'm saving for after Lanling and Liangyu

  5. I don't know if Kurahara-sensei has done any works with a large cast, but games with huge rosters of characters require a artist that's able to draw several different quality designs. A lot of FE games with huge casts suffer from quality assurance of a few characters. And the amount of creative and non-terrible artwork depends on the artist. It's one thing to do draw the main cast of 6+NPCs, it's another for 20+ characters and NPCs you're going to be seeing very much in the game.

  6. 28 minutes ago, Sire said:

    I also wish I had a Ruler to use. I keep seeing everyone saying to use Punch Saint to get things done, so I may have to check my Support List and see if anyone has one for situations where I need her.

    Alexmender has summer Martha so you're in luck. Also, you need to just erase 1 bar of HP in BB's first fight

  7. On 25/04/2019 at 6:28 AM, Disclaimer said:

    There's also runaway successful Fire Emblem Heroes to consider, which will only have positive effects on the main series' future sales. A safe bet there'll heavy promotion of Three Houses there, and many people drawn to the series via the mobile game will see Three Houses as a convenient opportunity to try the main series. 

    Heroes is a f2p mobile game that's easily accessible (almost everyone has a smartphone and having a phone is pretty much a necessity nowadays) compared to a game console+game that you have to buy. People who play Heroes and own a Switch will most likely buy it. It's just that mobile games have a habit of appealing to people who don't have a lot of time on their hands. It's why mobile gaming is so big in Japan due to it's working society.

    On 25/04/2019 at 6:28 AM, Disclaimer said:

    Did I mention Three Houses' artwork, done by the popular otome artist Chinatsu Kurahana? Considering the Switch's ownership demographics have reached 50:50 parity between men and women, I'd say her hiring her is a calculated and intelligent move — even if her art is divisive amongst existing fans (...as all art has been lately...). Releasing in the same year is Animal Crossing, a series also popular with female audiences, so that ratio should stay strong or skew further female — which is good for Fire Emblem, and god willing will help reduce the series' recent inclination toward objectifying women and girls.

    I don't know much about her. Maybe you can correct me, but it seems her biggest contribution is Uta Prince and Evol. Even then she seems to be popular in the otome game community, but nothing else. I'm a weeb myself so I think it's great if an artist in a niche subculture gets hired to do mainstream things so that more people get to enjoy their work.

    No one cares about an artists gender unless you mean how they drew characters and who they market it towards, but even then the gender statistics of people interested in Switch is 50/50 so they have to market towards both (or none at all). Even then, IS is more greedy than smart.

    Might be bold of me to say this, but in-game screenshots show a very Persona like style of UI. Not as shaded, but I can see some resemblance. Maybe that's why she was hired tho her character artwork looks incredibly different from the cutouts in-game.

    If you have any problems with female character's clothing blame it on Kusakihara. He went really horny in Fates and seems like he was put in check after that. I don't know what he's doing right now.

  8. That moment when you didn't understand how much of a chance you have when summoning for focus 3*s with tickets?. I'll have to wait for class banner this year for Bedi and somehow wing Salieri and Izō next year next to Fujino. Kill me now?. Thank god there's at least a 2 month gap between those three each next year

  9. Ugh. Free roaming shows off that ugly 3D environment. I feel as though it's a waste of the budget when they could've used the Tellius or Echoes approach for the base/roaming (also, hand drawn environments look much better). IS even with KT isn't that strong with 3D stuff except maybe with models, but even those give off the impression of being as oddly weighted as pre-Echoes 3DS. Also, those janky animations (I hope that regular attacks with flashes aren't criticals) and lighting. IS looks to me like it's trying to be way too ambitious (as in they want a bunch of stuff in the game) for it's own good. I should hold my criticism for the game until it's released, but we're this close to launch and some things look questionable. It'll sell well, I just think they might need to reevaluate some design choices for their next entry.

    Wonder where all that Heroes money is going.

    Battle environments look a bit better than free roaming so I'm not gonna bite too hard there.

    Grunts look so damn awkward.

    Anyways, thanks for the info. Keep up the good work.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    @Cute Chao, @Landmaster

    Thanks ladies! I just got to 15,000 in the TT so now he looks like this after the merge and all the SP he's gained: 


    Now, I get to face the quandary of choosing between him and Haar in regards to who I want to get to +10 first and to make the decision "easier" for me, they should both get added to grail shop at same time two version updates from now.

    Oh, I see you are one of the people that do know how he good he really is and how to use him most effectively. Regular Leo is underrated with CC+Owl so I'm glad most players have a way of getting something similar in another version of him.

  11. 1 minute ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    I already have a np1 copy of Liz. I guess it won't hurt to have her stronger.

    Oof. I hope I didn't affect your luck right now. I heard Demiya is good haha smileyface I hope I didn't fuck it up it for you

  12. 9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    Which has the indirect effect of promoting the game, even if that wasn't the article's intent. 

    I'd say that it does have an impact but in the way that it'd probably make the game sell better. A lot of PC complaints these days are retarded (bonus points if it came from ResetEra) and are usually made by people who don't actually care about the game they're complaining about; they just want woke points. So when people see these PC complaints, they take it as a sign that the game is actually fine and they end even more interested in the game. Of course, that's just what i've seen but either way, PC complaints aren't gonna stop a game from selling well.

    Yeah. People that make a huge fuss just end up promoting the damn thing. If there's something you don't want people to play or get any attention at all then just silently report it or something. You're potentially creating an audience for something you might see as unsavory or offensive

    The idea that it affect sales somewhat was a bit half-baked idea that I should've let my brain "cook" more. But if the game will have a 100$ DLC like DOA at launch that the average joe can relate to then I could see there being an issue. Echoes had DLC at launch that costed more than the base game. I hope IS for their own sake don't do something on the level of Koei/TeamNinja

  13. 1 minute ago, Onestep said:

    Weapon Preferences across countries were a thing in real Medieval Society though. The English were famed for their powerful longbows, while the French favoured the use of large mounted forces of knights as their hammer of choice. The Scottish and Swiss made heavy use of pikes in late Medieval warfare as well. That's not to say that other countries didn't have archers or knights or pikemen, but purely that some countries had a reputation and/or preference for specific weapons. While each of the school factions might have a slight bias towards one form of combat, I suspect they'll be quite balanced.

    I mean yeah, but they had reasons for it. If they're just gonna say there's a preference, but not explain the reason I feel as though the worldbuilding will be lacking. Tho that might just be one small nitpick at the end of the day when it comes to the worldbuilding critique

  14. 23 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    Ah gotcha, I'm mostly saving for Holmes and then later in the year I think Sanzang is getting a focus again and I want her so bad haha.

    GL then. I hope you get them with ease.

    22 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    I'm saving 120 sq for Karna in a couple weeks. The odds are slim, chances are I'll get a Liz or Demiya. But I at least have to make an attempt.

    To be honest, getting Liz isn't so bad. She's got that female charisma and a targetable defense down. There's a whole bunch of single target slaughter fests you could do with a prana enhanced voice dragon girl.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    Honestly, even if there is controversy, that's not really gonna stop the game from selling well unless it's something super extreme. Xenoblade 2 had controversy regarding the designs of some female characters but that didn't stop the game from selling over a million copies and being supported by a very good line of DLC which also ended up selling really well. Or if you want a more Fire Emblem example, Fates had controversy regarding Soleil's Supports with Corrin and the censorship of things in general but that still didn't stop it from being the best selling FE game. Really, all controversy seems to do to games these days is just make them sell better.

    If you want my personal thoughts, i wouldn't mind it if Byleth can romance his students because as far as i'm aware, they're all pretty much the same age so really, what difference does it make? This isn't like Trails of Cold Steel 3 and 4 where it's a modern fantasy setting and Rean's an adult and yet has the option of romancing his students (one of which is 15).


    I don't think it'll have that much of an impact, but it'll make the rounds in articles and such. And even then, Fates was split into two games so it's success is kinda unique. But FE hasn't had good DLC, that's for sure. I think the more PC complaints don't have that much of an impact compared to just regular criticism of games that the average joe has.

  16. Fucking finally.

    I like the idea of choosing traits for characters, but chance based promotions or whatever it is screams some of the bad stuff Kaga made as design decisions. I hope multiple weapons for tier 1 classes aren't a thing. I just hate unbalance in games

    Regarding the whole weapon associated with country thing, if they don't explain the preferences in the game then it'll just sound stupid. Tho the more I think about it there is some sense to be made. Edelgard's country is probably advanced in sciences as magic is a science in this game if I'm not mistakes (doesn't explain axes tho). Knights for Dimitri's country tho it feels cheesy. Claude's country might have a lot of wildlife so people hunt a lot or hunting is some kind of pass time for fun

    What is the point of an easier difficulty with time reversal if you have casual mode? I feel as though they should work on the time reversal mechanic as to how much it can do depending on the difficulty and scrap casual. More uses in easier modes or something

    I'm hoping the game isn't too easy as I feel like they might dumb down the difficulty for newer players and that'll affect hard mode. I hope the maps aren't that dumbed down that they're just generic open fields.

    My favorite take from this whole thing. "We're trying to make a fantasy setting with magic more realistic, but we're JOKINGLY gonna jokingly JOKINGLY include time manipulation shenaniganz". I understand that they want to reuse a mechanic that actually is pretty innovative and has overall positive reception, but it just feels off if you're gonna try to make something more realistic and include something absurd as time manipulation. Yes, it is a fantasy setting with goddesses and dragons, but I'm feeling a clash between what they want to make and what they want to present. The whole science thing feels as though it's just for the sake of the school setting and offers nothing else. My god, if they're gonna make "magic is only used as a weapon" that a lot of fantasy fiction writers make as an mistake while trying to make it out to be a science I'll just face palm myself. I'm applying that concern to black magic or whatever you want to call it.

    56 minutes ago, Aiddon said:

    They're all from the UK, so it's consistent and derived from Celtic languages. It keeps things differentiated but interrelated. The only character who has a REALLY out there name is Sothis which is from an Egyptian goddess

    Then I guess she's from a southern continent or some other place in southern parts of the map if they want to be that meta. Maybe Morpheus. That sounds like a very haunting place if you ask me.

    38 minutes ago, IEatLasers said:

    I am really upset I keep hearing Byleth will be a silent protagonist and I hate when characters talk to silent protagonist. It feels so cheesy and weak 

    Does it say silent somewhere? I can't find it. I recall Byleth having voice in the game from a short ad tho that might be in the same vein as Persona's take in the silent protag

    Anyways, buying a Switch is incredibly expensive for me. Even if I am a fan of FE, I'll wait for actually credible people to review the game to see whether or not it's worth buying. I'm just not getting as good as a vibe as I got from Echoes. I mean yeah, if you're having fun then all the power to you, but if the maps and story are boring for me then my reason for buying an expensive console for 1 game isn't worth it. There are other games as well on the console, but I don't have that much money and school costs are an issue. If it it'll receive negative reception from credible sources then I'll wait for the next FE game (which will most likely be a remake of FE4 or 6; not too fond of 6, but if they can work some of that Echoes magic then I'm sold) to come out and maybe try out TH.

  17. 24 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    Rip, you saving for anyone later in the year?

    I didn't use too much SQ (only like 90) and have around 160+ left. My summoning plans should be on this page somewhere, but tl;dr I'm aiming for summer Martha this Summer

  18. Just now, Glaceon Mage said:

    I feel like it being silly is the point though.  Tamacat isn't exactly the sanest character ever, and again, they're making fun of him.  It's not meant to be a serious line.

    I mean, yeah we are supposed to mock his edgy characteristics, but like... I don't have a problem with Japanese names, it's just that Edgemiya sounds like some kind of Japanese name a western person would come up with and not an actual used one. It is a nickname, but it sounds like it came from somewhere else. Demiya sounds more like a nickname than Edgemiya is what I'm trying to say here

    Maybe I'll get over it. It's just that Demiya just sounds better and it's shorter

  19. 3 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

    I dunno, Dark Emiya doesn't sound... cheeky enough, I guess?  Like, they're supposed to be making fun of him, Dark Emiya feels more like setting him up as a villain while Edgy Emiya feels like it's mocking him.  

    Also Assonance wirh edgy and Emiya starting with that same "e" sound.

    I just have a problem with Edgemiya sounding kinda silly. And it's longer

  20. They changed Detroit Emiya to Edgy Emiya. New shortened name is Edgemiya. It sounds awful. Dark Emiya would have been better and it'd still keep Demiya, which rolls of the tongue better and would have changed negative undertones of something into something less negative.

    I guess I'll also throw in my plans for what I'd like to summon:

    • Summer Martha (I want a ruler and she's Martha. When will I be spooked by regular Martha?)
    • Bedivere (NP5 with summoning tickets. He should be getting a rate-up for the stage play summoning banner this Summer)
    • Tomoe Gozen (She's cute. She's pretty good as well)
    • Circe (She's female. What do you expect of me? She's kinda like Medea with stun and without the buff removal so there's that unique aspect about her that I like. Oh, and Hidari goodness)
    • Queen of Sheba (Really really good from what I heard. AND SHE IS SO CUTE I LOVE HER)
    • Asagami Fujino (From the moment I saw her I wanted to protect her as I remembered the KnK movies. Also, she's considered by some to be the best SR archer so there's bonus points for that)
    • Antonio Salieri (NP5 with tickets. Easy to get Avenger. There aren't any welfare Avengers as of this moment give us Avenger Nobukatsu DW so he's the closest thing you've got. Pretty good from what I heard as well. Also, awesome design and voice acting)
    • Okada Izó (NP5 with tickets. He's pretty hyped up in terms of gameplay and the talent behind in bringing him to life do an incredibly good job of making me like him)
    • Skadi (MAYBE. I'm a F2P peasant. I shouldn't get my hopes up. I need like 600 SQ and that's an incredibly tall order for me).
    • Prince of Lanling (There's no fucking debating. He's just so fucking good. His art is also amazing)
    • Qin Liangyu (Cute and VA does such an amazing job. Pretty decent gameplay wise. Nothing too amazing, put impressive nonetheless. I like her Guts skill as most of the time I find the amount health you gain from Guts level ups to mean jackshit as you die in one hit unless you're using defensive buffs.)

    Might try to Danzo, but I dunno. She has her uses, but is incredibly underwhelming and has yet to receive a strengthening in JP as of this moment. Her NP would be a start, but I'd still upgrade something in her skillset. End of the year will be pretty stressful with time between stuff that I want to be rather short. I hope I don't break the bank.

    For my free SR picks I'll get Casgil this year and Parvati next year. If I happen to get spooked by them then I'll pick Ibaraki Douji this year and Sarmuid the next one. Oh yeah. Pornstar water guy is a thing in JP. Should consider that option as a free pick as well

    I'll be saving my tickets for R characters that are hard to get.

    Oh yeah. Funny thing about Lanling. While Hinako wanted to summon a rider, but got him instead, the dude fights with his horse. Not really a rider, but maybe his horse is why the ToH spat him out instead of a Rider.

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