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Posts posted by redlight

  1. 22 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    The "Meet the Heroes" pages for these guys are up, and brought such gems as this:

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    0/10 Doesn't put her fist against her head

    Regarding Delthea's performance:


    She's really good. Her attack is rather large for a mage and speed is good enough with Death active. She has decent enough bulk with gen 3 BST and Death boosting it up for her first round of combat is even better. Throw in Fury and Desperation. Oooh boy. She also has some ploy utility due to having a decent res stat as well as the +3 res from Death.

    Think of her as the budget option of Tailtiu. You don't even need to spend dew, only feathers. Also, free


  2. 5 hours ago, Sasori said:

    I actually haven't refined Soren yet which brings me to another question. Is he a good candidate to refine his weapon. A owl effect is cool, but i'm still not sure if its 200 dew cool. He already hits decently hard with decent speed at the moment so i'm wondering just how much he'd benefit.

    Non-cavalry ranged units are rather easy to position next to 1 ally during player phase so he could get +2 to all stats during player phase. But he does gain +2 bulk and +3 speed from a speed refine. You lose 2 points of attack for that 1 extra speed while still retaining that +2 bulk. If you ask me speed is more important, but it's up to you really as to what you want. However, owltomes can lend themselves usually 2 allies during enemy phase so he might be able to do some stuff as a situational tank against ranged enemies. He wouldn't be your main for that thing, just an option against someone like say Rein, Julia or Niles.

  3. 1 hour ago, Water Mage said:


    I agree with Amakusa being the most useful. AOE buff removal is really good and I mean really good.

    Qin looks like an excellent tank, but wouldn’t a boss with buff removal(such as Amakusa) pretty much destroy him?

    You wouldn't bring QSH to a boss fight with him anyways. Most likely an Avenger or one from your friends list that you build support around bcs class advantage. I'm not sure how rare buff removal is, but it's certainly not that big of a deal for QSH would shit his pants over instantly, especially if it's usually tied to an NP that QSH could stall a bit with his AoE Curse skill. Even then, you plan around the opponent's NP. Worst case scenario you use a somewhat unreliable stun that's really meant to be used against multiple enemies at once. Judging from his package, he seems to get the most use out of his skills against multiple enemies, but is more stall oriented.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    Still a while before that Amakusa skill upgrade. Shame because a Buster buff seems really good for him.

    Speaking of Rulers, Sherlock is coming soon, so how is he in gameplay? Rulers are interesting because I personally think that there isn’t a “best” Ruler, they all seem to have different roles, so I’m interested in what Sherlock’s role is.

    You got that part right. Rulers are mostly very different from one another, but the same really applies to all extra classes if I'm not mistaken. However, in recent times they've started adding crit related stuff to them. Maybe that's their new trait?

    With his base damage multiplier, his attack is deceptively high and has the defensive bulk of a Ruler. But that all really comes at the slight cost of mostly dealing neutral damage and Quick/Arts deck. His skills are good, but not that broken. Has a NP seal that gives loads of stars and there's some defensive utility attached to it. Star absorption for 1 turn, which is selfless in teams (but not that much with other low anchors) and has a debuff immunity attached to it. Has a Arts MB with a Evasion attached to it (it's a 5CD evasion so that's pretty awesome). His NP turns all of his enemies basically into glass and your team into wrecking balls. You could probably NP loop with the guy for a second NP if you have someone like Waver to set you up at the beginning (also, Paracelsus+PS strats next year) for debuff and crit buff stacking. Has some issues with longer fights. I'd rate him an 8 out of 10. Maybe add a decimal or something to it.

    Regarding the best Ruler, Qin Shi Huang is another powercreep in JP though that's heavily debated. He's either top-tier or broken is what you can gather from arguments. You can read about him here: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/180151-fate-grand-order/77272143

  5. Even if Delthea ends up being gimmicky, if her tome provides some sort of additional effect next to the warp-like effect like Dark Aura's hone melee, she has support and mobility utility. Would be great if they slap on Atk/Spd Bond on her base kit or at least any variation of Bond that gives at least speed. It's hard to go wrong with a 158 BST mage.

  6. 10 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    . . .so, uh, if it's "unnecessary fluff", then why did you make a topic, specifically to point out the trees?

    I meant unnecessary fluff as in the devs didn't really need to spend resources on traversable 3D environments. Just keep it simplistic like in previous titles (SoV did have dungeon crawling, but that's bcs it was already in the game and it wasn't really all that noteworthy). 3D roaming is ambitious and that can be a good that thing, but as I mentioned 3D isn't something FE is good at.

    I'm concerned that they want to do a bunch of things bcs they have better hardware and more money to work with, but ambition can be a dangerous thing in any kind of large scale projects. If you're too grandiose you might just end up doing things for nothing. Does X add something to the game? What would the game be like without it? What would the player think of it? Etc.

  7. famitsu-dimitri1.jpg

    The flora in this game is aMAZinG.

    Jokes aside


    They should've kept their VN like user interface they had in Echoes. Much more bearable to look at. Character's looked more engaging with their artwork than meh models. Also, the background artwork was good to look at sometimes

    FE isn't known for it's 3D. Why make it be part of a majority of your game? You already nailed the presentation in Echoes when it came to dialogue and town exploration. Why take steps back? There's also the minimalistic yet relaxing base or whatever it's called in the Tellius games.

    Of course they could polish it, but the release date is getting pretty close. If we're still seeing something like this 1 month before launch then it's very likely that's the end product

  8. 52 minutes ago, redtutel said:

    To be fair, it's pretty difficult to find a character who doesn't love the lord of any Fire Emblem game. There's Shinon and.....Shinon

    The thing with the avatar is that they are supposed to be you. The game description even says "As their professor, you must lead...". It's nauseating for you to be constantly praised. I can bear it, but still find it annoying for lords if they're that undeserving.

    I hope this isn't the case with Byleth, but from what I've read about how they got their position and that whole saving Edelgard scene makes the story sound cringey. Or at least the opening act

  9. Haaa haaaa haaaa. Heavy panting noises. OMFG OMfG omgfg mafhkjdsf.


    I cracked and wanted to spend all my tickets quartz bcs I cut summer Martha, Tomoe, Salieri and Izou out of my plan. I had around 29. Spent 2. First one got me my third IA or whatever it's called. You know, the 60% NP charge. AND MY SeConD ONE OMGFG. MELT cAME HOMe Nirvana is achieved. I feel livid. I feel the breath of live overwhelming my body. I feel awesome.

    I spent a few weeks ago 90 quarts with 160 left. Melt was my goal and I got Lip and Suzuka (both are still one of my happiest pulls) instead. Needed to save after that. And now to come back and get her. I'm the happiest man alive. Oh yeah baby

    I wish the gacha gods bless all of you. I hope you get SSRs on your next 10 10-pulls and and tickets. I want to thank all of you who have helped me reached this point in the game.

    I need to breathe a bit


  10. This episode proves a lot that the people in charge have no right in directing large-scale battles. Or maybe they don't know what they're doing anymore. There are more issues than the battles though

    Yeah. They need to reboot season 8 or even everything past season 4. Funnily enough George doesn't watch the show. He says he doesn't have time, but he's promoting other things to watch. They probably paid him to keep quiet.

    It doesn't get any better with episode 4. Starbucks memes :). Like critical said in his video at the bottom of this post, they retake scenes if there are any imperfections. They just took one shot and were done with it.

    The next few episodes got their script leaked a few days before 4 came out. It contained a spoiler for a character death from 4 that very likely proves it's legitimacy. You can search for it. But it's definitely not that Tyrion betrays Dany one. That one reeks of bad fanfiction.

    Mauler pretty much made a good review/rant of the episode (WARNING: a lot of cussing) that's being passed around a lot. There's also AngryJoe's video that I've seen mentioned, but there are two and I don't know which to link



    If you want, here's moistcr1tikal's thought about GoT post-episode 4 of season 8. It pretty much hits the nail on the show's current flaws




  11. My thoughts on the upcoming strengthening quests and interlude of some servants. I won't talk about the things Magus of Memery already mentioned.


    Jeanne gets rid of that pesky stun on her NP.

    Astolfo with his strengthening quest this month and NP interlude in July becomes an incredibly good farming servant.

    Serenity NP upgrade might not be that impressive at first (more damage is always good despite what people might say), but her upcoming skill interlude later this year allows her to rack up decent chunks of damage as well as stars included in that meal. Nothing that broken, but there are Tamamo strats you could do for CQs since DoT debuffs bypass defensive skills. Philosopher Stone GR when?

    MHXA receives an immediate buff. Feels like yesterday when she was released.

    Babbage's skill is pretty good... Until you remember his attack stat and caster damage modifier. 

    Jing Ke needs to at least get 2 skill upgrades. But the NP upgrade is always appreciated.

    Something that'll affect me significantly is Enkidu's PD upgrade. Adds more durability. And a short CD for an evasion at that.

    Spartacus is better at farming, I think. More damage on his NP good, right?

    The beginning of the Hydrated Male Stripper God Chronicles is coming out this summer. Wait until 2021 to see a conclusion to the epic saga.


  12. 6 hours ago, Magus of Memery said:

    Not to mention the bosses. The Wanted: X Quests are straightforward but both Alter Egos and Suzuka Gozen have gimmicks that can make them pretty challenging.

    Small reminder that Suzuka has Riding and is a Divine servants. Nobunobu. As does Melt, but it's much more significant when dealing with Suzuka.

    I discovered something funny last week. Passionlip has Presence Concealment A+. Excuse me, what the fuck.

  13. 2 hours ago, Rosalina said:

    Finally back to the game. 

    Took me a few months since my phone's battery died and had to transfer it to my new tablet. The loading times became even longer than formerly which slows down things quite a bit. 

    Unfortunately I have no access to the current event, but oh well. 

    At least I pulled two Passionlip in my two summoning circles. She looks really cute and is a new class for me. 

    At least you have another chance in about 1.5 years time. We're also getting summer Ishter, Elimech and Saltera as welfares this year. All of them good SRs. Not top-tier, but definitely good. So you're still getting good welfares at least.

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