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Posts posted by redlight

  1. 34 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

    I'm not sure excluding the link would have made a huge difference as people could have just Googled the event.

    Really though, I don't think it's anything to get upset over. Not like CYL is some bastion of sanctity otherwise.

    It'd have just felt a bit less sketchy if you ask me

    The issue people would have for it is because he's got a big following that could affect results (would make the FEH community's efforts helpless in the face of such a large following) and his fanbase doesn't watch him for FE. Telling people outside of a community to take part in it's event where you have them vote for a character you want just feels wrong to me. I doubt that he managed to have that much of an effect, but the intent was there. People who are constantly under the spotlight should watch what they say as they have an influence over their fandom. And some do use this actually. KingGeorge, a R6 streamer, told his audience to mass downvote a reddit post bcs it was calling him out for falsely accusing OP of stream sniping (he lost fair and square, he's just acting like a sore loser).

  2. @Robert of NormandyThanks. Alpharad doesn't seem like a bad guy, but I'm kinda disappointed he'd do something like this. Link provided to get people to vote is pretty uhh... sketchy. He could've handled this somewhat better if he'd just say "I'm voting for Robin in CYL. Join me fellow FEH players" or something like that without any links.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Jave said:

    Considering the poll is basically "Choose your favorite FE character", I see no problem with people who haven't played FEH voting. Some of them have played other FE games, and I say even just played Smash is fine.

    I think the issue lies in people not being aware of it and the existence of the game so if someone allegedly instructs them to vote for a character they want it kinda looks sketchy

  4. 20 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    The original CYL had lots of people voting who don't play Heroes.

    Of the FE community or those who knew of FEH voted. There also could've been ads to promote the game, but I doubt it was on the level of Langrisser M. IF, big if since I don't have the source bcs deleted so I apologize if I'm wrong, Alpharad really did tell his Smash audience who knew nothing of FE (some people don't care who is from which game) or FEH to go vote for a character with a link or something provided so that he could make a supposed FE video (I'm assuming it's related to Smash) then that doesn't paint the action in a good light. Now it could be that he just presented his words poorly and/or some are blowing his words way out of proportions. But if there was really instructions to sway his audience to vote in something they would have no interest in or contact at all just for a "carrot" then it's another story

    22 minutes ago, Drakhis said:

    They want to make F!Robin win, not Camilla if I'm not wrong. And Camilla has more alts than her, so it's a problem, but not the same in my opinion.

    Alpharad is supporting Robin and allegedly (no proof for me to give, just accusations I've seen mentioned) swaying his Smash audience (there's a YouTube community post that got deleted which is highly likely where the source of controversy came from). Camilla is the one allegedly being supported by trolls who are bitter bcs of FE overrepresentation is Smash

  5. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Well that is really petty and lame. Camilla isn't even one of the FE Smash fighters.

    If people are really doing it then it's most likely bcs she's the Donald Trump of FE for a lack of better words. You've seen the reactions of midterm results

  6. 7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Why the hell would anyone who doesn't play Heroes vote in this at all? It literally would not affect them in any way since they're not playing the game. This also reflects badly on those who DO play the game, because it'll look like the players don't care if she already has a lot of alts when we really hate that she does.

    From what I understand there's been talk for a long time of FE getting too much representation in Smash. People complain about it and I guess some are petty enough to cause discord for the FE community so that it explodes or something. I don't have a source to this so I'm unsure about numbers. @TheNiddoHit me up with the source for smash gamefaqs and /v/ trolls

  7. If someone could give me a screencap of his post it'd be great. I'm scouring for info and it seems he promised a FE related video if Robin won or something? This isn't really reliable info though so someone could provide with the screencap please. Even trying to say what the post had written in it is enough. By no means am I trying to start a harassment campaign. I'm just interested as to what happened that has some people's feathers ruffled

  8. 1 hour ago, Vince777 said:

    Was tempted to help Micaiah against the YTber trying to hijack this contest but went for Petrine instead today.

    I'm looking at the tweets (two of them) and they're one liners. One has like 130 something likes and the other is under a 100. Only if you played Heroes or are familiar with CYL would someone understand his tweets bcs they're vague and just say "I voted for Robin". No link, no "do what I tell you". I heard there was a YouTube community post, but there wasn't one when I checked just right now. It seems that someone blew the tweet way out of proportion out of spite for female Robin (I assume). Of course I could be missing something so notify me if I missed anything.

    14 minutes ago, TheNiddo said:

    At those wondering where the Eliwood votes came from: there was a small-but-actually-a-thing rally around him on GameFAQs. I'm guessing that sort of thinking popped up on several sights at that level + lowest voting turnout yet. 

    Also the GameFAQs SSBU board is pushing for Camilla votes out of spite for the number of FE characters in Smash, and supposedly /v/ is pushing Camilla as well? What I'm seeing is that Camilla is getting a lot of push from people who don't play the game. 

    If it's like a few dozen or so then it's not that big of a deal. If it's in the hundreds and they're doing it just to light a shitstorm in the community out of spite for character representation in Smash then I'm a pit peeved. Source bcs I want to take a closer look at it.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    In other words, it's not even Camilla at this point. I'm just mad at IS and their bizarre priorities (or lack thereof) during 2018. I don't understand why Fates has suddenly become the "darling" of the developers.

    The director of Heroes directed Fates, no?

  10. 1 hour ago, Othin said:

    Do you mean Camilla? Under that definition, Fates has 10 lords, which seems silly to me.

    And only two of them are actually relevant enough that you get a game over if I'm correct about Azura. Royals are as much as fodder as their retainers in the grand scheme of things though they are good units.

  11. 2 hours ago, Michelaar said:

    But still, what is selfish about voting for your favourite? I think it's more selfish to call other people who vote for Camilla selfish 

    Think about it this way. In 5 years time there's a poll to decide which superhero movie you'd like to have a reboot for. A bunch of hardcore fans vote Spiderman even though he's had like what? 3 portrayals in the past 17 years or so with sequels to boot? Some people would feel a bit peeved

    Vote for whoever you want. And if Camilla wins we just won't have any salt for the next year which is a good thing for the community.

    What I'm about to say is more on the topic of seasonals/alts. I feel as though we've reached the point with alts that it's either make or break with them for CYL4. It might get a whole lot worse for some when it comes to characters chosen for seasonal banners. Worst thing is that seasonal banners take away from the game believe it or not. We don't get a demotion (f2p friendly means of obtaining new units that have assets), we don't get new skills to fodder from the demote, less new characters (which is a selling point in the game, seeing your favorite characters joining the Heroes roster), the story doesn't progress, etc. This is without basis, but we're probably scraping the bottom of the barrel for characters to be added into the game from IS's point of view. There might be more seasonal banners this year than new hero ones because of that. Of course it's not all doom and gloom until we actually experience this year and get more event calendars

  12. 17 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

    Pardon me if I find it ridiculous that Camilla voters are called selfish by some people.

    It's just that from their point of view there are plenty of Camilla's already. 4 seems to be last line to what sparks controversy based on reactions across multiple platforms. Might be because 4 is the limit of members in a team. Can't say for certain really

  13. 2 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I think the player base as a whole is generally nice and positive, or at the very least apathetic. Only a small fraction of the community is openly hostile and super vocal. If we take the number of dislikes on YouTube videos to the number of competitive PvP players, negative players make up a very small fraction of the Heroes player base.

    And it's not like everyone who dislike the videos is openly hostile and toxic so it's quite likely even less than those numbers

  14. Funnily enough the incredibly rude user who made an account to mock Camilla fans has a reddit account of the same name, but it's been deleted along with their posts it seems like. Not surprising as it seems from google searches they made nasty homophobic and racist statements among other unpleasant things.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

    The Gurgurant is probably bigger than Micaiah herself. She'd have to pull a Cloud Strife.

    I totally expect Ashnard to be in Heroes at some point.

    Is Duma's Bow actually a thing?

    Mila's bow actually. Duma's lance does exist.

    Camilla winning will probably be good for the community as we'll have to deal with less salt next CYL. And if we keep cutting the top 2 females from the top Camilla is gonna win a CYL at some point anyways

  16. 1 hour ago, eclipse said:

    No Switch, so not getting it.  May pick this up at a later date if I'm bored and have enough money.

    It's also available on the PC master race. Judging from the footage, it doesn't look to demanding for hardware

  17. 9 minutes ago, TheWildestCat said:

    Does anyone know which male has the most alts and how many. I think the person who has the most has five alts and Camilla is on alt seven or eight.

    Males are right now on four max. Chrom, Takumeme, Xander, Ephraim and Ryoma. Camilla has six

  18. 6 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

    Why didn't people rally behind Eirika or Azura, who were closer to Camilla, if the aim was to deny Camilla? I believe the reason is that Veronica wasn't playable and people wanted to take advantage of that to get a new character rather than an alt. And Veronica reached fifth place without the influence of the halfway results, so it's not like she didn't have a lot of fans anyway.

    ˄ This

    The excuse that Camilla lost to Veronica just sounds so petty. There were others who had a better chance

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