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Everything posted by Kahvi

  1. I kind of expected for Gaius to get a multiplier after seeing Leo's lead slowly get bigger before going to bed. It was just impossible for Leo to come back from that. Oh well, the multipliers on Gaius's side should get ridicilous and therefore climbing up the rank should be easy. I like Gaius anyway a lot more than I like Corrin. Maybe we'll get lucky and he gets a multiplier right before the gauntlet ends and somehow manages to win.
  2. I've tried pulling for summer Leo now 12 times and I got Hana, Raigh, Oboro, Eirika, male Corrin, 2 Hinatas, 2 Laslows, 2 Tharjas and 3 Lon'qus. At least I'll have plenty of vantage 3 skills for inheritance. There's still 27 days left and I'm still hopeful I'll be able to get a Leo out of this. Otherwise I'll be very salty. Watch them put up an amazing banner with all my favourite charactes after this month and I'll be there with no orbs and no Leo. It would be a whole new level of salt.
  3. It depends a lot on the type of character. For example, generally three or less main colours looks good but if the character is supposed to look weird, like Kefka from Final Fantasy, more can work. Like colours, it's usually a good thing the character design doesn't have too many details but no details at all isn't a good option either. Of course a lot depends on the context; Xenoblade characters are quite detailed but it fits the setting. Also, not everyone's going to like character's design even if that design can be considered "good". For example I like over-alls a lot but a friend of mine can't stand them.
  4. Corrin and Robin are fighting. Can't say I saw that one coming, but I guess the "plot was thiccer" than I expected. I'm hoping the scores update soon so I know whether or not spend my flags now or save them. I currently have Michalis on the lead (I'm on team Leo) but I'm wondering how useful he is considering that team Gaius probably has a lot of, well, Gaius. Michalis has Iote's shield, so he can tank the arrows but he can't exactly counter them.
  5. In theory: yes. In practice: no. He doesn't do much in Birthright and is pretty unnecessary on that path. In Conquest he just ruins the story. Takumi hating Corrin and being consumed by his own feelings of hatred that eventually leads to his own downfall? No, can't have that. It was an evil dragon because he has to be the main villain on all paths. Then there's Revelation. It would've been interesting if Corrin found out that he's related to Anankos but nope, can't have that either. Gotta sell that dlc somehow. He's just an evil dragon Corrin has to win over because Corrin is the main character. Then there's dlc that's supposed to explain both why the Awakening trio is there and what's the deal with Anankos. Even if the dlc doesn't really do that either. The only way to understand the whole story is to play all the paths and the dlc. Even then you probably have to go to wiki to understand what's going on and what's the point of buying all that on that point? I kinda liked the final boss map though.
  6. Minerva, Xane and Tiki (+ honourable mention Navarre) Minerva because she's cool and they haven't announced any wyvern riders at least yet. I think both her design and role in the story are quite memorable. Xane is a pretty unique case in Shadow Dragon and I think he'd be unique in Warriors too. Tiki's pretty much already confirmed since her amiibo was shown. She's been in so many games that I think she deserves to be in. I feel conflicted about Navarre. I like him a lot and he's my favourite character from SD but there's already so many sword-users that have been announced that I don't think adding him would bring all that much to the table. But he is popular and has made a lot of appearances in other games, so I could see them adding him because of that.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised about Takumi at least. Other popular characters like Leo seem to have a good chance of getting in. Looks like they're going for popular (like Cordelia) and story-important characters (like Ryoma and Xander). But I do not know that much about Warriors games, aside from Hyrule Warriors. And that game had Agitha, which I'm pretty sure is neither a fan-favourite nor story-important. Click the downwards arrow on the upper right corner of the tweet and there should be an option to copy link to tweet (or "share the tweet" or something along those lines if you're on mobile).
  8. One thing I'm surprised is that Frederick seemed to have a considerable lead at one point. Even if he had multiplier, that's pretty impressive. I mean, Gaius is supposed to be the more popular out of the two. These multipliers are honestly starting to get annoying. In my opinion, a x2 would be fine but anything above x3 just makes the final result a coin flip. Unless there's of course Tharja or Camilla on the gauntlet which guarantees an easy victory for them.
  9. I'd like to be a myrmidon because that's my favourite class. However, in other games (shooters etc) I often play as a support. I can't really say I'd be a good troubadour since I don't like horses and therefore, I'd probably be a cleric.
  10. Considering I've been trying to pull a summer Leo for three days now, it's not really hard to guess who I'll vote for. If he goes down I might change to Tiki.
  11. I can see them making an hd version of PoR or RD in the same way as Twilight Princess and Wind Waker. Maybe adding some mechanic like amiibo maps. But I could also see a remake of fe6. Roy's a fairly popular character and they did have an entire main story chapter for the game in Heroes at launch. Its prequel is also somewhat popular even in the west, so I could see it having at least a moderate success, if it's any good of course. I would personally like to see a remake of Genealory of the Holy War. The thing is that the media might not like it that much because of certain themes in the story (*cough* incest *cough*) and the fans of that game would not like it if they'd change the story. So I'm not sure if Nintendo & IntSys would want to take a risk at remaking it for those reasons.
  12. Arabian would be interesting if they could somehow avoid making all the maps desert themed. That just wouldn't be fun to anyone. By "nordic mythology", I'm assuming you mean Scandinavian mythology. It might be interesting since they haven't really borrowed much aside from names. They could add like an actual viking village or something along those lines. There's a ton of concepts they have yet to explore. Like, they have had some weapon names borrowed from japanese mythology but before Birthright, they didn't have an actual japan inspired country. Other nordic mythologies on the otherhand, I can't really say the same. I really don't know much about Icelandic mythology but considering that vikings lived there, I assume it's very similar to Scandinavian mythology. Finnish mythology is distinctively different because vikings didn't live there (because Finland was just a ton of forest to them and other European countries). Instead, ye olde finnish mythology includes weird stuff like singing people into a swamp and getting drunk. I can't really see Fire Emblem fitting all that well into that setting. They would find a way to put scantily-clad women. After all, it's mainly the older women that dress in a scarf and so on, as far as I am aware. But the idea of using matryoshkas as tomes is intriguing.
  13. Disconnects mid-game or in the lobby? If it says "the other console is not responding" in the lobby, that's just normal and that happens to everyone. I haven't had much disconnects in the sequel (aside from one where I accidentally dropped the entire console on the floor) but in the first game, it kicked me out every once in a while even though I use a wired connection. It might have something to do with how far are you from the other players because it indeed connects from console to console. They also had some problems in general with the network lately. Really, the only thing I can think of how to make the situation better is using a wired connection but, like I said, even that isn't a fool-proof solution. Maybe it'll get better if their paid online service succeeds.
  14. So far my search for Summer Leo has resulted in Raigh, Hana, Hinata and Lon'qu, all 3*. Even if I don't find a Leo, I should have an infinite supply of Raigh, so I can meme it up and making my home screen full of the little edgelords.
  15. Throwing it really hard against the spot you want it to be The proper way to order a pizza is
  16. Move over, flier emblem and horse emblem! Infantry emblem is coming! Wait, that's just normal fire emblem heroes team, isn't it? Anyway, I would love to have a flying mage. I'm not exactly the biggest fan of Camilla, so I welcome beach Corrin. Xander would be cool as well but most of all I want Leo. Even if his skills aren't all that special, I like the way he looks.
  17. I believe "kanna" is an era in Japanese history and "kana" is a writing system. Hana means a flower but I have no idea, what Kazahana means. Funny thing about Hana and Kana are that their names mean "faucet" and "chicken", respectively, in Finnish. That's why prefer their original Japanese names.
  18. Judging by the comments on how IntSys wants to make a game with a multiple paths and wants to emphasize their stories, I think they just want to make a visual novel but Nintendo won't let them. But speculation aside, I would love to see a more adult version of TMS with a lot darker themes. Atlus apparently abandoned the whole smt x fe idea pretty early on but it seemed to pretty much abandon the fe part too and just made a "how Atlus would make a Nintendo game". One of the songs (Dream Catcher) even seems earily similar to Calamari Inkantation from Splatoon. I wouldn't mind if it still was colourful, but a story with actual substance would be nice. As for other spin offs, the developers once mentioned that they had many ideas where to take the series, like a modern setting or a setting in outer space. I don't know about space but modern setting could be interesting. I don't know if they should substitute pegasus with scooters or keep the pegasus as a magical element but it might be interesting. I don't know if they really should make a main series installment with a modern setting at this point, but it could work as a spin off. Arc System Works announced a while ago Blazblue Cross Tag Battle. I'd personally love to see something like that. Even a Fire Emblem 2d fighter, like some other people seem to have suggested on this thread, would be cool, but just imagine fighting Ragna the Bloodedge with Chrom or something like that. I'd like that. Just in general, any spin off that acknowledges some "less known" games (Genealogy of the Holy War etc) would be appreciated.
  19. I followed a person for their art. Slowly their drawings started to become more and more about ships and every other post was just them vagueing about their mutuals or straight up talking about how amazing their little posse is. Got really annoying really fast. So yeah, out of context you could say I un-followed them because they had friends.
  20. Spring: Eliwood - I think he'd just look cute plus he really needs some more attention from intsys. Like, he's supposed to be a main character and you can normally get him only as 4* unit, unless he happens to be a focus hero and that has happened only once if I remember correctly. Bride: Henry Erika - She's already one in Awakening, so why not. Summer: Lon'qu - Ehehe, I have a bit of a bias here because he's one of my favourites. But just look at his damaged portrait, he'd look good in swimming trunks.
  21. They said it'd be sent to everyone who bought all the (japanese) discs of DiU. So, it's possible it's already out somewhere. I'm really hoping they'll at least announce Vento Aureo soon. In the meanwhile, I have the hard-cover manga to read.
  22. Using "bad units" who's personality I like Looking at the damaged portraits Constantly complaining about bad rolls but secretly being amused by my own bad luck
  23. - Camilla sucks. Not really unpopular opinion here but she's way too popular outside. - My favourite healer in the entire franchise is Brady - I don't think Awakening's story was that bad. Some characters acted like idiots (like Yen'fay) but I don't think it was that bad. - Neimi > Innes - Legault > Matthew Couldn't agree more. I really wish you could save mid-chapter in classic mode.
  24. Fave cavalier in the entire series, even if he isn't the best stat-wise 9/10 Nailah
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