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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. If this is actually about style and not scum indicative, I'm not sure how I could see it You're arguing that Bluedoom could not make bad plays as mafia, but genuineness is what I'm arguing, not optimal play
  2. There is an element of WIFOM to everything you're arguing, but you always choose to argue for the other alternative, without actually claiming that the alternative is the case. You're fighting narratives instead of pushing them.
  3. i don't think votes are more real than post content, because you may as well post "##Finger of suspicion Makaze" which has just as much meaning mechanically. It gets more interesting with hammer and at EOD.
  4. if you are on a pc please use this extension, it saves all your form history https://stephanmahieu.github.io/fhc-home/
  5. i also hate this site with a passion i wish we had moved to mu immediately euklyd didn't save me
  6. My vote should move when impacts the elimination, and I don't see a reason to change it for appearances
  7. Most of the things you say are contrarian, trying to make reads sound less legitimate, and I'm not sure how that helps the town game if I'm being honest
  8. You guys place a lot more emphasis on vote parking than post analysis, and I'm not sure why you think votes mean anything unless they lead to an elim. Votes are performative unless they change something, and I don't see a reason to move off of Bluedoom except to save one of my town reads, who are not at the top at the moment
  9. I am not sure how I butchered this part in the middle, but I meant to say he seems to be treating via as town
  10. I went ahead and read the Shinori-pervicale case, and I'm not seeing what Shinori is saying I'm not particularly fine with this train of thought. I don't like it. If you think Weapons is town why would you want them flipped any for any reason? You could probably just break apart the people that voted them with a proper enough ISO and gain traction off of that. Hell my vote is weak as a lot of people said. Bolded also implies you were down to elim them previously, but then the second bolded part implies you thought this wagon was scum-fueled or had scum-intent behind it which is kind of backwards. If you thought they were scum previously, then why would you think scum was pushing their wagon up to be voted? And if there was scum doing that, then who exactly is the person that did? This post kind of reads TMI to me, as if they feel they know Weapons flips town and wants to try and set up lynches based on it in the future. ##Vote: @Percivalé Shinori has assumed that Weapons must be town, so it seems like Shinori is acting with TMI instead of via. This assumes that the goal was attacking via and not convincing everyone that Weapons is town by proxy, which I am thinking might be the actual reason for this reaction. Take your time, I was just posting things as stuff popped in my head. I thought I was done, I sent the reply, then something else popped into my head so I typed again. Don't feel rushed you got time. Yeah, too much information. As in it comes off with a vibe that you are accidentally kind of playing in a way that reveals you know how certain things will end up. Seeing as it SEEMED like you PREVIOUSLY may have scum read weapons, but then hard swapped away from it as other people focused there and weapons gained traction. You then, as you stated, didn't want to lynch weapons anymore, but were supposedly fine with it so you could analyze the votes on it, especially the earlier ones. tldr; "I think weapons is scum" - you "Oh yeah maybe!" - other people "Oh shit that worked, uh, nah!" I don't wanna be early on that wagon, it's town. But maybe I could push people who did proactively push this wagon... I really don't feel like this is coming from the mindset of believing that via is town, and it tonally feels like they are treating them as town. I don't particularly think I'm going on super hard, I only posted a couple of sentences. Fast being it was split across three different posts in a manner that I was having new information pop into my head as I posted I could kind of understand. I don't really like that you're pushing it off as me conf-biasing because of an interaction that so far went: You post Me question You respond - not answering my question Me respond You respond - saying you will answer my question Me respond There isn't a whole lot there and my read on you has really just begun so kind of sliding it under the bed as conf bias is questionable at best. The overall emotion in the posts read to me as town but I really dislike this train of thought and positioning. I'll most likely move my vote elsewhere shortly. @Shinori What kind of reaction were you expecting to these interactions? When did you start to see via as town? While reading this convo I noticed another habit of yours where you argue "would they really do that as X" to WIFOM your own decision. Why don't you decide to believe one of the options and propose that instead? What are you gaining by talking about both worlds?
  11. BBM has been forming opinions and is going to be easier to read than Shinori at the rate this is going. That might not make them mafia but it is annoying
  12. I have spent time asking Shinori questions and they have responded with the kinds of things I am talking about every time; I am telling other people I am tired of it out of exasperation but I don't think that asking them directly is going to change anything
  13. I do not understand the unvoting, why not park your vote on someone in your poe you also have to mention like when voting someone for the bot to notice respect the system
  14. I haven't read their reads on SB and via, and I think I'm tuning out reads about charlie because I have not slept in almost two days You flipping town would not change much about Bluedoom, because I think his behavior around you is weird, and that only says something about his alignment. If he flips scum it does not make you Mafia either, but if you flip red it makes the weirdness likely to be buddies, and I'm only reading that in one direction. I might find something from your side if I read carefully but I can't remember in passing. I cannot place a single thing that feels genuine about him. Every post he makes I think maybe this one will seem different, but it never is (at least not yet)
  15. I am feeling pretty good about this and don't like Weapons should be eliminated today Elieson deserves more attention. They've shown up just to say hi a few times but haven't updated their reads
  16. If he thought they were both going to be wagons, he would try to get on earlier instead of sheeping it when it's harder
  17. Everything that Bluedoom does feels fake, or at least fakeable, and they have not mindmelded with me about anything. Their reads list makes no sense and contradicts my own opinions. Like most of my scum reads, he is not pushing a town agenda like forming a town core or making sure a specific scum is eliminated. Their actions are calculated and "fine", and that's the extent of it. I am also looking at his associatives. Their Refa vote is extremely weird and I am entirely convinced Bluedoom is mafia if Refa flips red.
  18. I am struggling to see Shinori's agenda or plan for winning this game, and nothing they've done that actually improved their ability to read any players. They are commenting on facts that others have uncovered, but not coming to any conclusions. They are not getting closer to solving the game. What is their strategy?
  19. i am not able to post on mobile that pattern is a bad thing and it is about time we saw some conclusions
  20. I keep seeing a pattern from Shinori saying Hm, Interesting, I need to think on that more
  21. I am not town reading Bluedoom and I am suspicious of how they switched to them. But I agree. I asked earlier which wagon had the most town (in others opinion). I'd still like to hear that for anyone who is doing vote analysis
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