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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. I can't tell what you are thinking, so the weird feeling sounds like SK to me I'm just saying how I'm feeling
  2. Trying to think about why they're pinging me and I had to pick an alignment for them I would pick independent, at least so far anyway ##Vote @BBM Sunwoo is the only person I feel comfortable saying is town so far
  3. bbm randed scum rapier is feeling like an SK do we know if an sk is in the game
  4. You do not have to unvote to change your vote, unvoting only matters if it is the last action in the post and it sets you to voting no one
  5. I have improved a lot since the last game, and a lot of it was because of the last game I've decided to trust my instincts more and sheep good players when I'm lost
  6. Automated Votecount Prims (1): Rapier Rapier (1): Snike Snike (1): Sunwoo Elieson (1): Shinori Not voting (5): Iris, WeaponsofMassConstruction, Makaze, Refa, Prims Fixed the problem
  7. Automated Votecount undefined (1): Rapier Rapier (1): Snike Snike (1): Sunwoo Not voting (4): Iris, WeaponsofMassConstruction, Makaze, Refa False alarm, my program is fine
  8. TFW you use : and I didn't program it to accept the colon editing to include that heretic
  9. Now with NEEDED feature: Change post links to real post links adjusted for page #. Works even on massive threads.
  10. Add post #s Expand Now with NEEDED feature: Change post links to real post links adjusted for page #. Works even on massive threads. https://gist.github.com/Makaze/cf449532e0f1aad45f05bc2a49f43629 Use with Tampermonkey for your browser https://www.tampermonkey.net/
  11. BRB hiding these "rank" badges obscuring my avatar
  12. First avatar change in 13 years.

  13. New, Basic Vote Counter https://gist.github.com/Makaze/d3e3f83c7e3ed3c097019972bed56309 Use with Tampermonkey for your browser https://www.tampermonkey.net/ Example: How it works: You must go to the URL for first post of the Day when running it as the host; posts will be counted from the post in the URL Votals will not be posted automatically. The host will have to come back and press the button(s) to create a new vote count, including manually specifying that they want to post it and that it should automatically be triggered by ##votal requests All commands are case-insensitive. i.e. ##VOTE, ##Vote, and ##vote all valid Available commands are: ##vote, ##unvote, and ##votal Only the last command in the post will be processed. i.e. ONE command per post. Every ##vote must be of the form ##vote @Makaze Every ##unvote must be of the form ##unvote @Makaze (Does not have to be the same person, any mention will work) Every ##votal request must be of the form ##votal @Makaze (Does not have to be the same person, any mention will work) Votes for no elimination have to use the same format by voting for someone. I recommend voting the host as the "no elimination" option.
  14. How it works: You must go to the URL for first post of the Day when running it as the host; posts will be counted from the post in the URL Votals will not be posted automatically. The host will have to come back and press the button(s) to create a new vote count, including manually specifying that they want to post it and that it should automatically be triggered by ##votal requests All commands are case-insensitive. i.e. ##VOTE, ##Vote, and ##vote all valid Available commands are: ##vote, ##unvote, and ##votal Only the last command in the post will be processed. i.e. ONE command per post. Every ##vote must be of the form ##vote @Makaze Every ##unvote must be of the form ##unvote @Makaze (Does not have to be the same person, any mention will work) Every ##votal request must be of the form ##votal @Makaze (Does not have to be the same person, any mention will work) Votes for no elimination have to use the same format by voting for someone. I recommend voting the host as the "no elimination" option
  15. Automated Votecount Makaze (2): SB., Bluedoom Bluedoom (1): Makaze Mystic Arcanum (1): 🔥YOLOSWAG🔥 Not voting (3): Dragonflare7, Mystic Arcanum, Iris
  16. Automated Votecount Makaze (2): SB., Bluedoom Bluedoom (1): Makaze Mystic Arcanum (1): 🔥YOLOSWAG🔥 Not voting (3): Dragonflare7, Mystic Arcanum, Iris
  17. Automated Votecount Bluedoom (1): Makaze Makaze (1): Bluedoom Not voting (1): Iris
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