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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. I have a feeling that Weapons is being set up for a bad play based town-led CFD elimination while the mafia sit back and vote off wagon watch it happen
  2. Automated Votecount Refa (4): BT. (13), Prims (34), j00 (28), Bluedoom (49) WeaponsofMassConstruction (3): Shinori (57), BBM (26), Rapier (36) Makaze (3): Elieson (3), Sunwoo (39), Refa (27) Rapier (2): charlie_ (23), WeaponsofMassConstruction (35) Bluedoom (2): Makaze (107), Snike (17) Not voting (2): Percivalé (12), CT075 (8)
  3. I'm asking for opinions and seeing if anyone has a gamestate read (all of the scum at the same level of activity is unlikely, all of the scum are active actually, something like that)
  4. Fixed: Post count in votals. Added support for ignoring players & remembering the ignore setting. Changed the sort order to have latest votes last. Vote history is added.
  5. Between the wagons on Refa and Weapons, which one feels like it has the most town?
  6. As mafia I want the town to let me live another day, as VT I want the mafia to think I'm a PR, and as a PR I tend to not say it as loudly, or say it even louder so that it looks like I'm acting like the VT I play like I could die at any time because that's the reality and I'd rather create a sense of urgency and leave a strong legacy than make my death meaningless and an night kill to avoid information
  7. I believe that I've got the vote ordering down. Automated Votecount Bluedoom (4): Makaze (198), Snike (34), Percivalé (16), Rapier (64) Refa (3): BT. (18), Prims (64), j00 (42) Makaze (3): Elieson (6), Sunwoo (76), Refa (46) WeaponsofMassConstruction (2): Shinori (110), BBM (48) Rapier (2): charlie_ (34), WeaponsofMassConstruction (70) charlie_ (1): Bluedoom (76) Not voting (1): CT075 (14)
  8. MultiQuote is now working in ISOs.
  9. You'll have to be clearer about your expectation. If you mean the most recent vote is to the right, I can make that happen. It's currently the opposite.
  10. Notification about missing pages added.
  11. Automated Votecount Makaze (4): Refa (46), Prims (50), Sunwoo (76), Elieson (6) Bluedoom (4): Rapier (64), Percivalé (16), Snike (34), Makaze (186) WeaponsofMassConstruction (3): BBM (48), j00 (40), Shinori (110) Rapier (2): WeaponsofMassConstruction (70), charlie_ (34) charlie_ (1): Bluedoom (76) Not voting (2): BT. (14), CT075 (14)
  12. Automated Votecount Makaze (4): Refa (46), Prims (50), Sunwoo (76), Elieson (6) Bluedoom (4): Rapier (64), Percivalé (16), Snike (34), Makaze (186) WeaponsofMassConstruction (3): BBM (48), j00 (40), Shinori (110) Rapier (2): WeaponsofMassConstruction (70), charlie_ (34) charlie_ (1): Bluedoom (76) Not voting (2): BT. (14), CT075 (14)
  13. Massive upgrades and breaking changes for both ISO and Votals scripts: View each page the thread from beginning to end. Once a page has been viewed you will not have to view it again, but you must do so the first time to get the data to load. The thread will be loaded into a database to be used by both scripts. Once you have viewed every page, ISO and votals will work normally, but even better, including with vote history. A notification of which pages you are missing will be added tomorrow.
  14. I would probably be making fancier plays and hoping that even more wackiness would keep me alive
  15. Automated Votecount Makaze (4): Refa (46), Prims (50), Sunwoo (76), Elieson (6) Bluedoom (4): Rapier (64), Percivalé (16), Snike (34), Makaze (182) WeaponsofMassConstruction (3): BBM (48), j00 (40), Shinori (110) Rapier (2): WeaponsofMassConstruction (64), charlie_ (34) charlie_ (1): Bluedoom (76) Not voting (2): BT. (14), CT075 (14)
  16. I don't think it's fair to say that I have only focused on BBM; I have tried to focus on other things and have engaged with others directly, but everyone keeps going back and asking me to update about BBM. @Refa I may have just found out what was bothering me. It feels like you are being uncharitable with your reads. You have consistently (I may have a bad memory) listed both good and bad points about people, and then sided with the bad. Your case about me just now was an extreme example, but it's not the only one. Pretty much every bullet point in that wall seems like you decided who was town ahead of time and then made up some arguments to justify it. i.e.When someone has a case that you disagree with you do the same thing, and ultimately you end up choosing what you were going to end up anyway, and it feels like a performance. On top of that, our reads are almost polar opposites, and that is not what I expect from someone of your caliber Entertain me for a bit. Who on my wagon is the most suspicious?
  17. Automated Votecount WeaponsofMassConstruction (3): BBM (48), j00 (40), Shinori (110) Makaze (3): Prims (50), Sunwoo (76), Elieson (6) Rapier (3): WeaponsofMassConstruction (64), charlie_ (34), Snike (34) Bluedoom (3): Rapier (64), Percivalé (16), Makaze (178) charlie_ (1): Bluedoom (74) Sunwoo (1): Refa (40) Not voting (2): BT. (14), CT075 (14)
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