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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. You think that it is good, but what is the profit for other people? What do the people who read what you have to say gain from your hearing yourself talk? I say that it is not wise because those who read it gain nothing of value. They do not walk away better off than they were before they read it. They do not walk away wiser than before they read it. They do not walk away feeling they did something productive. They walk away with what you think and insight into your arrogance and self-absorption. ('You/your' refers to the hypothetical subject, not you in particular.) I've been saying that elitism itself shames others. Simply speaking from the mindset of elitism causes your wording to be derisive and dismissive. The elitist automatically assumes that the other side is wrong and looks for flaws alone. Good points are ignored in the search for reasons to call people out. The more mistakes someone makes, the more derisive the elitist becomes. It can get bad enough that they directly shame others who have valid points amidst mistakes. In the end, the elitists's only goal is to point out mistakes in others' arguments. They do not read things to gain information, only to counter it. You might know this as confirmation bias. This is what makes elitism so harmful to critical thought. No one is above cognitive bias. It is impossible to overcome it. I admit I do not have specific examples where you yourself have shamed others. I took it you were defending yourself and not just the idea of elitist people. I should not have made it personal either way. I apologize. I have no desire to debate this and laughed at your offer of another thread because I am not debating to debate. I am trying to get you to recognize why people don't like your behavior, and others in that section. I am not trying to put on a show. I am not putting my views out there for the sake of argument. I want you to read what I am saying, look for things that you can agree with, and take them to heart. I am doing this for your benefit, not mine. I am posting for you. Please reconsider how I, not you, will profit from your reply before posting another one. Or just don't post. There should be plenty of material here for you to analyze why people are laughing at you.
  2. I told you guys. I told you dondon was the problem.
  3. You might want to ask them what they meant by Chastity then. Either way, Temperance wouldn't apply to a zero-tolerance policy like that.
  4. Because I want to gain something when I discuss things, and so do most people. It's actually not my problem. It's yours. You're the one who wants people to argue with you. If you want them to, you need to understand what they are looking for when they go to the section and that they are not getting it. Reread this thread if you still don't get what I mean.
  5. You clearly thought I was picking on Chiki because they have unpopular opinions. That is not the case. If you attack that position, you will be beating up a straw man because it's not a the position I'm presenting. If you can't even read my position as accurately as the others in this thread, how can you stride around as if you are better than them? I'll address the point about wisdom because you made an example of yourself with that post. It is unwise to be elitist because shaming others is counterproductive to actual learning, and elitism does shame others. If you haven't learned that it shames others, or don't care, then you have not gained enough wisdom to hold a conversation worth my time. I noticed that you seem to have a problem with me shaming Chiki, but not with Chiki shaming others. In fact, you yourself seem to be oblivious to the shaming you do. Why are you so confident despite not even knowing what you do not know?
  6. And there is the main issue, which is neither that you expressed an opinion or the way you expressed it, but why you expressed it. It is the why that is the most important factor in my judgment of the section.
  7. Probably said the last part a little awkwardly. "The fact that you expressed an opinion is separate from the way you expressed said opinion."
  8. It is possible that he is a mafia watcher. It was a given option. Even so, I say we lynch ZeeEmm today and lynch Junko tomorrow. We do not have anywhere near enough time to shift enough votes to Junko today. I fully support lynching him, but I need to stress the anti-town behavior that is going for a random lynch. If you think they are both scummy, then please vote the one more likely to be lynched so that we kill someone scummy instead of one of us.
  9. Please don't beat up straw men. Expressing an opinion has nothing to do with the way you express it. The popularity of said opinion is even more irrelevant to the point.
  10. In this case I think it's a moniker for people who believe their entire purpose in the discussion is to show everyone else how wrong they are. Even the wisest and most knowledgeable people have no business behaving that way. In fact, they have less reason to behave that way than others. A shitty poster is someone who makes shitty posts with shitty intent behind them. Chiki definitely qualifies.
  11. How will they learn if we don't punish them for their mistakes? But you raise a good point.
  12. Please present crumbs for this role. We don't even know that a watcher exists in the game.
  13. haven't heard that one before thank you
  14. It is. Freaked me out for a sec though.
  15. only cake i can get on short notice
  16. OoooOOOoooooOOOoooo I have an account
  17. I've got nyas. they're not valid in my country
  18. Everyone I know is dirt poor. Like me. you offering
  19. Oh my god. Google knows it's my birthday. they've gone too far
  20. See I wonder what will happen today.
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