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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. [spoiler=Why did Karl Marx dislike Earl Grey tea?]Because all proper tea is theft.
  2. I would echo two of these points back. Disclaimer: You are right. Want to give some perspective. How I disagree with others is out of Parrhesia's (and some others') control. Their response to it, however, IS under their control. I don't think you should have people down your throat, especially if you found the quote from Scientology was hilarious. If I wasn't sure, I would ask you what you meant by it. I don't mind if people ask me things about my answers to these questions. I am open to talking them out and explaining them. I am less open to people who repeatedly assume the worst and refuse to consider that I was not trying to be offensive. People who just want me to stop posting as the bottom line are not fun or easy to deal with. How do you propose I respond when someone is caustic to me out of nowhere, with no chance of reconciliation?
  3. You don't say. @eclipse: If you reply, I'll be here later. Got to go for now. As a general rule, I do not reply to this thread to make a point. I give honest answers and fully expect to get no response, just like 99% of the other posters. Every time someone has called out my answer it has been unexpected and it will be unexpected the next time, too.
  4. Maybe I misunderstood the question. I did not take it to mean mainstream religions. I did not intentionally go off the beaten track. I wasn't even aware there was a track I was supposed to stick to. I didn't even pay attention to my post. Simply put, you are flat out wrong about my intention. I did not expect anyone to take real notice of my post because I did not make a point of it being off the track in any way. It's a piece of wisdom without context that comes from a religious text and the source should not matter. You are beating a dead horse.
  5. That kind of follows from having practically no moral qualms with things (I focus more on the outcomes of situations). People are bound to be upset that you don't agree with their strongest convictions. Keep in mind that I don't mean any harm with my views and everything will be fine. I hope.
  6. Used to not use contractions at all. Figured that sounded weird and switched it up a couple of years ago.
  7. I haven't heard it that way before. Or maybe not at the right time. I think I get what you are saying. Is this right? Even if my reasoning is rational, it loops back around to being irrational to think that making others feel irrational will help them see my side or help me see theirs. That said, that probably isn't the reason for these conflicts with Parrhesia and necktie. They're gone out of their way to attack me for being "completely unethical and immoral" and things like that.
  8. I guess... I should trust my intuition a little more. Trial and error gets it done. Who needs pride? It's a deep internal obligation to myself to seek the truth, that isn't going anywhere. My weakness is dogma. I've been dogmatic before. I know that's bad and I've come to recognize it. As a consequence, I've gotten better about that. Even since I joined here... It's hard to notice what's not there. If you look back, I haven't tried shoving things down peoples' throats in the past couple of months. My views themselves are what I meant. I hold the views I do, specifically have as few traditional views as I do, because I decided to look at things rationally. If I couldn't prove the superiority of tradition, I stopped believing in it. I haven't met many people with the same attitude as me about that so I would really appreciate if others didn't make me look bad by using this reasoning to justify their own desires.
  9. The Discordian practice is full of surreal things like games. Basically you are charged with lightening the mood of everything and never getting stressed.
  10. I know exactly what you mean. How exactly do I do that, though? Application is always the problem. The actual mindset happens because when I get too invested, I can be manipulated. What is that middle point? In my experience, a lot of people use the kind of mindset I have to justify their own bad behavior, whereas I'm in it just because I'd rather be correct. Maybe I should get rid of the people making me look bad.
  11. Okay, okay. I'll explain. "We Discordians are very close-mouthed, you might say, and when we do speak it's usually to put somebody on or blow their minds."
  12. The last one is probably true. I try to be as unfeeling as possible in most situations. I do that for me because letting my emotions run wild has only ever caused me trouble. More trouble than this, if you can believe it. I'm more oblivious to the edgey part unless I'm actively messing with people.
  13. I didn't even think it would be controversial. I didn't offer the source or anything and what it said was good. He went out of his way to look up the source and judge me on it.
  14. I'll give it to you straight. I have tried to talk to Parrhesia. I have been more open about it than you, but I failed. If Parrhesia is going to become less judgmental, they will do it on their own time. Think about the effect your expression is going to have before fighting fire with fire.
  15. I don't get that at all. All I did was post one quote. It was their own preconceptions that made them think I was mocking.
  16. Any more tonight* By bad.
  17. I'm too tired to contribute any more. For now, can we please get some prods on the inactives? Thanks...
  18. That went significantly worse than expected. What is with me and this forum?
  19. I think so, but it's more like a flavor of Zen Buddhism than a religion by itself. They're at an equal standing in my eyes. I like Discordianism because it doesn't take itself so seriously.
  20. Fluorspar, please, don't try to defend me. You are too bad at it to be helpful, anyway.
  21. Oh. No. I completely unironically love Discordianism and if I were going to seriously practice a religion I would practice that one. If I wanted to mock religion I would have quoted one of the five commandments, like #3. It's also self-mocking, but that's as close as it gets really.
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