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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. I agree with the suspicion against Dudeaga. They offered weak reasons for their votes and have been all around shady throughout. I got town reads on several of Ciraxis's posts by comparison and am not as comfortable with that wagon as I would like to be. As much as I dislike Junko's play, it could easily be terrible town play. If anything, Junko's play looks far too reckless. I can't read his intent no matter how silly he may be. If Dudeaga or Ceraxis doesn't pan out, there are always other days with more content. If Ciraxis's scum reads don't look scummy, I'll vote Dudeaga before the day is through. @Ciraxis: I see you viewing the thread. If you don't reply, I will have to vote you. You have no reason not to offer your reads.
  2. We only have twenty four ~ hours before a random lynch. @Ciraxis: I'd like to hear your reads. You've mostly been on the defensive up to now and I realized we only have defensive content for you as a result. Other have asked, but you didn't really answer. Who looks scummy?
  3. Thanks. I'm a little paranoid about getting lynched before I can do anything. I guess it shows. What is Requesting Prod?
  4. I want a miniature dragon that can talk. Best companion in the world.
  5. You can't betray logic because we can only perceive things within logical constraints. If you make something true and false simultaneously, some people will perceive as true in that moment, some will perceive it as false. No one will perceive it as true and false together. Reality manipulation is cool.
  6. All of you can go home if I have unnoticeability. You won't know I'm there.
  7. I'm quite partial to Unnoticeability and wish I had gotten that, because that's the power I would choose.
  8. Actually not true. The drug expands your lungs and helps you breath. In moderation, of course. Studies judged based on one joint a day. The tar from the smoking itself has similar effects to the tar from cigarettes, though not as bad. There are ways to avoid that... Like vapor and other means of intake. Similar to what Maerk said... Using your logic, we should never have unbanned alcohol, and tobacco should be banned because it is more harmful than marijuana. Both of these legalizations are leading to discussion of cannabis itself! If you are not going to argue for banning these, too, then why don't you think they caused a slippery slope chain reaction? They are way closer to hard drugs than cannabis.
  9. Oh, right. Girls und Panzer (Still need to finish it.)
  10. What game would you add to this site, if you could? Lyon. Easy.
  11. Oh, woo. Homing Effect Last time (in IPC) I got Absolute Existence.
  12. According to other sources, water = sensitivity/feeling based, wind = impartiality/thinking based, but I like yours too.
  13. Please don't edit in quotes. It makes quoting back tedious. Read the last few pages of the Info Dump if you need help breaking quotes up. Simply put, one vote does not a wagon make. I changed my vote one time, from Dudeaga (made when I was his only vote) to ZeeEmm (who had wagoned just before I voted her). It only counts as starting or joining a wagon if you are the second or later person to vote. I haven't unvoted ZeeEmm yet because I don't have any particular strong reads other than yours, but you could have just been playing badly so this is me, hunting. So you're wrong on both accounts. My reason for avoiding starting an RVS wagon on someone who has done nothing, not even wagon, is the same reason I have done everything else in this thread. I didn't want to be the subject of a lynch mob like the one you started on Ciraxis, which may be undeserved. It was extremely weak. Let's review: You ask for info. Terrador does some picture painting with the one post as info. You do an about-face without an answer from YX, presumably because you were swayed by Terrador. You vote YX despite the only reason being 'needing an explanation', which is the reason you asked in the first place. Terrador later rescinded some of their suspicion against YX because they considered the number of votes. You didn't seem to take that into account. It's really hard to tell what you are trying to do. No, but I wouldn't suspect you as much if you had stayed on your suspicions instead of jumping around. You even jumped off of me really quickly. This part struck me as odd: "xeno kind of just shot up the list now mak. Will keep and eye on you though. and since i forgot to place my vote" Why did you say this? Odd to say the least given that it happened right after I prodded you about why hadn't voted me yet. You had more reason to vote me than YX and gained no info on them between questioning them and your vote. In summary, you voted early and aggressively and called out even the lightest potential scum behavior. That can mean one of two things. A, you are actually hunting scum, or B, you are trying to create a wagon early. I thought you were doing A for a while, but when you kept jumping it looked more suspicious. Why shouldn't I see all of this as scummy behavior?
  14. The hilarious thing about these interactions is that I could post anything I like and you would still take it the wrong way.
  15. Vashaine is getting attention, but we have other inactives. Vashaine, these go for you too. @ZeeEmm & Dudeaga: We are out of RVS now, so it seems time to take things seriously. What are your scum reads and why? Dudeaga, your reasoning is weak and I would like to hear more. Your posts are too passive even past RVS, even ones including votes, and that makes me wary. I am not convinced about Ciraxis because there is not enough content from others to convince me that he is not getting voted just because others aren't speaking up. I don't think we have a solid reason to lynch a potential town because other people are too quiet. Please ease my mind of these worries. You may ask me questions in return if you feel I have not given enough, either. @Junko: You have been far more aggressive than anyone I have mentioned yet, with little reason. This one seemed kind of funny: I was never on a wagon before I voted for ZeeEmm because I was the first to vote for Dudeaga in the game. Did you have a bad memory or were you trying to cast doubt on me? You finally voted when challenged on it, but not for either of the people you were after before, but a completely new person. Surprise, you also did exactly what you injustly accused me of doing: You jumped off of a wagon you started for no apparent reason in the same post. You seem quick to put others in the spot light and ended up pushing us out of RVS due to your actions. You are my biggest scum read so far because you have tried to push others to vote, 'forgot' to vote yourself and backed off of me at the first sign that someone else might be an easier target. I didn't want to judge you for trying to provoke people in your first few posts, but you continued to push and it was Ciraxis's reactions to your posts that led to the votes he has now. You have switched your stance too often for me to take you seriously. What are you doing?
  16. I wasn't the one who needed to ask what the other meant. Make of that what you will. Like the other two posts.
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