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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. So, I made a thread, but now I'm thinking it might have been better to put it here... Oh, well. Let me know what I should do if you have suggestions. Link.
  2. This thread is about two minor aesthetic suggestions regarding the updated forum. If aesthetics do not concern you, feel free to ignore this thread. On to the suggestions. Please consider them carefully. Suggestion #1: Avatars Avatars have unnecessary borders and drop shadows that can detract from the avatar itself, particularly if the avatar is designed to blend with the forum. Users should be a given a choice to use a border and drop shadow when they create their avatars instead of being forced to use one. Please remove the border and drop shadow. Suggestion #2: Favorite Fire Emblem Game / Profile Fields The 'Favorite Fire Emblem Game' profile field stretches onto two lines no matter what you put as your favourite game, making it look tacky and unwieldy. Please make it cleaner any way you can. Preview ยป Left image = How things are Right image = How I think they should be (The Favorite FE text doesn't matter; just an example)
  3. I came close to killing myself a few years ago, but not for your usual reasons. I thought it would be interesting. I've been depressed, but nothing negative got me as close as the positive prospect of an experiment. I would have done it on a whim. I don't know what happened, but I got to thinking about probability. I still hadn't read all of those books I wanted to read. I still hadn't finished all of those games I started. I still hadn't felt the elation of having a nice play to live in. I still hadn't saved someone's life. What was the probability that I would have access to those joys in death like I had in life? I concluded that the probability that I would be able to do all of those things was much lower with me dead. Even if there is an afterlife, there is no guarantee that I can access the joys of the living world as well as the joys of that one. I figured that if I was going to die anyway, I might as well let it happen or wait until I have nothing more to enjoy. The experiment can happen at any time. There are things in this world you have to be there for. Why would I gamble those things when I don't have to? When I get depressed, I think a little differently. It starts with realizing that I don't care about anything that otherwise bothered me. If you are willing to kill yourself for any reason, that means that nothing can hold you back from doing what you want. You have stopped caring about those around you and lost your sense of self preservation. You could become a serial killer with the same conviction that you would kill yourself because you do not fear the consequences. You could become a vigilante. You could find a person you like and chase them until you have them, you could start a business, you could go gambling. You can do anything, because risk doesn't matter to you. Worst case scenario, you die, which you were okay with anyway. If you reach a point where you will risk everything, you have inadvertently freed yourself from all external restrictions. Why would you waste a chance to live in world without fear?
  4. Are you more utilitarian or more deontological? Under what circumstances would you kill someone? List as many as apply. If you could change one thing about this forum, what would you change?
  5. I can't my intonation right. How does one read poems?!
  6. How does one write a resume? I don't need bad internet tutorials. I need to see a resume that got accepted.
  7. I'm going to play OMGPOP pool... If you want to join me, quote me or something. I get bored too easily.
  8. I'm waiting for someone to get my pun.
  9. Look up some recipes. Cooking is a lot easier than you think.
  10. Still going nowhere. Some things never change.
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