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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Ah I see. Definitely seems like a decent argument for catching either of Mack OR Kaoz with that target then. Logically he could either kill the jailer in spite of Mack or kill Mack in spite of the Jailer. It was perfect from that POV
  2. Let me reread that role PM. I'm still not understanding, is Shinori not the strongman? Does that mean that Kaoz's jail is how unstoppable?
  3. yeah this is the darkest timeline Can you read my recent Sully case? Or rather read over the highlights and give what you think of them.
  4. Well, that makes the Jailer seem pretty bad. Mafia had a stopgap for BOTH sides of the coin. Must be to stop the SK then? It's god tier that the SK somehow managed to kill the biggest threat. I seriously doubt a world where Mafia have both a jailer and a strongman on their team. That is the opposite of balance. @Kaoz Please come into thread and give an update?
  5. In my opinion this is No. However, I think this is a question @Iris could answer since it is a flipped role, and town is supposed to understand what that role is. Strongman and Strongwilled are independent, and if it doesn't explicitly say it can't be swayed, then it can be. Strongman is physical strength, but redirectors affect aim, not strength.
  6. In typical Makaze reread fashion, I have decided to mix up with a Sully reread. I am not understanding why I cleared him, because from where I'm standing right now, nothing he has posted is good tonally. None of it stands out as bad, but I have not really gotten any strong tonal empathy or seen the logic in his reasoning. Even Snike has some of that. Quoted are all of the votes/unvotes he has made. I noticed something. Tell me if you catch it too. I'll highlight and color code the parts I think are telling. If anyone can guess what the colors mean I'll give you towncred.
  7. If Alette is Mafia and she dayvigged a partner I doubt she would shy away from lynching her last one (assumed number) and winning alone. She's got the clear if she does so. But yeah IDK, she's so bad it's unreadable almost.
  8. I frankly disagree with your argument. This was one of the reasons I was suspecting LG as scum: I think literally everyone on his wagon is town. There's no impure motives. By PoE I think that anyone voting off wagon looks bad. Which is why Alette looks so bad despite the dayvig.
  9. I am now getting a town tone read on Kill Which also significantly undermines my LG case It's all going to hell unfortunately I'm just basing it on the claims. Guess this is where I out I'm not a rolecop lol I also think that strategically if you had killed Shinori and were the ITP you would have ample reason to jump on anything that kill uncovered that could help clear you. Either way I think your Mack read was genuine, but there is a world where you aren't helping town in the long run. Probably did not expect Shinori to flip scum. I think we are so far into the PoE that claiming a rolecop with any kind of helpful result solves the game. If they didn't target anyone then meh.
  10. This is a terrible claim though. Like. Let's rolespec. Do hosts put your role in a game with no cops? What do you think the purpose of your role is in this setup?
  11. The ITP was more like someone else mentioned it. I don't know your full roleclaim but they made it sound like you were a JOAT which seems pretty OP and also makes a good ITP (harder win con = more power).
  12. Back to tinfoiling. Other than that LG TMI read, there was one other tinfoil that I kept considering and dismissing during work today, and that was the off the wall idea that Alette could have been Mafia killing Jaybee for automatic indefinite towncred, which would explain why she has been so unhelpful otherwise. My thought process was this: Suppose you sub into a mafia dayvig slot, have not read the game, you just lost two Mafia the previous day, and you are watching a third scum buddy get lynched without a hitch. Assuming you are Mafia, would you Dayvig a scum buddy, or would you take the very risky move and Dayvig some other town player who wasn't a primary lynch target? How would this look when the lynch ended up Mafia? In this world, LG's claim is probably real. In this case, I'd very much like to hear details on this role. @Lord Gaius please come back and have real content? please? Realistically, I think this is an incredibly bad play, but I think Alette has not been actually helping her team no matter what she is, other than killing a Mafia. Even if she is right about Snike, she has the wrong reasons, and I see no reason to expect her to get a case that takes into account anyone's entire ISO. I can't imagine her making a case off of more than one post at this rate.
  13. just keep showing your process when reading and don't get lazy. especially when its a major wagon. always have a strong opinion
  14. I think that your playstyle and mine are pretty similar re: stream of consciousness I just document my thoughts more and I never shy away from reading someone we both think looking bad doesn't matter and its easy to tunnel on that. especially with a tmi scumtell read
  15. From a purely info standpoint Arc lynch is pretty good compared to LG Even if I'm right it's not exactly helpful in any way
  16. Assuming that multiple of my town reads are right and I am tunneling on town (LG)
  17. At least I know Arc/Kill is never w/w I am okay with this lynch but I am not satisfied that we have all of the mafia
  18. I had been meaning to ask this for a while but got caught up in the Kill tunnel. Sorry.
  19. @SatsumaFSoysoy @Snike Are you still scumreading Mack? Why or why not?
  20. Because if it keeps him from getting killed then it's a good strategy. This is a WIFOM argument. What I know he isn't doing is helping the town. It's a next level play, sure, but if it was actually a bad idea, then he'd be getting lynched for it. Also, it's possible that he isn't actually "gone" but is waiting in the wings? I don't know how he hasn't at least showed up by now.
  21. what i meant was you were asking others about my scum games. i always read that as gas lighting because you're not doing homework yourself -- you're inviting others to convince you i am mafia for you i believe you don't have enough of a case and don't want to make yourself look bad by just simply omgusing me after strongly town reading me multiple times. you wanted permission first i never reference or ask for meta reads partially because of this but i also think they are trash and subjective to the person. if you are town and lg is town then I am not sure who else makes sense as mafia, which is what it comes down to Arcanite is possible but he can't be the only one
  22. Okay Why isn't LG here in your opinion and why isn't that absence wolfy?
  23. FTR Refa disagrees with me about ~all of my scum reads and I'm not getting on his case I get Refa''s POV, he is documenting it you on the other hand are throwing conclusions out. i do not see any thoughts. i want to see them, and I see no town intent behind stalling me
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